I'm in love with Flinx when I saw lightspeed episode, yeah, I know it is already a long time ago but I just watch all teen titans episode this year. Sadly, there is no season 6.

"See you tommowow, Teacher Jenny." A 5-year-old waved his hand in the air before running to his mother's arms, who smile a silent thank you at me and hug the boy.

I waved back at them and when the child and her mother had left the schoolyard, I turned around and enter the now empty classroom. I tidy up some of the mess that the children make before sliding the glass door and lock it.

I entered the teacher-office and placed the key to the classroom door on the key ring rack that placed beside the door, I saw that the other two class key is already hanging in the rack. I took my bag and jacket from my table. "See you guys tomorrow."

My co-workers are a teacher too. Lisa look up and smile at me with her beautiful smile, "Be careful Jen."

Aqriety, who is sitting not far from Lisa's, smile too but she holds the mischievous smile, "Make sure to get a handsome guy on way back." I just snort and turn to the door with my jacket on and my bag-rope already hangs on my shoulder.

My name is Jennifer Tom or you can call me Jenny, or my other name if you know is Jinx, the ex-leader of the criminal group named H.I.V.E five but I recommended you didn't call me that when I was in my disguised self. I am 21 years old women and now I work as a teacher in kindergarten. Why?

Because I really need a job but I do not have any certificate or CV to apply for a job and even if there any then maybe that is about my crime letters. I never really think of working in kindergarten too because of my past but a young woman see me and offer me a job to work at the kindergarten which I really was very happy (because finally, I got a job after a long 2 days hunting for it) and quickly accept it. I was, of course, surprised that she knew that I was looking for a job, I did ask her How? Why? and her answer is "We really need help, and I think you are the perfect someone. Just a change."

I did at first nervous and scared that I can't keep my power under control even though I wear the necklace but after knowing Lisa and Aqriety and the children I seem to have taken a liking to the environment around, besides the children here are all Angels, well some are the devil. Like mostly the boys always shout and make some girls cry. I sigh and remember that the boys always shout cootie.

I stopped in front of my apartment door, my hand went into my bag and looked for the key to my apartment door and opened the door. I close the door when I enter and take off my shoes, hang my jacket on a hanger, and put my bag on the front desk of the sofa.

I sat on the sofa and took the TV remote and turned it on. My hands move towards my hair and I take off my black wig and throw it next to me. Slowly I take off the wig grip band that holds my hair and let my pink hair down.

Slowly I put it on my small table. I looked back at the TV interviewing a young man who seemed to be a teenager "What's going on in there?" while hearing what they say I take out the box that used to put contact lense in there from my bag and put my brown contact lense inside the box and close it.

The young man scratched the back of his neck with confusion "I also do not know, first there was a bad guy named Starman and The titans came as usual and then suddenly I was outside."

I stand up and get a glass of water. "He must be ..." I told myself.

How many years since the last time I saw him, 4 years maybe, the last time I see him when we all fought against Brotherblood and at that time I decided to choose my path. Leave everything without saying anything to anyone. I didn't regret my choice. Besides, I think Robin would be glad that I was gone. He never trusts me to begin with. Some hero is like him too and didn't believe that I turn good.

I look back at the TV where I saw that the villain is already tied up and the police are taking care of it in the background while the Titans are being interviewed by the reporter.

I could see Robin, Raven, Starfire, BB, Cyborg, and... Kid flash.

"Oh my, What is bringing the famous Kid flash in Jump city?" asked the reporter to the person who is grinning that you would call charming or maybe handsome. His feature didn't show the cute side of him anymore and more showing the man. His sharp blue eyes and his masculine body that clearly showed in his spandex suit.

"Just doing some hero stuff." He winks at the reporter who giggles back.

'I guess the flirt is still a flirt.' I thought and grit my teeth together.

Robin touches KF shoulder and says "We should get going." KF looks sad but nodded and give the reporter another wink with a kiss in the knuckle before zoom off into somewhere I don't care, I should not care about him, While the 5 titans enter the car and drove away.

The reporter blushes and says "Charming indeed." before return to the camera and explain the situation right now.

"I want to meet you." the word coming out of my mouth and I only realize it for a 15 second later, I shook my head desperately while shouting "No no no no, I can't think of that, I should move on."

I walk toward my bathroom and take a cold shower before heading to bed and sleep, I put my necklace in the small bed table. Once again it is about that damn speedster that keeps haunting my dream.

My hands move up and slam the button of the clock in the small bed table. I groan and move to take a warm shower. I go and take the thing that I left on the couch and the table yesterday and walk back to the bathroom to put it back.

First, I tie my hair then put my wig grip band and I push it upward to the line of my hair before putting the black hair wig and I open the contact lens holder and put the contact lens in my eyes to hide the pink cat-like eyes. I blink a couple of times to make sure that the contact won't fall off and I tug at my hair a little to make sure again that it was safe and tight. Children always love to pull my hair which sometimes annoyed me.

I wear a pink shirt with dark jeans. I check again in the window before walking toward the kitchen and cook myself a piece of bacon and egg with nice milk in the morning. I take a seat and began to eat my breakfast.

I walk toward my bedroom again and wear my necklace before I walk to the makeup table and put some makeup in my face to make it a natural color skin. I did try to sunburn my skin but it still will go back to the gray-pale color.

I check everything once again before heading toward the door. I lock my door and notice that there are many boxes in the door next to mine, I shrug it off 'Must be the new neighbor.'

I turn my head around and walk to the elevator and head toward the kindergarten.

See you guys in the next chapter, please review to let me know about what you guys think about this story.