A/N: This fic is just cheesy and fluffy at this point. XD But I have no regrets because Lelouch and CC melt my heart like an overly toasted marshmallow. Thank you, SomebodyLost, Euryphaessa Gray, and Freudentraene for the reviews in the last chapter. And thank you for the favorites, follows, and for reading my cheesy Christmas CLuCLu thingies! xD

I should have said this in the first chap, but this fic is actually inspired by a song. Lol. Listen to Everyday is Christmas by Colbie Caillat if you want some feels. :D

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a Prosperous New Year, everybody!

Happy reading the final part :)

The Perfect Christmas Gift

In all her life, she'd never seen a sight so worthy of embodying Christmas.

Apart from the inside of the house looking like a Christmas store, the outside had not been left out of the festivities too. The small grove of short trees that they had next to the orchard was bedecked with Christmas lights of different colors. The entire house was alight with them too.

And thanks to her own pestering and badgering, a family of snowmen also littered the front yard — courtesy of her and her grouchy partner.

The view from the living room was stunning… Breathtaking, really.

It had been so long since she'd been able to sit like this; nothing but thoughts of contentment on her mind as she stared at her scenic view of the outdoors. Even the tray of Christmas cookies on the coffee table did little to attract her attention or arouse her appetite.

She and Lelouch did a great job… And the results of their efforts was enough to take the words out of her mouth.

It seemed silly, really. To think this way. It was a bit of a stretch now, wasn't it?

She'd been alive for centuries, and the hell of living on and on had jaded her. Had left her hollowed out and so unfeeling. And now she was here, still worn down by the burden of immortal life. The difference was that she no longer bore it alone. And in the succeeding days after their everlasting journey officially began, her existence had been filled with a never-ending roller coaster of emotions. From despair to victory; happiness to sadness.

But never loneliness.

It wasn't just existing or surviving anymore. It was living.

And all because a particular Britannian youth had broken every single barrier she'd built around herself; had exceeded her every expectation. And had uncovered what other people couldn't.

Her name. Her wish. And then was kind enough to give her a reason to live. To come out and enjoy the world that she had chosen to turn her back on long ago.

"Ready to go, CC?" He appeared through the open doorway, dressed for the wintry weather, carrying a box filled with presents that were meant for those closest to his heart.

"You were taking an unusually long time. Of course I am." She teased, rising from her seat before covering the cookies with the silver dome.

"A simple 'yes' would have sufficed." Lelouch grumbled half-heartedly as he watched CC pick up a bag full of— Wait, was that—?

"Aren't those your new stuffed toys?"

"Mhmm." She secured the bag full of her new stuffed animals, and marched past Lelouch with it.

"What are you going to do with all of them?" He was a little concerned that she was leaving with a bag full of things she had practically coerced him to get for her just a few days ago. Was she just planning to throw all of them out?

"The courier truck is arriving any minute now, isn't it?" Came CC's slightly disembodied voice, hinting that she had left the front door open as she marched outside onto their porch.

"And?" He pressed, hurrying to catch up with her.

"Oh fine. I actually bought all of these to give to the children at the local orphanage in town."

Lelouch was still trying to wrap his mind around what CC just revealed. She forced him to buy her all those Christmas bears and stuffed animals because… she was going to donate them to the children at a local orphanage in town? Very interesting development. What brought this on, was the big question here.

"And such an altruistic deed from an immortal Witch is because…?"

From her seat on the second step in their front porch, CC cast a quick glance his way. The boy was so adorably confused, and a little shell-shocked. In his eyes, was her generosity that uncharacteristic? Did he no think this act of kindness suited her? Did he really think she was wholly selfish? Was that it, or was this just a simple case of pleasant surprise?

"Do I need a reason?" She asked nonchalantly, goading him to ask the question she needed to hear.

"People do everything for a reason. And I would know that better than anyone. So…" He set his own box of small packages beside him as he sat on the step above the one she occupied. "Why are you doing this?"

CC simply smiled and put her head on Lelouch's knee. "If you must know… I've been thinking of doing this for a while now. The perfect opportunity just hasn't come up. Until a few days ago, that is. Children who don't have loved ones deserve a little bit of happiness too."

In awe, Lelouch chuckled good-naturedly after hearing CC's simple answer. "Who would have thought? And here is the Christmas surprise I sincerely didn't foresee. For all your talk of being selfish before, you are more fitting to be a mother, than you know."

