Okay, so I had this idea for a story where Carly, Freddie, Sam and Gibby all go to PCA. It's going to be set the first year that girls are allowed at PCA. So, the iCarly gang is going to know each other going in, but the Zoey 101 gang hasn't formed yet. Only the boys in Zoey 101 know each other before the story starts.

It's going to start with them being 17 so that they can actually swear because some times I get a little carried away with that. I'm going to include Zoey, Chase, Nicole, Logan, Dana, Michael, Lola and Quinn (she won't be a major character though because I don't think she'd be too fun to write as).

I'm hoping to switch up the pairings a bit more since its already a crossover may as well go overboard with the whole AU thing right?

Zoey POV:

First day of PCA! OMG I am so excited! It's the first year that they're allowing girls at the school so I'm hoping that making friends will be easy since the girls I'm rooming with won't know anyone either. I've never went without my family for over one week so an entire school year is definitely gonna be a little out of my comfort zone. Sure I'll get to see them on holidays and all that, but still, the breaks aren't that long. At least I won't be under surveillance (not literally, i just have helicopter parents) all the time. And I know that If i ever do get homesick then I can just call or email my family. We're pulling up to the campus right now and I can tell already I'm never gonna be bored here. There seems to be everything. As I sit in the passenger seat looking out the window I can't seem to take my eyes off the huge campus. Its gonna take a long time to find things around this place.

"You okay there?" I hear my fathers voice interrupting my thoughts as he stopped the car in the drop off station for all the new students.

"Ya, Its just so big" I respond still slightly in shock.

"It'll just take some time, you should find your bearings within the week. Im sure of it!" He reassured me.

"Ill be lucky if i can even my find my classrooms before school starts." I say as I open my door and get out. My father follows suit and gets out as well. He opens the trunk using the button on his keys and stats hauling out my two light blue luggage bags.

"You sure you're okay with being on your own here?" He asks me while giving me a questioned look.

"Ya, I think I'll be able to manage."

"I know you will Zoey, just keep me updated on everything that goes on here. I want to know how my favourite daughters doing." He tells me as he turns to leave.

" Wait! Doesn't your favourite daughter at least get a hug" I question jokingly. My father just turns around and smiles.

"Well obviously. I just don't know whether or not you'll be embarrassed with your old dad hugging you in public." He teases. I just roll my eyes as I pull him in for a long hug. Im obviously sad about not seeing my dad for a long time, but i most definitely am not going to start crying in front of complete strangers. I don't want to start off on the wrong foot here or anything.

"I love you." I murmer into his chest. I guess he heard me because he did manage to respond.

" I love you too pumpkin." We then broke apart and I stood there beside the car with my luggage as he got into the drivers seat.

He got into the car and waved goodbye to me. And with that he was gone. I knew that I was supposed to go to the housing office to find out where I'm staying. I just had to find out where that was. I look in my hot pink purse and start sifting through all my things till i finally find what I'm looking for; a map of the campus.

By this time I was sitting on a bench with my luggage around me trying to make out where i was supposed to go next. For some reason I didn't look out of place just sitting on a bench with scattered luggage. this was because i was right across from the loading area and all the new students seemed to be coming in in herds. I saw groups of guys and a lot of girls on their own looking just as lost as i was. I was just about ready to get up when a pale girl with long brown hair caught my attention.

"Hey, you got a map? thats not fair, they didn't give me one in the mail. Where did you get it and can i use it to find the housing department." the girl asked my in what seemed to be all in one breath. I didn't know quite how to answer her as I lost track of what she was saying.

"Umm, I'm on my way to the housing department right now if you want to just go together" I offer with a small smile. She seems to be happy with the response as she just nods her head with a huge grin on her face.

"Oooh yes please! Im Nicole by the way" She tells me.

"Cool, my names Zoey" After I tell her this she just began to talk again. She seems really nice, but yikes can this girl talk. I tried to listen to her at first but I need to read the map so that we don't get lost so I had to tune her out after a bit. So, I just not my head every few second and she's too wrapped up in whatever she's talking about to notice.

According to the map we should be right across from the housing department. I look up and it was the first thing I saw. How convenient. Nicole seems to have taken notice of it too because i heard her say something about it being 'about time' or something like that. We enter the housing department and only one person seems to have gotten there before us. So, Im starting to think that getting up at 5 am might've been worth it because boy do i hate lines.

No ones POV:

"R.E.E.S.E. God do you people know who I am? Just give my damn key already!" The guy behind the table looks up from his computer looking quite unamused by the others disrespect.

"And I said one minute" Said the 50 something year old behind the counter through gritted teeth. The younger of the two started tapping his fingers impatiently against the desk that separated the two. After only about thirty seconds the older man sighed loudly and got up from his leather office chair and entered what was believed to be the back room. He reemerged seconds later with a key in hand and gave it to the boy with light brown curly hair who still seemed to be pissed. The older man just slid the key towards him while also giving him hard glare as he did so.

The younger man just smirked and turned to leave when he caught sight of Zoey and Nicole. He just winked at them then walked out.

"What an ass" they heard the older man mumble once he left the office. Zoey couldn't help but smile at how the older man didn't even try to hide his hatred for the student that just left.

"How can I help you two with?" The older man asked after Zoey and Nicole stepped forward. Zoey was surprised that the man actually sounded friendly now. She was expecting him to be a bit grouchy from the ass of a student that was there before.

"We're just here to get our room assignments. Zoey Brookes?" she asked politely. With a few clicks on his computer he seemed to have found her in the system as he looked up and told her that she was going to be in room 101.

"Ahh, yes. Zoey Brookes, room 101 Brenner Hall. And you are?" He asked turning towards Nicole.

"Nicole Bristow" She answered a little too enthusiastically for just giving out her name.

"Oh, you two will be together in 101. I'll just go and get your keys." He informed them with a polite smile on his face.

"OMG! We're going to be roomies!" Nicole squealed after the older man was out of sight. " How crazy is it that i just found you and you're the one that I'm now living with for a year. Thats insane. We're gonna be best friends, I can tell already."

The man quickly came back with the two keys after Nicole settled down a bit.

With a quick thank you, the two took the keys off the table and started making their way towards Brenner Hall (with the help of Zoey's map of course).

Okay, so thats the first chapter to my FIRST story. Hopefully you like it an can give me feedback. I'd really appreciate it. whether it be positive or negative. If you want more dialogue, if you think any of the people weren't in character, if you want more detail, if you have anything that you want to see in this story (ships or plots) then I would love to change things up a bit.

Next chapter I'm gonna introduce most, if not all, of the other characters.

Please review. Thanks!