Hello, everyone! =D With the year almost at an end, I've figured what better way to celebrate than with a fic of one of my all-time favorite anime; Naruto? However this will NOT be a crossover but instead, just a regular Naruto fanfiction!

Now as the title and summary suggests, this is going to be a story where Boruto and his teammates get to watch Naruto's memories all the way from when he was a young boy to the point where essentially his "Hero's Journey" concluded after the events of the Fourth Great Ninja War following his final fight with Sasuke. It's been a concept that's always intrigued me ever since I saw the Boruto movie back in 2015 and I've always wondered how Boruto would react to seeing his father's journey from a young boy not understanding the concept of Shinobi to being a well-respected leader of the Shinobi World as well as Sarada's reaction to Sasuke's…..less than stellar….past. This story has been on my mind since I first started uploading stories to my Account back in 2017 and well…here it is now! XD

I wanna say this story was inspired by all the NUMEROUS stories of where the Straw Hats go into Luffy's memories and see events of his life they were ignorant about; namely his childhood with meeting Shanks along with Ace and Sabo, Impel Down and Marineford. These lovely authors and their masterpieces include my good buddy XFangHeartX and her amazing fanfiction, The Fire Within, HeroR with her story Mist of Memories and RoseDragonWitch's glorious work, Warm Memories and Brotherly Bonds along with its sequel, Towering Memories and Treasured Dreams. If any of you guys happen to stumble upon this fanfic, which let's be honest it'd be by chance XD, thanks for being inspirations for this story of mine and hopefully my story lives up to the awesome standards yours are all in! ^_^

However, I should point out, this story immediately picks up after the most recent Boruto Arc; the Time Slip arc, episodes 127-136 to be more specific, and so if you haven't watched those episodes, PLEASE DO SO as this story will make references to that arc quite a bit and so in order to avoid any potential confusion, I highly advise you all do so, that way there won't be any unnecessary confusion. Not to mention, it's honestly the best arc Boruto has had, at least thus far!

Okay, now with all that said and done, let the story begin already! ^_^

Boruto Uzumaki laid atop of his bed as he stared at the ceiling of his room. It had been a week since his battle and subsequent defeat of the tyrannical Urashiki who belonged to the legendary Otsutsuki Clan.

However unlike previous missions, his mission to defeat the Otsutsuki had been one not many ninja could ever hope to dream about. It was a literal battle against time as the Otsutsuki had managed to actually go back in time using an ancient relic of his clan, the turtle-like artifact called Karasuki, in hopes of retrieving the Nine Tailed Fox from Naruto when he was still a young and inexperienced Genin.

Wanting to thwart his nefarious plans, Boruto and his master, Sasuke Uchiha, had followed after the villain in order to make sure his goal would not come to fruition. However, to say things had turned awkward would be the understatement of the entire Ninja World. Boruto had literally found himself face to face with the preteen version of his father who Boruto quickly realized who, unlike the adult version was pragmatic, rational and wise, the younger version of Naruto was loud-mouthed, brash and overall reckless. Sasuke, on the other hand, had it potentially worse as he had to deal with the younger version of his future wife, Sakura Haruno, who was adamant, if not vicious, in her questions about his identity, mainly due to an error on his part of letting a letter his daughter Sarada had written for him.

However, with the help of Naruto's late master in Jiraiya, the quartet were able to defeat the villainous Otsutsuki with Boruto having an even greater understanding of his father due to what he learned in his small trip to the past. Through it he learned even more of his father's flaws and insecurities stemming from his craving for Acknowledge and his dealing of the villagers' harsh treatment of him due to being the container of the Nine Tailed Fox.

Boruto smiled as he turned to the eaten ramen cup on his stand.

"Here's a little parting gift! Whoa there, don't open it yet. Save the surprise for later!" The younger version of Naruto had told Boruto as he handed Boruto a moderately sized package wrapped in a green cloth.

"Should've known it'd be ramen." Boruto mused before licking his lips, "Although it was pretty tasty."

Boruto then chuckled remembering his friends' reactions of his literal voyage through time.

Denki had nearly fainted from shock and even nearly broke his portable laptop as a result whereas Iwabe had nearly choked out Boruto as he cursed him for not having him meet his "Idol Naruto!" though the blonde was quick to point out he was nowhere close to him at the time. Still didn't stop Iwabe from being pissed though. Metal Lee was on Boruto like Cheese on Macaroni, asking if his father in the past had the same flames of youth that he had in the present with Boruto muttering a nervous "Yeah" before quickly scattering off.

Namida and Wasabi were quick to scoff and laugh, saying how it sounded like a fanmade story or something out of a manga while Sumire had swooned, saying how it would've been cool to meet "Lord Seventh" in his youth.

