Star Wars: Heir of the Force
Episode 3: Chapter 8
***I own no part of anything Star Wars related***
If you want occasional updates, follow me on twitter Angelslayer135
The swirls and darkness of hyperspace filled the window as Anakin sat in silent meditation. Somehow, he always knew it would end this way, with him facing Palpatine in a duel for the soul of the galaxy. How could it not? The man was determined to bring bloodshed and destruction to millions, maybe even billions.
He would never allow such a thing. The Force would never allow for such a thing.
His mind conjured images of the last interaction he had before getting onto the ship, of a teary-eyed woman that had almost begged him not to go.
"This isn't your fight Anakin, let someone else finish this."
He had shaken his head, already knowing that if Yoda had failed no one else would be able to without a large group of Jedi. Even then there would be massive bloodshed and casualties.
Secretly, he knew she agreed with him, but still objected.
"Don't you want to live in peace? Just retire somewhere away from all of this? You have done enough for the Republic, enough for the galaxy."
But it wasn't about that, he had easily pointed out. This wasn't about everything he had done, wasn't about who owed who, wasn't about responsibility or any such nonsense. No, it was about something far deeper, something that, as soon as he brought it up, had earned a sob, hug, and a whispered 'be careful'. This was about stepping forward when no one else would. It was about doing the right thing and protecting those who could not protect themselves.
After all, what would the situation be like if the Jedi had pushed for more intervention into the Naboo crisis?
It was clever, far more than he would have expected really. The Jedi had setup explosives designed to destroy artifacts related to either their order or the Sith that had been stored inside their temple.
All activated with a few commands entered into the security consoles.
From there any attempts to access the lower levels would be met with devastation, both to trespassers and the objects themselves. Unless, of course, they had been trained in the deactivation of the traps.
Or were sufficiently attuned with The Force, like he was.
Vault after vault opened to his command, his eyes greedily taking in their contents. Oh yes, the Jedi truly did hoard the best treasures for themselves.
Holocrons, ancient weapons, star maps, hyperspace routes, and tomes upon tomes of ancient text. The Sith lord could spend a lifetime mastering these objects, learning from them, and building his own power.
Unfortunately, it was clear he did not have time for such things. Windu had failed, if the communication from the clone commander he had sent to accompany the fallen Jedi was any indication, and the rest of their blasted order was far from defeated. Few had been caught in the trap, and even fewer killed.
They would never allow him to reign undisputed, and he would never allow them to flee from his wrath.
With his armies spread thin, taking control of planets and disarming militias, he had few resources to throw in a 'search and destroy' mission of such magnitude. Still, they could not hope to smuggle such a large force back onto Coruscant, which meant it would either take months of preparation or require only a handful of combatants.
Perhaps the council itself would challenge him? The thought did give him pause, though they had lost Mace, and by a small extension Yoda as he was sure the diminutive man would have not had time to fully recover from their battle or defeat, the group still possessed several skilled warriors.
At the same time, they were also very well known, and with more than a small army of highly trained soldiers garrisoned in the capital. Plus, although he had seized power through the military there was still a chance the Jedi could be branded as traitors. A full-scale invasion to assassinate one man certainly seemed like the catalyst that could still justify the mass occupations his forces were currently undergoing.
Reaching forward, the man seized a small black and gold pyramid shaped object, an image appearing above it moments later of a long deceased Sith lord. Regardless of who the Jedi sent, he would be ready.
Bail Organa had once believed that Jedi were not only guardians of the peace but also physical representations of control and piety. Now, however, as he looked up from the screen, on which scrolled the local news articles, he could only chuckle at his savior's actions.
The young orange-skinned girl was tapping her foot, incessantly, and would occasionally stand and pace around the small room a few times before returning to her previous action. It would have almost been adorable, if the fact hadn't entered his mind that he could be stuck with his companion for weeks, if not longer, before it would be safe enough to either return to the Senate or depart the planet.
"Miss Tano, perhaps it would be better if you just took a seat and tried to relax a bit hm?"
