This was so much fun to write! And it is only going to keep getting better. I will try to keep the updates as close as possible.

Kaito paused outside the Blue Parrot, glancing around the street for any strange cars or possible enemies. After checking the outside first, he carefully opened the door a crack and listened. The silence only caused more concern to fill his being. He took a deep breath to steel himself and snuck in like the thief he was.

The inside of the beloved bar was absolutely trashed. Bottles of liquor were broken, and alcohol soaked into the carpet. A few chairs were even smashed against the counter, leaving scratches in the wood. Even in all of the carnage, not a single person was in sight, and an eerie silence filled the space, which was very disconcerting to Kaito. Where was Jii-chan? Where was Conan?

Kaito stepped gingerly through the mess, aware of every noise sound as his shoes against the glass crackled and clinked. Where were Snake and Spider? Did that mean Conan was successful in pulling the criminals away?

A low gasp startled him and he rushed forward, seeing the legs sticking out from behind the bar counter.


He slid down next to his assistant, taking stock of the injuries. There was a large gash on his forehead, and his eye was swelling up, as well as it looked like he was cradling his arm. He blinked slowly up at Kaito, murmuring weakly.

"Young Master. You…"

Kaito shook him slightly, relief at finding his old friend not dead was shoved away as his next priority came to mind; location of his enemies and other ally.

"Jii-chan, where are they? What happened? Are you ok?"

Jii coughed slightly, pulling on Kaito's arm to pull himself up into a sitting position. Kaito steadied him for a moment, reaching for the the water bottle that Jii-chan kept behind the counter. Jii took several grateful gulps, and answered in a slightly stronger voice.

"I am ok, just a little banged up. I think they might have dislocated my shoulder, but that is the worst of it. They came in asking for you and decided to get a little rough with me. I heard noises from the back room, and it sounded like your voice. They went to chase him. I don't remember much after that."

Kaito let loose the breath he was holding. So Jii-chan was a little banged up and bruised but he would live. Conan on the other hand…

"Stay here Jii-chan."

Kaito went to the back room, taking in the scene briefly. The first thing he noticed was a man, knocked out with a smashed in face next to the chair. A deflated soccer ball next to him told the story of how that happened. Some shattered porcelain next to him was strange, but Kaito had no time to deduce exactly what happened; that was a detective's job. He only cared about the location of Conan or any more bad guys. He couldn't exactly just leave this guy here though unattended. Kaito quickly magicked some colorful ropes, tying up the man before he came to his senses. He quickly scoured the rest of the room for any other sign of Tantei-kun, only to find the back door, that was previously shut and locked, ajar and swinging.

Kaito glanced out into back alley that was behind the Blue Parrot, looking around. There were skid marks on the asphalt, and another man, thrown into the trashcans that lined the alley. Looks like Tantei-kun escaped with his super skateboard through here. Kaito tied up the man up as well, dragging him back into the room to set him next to his co-conspirator.

Kaito bit his lip as he stepped back away from his two prisoners. He would go out the back door to follow, but only after finding everything he needed in the room first, namely the thing he could use to track Conan. He looked around, and finally finding Conan's backpack stuffed into a corner hidden enough that people chasing him wouldn't bother with it, but enough where Kaito could find it. Kaito noticed the signature glasses laying neatly on top, inviting. Kaito slid the almost too small glasses on his nose. Now, how does it work? A simple image of Conan came up in his mind, with his finger gripping the left earpiece, right next to the lens.

Kaito fumbled around the spot, pressing different spots fervently. A small click was heard, as a radar popped up in his vision with a blinking yellow dot moving swiftly away from him. Kaito nodded, grabbing Conan's backpack, and shouldering it. He walked back into the main room, ordering.

"Jii-chan, stay here and call the police. There are two men knocked out back there. Just say they tried to rob the place for now. We can connect them to the syndicate later. I am going to get him back."

Jii was sitting in one of the bar stools, leaning heavily against the counter. He had tears in his eyes.

"Be careful Boc-chama. I am sorry I couldn't protect him."

Kaito gave Jii a small smirk. He could only imagine the look on Conan's face as Jii-chan had tried to keep him uninvolved, a mix of indignation, frustration, and worry.

"Jii-chan, asking him to sit still and protect him doesn't sit well with him. I am surprised he let you out of the room to confront them at all. Thank for trying at least."

Jii reached up, pulling Kaito into a tight hug.

"Good luck, and be careful. I won't see you again until it is over, right?"

