South Park: She's not dead.
Playerhood18: She's not dead.
August Rollins: Geez, I wouldn't have included that part if I thought it'd be misinterpreted so much.
Geminidrake: Aw, thanks.
GBond007: Let's find out.
Guest tea: Thanks.
I am a burglar: Uh-huh.
A half-hour later, City Hall was surrounded by police vans and ambulances. The dozens of wounded civilians were placed onto stretchers and rolled into the trucks to be taken to the hospital, including several of the Coon and Friends members.
"Don't worry, Tweek," Craig reassured his boyfriend as he was rolled into the ambulance, his shoulder bandaged up. "They're gonna have you fixed up in no time."
Tweek groaned, his shoulder aching. "I think I've had enough adventuring for one week."
Craig simply smiled and patted him on the shoulder as the two were placed into the ambulance, which soon drove off towards the hospital.
Nearby, Stan was shoving through the crowd, his eyes filled with panic. "Wendy?" He called out as he navigated his way through the crowd. "Wendy?!"
He finally found her, lying against a tree, and rushed towards her. "Wendy, thank God!" He said, dropping to his knees next to her. "I was worried that you-"
"I'm okay, Stan," Wendy reassured him, even as she clutched her aching chest. "Just got the wind knocked out of me, that's all."
"Oh, that's good," Stan muttered, before taking a seat next to her.
An awkward silence ensued before Wendy spoke up. "So, you guys beat Leslie?" She said, even though the answer was obvious.
"Well, yeah," Stan replied, rubbing the back of his head. "Wasn't really me, though; Kenny was the one who took her out. But it was really Karen who deserves all the credit; she was the one who snapped Kenny out of her spell."
"If there's anyone we should thank, it's Annie," Wendy whispered. "We never would've thought to use Karen if it weren't for her. I really never expected that from Annie of all people. . ." She trailed off, lost in thought.
After another silence, Stan said, "So, Wendy, about all that stuff in the game. . . I just wanna say I'm sorry, you know? For all the attacks."
"You don't have to apologize, Stan," Wendy replied, patting him on the shoulder. "We all got a little carried away by that game, even me."
Stan smiled softly.
A distance away, a beaten, bruised Leslie was led out of the City Hall in handcuffs. She grunted as she was shoved next to Nathan and Mimsy, similarly cuffed.
"Please, officers, you can't arrest us," Nathan pleaded. "Me and my friend are just a pair of poor, handicapped children who were being manipulated by that sociopath."
"You can explain all of that downtown," Sergeant Yates sneered, shoving the duo into the back of the police car. "Get inside."
Leslie pouted, and narrowed her eyes as Kyle approached her, his arms folded. "So much for turning everyone into your toys, huh Leslie?" He said, a triumphant smirk on his face.
"You think I can't handle juvenile detention?" Leslie threatened. "Mark my words, Kyle Broflovski, this isn't over! I'll be back, and you and your friends will pay!"
Kyle's grin merely grew. "Who said anything about juvenile detention?" He asked.
At that moment, a voice called out, "Leslie Ann Meyers!"
Leslie's skin paled, and she whipped around to see a dark-haired woman storm through the crowd and towards her. "M-Mom?" She squeaked, her blood running cold.
"What have I told you about trying to take over the world?!" Mrs. Meyers shouted as she grabbed her daughter by the collar.
"N-No, mom, y-you don't understand-" Leslie sputtered, but was cut off as she was yanked away by her enraged mother.
"You and I going to be having a serious talk once we get home, young lady!" Mrs. Meyers shouted as she dragged the struggling Leslie through the crowd. "Just wait until your father hears about this! What kind of example are you setting for your baby sister?!"
As Kyle watched the kicking and screaming Leslie get dragged away, he caught sight of Kenny, standing next to Karen and Annie by one of the police vans. His hood was off, and there was a forlorn expression on his face.
Frowning, Kyle slowly approached his friend. "You doing okay, Kenny?" He asked.
Kenny let out a deep sigh before responding. "It's nothing, I just. . . I really thought I had a chance to start over, to have a better life. When I woke up in that new house, with all those new clothes, surrounded by a happy family, it was the best day of my life. I never wanted to leave it. And yet. . . I had to." As he spoke, his shoulders slumped and he hung his head in defeat. Both Annie and Karen patted him in an attempt to comfort him.
"It was stupid," Kenny muttered, rubbing his arm. "I should've known an online game couldn't magically make my family not poor. I was just so desperate for a better life that I. . ."
"It's not your fault, Kenny," Annie consoled, rubbing his back. "It's not your responsibility to make sure your family isn't poor. That's on your parents."
"I guess so," Kenny murmured, though he didn't sound all that convinced.
Before they could talk further, three people shoved their way through the crowd and towards the kids. It was Stuart, Carol and Kevin.
"Kenny?" Carol said, before rushing forward and scooping him up into her arms. "Kenny! Baby, you're okay!"
"Speak of the Devil," Annie muttered, rolling her eyes.
As Carol set Kenny down, Stuart stepped forward, rubbing the back of his head. "So, uh, it's been an interesting night," He said awkwardly. "Got in a fight with the police, may have been thrown in jail for a few hours. Ain't been the first time that's happened." He chuckled softly, but it tapered off as he noticed his son, along with Annie and even Karen, glaring at him.
"Mr. McCormick," Annie said, placing her hands on her hips. "For the past few days, your son has moved Heaven and Earth to clean up your mess. He entered that online game because he wanted to make a better life for his sister, and for you. But it's not his responsible to make sure his family isn't poor; it's yours."