Shikadai was quick to joke and make a crack at how much of a "drag" it must've been having to not restrict contact with the younger versions of his parents as that would've been a once in a lifetime opportunity while Inojin thought it would've been nice to come along as he could've drawn a nice drawing to commemorate the experience whereas Chocho walked off in disinterest.

His sensei Konohamaru had blushed in embarrassment when Boruto had described the younger version of himself as a "little shrimp" leading to the older ninja reprimanding Boruto with how much of a "badass ninja" he had become since the old days, leading to Boruto giving him a blank expression. With Sarada, knowing how shaky her relationship with Sasuke used to be along with how far along they've come along in their relationship, he decided not to mention how Sasuke had deserted the village while Mitsuki had joked about the idea of meeting with his father as Boruto responded how they hadn't come in contact with Orochimaru not even once in the past.

Boruto then looked down at his palm at the diamond like symbol, a testament of the day where his relationship with his father had changed forever.

"When you have time, instead of lecturing me, I want you to tell me stories from your past!" Boruto grinned as he extended his hand to his father after saving him from having his Tailed Beast extracted as Naruto was quick to reciprocate the gesture with a smile of his own as he vowed to oblige Boruto's request.

A year had passed since then and Boruto's curiosity of his father's past and how he came to become the man he is today, hadn't wavered in the slightest. Rather, it had gotten stronger. Especially with Boruto's recent vacation into the past.

"He's always straightforward. He had a habit of saying, 'I never go back on my word, that's my ninja way!' And true to his word, he always forged ahead and never gave up. He valued his friends and would do anything to protect them and he was never dishonest with his words." The words of Hinata rang through Boruto's mind as he walked through his house before making his way to the living room where several pictures of his father hung, one of which standing out. This being a picture of him, Shikamaru wearing a Chunin Vest, Choji, Kiba, Neji and Rock Lee all smiling at the camera.

"I wonder…..how such a good for nothing idiot grew to being a well-respected leader?" Boruto questioned himself as he scanned over the pictures of Naruto in his youth and compared them to the pictures of him as an adult with Hinata, Boruto and his younger sister, Hanabi.

Shaking his head, Boruto put on his standard black jacket with pink stripes before walking out of his house.

"I wish…there was a way I could see dad's past somehow…." Boruto muttered as he walked through the village, not even craving a spicy burger like he normally would. While he could always hear about Naruto's past through stories he could tell, he was a fan of "show don't tell" and given that he had seen snippets of Naruto's memories through his combined rasengan he shared with Naruto in order to defeat Momoshiki, although the flashes of memories passed as quickly as they came, he wished there was a way he could see the entire journey of Naruto Uzumaki from start to finish.

"If only…there was a jutsu of some kind that I could use…" Boruto sat down on a park bench as he put his chin on his hands as he puffed his cheeks in thought before a light bulb appeared over Boruto's head.

"Wait a second!" Boruto's eyes widened.

"A jutsu that I could use?" Boruto pondered as he remembered his father's words about jutsu that were in the library of the Hokage Tower; forbidden jutsu that were in scrolls.

"Hey…I've got it! I can find a scroll or something that can possibly let me see dad's past!" Boruto pumped his fists as he thought of the best plan in the history of all plans; go into the Hokage Building when his father wasn't in there and go snoop around before finding a jutsu that could perhaps help aid him in his quest of possibly going and seeing his father's memories.

"That sounds great! And the best part? I have no missions with Big Bro Konohamaru today to get in the way!" Boruto grinned as he pumped his fist before making his way to the Hokage Building.

Boruto then made his way to where Naruto's office was before passing a quick glance in there; thankful that he wasn't in there. After Boruto's return from the past, Naruto made it a habit to visit the grave of his fallen master Jiraiya more frequently.

"Okay then, past-memory scroll, let's find ya!" Boruto pumped his fist in his palm as he made his way to the Hokage Library where all the various different scrolls in the village were located.

"Alright, let's find it!" Boruto smirked, ready to find the scroll that could potentially help him in his goal of seeing Naruto's past memories.

"What the hell!? I can't find anything!?" Boruto exclaimed with frustrated eyes as a harsh sweat broke down his face. He had been in there for a total of four hours and had found jack diddly squat.

And to say the Hokage Library room was now a mess would be an understatement.

Various papers and scrolls were scattered and thrown across around the room; the Library now resembling that of a college student's dorm room during Finals' week.

Boruto grit his teeth as he rubbed his head in frustration.

"You can't tell me it's this hard to find a scroll that can let me see someone's past!" Boruto growled as he groaned in irritation.

If some talking mechanical turtle could take him back to the past, surely there could be something that could let someone see someone's past memories!

"C'mon, ya know!" Boruto growled as he actually found himself miss-stepping as he fell onto the table behind him.

"Oh crap!" Boruto growled before he fell headfirst onto the floor below with the table following suit.