Her head snapped towards him, something flashing in her eyes before she had managed a calming breath and nodded in agreement, "Yeah… yeah sorry about that just, I don't like waiting around doing nothing."
Nodding, the Senator let out a sigh that had just enough tension to inform her of his agreement. "It is difficult, sitting by while others take action, having others do all the work for you. I'm afraid you will never make it as a politician."
His tone had shifted to teasing at the end, and it earned him a grin from the teenager, who responded with an overly dramatic sigh.
Before the senator could comment a knock echoed through the small apartment. Both individuals tensed, before Ahsoka gestured for the man to take cover in a back room while gripping one saber in her hand. Just then a very familiar voice announced themselves from behind the metal barrier.
She opened the door a second later, practically throwing herself into a hug around her blonde friend, "Anakin!"
The smile, and hold, were returned as Organa slowly came back into the room. "So, you must be the one she is always talking about."
A blush covered the teenager's face, which was still hidden in the robes of her friend.
Anakin, in the meantime, merely grinned, "I hope so, I have missed her."
This time Bail was certain said girl squeaked in embarrassment. It was nice to see such innocence still existing in a galaxy just coming out of a war and being pulled into a dictatorship. Speaking of which, "Not to be rude but what are you doing here? Coruscant is far from being a safe planet, especially to visit."
"I came back to change that, I just wanted to make sure you two were alright. I understand we have you to thank for weakening his grip on the Republic."
The elder nodded slightly, not really considering himself doing anything that important. He had merely presented the evidence collected by others, after all.
"You…" Tano pulled back from the embrace, "you are going after Palpatine?"
"I am"
"Be careful Anakin, if master Yoda couldn't beat him…"
The young man smiled warmly, "Don't worry, everything will be alright."
Anakin finds his target easily enough. He is the only other truly powerful Force wielder on the planet after all. The young man does, however, see the irony of finding him at the Jedi temple of all places. Security forces outside are heavy, hundreds of clone soldiers with everything from gun emplacements to heavy vehicles.
It would take a powerful force to dislodge them from their position, luckily Anakin is not here for them, but rather the one they are guarding.
Slipping past them is easy, he had been sneaking in and around guards since as far back as he could remember.
Not a sound is made as he enters the empty hall, if he had thought them cold and lifeless before then they are positively barren now. Further he progresses, until he stumbles upon a quiet muttering coming from one of the nearby rooms. Peeking inside he catches sight of a form surrounded by a black cloak.
For a moment he considers attacking now, destroying the monster before there is any chance of retaliation, but he can't do it. The chosen one had always despised conflict and death and killing someone in such a way was revolting.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" He calls out instead, causing the Sith to spin in place, a look of surprise, followed by a scowl, quickly forming on his face. It is obvious he was not expected.
"So, the cowards sent you to kill me hm?"
Anakin shook his head, eyes never leaving the elderly form. He knows better than to underestimate such a man. "No, I came on my own. I knew it had to be me."
Sidious advances forward, slow and methodical, without menace or ill intent. The younger backs up in response, keeping the distance between them. "It has always been about you." Palpatine noted, his voice silky smooth, manipulative in ways only he could understand.
Though Anakin led it was the former chancellor who pushed, they both unconsciously agreed on the direction, however. A conflict was beginning to ignite between them, and space would be needed for the inevitable clash.
"Windu was merely a pawn, a placeholder for someone far greater, someone that could rule beside me. That person is you Anakin. Think of all the good we could do for the galaxy, all the wrongs we could fix! You would not need to hide, not need to fight any longer." Still, the distance between them remained constant, and mentally the Sith frowned. He knew it would not be a simple task but there had been weakness during the one conversation they had. If there was even a hint of vulnerability, he would exploit it.
"You could have anything you want, anyone you want. Padme, Ahsoka, any of the beautiful women of the Jedi order…"
The young man smiles, "Even if I knew what to do with so many women, I doubt I would survive them, much less Padme. She doesn't seem the sharing type."
