Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor do I own Pokemon.

Since the Pokemon is more of a side than a full crossover, I labelled this as only Naruto. If anyone wants to argue about it, then eh. You do not need to know everything about Pokemon to understand this story and I will provide what you do need to know. (However, if you do know Pokemon, you might catch foreshadows better.)

'This is Sakura's thoughts.'

'This is Noir's speaking to Sakura.'

With a sigh, Sakura twisted the ring on her finger once again. She looked at it carefully, amazed at how simple the ring looked. It was black with red-outlined wings carved into it. So simple for such a ring...

A bang caught her attention. Her pale green eyes flickered over to Ino, who was screeching to Ami. 'They are arguing over that emo boy again, aren't they? Can't they see that emo boy would rather brood than breed? Admittedly, he is only twelve though.'

"How troublesome," Shikamaru drawled out from beside her. Sakura gave him a look, "What? The scream match?"

"No, the weather." Sakura only responded with another flat-look. Chouji giggled next to Shikamaru, ever the amused one of her and Shikamaru's conversations.


Sakura stood up and caught the boy who threw himself at her. She looked him fondly once he stopped squeezing her, "Hi, Kiba." *Bark* "And Akamaru." Akamaru threw himself on top of Kiba and licked her face. She giggled and petted the nin-dog. Kiba then popped his head up and grinned at her, his eyes quickly flickering up to the top of head, making sure Zoro (her cat partner) was okay from his glomp.

"Hey there, good-lookin'."

If anyone else would have said that to her, she would have punched them. However, since it was Kiba, she only winked and replied with, "Not much, how about you?"

It took Sakura a moment to realize that everyone was staring at them. Instead of doing something childish, Sakura merely ignored them and turned back to Kiba. Kiba, too pleased with her responding like that, decided her arms was the best place to be.

"The next Hokage has arrived!"

Naruto rushed into the room, like he normally does. 'With style and flare.' Sakura always found Naruto as a very cute bundle of sunshine and happiness, but she never interacted with him because she never had the time too. 'I would have approached him a long time ago if I was able to... It's amazing I have a best friend, much less three.'

Sakura shook her head of her thoughts when she noticed Iruka-sensei in front of the class. Unfortunately for her ears, not everyone noticed Iruka-sensei, so he resorted to using his not-to-be-named Jutsu and screamed at everyone to calm down. Once everyone was calm, Iruka-sensei then proceeded to give a lengthy speech of how proud he was of everybody and that he knew we would become great shinobi. Finally teams were announced.

Sakura listened to the names being called, hoping that she would have one of her best friends. Shikamaru had already talked of what the possible teams might be, but she still hoped for one of them.

"Team Seven: Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, and Uchiha Sasuke..."

'...oh you are shitting me... how could you forsaken me like this, world?' Sakura flinched at the glares of all the fangirls bearing down on her. While Sakura was dealing with this, Naruto immediately had stood up to protest Sasuke being on their team. Of course, Iruka-sensei popped that balloon before Naruto could even use it to fly.

"Sakura-chan! We should eat lunch together," Naruto started off excitedly, which then dimmed down to uncertainty, "to get to know one another?"

Sakura blinked, wondering when the team announcements had finished and how she didn't noticed. Kiba, however, was quick to jump into the conversation, "Hey, hey, hey this is Sakura we are talking about. She is eating with us, like usual."

Naruto pouted, looking somehow very adorable in that action. Sakura sighed and piped up, "You can always join us."

Kiba then pouted, but Naruto was smiling brightly at her, so she would call it a win.

Lunch was enjoyable. She found herself playfully bantering with Shikamaru. Chouji would give a giggle or an opinion every now and then, while Kiba cuddled her closely. This was the normal lunch schedule. The only difference came from Naruto also cuddling up to her and argued with Kiba. By the time lunch ended, Naruto had unknowingly settled himself into their group.

Right after everyone settled back into their seats, senseis started to appear and call for their team. Soon, it was only Team Seven left. Sakura sighed and grabbed the book she had brought for this occasion. A "gut instinct" told her she would appreciate bringing a book, so she settled herself to finish reading her book about poisons (by settling down, she means she moved the desks and sat down on the ground and against a wall). Some time later, Naruto started to pace and mumble under his breath. While normally she would just ignore it, she figured it would be better to calm him down.

"Naruto." He stopped and looked at her questioningly. "Come and cuddle with me."

He was there in a heartbeat, looking like an excited puppy. She maneveared him to lay his head in her lap. Once he was comfortable, she started to read to him. This continued on for a hour, before Sasuke came and sat next to her.

"So, water hemlock causes what symptoms?" Sasuke spoke so quietly she almost didn't hear him. Sakura paused and tried to remember, "Ah, depending on what part of the plant you eat will change how many hours it takes, but the common symptoms are painful convulsions, abdominal cramps, nausea, and death. If victims survive, they will most likely have amnesia or lasting tremors."