Kaito nodded into the kindly man's shoulder. No, Jii-chan had already sacrificed too much in this. No, now he wanted him hidden away somewhere safe where he couldn't be used as a hostage or get caught in the crossfire. Besides, he had a more important job for the old man.

"Right. I ask you hide yourself and keep an eye on Aoko if possible."

While Kaito was busy entertaining the organization, Aoko was horribly exposed. he needed someone that would at least keep an eye on her. Jii-chan nodded, tears in his eyes. Kaito patted his back and eased himself from his grip.

"She will be safe Boc-chama. Don't worry about us. Contact me as soon as you can."

Kaito gave him his best KID smirk, and whisked out the door, trying to gauge where the moving yellow dot was. It had stopped moving, staying in one spot on the map. His guess was that Tantei-kun had found a place to keep them occupied and trapped until he arrived. Shaking his head grimly, pulling at backpack straps, he set off down the street at a brisk pace. He couldn't drive, and he would have a death wish if he glided over there in broad day light. No best to lay low and but not go so fast as to attract unwanted attention. His goal was to get to his ally as quickly as possible and praying that Snake and Spider didn't kill him on sight.

Conan shoved the earpiece into his pocket, grabbing a few of his transmitters as well and a singular body cam. He positioned it right on the buttons of his shirt, almost at belt level, where is was impossible to see. He was going to make sure he got evidence against these guys if it killed him. He pulled his backpack over and shoved it in the corner, making sure to put his glasses on top for KID to find. He took a deep breath and grabbed his skateboard, finally ready. Playing keep away and running distraction was something that he was used to. He could do this.

He pulled his bowtie next to his mouth and stepped near the door, changing the frequency to one he knew by heart, as it was his own. He heard another bottle break, and a pained cry from KID's assistant.

"We know you know where he is. If you don't tell us, we will have to shoot you."

There was no time left. He took a deep breath and whispered quite loudly, smirking as KID's voice echoed slightly in the room.

"You go that way, and I will take the other."

He heard the pause of voices in the other room. Good, he had their attention. He leaned back, using his own Conan voice.

"KID-san, isn't that dangerous?"

He leaned back, using KID's voice again.

"We don't have any time. Just do it."

"Ok, I trust you."

He heard the footsteps on the other side of the door. He leapt back toward the back door, grabbing a plastic bag with a set of ceramic plates inside off the shelf as a second thought. He hid behind a shelf and watched as two men burst into the room, and Conan noticed they were neither Spider nor Snake. Ah, sending in goons to check it out? Not the brightest ever. Conan knelt, dialing up his sneakers, and slinging the bag of plates at the closest man.

The sound of the plates smashing and cracking into the man's face was almost satisfying. The other goon let out a yelp of surprise and was so focused on his partner that the soccer ball blindsided him. He collapsed against the wall, sliding down.

Conan nodded in satisfaction as he sprinted toward the backdoor basically throwing it open. He yelled in his own voice, not KID's.

"Quick, I will take the jewel. You go that way!"

There, that should get Spider and Snake off Kid's assistant and get them to follow him. He burst out of the back door into what looked like an alley. He threw his skateboard down on the ground and leapt on it, ready to speed off.

He suddenly felt something grab onto his shoulders. He glanced up to see the first goon, with a myriad of cuts on his face, grabbing at him angrily. Conan smirked as he stepped onto his boost button, shifting the skateboard from still to at least fifteen kmh. The poor man let out a yell as he didn't let go right away and Conan twisted so that the force of the turn out of the alley slung the man directly against the wall. Conan glanced back to make sure he was taken care of, and sure enough, it didn't look like he was going to get up soon. Conan stepped on the button again, speeding off into traffic, trying not to notice visible landmarks or street signs if he could help it.

Now then, it was a little harder to lead these guys away from the place he was previously because he didn't exactly know where he was, therefore he couldn't exactly lead them to somewhere that was less public and he didn't have to worry about civilian casualties. He glanced around, looking for something, anything he could use.

A sudden pop caused him to duck. He glanced behind him to see a nondescript black car following him, a silenced pistol sticking out of the passenger window. Conan gulped. Good news, he got them on his tail, bad news, they were now on his tail.

