A Wicked Game

Chapter Two.

547 scratches were on the walls of the room that the Resistance decided to keep Rey captive in, she had counted them all in a single day thinking that they would make the easy choice of letting her go, so she could be free as she had dreamed. But that was almost a week ago and Rey was stuck in a cell of sorts, with no interaction from anyone, not even a window to look out on.

Rey wished that she had just peacefully slipped away on a fighter, to go to an outpost somewhere off the beaten track and to just go back to be a nobody. A small part of her wished she faked her own death, after all, after losing Ben…sometimes she caught herself thinking for the slightest fraction in time, that she rather be dead with him.

But the person growing inside her meant that she couldn't think like that anymore, she had to keep going without Ben, and now very likely all those she held dear to her heart. As she lay on the ground, knowing that the remaining resistance is picking over her bones already. She wondered if things would be different is Leia was still here, would she be imprisoned like she is now? Or would the prosperity of prolonging the Skywalker bloodline secure her freedom.

Rey desperately needed guidance, someone to tell her that she will make it out of this. A thousand generations of Jedi was supposed to be living in her, but they all seemed pretty good at keeping their advice or opinions to themselves.

"Rey?" A shaky and nervous voice came from just outside the locked door.

It was Finn, who had refused, and probably had avoided her since the news of her so-called 'treason' broke throughout the camp. Rey felt his rage when word reached him, and just sheer betrayal seeping through the force. It broke her heart, to break his after so long and after going through so much together.

Finn was the ex-storm trooper, who deserted the First Order because of the mass murder Kylo Ren was ordering on civilians. Finn had watched with Rey as the First Order obliterated star systems, and murder millions. Now, by some random in the resistance with their own theories on Rey's relationship with the now-dead Supreme Leader. So, Rey understood that Finn would feel betrayed by her actions, as she long suspected that he too had more than friendship on his mind when the war was over.

"Rey…they want to use a med droid to check." Finn sounded like this wasn't a question, or if he was checking that she would be ok with it.

Rey remained quiet; she knew it would be best to just go along with it. But once that med droid entered, along with Finn with such a dark expression on his face, she thought that being slightly difficult might've worked in her favour.

Standing up gently in order not to spook Finn, seeing that his grip on his gun holster was unnervingly tight. She removed the jacket, which had been hiding the tell-tale signs of early pregnancy. She heard Finn take a sharp breath, like what he sees standing before him is the monster, Kylo Ren, and not her.

The droid simply scanned Rey, not knowing the uneasy energy brewing in the room.

"Scan complete," the droid moved back from Rey, who looked more scared to hear whatever it was about to tell Finn, knowing Kylo, her baby could have horns and a tail.

"Pregnancy is confirmed," the moment Rey heard those words, she didn't dare shift her eyes to Finn, who seemed to stop breathing altogether. "The babies will be born in approximately seven months, and three days providing adequate care is taken throughout."

Neither Finn nor Rey moved. What the droid had just told them made the room almost unbearable to stand in, and neither of them dared to move first.

Finn took a deep breath in, but the anger and frustration he felt towards Rey were starting to bubble over. "Why him?" he asked, wanting to know why Rey of all people got involved with one of the worst murderers in existence.

Rey's' heart broke a little, the shattered look upon Finns face meant there was no chance of him ever forgiving her. "It's not what everyone thinks, please, you have to know that."

"You are standing here, carrying the fallen Supreme Leaders children? How do you think it looks, Rey? You were the one who saved us all, who won us the war, and now we all find that you were…in his bed?" Finn could've grabbed Rey by the shoulders and shaken her for getting involved with such a disgusting human, she could've picked anyone, but she had to pick the man who hunted them down like animals.

"Finn, please?" Rey sat down on the makeshift bed, not exactly feeling well enough to both stand and convince Finn that she wasn't involved with Kylo Ren. "I was never with Kylo Ren." She said.

"When he caught up with us at the Death Star, he didn't want the Final Order or to become Palpatine's puppet-

"-he still tried to kill you," Finn spoke up, refusing to believe that the man who had slaughtered millions, could just change his mind about ruling the galaxy.

