Derek watched as Penelope loaded the last bag into his truck. She was so excited about the holiday getaway that Sam had planned for them. He wanted to be happy for her, but he wasn't. It should be him not Sam; he'd told her more than once that he loved her, but she was still going away with Sam. He was a fool…no he was a coward…he was a fool and a coward for letting her get away.

"Okay handsome, I'm all set!"

"Baby Girl you're only going away for four days; you have enough for a month. The airline is going to charge you for those extra bags you know."

"I need my things, besides, I have four hot and steamy nights planned for Sam! Can you believe it he planned this all on his own! I didn't have to do a thing; no hints, no slipping him notes, no extra little tricks in the bedroom…"

"Hey, hey…I don't think I need to hear about your and Sam's sex life."

"OKAAAY, Mr. Grumpy! You could have planned a little romantic getaway with one of your honeys too, you know."

"I don't have any, honeys, Baby Girl."

"Oh yeah? Since when?"

"Never mind, just get in and I'll take you to the airport."

Sam tossed his large duffel bag in the backseat and jumped behind the wheel. He felt triumphant and he was nearly giddy at the possibility of spending some alone time with his favorite girl. It had been a while since Penelope had spent any time with him and during their short relationship they had never gone away together; it was sort of ironic that now of all times, the holidays would be spent alone…just the two of them.

The holiday destination was Sam's cabin in upstate New York. He'd purchased it almost a year ago and had yet to spend more than a day or two there. In fact, he had begun regretting the purchase especially after he and Penelope had parted ways. Now here he was headed north to the last place he thought he'd find himself this Christmas.

The ride to the airport was torture for Derek with Penelope humming Christmas carols as he drove in silence. For the life of him he couldn't figure out how she'd chosen Sam. In fact, she hadn't mentioned that the two of them had reunited which in an odd way, felt like a betrayal.

"Why so quiet, Hotstuff?"

Silence; he hadn't heard a word she'd said.

"Ohhh Hotstuff…Earth to Derek!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry I didn't hear you."

"Where were you?"

"I'm right here, Baby Girl; you might want to get those glasses checked."

"Ouch, okay…something bothering you, my love?"

"No, nothing at all. I just don't get it."

"Get what?"

"All the hoopla over the holidays! All it is, is a big waste of time and money; buying gifts for people who barely say, thank you and will forget what you gave them in a week!"

"You are in a mood, aren't you? Scrooge McMorgan! That's what I'm going to call you, Scrooge McMorgan!" She chucked.

"Not funny, Garcia!"

She wanted to continue giving him a hard time, but they'd arrived at the airport and Derek swung the truck to the curb nearly bucking them both through the windshield. Slowly, holding her breath she looked at her best friend who'd insisted on staring straight ahead like a stone. She wanted so badly to tell him the truth about her feelings for him. More importantly, she wanted to tell him that this trip with Sam wasn't for romance; far from it. Sam knew it and she knew it. It was simply a way to not face the fact, that she had no one special to share her holiday with. Instead she settled for being a coward so with her last bit of pride, she fumbled with her seatbelt then opened her door.

"Well…" She began.

"Look, Gar…Baby Girl." He began. "I'm sorry for being such a sourpuss. I really hope you have a great Christmas; you deserve it."

"Thank you, Hot Stuff."

Then just before hopping out the truck, he slid the dagger into her heart.

"Sam's a lucky man."

Penelope fought back the tears as she slowly climbed from the truck. That wasn't what she wanted to hear, that wasn't the plan…that wasn't the plan at all. Derek lifted the last bag from his truck and placed it on the curb before pulling her into a bear hug. He didn't want to let her go and judging by the way she held him tight in return, he wasn't sure she wanted to go.

This had been their dance for nearly fourteen years and they'd both become experts in denying their feelings and making up excuses why their fear was bigger than their courage and so after finally letting her go, he watched as she wheeled herself through the large doors and disappeared into the crowd.

"Damn coward!"

Penelope rushed through the crowd toward the counter. She couldn't hold back the tears any longer. She saw the puzzled sympathetic look on the woman's face as she handed over her ID.


The woman nodded without saying a word and checked her in, waving the fee for the two extra pieces of luggage.

"Have a nice flight, ma'am."

"Thank you."

Derek pulled into traffic struggling to breathe; struggling to focus then he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"So, it's like that? You're going to hand deliver the love of your life into the hands of another man?"

For a moment Derek forgot that he was driving until horns began blaring on all sides as he jerked the wheel to regain control.

"What the hell?"

It couldn't be; he glanced at the passenger that had suddenly appeared in his back seat. He was convinced now that he had lost his mind.

"What's wrong, you act like you've seen a ghost?" he chuckled.

"Is this some kind of joke? If it is, it isn't funny!"

"Is that any way to greet a friend?"

Derek swerved into the next lane and the blaring noise of irate drivers caught his attention as he managed to pull off the road. Before looking back, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then slowly he opened his eyes and glanced again into the mirror.

"Don't worry, I'm still here…and you are still a coward! Funny, I never took you for a coward, Derek!"

"No way, no way…I'm losing my mind…that's it! It's got to be it…you're…you're…"

The man's smile broadened and then a chuckled that started as a snicker became louder and louder like a mighty roar of a lion.


"Of course, who did you think it was, the ghost of Christmas past?"