It is a joke, and Palpatine immediately moves onto his next target, "You fight for the Republic do you not? To restore democracy? We both know this is an illusion. The common citizen has no more power over the Senate than they would over a single ruler. The difference is that with the Republic there was chaos. So many governments and individuals vying for power, so much needless bloodshed."
"And you believe that one man having control over billions would prevent that? Controlling entire planets with military forces will not create peace."
Anger flares up in the man as he snaps back in response, "You have no idea what you speak of boy! The empire, my empire, will be under control!" A lightsaber slides from his sleeve as the man pauses in the hallway, a blade igniting to cast a crimson glow across the man's face.
"For someone who acts so confident you sure do react quickly to doubt. Perhaps it is not mine that angers you, but your own?" Another blade ignites, this one gray as the two warriors braced themselves for the ensuing battle.
If Dooku was still among the living, Palpatine would have killed his former apprentice himself. Slowly and painfully. His report concerning the boy's skills, though perhaps more accurate at the time, was vastly understated.
The young man wasn't just fast, he was blindingly so. He also moved in such a way that was uncanny, a connection to The Force somehow deeper than even his own allowing for maneuvers otherwise impossible, even for a Sith. It was only due to his experience and expertise that he had managed to last as long as he had against him.
There had been a thought to hold off on using his backup saber, to pull it out at the most opportune moment. That notion had been shattered the moment his enemy had knocked aside his blade and gone for a deadly blow, forcing him onto the defensive.
It was unfair, almost rage inducingly so, that such raw untapped talent was wasted on someone focused on freedoms and the Jedi beliefs. Under his own tutelage the blonde would become the most powerful Sith to ever live.
Now he needed to defeat the boy, to corrupt and twist him with pain and anger, as so many others had been. He would have his ultimate apprentice, no matter the cost.
Sidious kept on the higher ground or in narrow hallways where speed and agility would do his opponent no favors. Even still each time they clashed his power waned, each parry pushed him backwards, each dodge was more and more narrow.
If something did not change then he would end up losing his head. Perhaps it was time to reveal how a true Sith lord dueled.
"So, you intend to kill me hm?" Anakin said nothing, and another of his attacks was parried, forcing the man back a few steps. "I'm curious as to what Padme thinks about that, taking justice into your own hands. Whatever would she think about all the blood you have on them?"
This, finally, caused a moment of hesitation and the dark lord struck quickly, putting himself on the offensive.
"Circumventing the courts, ignoring the Senate, disregarding democracy… you almost sound like a dictator yourself." Once more he could see the wince in the young man's eyes. Ah there it was, the weakness. So, the blonde was afraid of what he could do, what he could become hm? "Do you think they will welcome you with open arms? The Jedi and the Senate that is? Do you believe you will be exonerated so easily? You, who knew who I was but said nothing. You, who waited until everything was at its worst and then decided to act as a killer? They will cast you aside at best and declare you an enemy at worst."
Anakin shook his head, but his movements had slowed, his blows less fierce.
"You will be on the run for the rest of your lives, even if she decides to stay with you. What kind of life is that hm? To be hated and shunned by those you sacrificed to save, and then to stand by and watch the Republic tear itself apart again and again? Make no mistake, the Republic has failed before, it will fail again."
A loud crack echoed through the main hall of the Jedi temple, the sound of a pillar being torn from its foundations and lobbed through the air like a projectile. Anakin dodged, naturally, moving a split second before it connected and leaping up alongside of it towards the man he battled.
The Sith's words still hung in his mind, like a dense fog that would not dissipate. Still, he had far more important things to worry about. Anakin was still in a fight for his life, and for the lives of the innocent people of the galaxy. Even if he had to sacrifice himself to bring them safety, he would do so.
Undoubtedly Padme would have as well, but he would cross the bridge when he came to it. If the worst truly did happen, as Palpatine had suggested, he would ensure she was not dragged along with him.
He had lived on his own before, he could certainly do so again.
Just as he reached the end of the object and continuing his pursuit, the older man lashed out with lightning, forcing him to block with his saber. Yet he continued his aerial path, and Palpatine cut the assault short, jumping from his spot to avoid an attack which might have ended the battle.