Instantly he shifted, throwing himself off of the casual road. He couldn't stay here. An opening that was slightly bigger then an alley, but smaller then a regular road caught his attention and he sailed through it, hoping it was big enough for them to follow; now that he had their attention, he didn't want to lose it because they couldn't follow him somewhere. The lane opened up and Conan skidded off the sidewalk into the heavier traffic of a main thoroughfare, weaving between the cars. Surely, they would not fire at a target that could expose them, right? There were so many people around and the probability of them hitting him was slim at best with all the cars around him for cover. Another pop shot that idea out his head. He ducked, staying low and keeping his center of gravity stable, as he stayed right below the car frame as he wove in and out of traffic. He heard many people honk behind him but he didn't dare turn and look. His next priority was getting out of a public place since it looked like civilians didn't deter them; desperation at having their prize in their grip was making them reckless.

Suddenly something caught his eye, looming over the much smaller businesses and streets. A familiar clock tower, one that a certain phantom thief and a high school detective had first squared off against each other. It was not open to the public, yet easy to get into. That was much better than the public road he was currently on. Conan skidded across the asphalt, leaping from the street onto the sidewalk, intent on heading that way. He glanced behind him to make sure the criminals were still taking the bait.

He was stuck in keeping them within sight, but also far enough ahead that bullets couldn't find him, which meant he couldn't go off into smaller alleys or places their car couldn't follow, which sucked, but he was confident in his ability to dodge the projectiles.

Conan weaved in between the startled pedestrians, who were mostly shocked at the racing skateboard and not the bullets that had stopped for the moment, for which Conan was grateful for. He glanced behind him again to double check and make sure they were there and blinked in surprise as he couldn't spot the dark car that had been plaguing him. It had disappeared. Conan muttered.

"Where did you go?"

He didn't dare slow down, and he couldn't double back because it would look suspicious. He doubted very seriously that they lost him.

Suddenly he shot off the sidewalk into the crosswalk to cross the street and the black car skidded in front of him. Conan saw the door open and hands reach out, ready to catch him and pull him in. Conan reached for his watch, but decided against it because he didn't want to show one of his main weapons in the very beginning, especially if he could avoid the trap altogether.

Instead of slowing down, Conan pressed harder on the speed button, kicking at the back of the skateboard to cause it to wheelie and with a small effort he leapt up over the hands to the roof of the car. He landed on top of the car and spun around toward the front of the car, facing the hood. The hands had switched position to reaching toward him on top of the car. Conan didn't even spare them a glance as he triangulated his position and the clock tower, facing front it was further down the road and a few blocks to the left. He could make it. He pressed down on the boost again and he was off, speeding down the windshield and hood of the car back onto the road. The whole exchange took less than two seconds.

Conan sped up, once again dancing between the other cars on the road, at least keeping one or two cars between him and his enemies.

A nondescript white car slamming to a stop in front of him made him skid as well, diverting his skateboard to the side of the car. The door once again opening on him caused him to flinch back and stop, wasting a precious second. There was more than one car? That caused slightly more trouble, but still not too terrible. The car door was blocking his way forward and the black original car was edging up behind. Conan looked up at the man's face who was leering at him and smirked. It was almost reflex that he popped out the soccer ball and kicked it forward, ripping the car door almost completely off its hinges, enough that he could skate by. Once the way was open Conan was gone again, slipping through their grasp easily. A street later he glided left, onto the street of the clock tower.

He was almost there; he could practically see the entrance of the clock tower. He just needed a few more streets and he would be there.

There were more cracks behind him and he zig-zagged in the street. It wasn't as busy, and the less cars the less cover, and they were getting desperate it seems. He was feeling it too; he was usually on the other end of the chase, and feeling the pressure of failing was starting to itch at the back of his mind. He gave his head a small shake. No, this was the plan. He had to play the part well in order to turn this chase around on its head. He could do this.

Another bang and Conan felt the back left wheel wobble. He waved his arms, trying to regain his balance, but another bang destroyed the wheel altogether, leaving the skateboard unstable. It held up for one more second before it fell apart, leaving Conan in midair, flipping and skidding across the ground. The rocky asphalt tore at his clothes and skin leaving scrapes and road burns, but it wasn't enough to stop him. He took a millisecond to take inventory and make sure no bones were broken before he bounced to his feet. The clock tower was within reach, maybe less then a hundred meters away and the cars were quickly closing in.

The mini detective took off, sprinting as fast as he could go toward the tower. If he could just make it inside, and split them up to take them down one by one, then that would make things so much easier. He just had to make it.

