Chapter 3 Birds of a Feather

Horizon Labs

There we go, it's finally finished. The first of many to come!" Kyle said happily as he was finishing his new equipment and held onto his first official Spider-bot.

It has been a few days since fighting the Sinister Six and meeting the real Peter Parker inside his head. Things were becoming interesting with him being Spider-Man. So Kyle decided to create the Spider-bot program like Otto did in the comics. The idea of using Spider-bots to patrol and locate crime was a genius idea in which Kyle was definitely going to improve. In the comics, a certain goblin villain hacks these bots and brought a massive war into New York as a result but this time Kyle has a plan. In the event that a hack was close to successful, the bots will shut down and will stay that way until he says otherwise.

Kyle already knows where he was going to put his first Spider-bot at and what better location than where MJ works, her club/fashion place. This might be a bit stalkerish and overprotective but in this world using some of Batman's tactics might prove useful.

Speaking of which, Kyle was going to have another date with MJ soon. He has been truly enjoying her company, not because of her being one of the hottest girls in Marvel but because she is a truly wonderful person. He will never know how Peter lets her go to fight some bad guy and then comes back to her later down the road after the chaos is down. Sure, Peter understands the risk and danger of someone being in a relationship with a hero could be devastating. Tragic even. But it can be worked out and if so, change things for the better. Kyle plans on doing that and he will enjoy life as both man and Spider-Man. That's a promise.

Small Time Skip

Kyle and MJ were walking through the park, enjoying a quiet walk around and doing whatever struck their fancy.

"It's nice you know," Kyle said breaking the silence

"What is?" MJ asked.

"Hanging out with you and enjoying the peace & quiet," Kyle replied.

"It is nice," MJ agreed with a smile as she hugged Kyle's side.

The pair kept enjoying their time together and felt the calm around them for once in their unusual lives.

"Hey, can you do me a favor and talk with Carlie for a bit?" MJ asked remembering her talk at Carlie's place.

"Carlie? What's the matter? Is everything alright?" Kyle asked with concern while having an idea of what's going on.

"Nothing much Tiger but she's been acting strange of lately and asking some odd questions about your change in behavior. I just told her that you were fine, but just to be sure talk to her if you can," MJ explained, getting Kyle to think about it.

Carlie Cooper, a forensic specialist and member of the NYPD (New York City Police Department) who had dated Peter briefly before breaking up after she found out that he was Spiderman. Bad move but moving on. She is very helpful and a good friend but Kyle had a feeling she won't be opening much about her feelings to him.

Kyle knows that Carlie is on to him or Otto, trying to find out if Octavius was in possession of Peter's body. She is right in a way but she had no idea that Kyle is in this body with Peter's blessing. So, he will have to be careful and play his cards right.

Kyle sighed, breaking his train of thoughts and said, "Sure, I will talk to Carlie on my next patrol, but first I want to enjoy our date. Does that sound like a plan, MJ?"

"Sure Tiger, it does," MJ said as the pair kept walking and head on out to enjoy their date.

Several hours later

Kyle and MJ's date went well. It was tranquil and perfect. But now she had to go to work while Kyle had to do the same. Swinging around the city in his hero suit to keep the mind at ease, but he did want to get ahead of this Carlie thing. The sooner the better. So Kyle decided to pay her a visit at MJs apartment.

Kyle swings by there and sees through the window that Carlie was sitting on the couch drinking a hot cup of tea or coffee and watching tv. Probably trying to keep her mind occupied. Kyle guessed it was time to make an appearance. He goes near the window and begins to knock on it. The act scared Carlie as she went to look at my direction which the web-head then begins to wave.

"Hey, Carlie. Can we talk? MJ wanted me to talk to you so here I am. Mind letting me in?" Kyle asked.

Carlie looked terrified of Kyle which makes sense. She thinks Otto took over Peter's body. She didn't move to open the window so Kyle knocked on the window

"Can you let me in Carlie? I'm here to help," Kyle said

"How do I know if you are really you Peter?" Carlie asked.

"You mind if I pitch in?" Kyle hears Peter's voice in his head.

"Absolutely," Kyle responded with his mind.

