I could sense it in you, when you resisted my presence.

Inside your mind, I found a connection.

Two lost souls, looking for something.

You called me a monster

And I finally felt seen, you let me truly be me.

I found you again, through a force of its own

I took off my glove; my cold, hard exterior.

I extended my hand and you said I'm here.

I was lost in the dark,

You showed me the light,

Ours a cliche love plight.

You never wavered to an oppressor,

Even when the darkness seduced you with false promise.

You took the first step so we both could be free.

And over and over, I would fall if only for a moment I could help you at all;

To carry the burden of the force dyad.

You gave me a purpose and I give you my life

Just to hear you say my name one last time.

Just to feel your hand extend out to mine.

I finished what he started and there's finally balance.

The world is full of light, thanks to your valiance.