As Anakin lands Sidious collapses the roof above him, showering down debris, which is pushed aside without so much as a second thought.
Growling, the former chancellor does not look amused in the slightest, especially when the floor beneath him crumbles, forcing him to, once again, leap from his spot to avoid being caught. Landing, he quickly glances around for his opponent, having been too caught up in the moment to remain cognizant of their positions.
The chosen one is on him a moment later, the gray beam forcing a crimson to ignite and halt its decent. It isn't enough, and a second later a second blood-red blade joins it, desperately attempting to push back, or even halt the determined strength of his enemy.
Reaching into The Force he attempted to gain an edge there as well but found the younger man's presence overwhelming in that regard as well. In a desperate gamble Palpatine decided on a sacrifice. Channeling lightning through his left hand he managed to force the other back in defense, even if it meant short circuiting one of his two sabers.
He needed to achieve victory, now and dropped his other blade in favor of focusing all his power and attention into a relentless assault of Sith lightning. Whether it was the sudden change in tactics or the sheer amount of hatred contained within the attack was unclear, but the hilt was ripped from Anakin's hands, who quickly used both to now begin catching the energy and forming it into a sphere before him.
It was the same technique that the grand master had employed, and it would have the same result as before, a stalemate at best. But it was not the same, and although Yoda had used a similar technique, he had also been unaware of the true power regarding the Force ability.
Anakin, however, had been instructed. Rather than simply act on the defensive, or attempt to push the assault backwards, he added his own power as well. The resulting blast of energy was laced with both anger and serenity. Lightning arced across the older man's face as his image melted away into that of his true self, and then even further.
Bone shone through skin as electricity flowed through him, the agony he had forced upon others returned in force. Sidious roared in agony, before his clothing and skin burned away, his remains vaporized a moment later in an explosion that rocked the very temple itself.
With the death of the chancellor becoming known, the orders that had been given strictly by him became nullified and the Senators originally arrested for treason had been quickly released. Those who had stood by Palpatine had been immediately placed under suspension pending investigations and their own political careers likely terminated in the future with their allegiances being made known.
It had dissuaded many of Anakin's concerns when Ahsoka and Bail had been the ones to ensure the other Senators' release. In doing so, along with Palpatine's other crimes, investigation into the man's demise had been short and mostly just ruled as 'unsolvable'.
Less than a week later and clone commandos returned with the Separatist high command in custody. The individuals, especially upon hearing that Sidious had been killed, immediately begged for peace negotiations, promising to deactivate all droid armies in return for their lives. The Senate agreed and began working towards laws that would dismantle any privately owned armies and the corporations that controlled them.
Once peace had been ensured the clone armies began disbanding, with a mandatory operation for all soldiers to have their inhibitor chips removed. It was only after this process began that the Senate reached out to the Jedi, hoping to have them return to Coruscant. The response had been short, stating that the order needed self-reflection before it would consider such a thing.
Very few had any desire to return to their previous roles in the Republic. They had been stretched too thin, relied upon too heavily, and blamed for far too much by both the government and the average citizen.
As the ship touched down on the grass in a small clearing near the Jedi's temporary camp one individual sprinted towards it, hope and dread filling her heart. There had been more than a few rumors circulating about what had occurred on Coruscant but they had been just that.
Nothing substantial, and although Yoda had mentioned that the occupants of this ship would be important to her, she was still worried.
What if something had gone wrong? What if one of them had been hurt? What if the Republic had turned against one, or both, after what might be considered an 'assassination attempt'?
The landing ramp extended just as she reached it, and two individuals descended, both looking healthy and unharmed. Any tension that had been building up in the former monarch immediately dissipated as she threw herself into a hug around the blonde, a moment later reaching out to pull Ahsoka into the embrace as well.
"We're okay, everything is okay" He muttered into her hair, already knowing how much the gesture helped them both to relax.
After a few minutes of this Padme finally pulled back, laughing as she wiped some tears of joy from her eyes, "So what happened?"