"Carlie is a very good cop. Because most of my mind being inside Otto's body, she will be uncertain about you in my body. So it would be best if you reassure her that you're not Otto. So you need to be very convincing on that front," Peter suggested

"Any ideas?" Kyle asked.

"Explain to her the situation between me and Otto but say that the mind transference was only temporary," Peter said which Kyle had to admit that does sound like a valid explanation.

"That could work," Kyle said as he returned his focus to Carlie.

"Carlie if I wasn't me then I don't think we would be having this conversation," Kyle said.

Carlie was still pretty hesitant to let Spider-Man inside but she knows that if she is to truly understand what was going on, only he can answer her questions. So she had no choice but to let him in.

She then unlocked the window which allowed Kyle to open the window and enter. Once he was inside, he stood before Carlie.

"So I'm guessing you are afraid of me?" Kyle asked even though he already knew the answer.

Carlie then took out her Glock 9mm and aimed it at him. Kyle raised his arms in defense.

"If you are who I think you are then I am absolutely terrified right now. This gun will ensure my safety until I'm satisfied," Carlie said with a determined voice.

"That's fair. Given everything that has happened because of me," Kyle said without a hint of fear.

"I need you to clarify something. Something that has been bothering me ever since your last battle between Octavius and you," Carlie said.

"What do you want to know?" Kyle asked.

"Octavius came after me and I fought him but I was no match for his mechanical arms, but oddly enough he didn't hurt me. He was trying to tell me something. Something that confused me. Still does. It felt as though he wasn't himself. So it got me thinking about the device we found in one of his labs. According to forensics, it seemed to be a mind transference device. And then it all clicked. What if Octavius wasn't Octavius at all? What if he switched bodies with Peter and took over as Spider-Man? As you. And with Octavius' body dead, so does Peter Parker. No proof that the Spider-Man before me is an imposter and not the real deal. How am I doing so far?" Carlie asked as she deduced everything and the two wall-crawlers were amazed at her skills.

"I got to admit. That was very impressive," Peter said within Kyle's mind and pair agreed on that.

Kyle admitted that she was very good.

"You are right. Ock did use the device to switch bodies with me. I had to use Ocks body to stop him from being me and doing whatever havoc he could cause as Spider-Man. It's why I came to you. Hoping for you to figure it out. But little did I realize that the effects of the machine were temporary and we switched back. Knowing Ock, I knew he would do anything to kill me before he dies and well you know how the story ends from there," Kyle explained.

"Not a bad explanation," Peter said.

Carlie looked to be taking this news in but still had the gun aimed at him.

"How do I know that it's really you Peter? For all, I know that story could be a fake that Octavius could easily spin" Carlie reasoned.

Kyle than sighed and took off his mask. As he does he got closer to Carlie.

"Stop where you are Peter," Carlie warned but Kyle kept moving.

He soon stopped as he felt the gun pressed into his chest. He then guided Carlie's hands to point the gun at his head

"Dude, what are you doing?/What are you doing?" Both Peter and Carlie asked respectively.

"If you truly believe that I'm not who I say I am, then pull the trigger," Kyle said to her with conviction.

"You...want me to kill you?" Carlie asked with shock.

"I want you to make the right choice. Nothing I can say will convince you who I am, only my actions will. I'm trying my best to be a better person, a better hero than I was before Ock and I switched minds. Yeah, the experience changed me. It made me realize that I needed to do more and not make the same mistakes that I made in the past. You know my mantra: With Great Power comes Great Responsibility. I have the knowledge and skills and it's my responsibility to use them to help people. Better than I did in the past. I don't know if I'll succeed but I know that I can't do it alone. I need everyone's help. Aunt May, MJ and even you. But if I have to die to prove that I'm Spider-Man, then so be it," Kyle explained to her as he closed his eyes in wait for her next move.

Carlie still had her gun aimed at his head and her hand was shaking. Apart of her wanted to pull the trigger because it would be the safest option. But Peter's words definitely showed that he was still in there. What happens next is up for her and she has no idea what to do. It is not wrong to say that it's all just... A leap of faith.

Carlie then put the gun down and started to cry.

"I-I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" Carlie sobbed to which Kyle hugged her.

Carlie then hugged him back.