"Ugh….damn it…" Boruto muttered, rubbing his sore nose before feeling something hit his head.

"What's this?" Boruto asked, looking at the scroll before raising an eyebrow at the name.

"The Lost Scroll…of Anamnesis?" Boruto tilted his head in confusion before unfurling it and reading the contents of the scroll before his eyes came across a jutsu that made his eyes widen in excitement.

"Ninja Art…Mind's Eye…..Surveying Jutsu?" Boruto's eyes nearly bulged from their skull as he continued reading the scroll for the schematics of the jutsu.

"Let's see…..upon usage of the below shown sealing ninja tag, one can use this jutsu to view into any past memories of whatever target they choose….Also more than one person is around, they must conjure the same seals as the one initiating the jutsu before grabbing hold of the jutsu caster if they desire to view the same memories….jackpot!" Boruto cheered, not even bothering to read the rest, as it turned out the last four hours of his life weren't a complete waste.

"And the best thing? Mom and Himawari aren't even gonna be home this weekend so it's just me alone with dad! Heh, all I gotta do is wait until nightfall, when he's out, I'll use this scroll of Anamnesis!" Boruto cheered as it looked like his plan was one hundred percent fool proof! Nothing could stop him!

However before he could initiate his grand plan….

"Oh right, gotta clean this room. Don't wanna get in trouble with the old man, after all!" Boruto laughed as he quickly got to cleaning the mess he caused.

Within thirty minutes, he was out of the Hokage monument as he happily ran through the village.

"Hehe, my plan to see dad's past is gonna come to life tonight!" Boruto excitedly giggled, excited at the thought of seeing everything his father went through in his life.

However, he was so excited he didn't notice the people he was coming up on.

"Ouch! Damn it! Why don't you watch where you're going!?" Boruto spat.

"Speak for yourself, idiot!" Sarada chided as Boruto's eyes widened.

'Oh crap.' Boruto thought as his thoughts immediately went to the scroll.

'The scroll! I can't let them know!' Boruto mentally face-palmed as he looked to see Sarada shooting him the usual scowl of irritancy and disdain that she typically had with him. However, her annoyed look evaporated to one of curiosity as she saw Boruto desperately trying to pocket something.

"What do you have in your hand?" Sarada asked as Boruto's eyes nearly popped from their skull.

"…O-oh! Uh…nothing…." Boruto lamely lied as Sarada immediately knew Boruto was full of it.

"Oh yeah?" Sarada mockingly raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah! It's nothing so…" Boruto tried hiding his scroll in his jacket before….

"The Lost Scroll of Anamnesis?" Mitsuki questioned, as Boruto and Sarada could only wonder how he took it from his hands without him noticing.

"How the!?" Boruto asked as Mitsuki chuckled.

"I am a ninja. Did you forget?" Mitsuki tilted his head as Boruto sighed.

"You really are something…..I guess I can't hide anything from you guys. Come with me." Boruto gestured to the Great Stone Hokage Faces, which was the unofficial meeting spot of Team Konohamaru.

"And that's what I plan on doing." Boruto explained the whole situation to his teammates in less than five minutes and their reactions were…somewhat of what he expected?

"Well that sounds interesting, Boruto. For a lack of better terms, anyways." Mitsuki joked as Sarada shot him a disbelieving stare.

"Okay I'm sure this crosses the line into going overboard. Hearing about old war stories is one thing but to actually go into Lord Seventh's memories and watch his memories without his consent?" Sarada crossed her arms as Boruto glared at her.

"And it's not like dad'll just let me do so if I say, 'Hey dad! I snooped around in the Hokage Library and found a scroll that'd let me see your memories. Can I do it? Sure, son!'" Boruto scoffed at Sarada like she was crazy, only serving to irritate her further.

"This is a serious invasion of privacy, you idiot!" Sarada snapped.

"Oh? So you mean you wouldn't be not curious as to what dad went through?" Boruto asked as Sarada found herself quickly shutting up at that question. Naruto was a man she deeply admired and she would often wonder from time to time about what caused him to become the man she knew and idolized.

"….Okay…now that you mention it…I'm kinda curious…." Sarada muttered, confusing Boruto.

"Huh?" Boruto asked.

"If that scroll will let you see Lord Seventh as a kid, then I can possibly see my dad as a kid too then! I think that'd be interesting!" Sarada beamed as Mitsuki seemed to be genuinely happy for Sarada.

Boruto on the other hand looked a bit uncomfortable. He remembered Naruto's words about how Sasuke had deserted the village and he feared that if she found out, he might inadvertedly shatter their rather shaky relationship.

Hey, despite all their arguing, he did care somewhat for her. Somewhat.

"Uh….I'm not sure if that's such a good idea." Boruto weakly muttered as Sarada's expression showed she was less than amused.

