So I finally updated. I'm sorry it took so long. I honestly don't understand how some people write such long chapters...

Anyway, I was think about ships for this fic, and i think I'm going to have: Kam (obviously), Sophitz, Diana, and Marellinh, but it you would prefer others, let me know in the comments, although I am trying to resist the temptation to just make everyone gay.

After quite a few more rounds involving orange hair dye, Tam talking about the time Biana coerced him into getting a makeover, and Keefe admitting he used to have a crush on Sophie, they decided to stop playing.

Keefe yawned. "I wonder what time it is."


Keefe nodded absentmindedly. "How are we going to sleep? This closet doesn't have enough space for us both to lie down." Tam shifted slightly. His elbow brushed against Keefe's thigh. Tam frowned. "I suppose we will just have to lie on top of each other?"

"Like… cuddling?" Tam blushed. His silver tipped bangs brushed across his eyes, and Keefe wished he could run his hands through them. They looked really soft. Ack focus, Keefe reminded himself, I did not just think that. I am not thinking about bangs boys hair. His blush was now almost as red as Tam's.

"I can't think of anything else to do. Unless one of us wants to stay up, we're not going to be able to fall asleep." Tam defended.

"Well, there's a janitor that comes an hour before first period starts—don't ask how I know that—and he should walk down all the hallways like cleaning and shit? I don't really know what janitors do."

Tam looked at him amused. "Yes Keefe, cleaning and shit is what janitors do."

Keefe blushed. "Oh shut up."

"I hope our friends don't think we've been kidnapped or something."

"I doubt it. My dad probably hasn't noticed I'm gone. Ro decided to spend the week back at Ravagog, because she didn't think I would wake up from the shadowflux thing yet." Tam immediately looked guilty. "And don't say something about how it was your fault, it was just my mom's fault, and the rest of Neverseens. "The only thing that's your fault is your loser bangs." Keefe actually thought Tam's bangs were kinda hot, but he was not planning on telling anyone that. Tam looked slightly less guilty after Keefe's rant.

"So anyway, I don't think anyone has noticed me missing yet, but what about you?"

"I don't usually get detention, but Linh might assume that's where I am. She was planning on going somewhere with Marella to work on training, and I believe she was going to leap there straight from Foxfire. So unless she went home ahead of time she won't have noticed the fact I'm not home. My parents will probably assume I'm not home simply to annoy them."

Keefe raised an eyebrow, "and would you do that?"

Tam made a movement to shrug, his arm brushing against Keefe's chest. "I might. I probably would go over to Sophie's house and not tell them, or 'forget' to inform them that I was going to the Vackers later that day." Tam hit his lip. "It doesn't matter anyway, if someone notices were gone they will prolly think we're kidnapped, I don't have a registry pendant since I got back from the Neverseen, and Elwin took yours off while you were healing."

"How did you know Elwin removed my registry pendant?"

"I was pretty worried about you. You wouldn't have been in th-" Keefe cut him off, "It was not your fault."

"Still, I didn't want you to be hurt."

"Well I'm touched, but we should probably get to sleep soon. Everyone is going to be mad at us In the morning."

"But it's not our fault."

Keefe sighed. "Whatever." He wrapped his arms around Tam and spooned him, with Tam's legs resting on top of his. Soon enough both of the boys were sleeping. And if they were both cuddled together a little closer then they had to be, well, no one was there to notice.