Stuart gulped. "Y-Yeah, I guess so, but. . ." He stopped when Annie hardened her glare at him.
Eventually, he hung his head. "You're right," He said, before turning to his wife. "Carol, it's time we started over."
Kneeling down so he was eye-level with his son and daughter, Stuart said, "Kenny, Karen, I know I've never been the best father, but don't doubt that I love you. I'm gonna. . . try to get this whole drinking thing under control, and perhaps. . . get a job, too."
Kenny's jaw dropped, and he turned to face Karen, who wore an identical expression on her face. "Woohoo!" He said eventually, picking up Karen and spinning her around in joy. Annie smiled.
Nearby, Eric Cartman slowly exited the City Hall building, his head hanging low. Noticing him, Kyle rushed over to him, saying, "Hey, Cartman, how ya doing?"
"Oh, hey Kyle," Cartman replied, a dejected tone in his voice.
"You don't look so happy," Kyle said, a hint of concern in his voice. "What's wrong?"
Cartman sighed. "Well, it's just. . . Leslie was right," Cartman muttered, sitting down. "I became a Grand Wizard, got all these awesome powers, became ruler of a badass army. . . and I still lost. I lost to you, I lost to Leslie, and I didn't even get the key, which turned out to be a phony, anyways. She was right; I am a loser."
Kyle, wearing a blank expression on his face, patted Cartman on the shoulder. "Don't take it so hard, Cartman," He said. "If this journey proved anything, it's that we were all kinda losers. We were all so obsessed with beating each other and winning that fake prize, when what we should've been doing was having fun."
Cartman looked up to stare at Kyle. "You know, for once, you may actually have a point," He pointed out.
"I mean, these past few days, we've had adventures, sword-fighting and sorcery," Kyle said. "That's pretty badass. Who cares if we got a stupid key; that was pretty fucking fun!"
"Yeah, you're right, Kyle!" Cartman replied, standing up. "Who cares about some stupid prize at the end? That game was its own reward!"
"Yeah!" Kyle agreed. "And you know what, Cartman?"
"What?" Cartman asked.
Kyle grinned. "Who says it has to end?"
One Week Later
"What news do you bring us, Paladin Butters?" Kyle of the Drow Elves asked as the young paladin arrived in the heart of the Elven Sanctuary, in Kyle's backyard.
"The Goth Kids have taken control of the west part of town, my lord," Paladin Butters replied. "I hear they are making plans to conquer the east side next, the domain of Dwarf King Clyde."
"Excellent news, Paladin," The Elf King replied. Turning to his subjects, he said, "Any suggestions for how we should proceed?"
In the fields, Shieldmaiden Wendy nudged Annie forward, saying, "I believe she has some advice."
"Speak, Warrior Annie," Kyle of the Drow Elves commanded.
Taking the time to clear her throat, Annie said, "I suggest we let the Goths and the Dwarfs battle it out. Once both sides and tired from the fighting, we shall swoop in and conquer them both in one fell swoop!"
"Good idea, Annie!" Blood Elf Bebe commended, and the rest of the kids clapped.
"However, that may have to wait, my lord," Paladin Butters warned. "A challenger has arrived."
Kyle of the Drow Elves exchanged glances with Stan the Great, before stepping up from his throne. "Assemble the troops!" He commanded his subjects, before marching from the backyard into his house, followed by Stan and the rest of his followers.
Inside the kitchen, washing the dishes, Sheila called out, "You boys having fun?"
"More than ever, mom!" Kyle replied, before pushing through the door of his house and stepping outside onto the streets.
"Who challenges Kyle of the Drow Elves?!" He bellowed out, raising his magic staff high as he turned around to face his challenger.
A long distance away on the streets, flanked by a contingent of elves, stood Elven King Bradley. "It is I!" He challenged, raising his sword high in the air for all to see. "I have conquered all who stand in my way! I bathe in the tears of my enemies! Come, so-named Elf King, and let us decide who is the true ruler of the elves!" Behind him, his army of rogue elves brandished their blades and raised them alongside their king.
Kyle of the Drow Elves merely smirked, before turning around to face his own followers. "Arise, my valiant army!" He said, swinging his staff in the air. "Let us show this supposed conqueror who the true masters are!"
Slowly but surely, an army of elves and warriors marched out of their houses, standing with their king. A dozen armored war machines rolled down the streets; the head one, manned by Scott Malkinson, had none other than Eric Cartman strapped to the front of it.
"Ey!" He shouted at Kyle. "I did not consent to this!"
"Are you ready, my army?" Kyle of the Drow Elves asked the other elves, ignoring Cartman's complaining.
Standing side-by-side, Stan the Great and Shieldmaiden Wendy exchanged loving glances, before pulling out their blades and raising them high. "Ready!"
Holding hands, Dark Mage Craig and Robin Tweek nodded towards each other before facing the enemy. "Ready!"
Manning one of the war machines, the Amazingly Randy and Medicine Woman Sharon smirked at each other. "Ready!"
At the forefront, Annie turned towards Princess Kenny; on his shoulders was none other than Karen, dressed as an elf and holding a wooden sword. All three grinned at each other, before turning to face the rogue elves.
"Ready," They said in unison.
Kyle of the Drow Elves smirked, then turned to face his opponent.
"Game on," He whispered.
And with that, they all charged forward.
The End