Grinning from ear to ear, he fondly smoothed her hair underneath the white skull cap she wore. He should have known though, that his Witch would always be full of surprises. Sometimes, he idly wondered if their journey in the far future would be enough time to know her in-and-out. Maybe a day would come where he knew her like he understood his own self. Or perhaps that day would never come, and he would be forever subjected to a wide range of surprises like this. A fact that only time would tell, and something else to look forward to in the long road ahead.

A woman of many layers, his Witch…

And she had done so much for him, hadn't she?

During a year living with false memories, his Witch had salvaged what remained of the Black Knights. She led them, and organized his retrieval. And in the midst of his own personal turmoils, she had kept him sane. Questioning his motives and his actions objectively; the voice of reason. He had lied to everyone for their own sakes or for his own gain. But to her… He had never lied to her.

She had been the one woman who knew anything and everything about the man of miracles, the passive Ashford Academy student, and the banished Prince of the Holy Britannian Empire. And now, she was his sole companion for eternity.

CC opened her mouth to speak, but both were interrupted by the sound of a distant vehicle's engine. It was approaching their humble driveway, and Lelouch stood up to greet whoever was in-charge of picking up their packages.

It didn't really take long. CC never even bothered to leave her spot as she let her partner take care of the packages for them both. After signing the last customer's receipt, the men thanked them for their business before going on their way. She half-expected him to head back inside the house, where it was much warmer. But he didn't.

Instead, her Warlock sat beside her on the same step as they watched the sky gradually darken to welcome the shining moon and her entourage.

"We've waited long enough to give each other's gifts." She commented out of the blue, listening to the whisper of the wind as it gently rattled the trees, twinkling with dozens and dozens of Christmas lights.

"I'm surprised you didn't pester me for yours this morning." He grinned at her knowingly and at the cocked eyebrow she sported after hearing what he had to say. "But I suppose you couldn't have after all the distraction."

At the mention of this so-called distraction, CC felt her cheeks heat from more than just the cold temperatures. For the record, it wasn't a bad way to start the day.

"A distraction you caused." She huffed at him and tried to ignore the arm that snaked around her waist and pressed her close to his side.

Putting his lips to her ear, he teasingly breathed down her neck, feeling her shiver pleasantly. "If you can remember, CC; you taught me not to deny any physical needs I might have."

"Pft. That's a rather round-a-bout way to say that you've been horny."

"In my defense, we haven't done it since last Friday."

"Well, we can't do it everyday." She flicked his nose gently and smiled at the way he adorably scrunched up that perfectly shaped nose.

"I don't see anything wrong with that." He swallowed her protests as he stole a chaste kiss.

The action earned him a hard swat on the shoulder. But she let her hands wander to the back of his neck to stroke the ends of his hair anyway. She rather liked their current dynamic. It was comfortable and made her heart flutter far too much for her own good.

"Okay, Lover Boy. Tone it down."

CC sighed, exasperated as she placed an oval-shaped present on his lap. In the light of their front porch, it was fair to say that CC went out of her way to put some effort into the gift presentation too. There was no wrapper. Instead, it was a solid yet heavy oval tin of metallic gold, accented with a lovely black ribbon at the top, with a stiff and scented piece of paper bearing what others would deem a cheesy Christmas message.

Lelouch loved the sentiment behind it anyway… His Witch may be more open with her thoughts now, but she still wasn't as vocal as he was about her own persisting feelings for him. So it was nice to get gifts like this from her, with a short yet sweet message attached.

25/12/2020 a.t.b

For giving me a reason to live.

Thank you so much for everything, Lelouch.


"Are these—"

"You've never read them. I never let you. But they're—"

"Love letters." The words fell from his lips in a hushed (almost reverent) manner as he thumbed through leaf after leaf after leaf of papers and envelopes.

With a stoic face that concealed all emotion, she explained. "They're about you. Some are one-liners. Others may span perhaps three pages. Some are stories of my past experiences before I met you, or before you were even born. You don't have to read them all, if you don't want to. But because we'll be together for years and years—"

"I understand." He smiled tenderly, running his fingertips over the pieces of paper flooded with the Witch's elegant handwriting.

First, she gave him the privilege of using her real name. And now, she was letting him see what she thought of him. To put it romantically, it was a peek inside her heart. It wasn't something bought from a store. It was hers.

