NOTE: This is an is an AU that takes place in modern day Japan. The characters are all human, like you and I. This is also very, very loosely inspired by Pride and Prejudice.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Inuyasha


an Inuyasha fanfic


Kagome had never realized how ugly the bathroom of her apartment was.

The room's design was atrocious, frozen in time from when it was first built back in the 1980s. Its floors and lower-half of the walls were made of the same generic bathroom tile, while the rest of it was plastered with a hideous pink-and-green floral wallpaper that made her want to scratch her eyes out. The medicine and under-sink cabinets where both made of the same faded wood material, but what really tied the room together was the weird shade of Pepto Bismol-pink shared by the toilet, the bathtub, and the sink top.

Sango complained about it when they first moved in a few months ago, but Kagome had dismissed her out of sheer relief that they had found an affordable place to live for the school year.

It wasn't until the arrival of the bathroom's newest additions—five pink pregnancy tests with equally atrocious pink plus signs—did she realize that the bathroom was absolutely unbearable.

She couldn't even afford an apartment with a decent bathroom. How the hell could she afford a baby?

Her phone began to ring, its generic tone pealing from inside her tiny bedroom just across the hall. It was probably Sango again. Her best friend and roommate had called her several times since she had announced that she was taking the test. Slowly, she peeled herself from her hideous bathroom floor and walked to her bedroom.

" So…" Sango began awkwardly. Her voice, as well as the noises surrounding her—the whir of the metro, the robotic voice of the station announcements, the drone of commuters–were loud and clear over Kagome's phone, almost as if they were right in the room. "How'd it go? "

"Positive," Kagome replied stalely, slouching down onto the floor. The hardwood was cold beneath her bare legs.

Sango stayed quiet for a moment, before speaking again. "…are you sure you're reading the tests right?"

"I'm sure," Kagome released. "It's positive. They're all positive."

"All? How many did you use?"

"Five tests, Sango. I bought some more after you left," her eyes grew heavy with tears. "I'm screwed."

"Now now, hold on a bit," Sango said, her voice gentle yet unwavering. "There's still a chance that the tests could've been wrong. I mean, you might've just gotten a bad batch."

Kagome sniffed. "That seems pretty slim," she said dryly.

"Rarer things have happened. In the meantime, do you have any idea who the father of this hypothetical baby is ?"

Sango had jumped into full big-sister mode, once again. She was always the more responsible of the two. Despite them going through the same medical program, it was Sango who often prevented Kagome from completely losing her mind.

Kagome had been so wrapped up in the shock of seeing that ugly pink plus sign that she had almost forgotten about that Factor. She closed her eyes, furrowed her brows, and tried to think.

"The last person that I slept with was Hojo…" she stated. "But that was months ago, weeks before we broke up, even!"

"Alright, well, you didn't notice your period was gone until this month, so it can't be him," Sango deduced.

Kagome sighed again, exasperated. "Hojo is seriously the last person I had sex with!"

Sango scoffed. "You've had to have slept with someone else between then and now. I'm sure this isn't some Immaculate conception."

Kagome stuffed her face into the comforter of her bed to stifle a scream. She had never had sex with anyone besides Hojo, and she hadn't been with anyone in the months since. She was way too busy with her medical school coursework to even go out on a date, much less entertain a one-night stand. It's why she had dismissed Sango's suggestion to take a pregnancy test when she had first noticed the absence of her period.

"Hey," Sango said, recapturing her attention. "Are you sure you didn't meet anyone at that party we went to?"

Kagome felt her stomach sink. "What party?"

"Seriously ? Remember that influencer guy I went on a few dates with last month? His birthday party? "

Kagome was silent.

"Come on, don't tell me you can't remember!" Sango said incredulously. "You were pretty drunk when we left, though."

"Oh god," Kagome breathed. "Give me a second."

That party had slipped her mind entirely. Now that she thought about it, she could remember arriving at the party standing up and then leaving only with the physical support of Sango and her date. She had gotten embarrassingly drunk on account of anxiety over an exam that she had taken earlier that day. Thankfully she passed, albeit barely; however, she had left wasted to the point where she couldn't even remember most of the night. Everything in-between her arrival and her departure was a complete blur, and she had woken up with one of the worst hangovers of her life so far.

But, as she dug through the various nooks and crannies of her mind, she slowly felt herself recollecting a cute-ish guy with long, silver hair and bright, golden eyes, a few drunken kisses, and….


"Ugh!" Kagome yelled loudly.

"What?" Sango asked.

"I remember his looks, but not his name," Kagome explained. "Did I speak to anyone with white hair and gold eyes? "

"If I saw I would have suggested him by now," Sango said. "You had sex with someone and you can't even remember his name?"

"Don't make me feel even worse!" Kagome cried. "We were both drunk off our asses!"

"We need to go to the hospital tomorrow so that you can take a pregnancy test there," Sango said, taking on a sisterly-tone once again. "If you're really pregnant, we'll figure out what to do from there, all right? "

Kagome sniffed but nodded as if Sango could see her through the phone. "Yeah, that sounds good."

"I'm about to board the train now—I'm coming back as fast as I can," Sango said. "I'm certain everything will work out, no matter what."

They said their goodbyes, and soon Kagome was left with her own thoughts once more..

A/N: Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this very short (for me at least) chapter! I'm planning on keeping the word count for each chapter of this story between 1000-1500 words since I'm focusing most of my creative attention on Song of the West. This story has been rolling around in my brain for like a year, so I finally decided to go ahead and begin publishing it as a side project.

The main pairing of this fic will be Inuyasha and Kagome (of course), with sides of Miroku and Sango and Sesshomaru and an aged up!Rin. If you don't like one of these pairings, I'm still hoping you'll stick around for one of the others; if not, thanks for giving this story a chance still!

Remember to leave a review! Feedback really helps me decide whether or not to continue a story, so it's very much appreciated!

Until next time~