"No, he defended himself. I was the first to try and kill him…and I nearly did. When Leia passed, he changed, like his battle he had been fighting to try and become his grandfather had been lost."

It wasn't Kylo Ren who came to save me, it was Ben Solo, who died in my arms," Rey said.

There seemed to be missing the obvious information from Rey, Finn thought and was beginning to stew about. When did she and the Supreme leader have time to do anything? They were in the middle of a war.

"I'm wanting to believe you, but that man, he deserved to die a thousand times over," Finn almost yelled again, his raised voice would certainly be causing a bit of a fuss outside this room. "and now you're here, pregnant."

"I know what it looks like, but it isn't." Rey needed to defend herself, she knew that perhaps the force might be able to tell Finn that she wasn't ever involved with a mass murderer. "I never slept with him."

"I died that day on that cursed planet, and I don't know what Ben did to bring me back, but he did and it cost him his own life….then a few weeks later, the force showed me the future and now I am here, carrying his children," Rey said, still not being able to look Finn directly in the eye, some Jedi life trick that resulted in her becoming pregnant was such an insane idea, that no one would believe it.

"The force can do that?" Finn asked, but Rey just shrugged, looking more and more defeated by the second. "So, you and Ren…never did anything?"

Rey thought to tell Finn that she did kiss Ben but thought that just at this moment now wasn't the time to overload him, nor put any more suspicion that she may be lying.

"I swear, by the force, I swear I never slept with Kylo Ren."

Finn huffed, this was going to take a lot of work to convince the Resistance leadership that Rey was impregnated by means of the force, and not sleeping with a madman. "Ok, if you say so then I'd best go to the others, try and see what else can be done-"

"-what else? What are you planning to do with me, or my children?" Rey didn't really want to know what they planned to do, but this idle curiosity of hers just needed to rip off the bandage and be hit with fact, that she may be imprisoned for life, or be killed.

Finn muttered under his breath; he didn't want to be the one to tell her. "The moment you children are to be born; you'd be separated. The children would be also and sent to opposite ends of the galaxy,"

"You'd never see each other again," Finn wanted to finish, but there was an idea brought up by some rogue during a discussion on Reys' punishment.

"Or, you die during birth, as would your children." Finn turned to exit, 'one act of evil to do the greater good' as Poe put it, almost made Finn want to tear his own heart out. He couldn't bring himself to look at Rey sitting on the bed, she may have done something unthinkable, or perhaps what she said was true. But she was still his friend, and she was in sheer agony and all he wanted to do was run over to her and embrace her.

But with the quick tap of the door, Finn disappeared into the hallway, not looking back. Leaving Rey to her own dark and frightful thoughts about her, and her children's' future.

On her bed, she could do nothing but listen to the chatter outside her room, or the loud mechanic working to get this ship they've imprisoned her on going once more.

They had plans to erase her from history, or worse, make her a matre in her death. Rey sighed in frustration, there was plenty she could do like simply unlock the door and mind trick the guards to let her pass. But if she did that, Finn would make sure they captured her, and she would be in a far worse place than this dull room with scratches on the wall.

Once everyone turned in for the night, Rey was still wide away, she had been thinking of nothing but the future, and the feeling of darkness that if she didn't escape from the resistance altogether. The resistance would never let her go, they had lost so much and to inflict any kind of punishment to Kylo Ren, would be at any cost.

'Go to Ahch-To'

Rey shot up; she had never heard that voice before. Usually, it was Luke or Master Yoda but she had never heard Leia speak to her via the force.

'I cannot, I need a home.' Rey said as she kept her ears open for any word across the force from Ben.

'My girl, head to the mountain cave on Ahch-To. Then from there, you will find coordinates on Tatooine for a place to call your own.'

Silence took hold over the room once more, Rey knew that if the Masters and Leia wanted her to escape then she had no choice but to come up with an escape plan.


Little bit shorter, but it will do.