Jack and Jill

The guardians were all lounging around their table watching as Bunny and North argued about whose holiday was better. The elves were trying to steal cookies from Sandy's plate as he slept and Tooth was chattering along with her fairies. The Yetis were working on making toys, Christmas had just passed and they needed to begin restocking.

Jack was sitting still for once, lounging in his chair. He was softly humming a tune and didn't notice that the guardians' attention had turned to him. They all recognized the tune, however they found it rather ironic that Jack of all people was humming it.

"Oi frostbite, isn't that the rhyme that goes 'Jack and Jill walk up the hill to fetch a pail of water?'" Bunny asked giving the Winter Spirit a questioning look. Baby Tooth squeaked in agreement from her place in Jack's hood.

"That's the version you guys are familiar with?" Jack asked incredulously.

"Version? Jack, there be only one version!" North exclaimed, also giving Jack a questioning look.

Jack chuckled lowly, "So you guys haven't heard the original lyrics?"

"Original lyrics?" Tooth asked.

Sandy, who had woken up had a question mark above his head.

"What original lyrics? I thought that was it." Bunny said, thumping his foot on the ground impatiently.

"That's not how it goes…" Jack said shaking his head as he leaned further back in his seat, he gazed out the window, a distant look in his eyes.

"Jack and Jill went over the hill,

to skate over the water

Jill got scared and cried for Jack

Jack fell in soon after

and Jill was left alone to cry forever"

The other guardians looked at Jack incredibly shocked, that was even worse than the original version they knew. At least in the more well known one they just got hurt and no one died.

"F-Frostbite, how do you know tha' version?" asked Bunny, rather terrified of what the answer might be.

"I came up with that rhyme in the first place, I learned how to play the violin when I was around fifty. I got bored and wrote the song, I didn't realize it's true meaning until I got my memory back. But I left the sheet music that I wrote where a human eventually found it." Jack mused frosting a small section of his side of the table, making beautiful patterns.

"You can play violin?" North asked, surprised.

"It's true meaning?" Tooth asked.

Sandy had a question mark next to an image of jack above his head.

Jack sighed, "Jill was the name of my little sister when I was still human."

"Tha' only explains ta' name frosty." Bunny brumbled.

Jack rolled his eyes, " 'Jack and Jill went over the hill' we walked to the lake, 'to skate over the water' we did it to go ice skating, 'Jill got scared and cried for Jack' the ice began to crack under her feet, she called out to me terrified.."

"But that would mean…" Tooth drifted off, her eyes widening in horror.

Jack chuckled darkly, "Yep. 'Jack fell in soon after' I saved her, but ended up falling in myself. Leaving my little sister alone to cry over my death."

"Ouch sorry mate," Bunny apologized, none of the guardians realizing exactly what happened to their friend to become a spirit.

"Yes, quite bad." North agreed.

Jack shrugged, "That was three hundred years ago in the past. I'm fine."

Sandy hugged Jack, followed by the other guardians. They still knew so little about the life of their Winter Spirit, but they did truly care of him.