Conan slammed into the door, shoving through the rusty lock that broke with little resistance to his high-powered shoes, and quickly forced it shut. He took a deep breath, relaxing for just a moment before he had to get to work. This was going to be tough. He took his next moment to go through memories back to that very first heist, back to where he was sitting in the helicopter with blueprints on his lap. Right, he remembered basics, and could possibly lead several of them into traps. He would love to know how many he was up against, and Spider and Snake were a whole other league. Goons first, then them. It would be fantastic if he could clear up a lot of them before KID got here.

He snuck away from the door, heading up the stairs to the second floor. He stayed right at the top of the stairs, listening carefully. There was the sound of the door opening, and several men walking on the tile.

"Why are we following this kid?"

"He has Pandora, and he might know where KID is. Search everywhere."

"Do you think this is a trap?"

"What do you think Spider? It is just a boy. He couldn't have."

"Where do you want us sir?"

It sounded like two thugs and two assassins. Conan heard a sigh, and Spider's voice echoed up the stairwell.

"I will go upstairs with Snake. You two stay down here and stand guard. Make sure he doesn't escape that way and no one else comes in."

Conan bit his lip. It would be difficult to take care of them before the goons, but maybe he could leave them to KID. He tiptoed farther up the stairs, coming up to the second-floor landing and glanced around. He noticed a side room and peeked in, noticing a lack of hiding places and a second exit, so moved on to the next room, which happened to be another smaller room. It looked like mostly storage, filled with different sized boxes crammed in the room with very little walking room. Perfect for hiding. Maybe he could give them the slip and head back downstairs to deal with the goon squad.

He was running out of time, so he tiptoed in, sliding behind a box that was close to the door. As a last second thought, he set up a small trap, attaching his suspenders to a box further in the room, then quickly returning to his original hiding spot. He crouched down, holding a hand over his mouth and nose to slow his erratic breathing. His heart thumped loudly in his chest, and adrenaline was pounding in his ears. He felt like a victim in a horror movie, as he heard the footsteps out in the hall, creeping closer and closer to his hiding place. He hunkered further down, his blue eyes sharp and focused on the door. If they found him, he wasn't going to make it easy for them.

The door eased open, and almost silent footsteps padded past his hiding place, going further into the room. Conan peeked out slightly to see someone's shoes standing by the door. So, he couldn't just bolt if he needed to. Slowly he jiggled the suspenders, making the box near the back of the room jerk, giving the illusion that someone hiding in it or behind it had lost their balance and hit it. He heard both men freeze. The person in the room, stepped closer to it, and Conan could see him from his position. It was Spider, which meant Snake was the one standing in the door.

Conan pulled the suspenders again, shaking the box more insistently. He only needed Snake to take one step in the room, and then he could maneuver out of there, possibly lock them in there to buy some time. He watched the shoes intently, waiting for him to make the move.

"There you are."

The malicious whisper trickled like ice water down his spine. He whipped around to see Spider staring at him, red eyes glittering in the dark, a charismatic smirk on his face, the kind that hid evil intentions.

Conan wasted no time lamenting the fact he got discovered. He gripped the suspenders and yanked hard, turning the box into a weapon as it slammed into the back of Spider's legs, causing him to stumble. Conan gripped it with both hands like he was swinging a baseball bat, launching the box over and made it soar through the air, catching Snake off guard as it thudded against his chest. Conan's gaze shifted between both assassins that were now at least knocked out of balance. Perfect.

Conan sprinted out from behind the box and out into the hallway, leaving his suspenders behind. He had no time now, none to rest nor to breathe and certainly not to grab his gadget. Every second he spent running away gave KID one more second to catch up. He couldn't afford to slow down or screw up.

Up the stairs he went, right to the next floor. He didn't even spare a glance back, trusting in the quick footsteps behind him that the assassins were right behind him.

CRACK. A bullet zinged off the wall behind him. Conan leaned further into his stride, determination giving him speed. At the top of the stairs he whipped out another soccer ball, punting it down the stairs, mostly to slow down then to stop permanently. He heard a building rattling KA-BOOM and realized too late that he had just sent a firework ball toward his enemies, and hesitated for just a second to make sure they weren't dead. He was rewarded with surprised yelps and cursing.

"What the hell was that?"

"Kuso, he is getting away!"

Conan let loose a relieved sigh, and then he was gone, onto the next floor.