The magnitude of trust and thoughtfulness in her gift made his heart clench. His throat thickened slightly with the onslaught of unshed tears. Even as he knew that his eyes were now lined with silver underneath the pale moonlight. She trusted him this much?

Had she been planning to give something like this to him all along? Or was this a diary of sorts?

And because it was CC, he knew that not every letter would be heartfelt. He was sure to find sarcastic ones. Perhaps even a frustrated note complaining about how much of a boy he was. But whatever they would be, he knew he would treasure them all.

Because these were parts of CC that she would never share with anyone else…

It was just a fraction of her whole self, but it was more than enough. It was more than what she would ever offer others. A vow that he, and he alone, would come to understand the Witch and her many layers — her many lifetimes, no matter how excruciating or liberating. He would be privy to them all one day. And this was just the beginning.

"I know it's not anything special, and it's not a very appropriate gift. It's a little selfish if you look at it from a different point of view. But I—." She swallowed thickly and closed the lid of the tin for him. "I want you to know me. To know why I—"

"Love you." He finished for her as he took her chin gently between his fingers, and lifted her face to his. "It's a thoughtful and meaningful gift, C***. At least, I now know that you're not just with me for my debit card. These love letters will prove otherwise." He grinned as he teased her. And it turned into a quiet laugh when she frowned at him in annoyance.

"I'm joking. Thank you, C****. Really." To punctuate his own heartfelt words, he pressed his lips to her forehead — at the very center of her Code, as he brushed her cheek with gentle fingers. "But now, I have something for you."

CC blinked as he pressed a wrapped square into her palm.

He watched her with eager eyes, knowing that he'd picked the right gift in the end. After what she just gave him, his own gift to her was complementary to the one he just received. He watched her face in the gloom as she unraveled the ribbon, tore off the tacky Christmas green paper, and finally uncovered the ornament he had customized for the occasion.

"It's something else to hang on the tree. But you have to open it first." He smiled at her encouragingly when she looked endearingly confused.

Nevertheless, she chose to follow his instructions.

It fit in her hand perfectly and was shaped like a partridge egg. It had a silver metal bow on top with faux mistletoe tied at the base. The ornament was a shiny blue too, matching the color scheme of their Christmas tree. Whorls of beautiful silver covered the egg like crawling veins. And at the center, was an obvious clasp fashioned into two tiny angel's wings.

Doing as he bid, she delicately popped the ornament open. Was this a jewelry box of sorts? Perhaps it— Oh…

She glanced at Lelouch and found him smiling and looking at her intently.

Two rings fashioned out of gold winked up at her. A Princess-cut emerald stone ringed in by tiny white diamonds twinkled in the dim light. The feminine ring was intertwined by a larger one. Just a slightly thicker gold band dotted with smaller emeralds.

"Lelouch, what are you—"

He took in her wide golden eyes and wrapped a gentle arm around her again as his other hand reached for hers, brushing his thumb across her knuckles.

"Eternity rings are usually reserved for anniversaries. But since we'll be together for more than just four years, I figured I'd quit beating around the bush and just tell you that I want us to be together even longer."


"C****." He paused, leaned in close and kissed her cheek sweetly as he murmured into her ear. "Will you do me the honor of staying by my side for all eternity?"

Golden eyes still wide with surprise, he hopefully waited for her answer. And the relief that flooded him was immeasurable when the love of his life finally uttered that one word every proposing man on the planet wanted to hear from their significant other.

"Yes. Yes, I will…"

Smiling like a giddy child with the best present on Christmas morning, he touched his forehead to hers as he relieved the ring from its velvet pillow and slid the twinkling gem onto her ring finger. She touched his cheek lightly as she did the same for him and slid the matching band around his.

Two rings that embodied their wish. Their hearts too, perhaps.

Taking her hand again, he laced his fingers through hers as they admired the new adornments as one. Never had they seen anything so perfect as this in their new life.

Underneath the twinkling stars and the gleefully flashing Christmas lights covering their modest little home, sitting on the steps at their front porch covered in snow, the Witch and the Warlock shared a passionate kiss. Their own wordless way of proclaiming how happy and grateful they were to be in the arms of the other.

"Merry Christmas, C****."

"A very merry Christmas indeed, Lelouch."