Naruto then mused out loud, "I wonder how combining it with poison hemlock would change how effective it is."

That started a debate that lasted until the sensei arrived. While Naruto wasn't as knowledge as her or Sasuke on poisons, he certainly was creative and picked up the new information quickly. Sasuke, on the other hand, knew some poisons, but he didn't go out of his way to study them. Saura wanted to be a poisons mistress, along with trap and information. Truly, Sakura was going to be one of those Shadow Ninjas.

A cough interrupted them. Three pairs of eyes connected with the sensei's one eye. A minute passed of the stare contest, until the sensei spoke up, "I was not expecting this, but anyway, meet me on the roof in five."

And then he disappeared.

While the boys immediately rushed out the door, Sakura opened the window and walked up the side. She waved at the sensei before sitting down in the middle on the seat, already knowing the boys would fight each other in they were any closer. It took a minute or two, but the boys eventually came up and made their way to sitting down.

"Why don't you guys introduce yourselves?" The man spoke up, pleasantly ignoring the pair of glares he was receiving from the boys. 'Honestly, if I was not warned of this tardiness, I would be upset as well.'

Naruto spoke up, his tone definitely not pleased, "What do you want to know?"

"How about your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams?"

Naruto huffed, "You should go first."

"Well, my name is Hatake Kakashi. I have some likes, not many dislikes. I have a few hobbies. My dreams? Hmm..." Kakashi eye-smiled at them. Sakura swore she saw flowers surround the man. 'Genjutsu?' Naruto twitched. "You next, blondie."

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto. I like cup ramen and the ramen Iruka-sensei buys me. I dislike the time it takes cup ramen to be made. My dream is to be the greatest Hokage ever!" Sakura smiled gently at his introduction.


Sakura almost rolled her eyes but figured she shouldn't antagonize the man just yet, "My name is Haruno Sakura. My likes are pretty much everything. I dislike people who judge quickly and some other unimportant things - to you at least -. My hobbies include studying and training to be a great ninja. My dream... well that is a little personal." She finished her introduction, with a wink and a peace sign. "Oh, and this is Zorro." She pointed up at her partner. "He is kinda lazy unless needed and only responds to me."

"Again finally, emo boy."

Sasuke didn't react to that nickname, but Sakura could tell he didn't like it.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I hate a lot of things. I like very few things. My dream is not a dream, but an ambition. I will revive my clan and... kill a certain man."

Crickets chirped for a few seconds.

"O-kay, you guys all are unique and different. We are going to do a mission tomorrow. It will be something we four can do together."

Naruto piped up excitedly, "A mission?"

"Survival training."

Sasuke quoted him back, deadpanned. Kakashi eye-smiled again, "This is a test to determine if you guys will be genin or not. Out of the 27 graduates, only nine pass. So, in other words, a 66% dropout."

Naruto screeched in anger, and Sasuke definitely wasn't radiating happiness. Sakura merely smiled peacefully at Kakashi. Kakashi explained where and when they needed to tomorrow. He then added ominously, "Don't eat breakfast. You'll throw it up."

Kakashi then bailed out. Sasuke, following his example, immediately left.

Sakura looked over at Naruto, then looked up at the sky. 'It is probably almost 5.' She looked at him again before coming to a conclusion.

"Come on, Naruto. Let me show you something."

Sakura brought Naruto to her friend group's training session, which met every day at 5:30 and broke over at 10.

"Naruto?" Chouji spoke up, confused. Naruto was too busy watching Shikamaru and Kiba spar, his jaw on the metaphorical ground, so Sakura explained her intention to include Naruto. Unsurprisingly (to Sakura at least), Naruto seamlessly fit in. They went over what he knew and then spent the next three hours fixing what he was obviously taught wrong.

(Shikamaru was not a pleased boy. His genius immediately recognized sabotage. He noted mentally to bring it up to his dad.)

Once Naruto learned everything correctly ('he really is a quick study'), they went over different areas of study, such as strategies and even fuinjutsu. After a hour of that, they switched to physical exercise. That really pleased Naruto and Kiba.

By the end of the session, everyone was tired but satisfied. Sakura walked Naruto home. Their walk was filled with casual talk. Once they reached his stop, Naruto turned and smiled shyly, "This is me."

Sakura smiled back before an "OH!" look appeared on her face.

"Make sure to eat breakfast tomorrow. Better to have some energy and throw up later than to have none."

Naruto thought about it for a second before beaming at her in agreement.

Sakura showed up bright and unnecessarily early the next morning. She knew Kakashi would be late again, but she figured she could always just studying there. She brought out her trusting psychology book and got settled to wait another few hours. (Of course, she also ate breakfast.)