He saw a sign that triggered a memory. Bathroom. Air ducts. Thief escaping to fourth floor. Conan whirled inside, shutting and locking the door, trying desperately to buy more time. He dove forward, toward the last stall, locking that door as well. He clamored up urgently to the top of the back of the toilet, reaching up to the grate. He yanked hard, ignoring the pounding at the door that was going to give way any second. The grate came off with little resistance. Conan jumped up, grabbing the lip of the vent, and pulling himself into the duct. It was not hard with his tiny body, a blessing for once.

Conan crawled along, hearing the assassins talking behind him.

"Boya, stop! Come back!"

Conan ignored them, following the duct. Left, then another left, then a right, and then climbing up by pushing his hands and feet against the walls of the duct he made it to the fourth floor. Conan bit his lip. Should he stay in the vents? No, they had the advantage. They wouldn't have to climb in; just shoot a few bullets in there and he would be trapped like a fish in a barrel. No, he had to keep moving, preferably upward. He wasn't quite sure, but he knew he was close to the top floor. It was better not to be at the very top to allow for some wiggle room. He heard someone clanking after him in the ducts, slower than him because of their bigger size, but definitely still following him.

Conan kicked out the grate, not even bothering trying to hide. He had to keep going. By now his childlike body was definitely feeling the affects of the adrenaline and running around. He was panting, his legs ached, and his heart pounded against his ribcage. He crawled out of the air vent and shook his head gamely. Giving up wasn't an option, and he was certain KID was almost there to help him.

"There you are! Don't run away."

Conan glanced down to see Snake's leering face peering out of the duct, brandishing a pistol. The detective kicked, knocking the pistol out of his hand and took off in the opposite direction, coming once again to the staircase. Up or down? He started down, when three metallic needles came whizzing out of the staircase, ripping his shirt on his upper arm. He winced, his hand instinctively coming up to grip the torn shirt, which was luckily just cloth and not any skin. Spider smirked from the shadows in the stairwell, stepping leisurely toward him, just like a spider approaching a fly in its web.

"Come on Boya, this is getting tiresome."

Up it was then. Conan gave him a rebellious glare, before he spun and vaulted the railing up to the next set of stairs. Spider was half right; this game of keep away was getting tiresome, but he wasn't going to stop.

The next floor yielded a hallway along with many different side rooms. The detective was quickly running out of room as the assassins were closing in. Hiding was not an option, and running was quickly becoming not an option either. His only option soon will be to fight, and with no soccer balls left it wasn't looking good for him.

He felt something hit next to his foot, pinning down the bottom of his pants. Off balance, Conan face planted with a grunt. He glanced down at his foot, seeing more needles embedded in the floor. The young detective tched in irritation. He scrambled on the tile, pulling at the pant leg to try to escape when a foot caught him right in the ribcage. Conan gasped in pain as the foot scooped him up and tossed him against the wall, trapping him there. Conan panted, almost hyperventilating as he tried to recover from the breath getting knocked out of him. He reached up, trying to dislodge the foot with one hand while double checking his body cam with the other, making sure it was still secure and it wasn't knocked away in the scuffle. The response was just the foot grounding deeper into his chest, causing Conan to still, resigned to his capture.

For a few heavy moments, the only sound was harsh breathing from the three of them as they tried to recover from the long chase. Conan grunted as he tried to reach up and grab the foot again, which was attached to Snake, when a hand came up to touch his cheek, which he flinched away from.

"You gave us some exercise Boya, that is for sure. Now then, care to explain why you ran away from us?"

Conan turned to face Spider, taking in his three eyes mask, dark bandana, and black clothes. He gave him a challenging stare but didn't answer. Spider calmly reached forward, grabbing Conan by the collar of his shirt and easily slid him up the wall until he was at eye level to both him and Snake. Conan could feel that the position of the hand wasn't threatening now, but it would only take a slight movement of the fingers and he would be in a chokehold. Spider reiterated this by tapping his neck gently with his fingers, reminding Conan of the position he was in; prey against two esteemed predators. Conan froze, thinking quickly. How should he act?

He could easily act the normal scared kid routine, but he doubted it would work on both of the assassins. He first looked to Snake, who was watching him with unguarded suspicion. He obviously recognized him from the night before and knew a small portion of what he was capable of. Snake spoke up gruffly.

"Spider, that is the KID Killer. He goes to Kaitou KID's heists and tries to catch him. He was there last night and escaped with KID and the jewel."

Spider cocked his head, and Conan could feel the increased curiosity in his gaze.

"Ho? How interesting. Boya, do you know we want the same thing?"