"And why the hell not?" Sarada glared at Boruto who started to break out into a nervous sweat.

"…N-no reason! It's just…" Boruto awkwardly tried to explain as Sarada gave him a look of utter consternation.

"But what?" Sarada asked as Boruto sweated even harder.

'How can I tell her that her dad went rogue when he was our age!?' Boruto thought before he assume a forced smile.

"Uh…well….you didn't sound interested earlier…" Boruto tried to pass off though Sarada would hear none of it.

"That was before I realized it was a way to see Papa's past!" Sarada gleamed as Boruto felt his lips dry up.

"But…." Boruto tried arguing before Sarada gave him a look that shut him up.

"I'm going, end of story." Sarada said, the tone of her voice ending whatever argument she intended to have with Boruto.

"And I'm going to accompany Sarada too. It sounds fun!" Mitsuki grinned as Boruto could only sigh in defeat.

Hopefully….Sarada wouldn't hate him for this later.

"…Fine…" Boruto relented in defeat.

"And when were you planning on doing this?" Mitsuki asked.

"Around nine or ten o clock at night when dad's asleep." Boruto answered.

"What about your mom or Himawari?" Sarada questioned as Boruto smiled.

"Oh they're gonna be gone for the weekend. They have a meeting with the Hyugas." Boruto shrugged as both Sarada and Mitsuki seemed satisfied with that information.

"Okay then, we'll be at your house between nine and ten." Mitsuki said.

"Alright then, it's a date!" Boruto grinned as they all put their hands in the center before raising them.

At around nine forty five at night, Naruto was asleep in the bed he shared with Hinata as he let out several loud snores. It turns out all the paperwork Naruto did had really wore out the hero of the Fourth Great Ninja War.

"Geesh, where are those guys?" Boruto grumbled to himself as he crossed his arms while waiting outside.

"Hello." Mitsuki smiled as he pat Boruto's shoulder, nearly making him jump off his feet.

"Mitsuki! Don't do that, ya know!" Boruto chided his friend who merely smiled in response.

"So sorry, Boruto." Mitsuki smiled as Sarada sighed.

"Boys." Sarada shook her head.

"So is he ready?" Mitsuki asked.

"Yeah. And don't worry about being too noisy in the house, dad's a pretty heavy sleeper." Boruto laughed as he opened the door, letting his teammates in.

Naruto continued slumbering like a baby as Team Konohamaru made their way into his room.

"Wow, he really is a heavy sleeper…" Sarada blinked.

"I wonder how much booze he could hold." Mitsuki pondered, not even noticing the bizarre expressions his teammates were shooting him.

"Alright, well let's get started!" Boruto smiled as he unfurled the scroll before setting it on Naruto's bedside.

As Sarada and Mitsuki looked over Boruto's shoulder, they noticed the tag tucked at the end of the scroll.

"A tag with the Kanji for 'Memory'?" Mitsuki asked, handing it to Boruto.

"Oh I see! Thanks, Mitsuki!" Boruto said as he looked over the contents of the scroll.

"Okay….to start, apply the seal with the word for 'Memory', onto the forehead of your target." Boruto said as he gently placed the seal on Naruto's forehead.

"Next, make the appropriate hand signs." Boruto's eyes followed down the page to where he and his team saw the necessary hand signs for the jutsu.

"Okay!" Boruto said as he and his team made the appropriate hand signs.

"Ninja Art! Mind's Eye Surveying Jutsu!" Boruto yelled as he slammed his palm onto Naruto's forehead with the tag on top.

Before the team of Genin knew anything, a bluish-purple fog like mist started to emit from Naruto's head as it surrounded Team Konohamaru.

"Whoa!" Boruto exclaimed as it started to slowly surround the three.

"What is this!?" Sarada remarked, astonished at how thick the foggy mist was.

"It must be what's going to take us into Lord Seventh's mind." Mitsuki surmised.

"I think so too so hold on!" Boruto said, holding his hands out as his team tightly grasped his palms as the mist started to slowly envelope the three children completely as their bodies were completely encased in the mist until nothing of the three remained.

…Nothing but the open scroll on the floor of Naruto and Hinata's bed room…..

And there's the first chapter for you guys! I gotta say I'm REALLY excited for this project and I hope you all will enjoy this story of mine! ^_^

I have a question for you readers. Should I cover the stuff that happens in the Blank Period as well as the events in The Last or do you all want me to just end the memory viewing after the events of Chapter 699/Episode 479?

In any case, how is the story so far? Did it start out pretty good? Please let me know your thoughts how the story is and also please let me know what memories you all wanna see!

And with all that said Chapter 2 will be coming out Monday December 23rd so kindly expect it then! ^_^

Later guys and a VERY Merry Christmas! ^_^