"Shhhh it's ok. It's ok" Kyle said to comfort her

"And they call me crazy," Peter said

Carlie and Kyle remained like that until Carlie fell asleep in his arms. Kyle then carried her to the bedroom and covered her up. Before leaving, Kyle called MJ and quickly explained the whole thing. MJ was shocked but was glad that everything went well.

Just another day being Spider-Man

Time Skip

Kyle has spent a few days tracking some of Vulture's little birds. They have been causing a bit of mayhem that Kyle was able to stop them before they took MJ. Vulture was using freaking kids to do his dirty work. Now they are with social services while Kyle observed the tech they were using.

Luckily, he got a lead to where Vulture's nest is thanks to that. He will have to be careful though as Vulture is one of Peter's strong villains and someone not to underestimate. Sure he's an old man but he is smart and his wings are deadly for his namesake. He kept web-swinging around the city until he reached an old warehouse that hasn't been used in years but electricity is still flowing through it.

Spiderman wall crawled on the warehouse until he saw a window open for him to enter the building. He landed on the ground without making a sound and looked around, seeing that this place was 100% a bad guy hideout.

"Yep, this place is definitely the bird's nest," Spiderman commented as he walked foward to see Vulture working at a workshop, building new bird suits for his recruits.

"Working at the villain's support group, Vulture? Or is this your new line of work?" He asked getting a better look at the bird-theme villain.

Vulture was an old man, wearing a dark green battle suit with silver armor at the chest to his shoulder blades and back. But to the wallcrawler's surprises, he saw no wings or anywhere in fact which was odd and Kyle knew that he needed to keep his guard up.

"Leave now, while you still can" Vulture warned not wanting to be bothered by Spiderman as he got work to do.

"I'm glad that you are working at the nest these days, old bird. Men of your age need something to do," Spiderman joked.

"I'm warning you, Spiderman," Vulture said before raising his hands up and something was happening.

Spiderman's spider-sense was going nuts and felt trouble coming his way as he saw something on the ground coming up.

Silver blades with green handles came out of the ground and fly to Vulture which formed into the wings his wings.

"I am more powerful than ever!" Vulture shouted as he jumped foward towards the hero.

"Oh crap," Spiderman said before he tried to dodge the attack but was hit and flew out of the building through a skylight above.

Kyle shook his head and could tell that this was reminding him of a certain game he used to play, Spiderman Web of Shadows. This could get very bad. However, Kyle wasn't giving up and will be smart on fighting this old bird.

Vulture flew erratically in the air as he went to punch Kyle in the face. Kyle was able to block and head butt him in the face. This instantly breaks his nose and releases Kyle from his grip. Kyle then quickly fired a line of the web on Vulture's wings as they continued to fly.

"Damn you Spider-Man," Vulture said in anger

"It's not my fault you got a big nose," Spiderman said

"I'll make sure you die painfully," Vulture said as he flew faster into the city

"Tell me something I don't know," Spider-Man muttered as he threw a spider tag on Vulture's wings

Then, Vulture's wings short circuit and cause him to lose control

"Impossible!" Vulture exclaims

"Not impossible. Just spectacular," Spider-Man said as he pulled himself on Vulture's back to guide him in his failing flight.

"Are you insane? We will both die" Vulture said

"Oh come now, Vulture. You never ad-lived before?" Spider-Man asks as he threw a web bomb in front of them when they were in an alley

The bomb exploded into a web net which made Spider-Man flip over it but let Vulture to get caught up in it. Spider-Man then lands on the ground as he watches Vulture struggle in it

"How's it hanging dude?" Spider-man asks

"I hate you Spider-Man!" he yells.

"How rude," Spider-Man said as he heard sirens coming behind him.

Two cops stop in front of him and the cops get out to see the end results of the fight.

"All your guys," Spider-Man said as he web swinger away.

"Thanks, Spidey" was all he heard when he did and kept at work.

Just another day for Spiderman


Kyle's Harem: Mary Jane Watson. Felicia Hardy (Black Cat). Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow). Jessica Drew (Spiderwoman). Carol Danvers (Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel). Silver Sablinova (Silver Sable). She-Hulk. Tigra. Songbird. Barbara Bobbie Morse (Mockingbird). Rest TBA