"Oh the usual." The former Jedi explained with nonchalance, "Defeated a bounty hunter, saved a senator, took down an evil Sith lord dictator, rescued the galaxy from a potential dark age of oppression and tyranny. Just a normal week really."
"For your courage, bravery, and skill in leading the final confrontation of the Clone Wars we hereby promote you to the rank of 'master'. Congratulations master Kenobi."
Obi-Wan stood in the middle of the ring of council members, staring forward, his sight just beyond the eldest who had remained silent thus far. Despite everything leading to this it felt… wrong, and he knew what had to be done.
"I resign from the Jedi order."
The stunned silence that answered him did bring a small smile to his face, and to one other in the small room that had been chosen for the council's temporary use.
"Wish you the best, we do. Find peace, I hope you will."
The man bowed low to Yoda, and those present, before turning and departing, ignoring the immediate whispers and confusion that came from the room as he did.
Just outside of the ship two individuals stood waiting for him. "So?" Inquired the first, ever eager with excitement and hope in her eyes. How long had it been since he had seen that?
"I believe I now hold the record for shortest time as a Jedi master." Obi-Wan declared, earning a cheer from Ahsoka and a smile of approval from his own previous master.
"Then it seems you are far wiser than I was, especially at your age. What will you choose to do now?"
For once the former Jedi merely shrugged, "Something quiet and peaceful for the time being, I think. I heard there was another order of Force users who practiced living in nature and focusing on helping others without the politics and violence involved before. It sounds like a nice idea."
The former grand master sat, watching on as the small community that had resulted from the Jedi's self-imposed exile continued to grow. The war was over, the Sith had been stopped once again, and although the order had been shaken it would likely emerge stronger than ever in the coming generations.
Different, yet most definitely stronger. He doubted, and secretly hoped, this would mean staying away from the politics and military actions that had nearly doomed them, and the galaxy itself. Thus far the decision had been made not to return to the capital of the Republic, and most seemed better for it.
One who did not was his former apprentice, Mace Windu. Yoda had hoped, prayed even, that the man would begin to recover once removed from Palpatine's influence and shown the obvious outcome of the man's reign.
Instead, the former Jedi had grown even more unstable as the days passed. The council had spoken of either exile onto a world without escape, or imprisonment. Neither sat well with Yoda, and yet he couldn't quite think of an alternative solution.
He was old, and it was time that he allowed the next generation to take over. Closing his eyes one last time the aged master fell into a deep sleep and vanished from the world of the living.
"Skywalker" The word froze him where he walked, memories of a warm and loving woman filtered into his mind, of a harsh desert and hardships and yet happiness at the same time. He turned to where Padme stood, uncertainty on her face. "It wasn't easy to find the records but… Anakin Skywalker was a former inhabitant on Tatooine. He went missing after his mother, Shmi Skywalker, passed away. The timeline seems to fit."
He nodded, The Force sang out at the discovery, and he knew it was true. So that had been his last name… his mother's name. Tears began to form at his eyes as the woman rushed forward to bring him into a hug, whispering softly to him.
"It's okay Anakin, it is okay to be sad and miss her, it makes you human to do so. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." After another few minutes he had calmed and was able to smile and thank her for her effort. With a shy smile she continued to another topic she had been thinking. "So… I was wondering if I could talk to you about a few other names?"
Blinking in confusion, he gestured for her to continue, "Yes, of course."
"How do you feel about the names 'Luke' and 'Leia'? Maybe for children?"
His smile illuminated the room, previous sorrows vanishing like the night.
***The End***
A/N: Going into this chapter I had planned for the fight scene to be far more climactic and awesome but it just… wasn't. At this point Anakin should have utterly decimated Palpatine, especially after the man had barely managed to escape Yoda, so a 'fair fight' was a challenge to even plan out, much less write.
Although I wasn't a huge fan of Episode 9, I will say that Palpatine's destruction in it was rather awesome and fitting of a Sith.
This marks the end of my first Star Wars story, and although I enjoyed writing it, I think I will wait a while before writing another.
I have a few ideas I am working on for the next fanfic, stay tuned on twitter for more information.