After a hour, Sasuke showed up, clearly irritable. Sakura had to withhold a few chuckles at his cute, disgruntled face. 'I wonder if he ate... probably not.' Soon, Naruto showed up, yawning every few seconds. He settled down next to her and immediately fell asleep again. 'Poor Naruto, we tired him out yesterday. I guess Hatake-san's lateness will be beneficial in this case.' Sakura winced, thinking back to Shikamaru's displeased face when he realized Naruto was that behind. 'I have heard the whispers... Kyuubi in Naruto, huh? That explains why every adult suddenly gains a stick up their ass when Naruto comes around. It really shouldn't though.'

Sakura shrugged the uncomfortable topic off and continued to read her book until Kakashi showed up.

"Good morning!"

Naruto immediately jumped up and screeched out, "You're late." Never mind the fact Naruto was asleep less than five minutes ago. Kakashi apologized while rubbing his head, "There was a black cat, and black cats are bad luck, so I had to go around -"

"Don't care." Naruto shut down quickly, crossing his arms and turning away.

Sakura laughed at the disbelief on Kakashi's face. The man physically shook his disbelief, "Alright." He set a timer down on a tree stump. "Your goal is to get the bells away from me. Anyone who doesn't fails, gets sent back to the Academy, and I will eat your lunch right in front of as you are tied to the stump."

One stomach grumbled. Kakashi and Sasuke turned to the other two. Naruto cackled at the looks on their faces, while Sakura smiled blissfully. After a few seconds, Sasuke spoke up, "Ignoring them, you only have two bells."


Sasuke glared as he hissed out, "Why?" Kakashi paused dramatically and looked into the distance for a few minutes before turning back. He looked nonchalant as he spoke out words that pissed off Sasuke (and slowly Naruto), "What did you say?"

"Why are there only two bells?" Sakura repeated patiently.

"Because one of you is guaranteed to fail, or maybe all of you." The boys both were visibly upset, Naruto almost attacking but Sakura stopped him by grabbing his arm. "Anyway, get a bell if you want to pass. Your time starts now."

Sakura grabbed the two and jumped away. 'Something doesn't seem right.' Sasuke pulled away and hissed out, "Why did you do that?" Naruto looks somewhat upset as well.

"Because, if one of us is guaranteed to fail, how do you explain the fact genin teams are three genin and one sensei?" Both boys paused and thought about it. "I think the two bells are meant to seperate us. This is a ninja village. They are bound to mess with us eventually."



Sakura rolled her eyes, "So what's the plan, guys? What are your strengths? Mine are genjutsu and taijutsu."

Both boys eyed each other, before Naruto beamed at her, "I can make a lot of shadow clones, and my stamina is amazing." 'Oh wow, that is a lot of chakra.' Sasuke rolled his eyes and muttered, "Fire jutsu and taijutsu." 'Fire ninjutsu?!'

"Okay, so I am thinking Naruto spams shadow clones, and we disguise ourselves as Naruto - so he will be expecting the same style as Naruto. Naruto can either stay at the back and continue to spam or join in the front."

"I'll join."

Sasuke thought about the idea before agreeing to it.

"Naruto, go ahead and spam your clones. We don't know when Hatake-san might show up."

Naruto did the hand signs and summoned at least two hundred. Sakura gaped at the many Naruto clones. She shook off the shock and henged, Sasuke following in suit. It took then a few minutes for them to stumble upon Kakashi.

They charged.

"It worked."


"I'm not wrong."


"Oh, it is so not my fault Hatake-san did the Thousand Years of Pain on you two."

Kakashi finally started chuckling, enjoying the faces of all three of his new students, "Call me Kakashi-sensei."


"Kakashi-sensei, please fix their faces."

Sasuke humphed.

Naruto pouted even more.

Kakashi eye-smiled and ruffled Sakura's hair, "Well, my cute genin, meet me here tomorrow at nine." He disappeared in smoke.

Sakura sighed and led Naruto to lunch, already planning ideas of training for her team, a feeling telling her she will want to do so.

That night, around eleven, Sakura was up on her roof, staring at the stars.

'Sakura... You need to prepare... Death will come too soon otherwise.'

'I know, Noir. I know.'

Sakura rubbed her left wrist gently, the motion comforting her.

'Even if I am not, I got you guys.'

'Yveltal won't let anything happen to you either.'

Sakura chuckled, silently agreeing.

'Skull is coming with important news.'

Sakura immediately got up and jumped into her room through the window. She covered the window and made sure the door was closed. There was no light in the room yet, when Skull appeared, the shadows seemed more intense. His ghostly appearance would scare any civilian and most genin, his purple glowing eye staring down any who oppose him or his mistress.

"Skull?" Sakura whispered anxiously, rubbing her left wrist again. A pause. Skull spoke directly to her mind, "Sakura..."

Another pause.

"This might be unsettling..."

Sakura's eyes widened with each word Skull told. She flopped onto her bed, after Skull disappeared. Sakura closed her eyes and muttered under her breath.

"Unsettling, indeed."