Anger bubbled up in Conan's chest as he tossed acting like a normal child out the window. He spat.

"I don't want him shot."

The assassin needles thunked into the wall not an inch from his ear as a warning to behave, but Conan refused to back down. These were the men that had tried to seriously kill Kaitou KID, the benevolent thief. Sure KID had laughed it off, smirked that he was better than them, but Conan knew better. These guys were the source of KID's pain and revenge. Righteous justice welled up in Conan as he stared down the assassin, not a hint of fear in his eyes. Spider smirked and said calmly.

"Now now Boya, that's hardly fair. We are just doing our jobs."

Conan almost raised his eyebrows. Ah, Snake was regarding him with apprehension, but Spider was different. He was treating him like a normal child. Conan was brought back to the night before where he was researching and was watching one of the magician's shows, where Spider was entertaining children. Of course, he was more likely to underestimate him because he worked with children quite often and knew them better then Snake probably. Interesting that he would be the one to underestimate him. Spider spoke again, using that same soothing voice of a stranger trying to trick a child.

"Now then Boya, we have two questions for you. If you answer truthfully, we will let you go. If you don't…"

He trailed off, his fingers caressing Conan's neck intimidatingly.

"Then we will just keep asking until you do give us the right answer. Sound fair?"

Conan's face didn't change. His anger had passed, mostly because he couldn't afford to lose his cool now. Besides, the more he played their game, the more likely KID would catch up and help him take them down. It would be ideal to remove these two major players from the game.

"First question: where is Kaitou KID?"

Conan smirked, answering triumphantly.

"I have no idea."

It was true; he had no idea where the Phantom Thief was. Spider's mouth frowned in displeasure.

"You were at the bar together."

Conan blinked, remembering the supposed conversation with himself that he pretended he was talking to KID.

"Yeah we split up. I have no idea where he went. We didn't exactly have time to discuss a rendezvous either."

He felt the fingers that were too close to his throat tense and relax once more.

"Next question: where is Pandora?"

Conan's smirk got wider. He had no intention of letting them know the location of the precious gem.

"Didn't you hear from your buddy it is a fake?"

Snake snarled angrily.

"We both know that was no fake. KID stole it with your help. Now where did you hide it?"

Conan answered innocently, pretending very hard that he was just a normal scared boy that had no idea what was going on.

"I don't know. KID took it and hid it."

He immediately coughed as Spider's hand clenched around his esophagus, not in a too tight way where he couldn't breathe at all, but enough were it was highly uncomfortable. His hands came up and latched onto the illusionist's wrist, trying to dislodge the thing that was blocking his airway, trying desperately to suck in more oxygen.

"Unfortunately, Boya, those were not what we wanted to hear. I heard you say back there that you were taking it."

Conan coughed, trying to slow his breathing. He tried to speak, and it came out as a raspy whisper.

"I said that so you wouldn't go after KID. Thought you would be less likely to shoot at a child. Why would KID give me the gem?"

Snake's eyes narrowed.

"Why you absolute punk! You just wasted our time."

He raised his fist in anger and Conan envisioned it connecting painfully with his cheek so he shied away, squirming in Spider's hand.

"Now Snake, don't hurt him yet."

Snake lowered his hand, still simmering, but he gestured to Spider.

"Let's take him anyway. We can use him against KID when he decides to come out of hiding."

Spider nodded.

"Yeah, I don't trust what he says. But let's just try again shall we? Where is KID or Pandora?"

They both turned back to the child struggling in Spider's grip. Conan felt their gazes like a cold shower and shuddered, thinking of Gin and Vodka. The similarity was uncanny. He had to escape though; no way was he going cause KID an inconvenience because he got caught by them. He gasped.

"I really don't know."

Snake stepped closer to him menacingly.

"Why don't we help you remember a little bit more shall we?"

He reached forward, grabbing onto Conan's hand, yanking hard on one of his fingers, holding the digits like he was about to snap them.

"Now, one last chance Boya. Where are they?"

Conan glanced at Spider to see he was frowning. Did he disagree with the torture of a supposed young child? Wonderful, but it didn't look like enough for him to step in on his behalf. Conan just kept trying to reclaim his fingers without the breaking part hopefully, not answering the assassin.

Conan had no warning, but it was a good thing he was quick on his feet.

All three of them froze as they heard a hissing sound, one that Conan recognized immediately.

POOF! White smoke flooded the hallway, and all hell broke loose.