Chapter 1 New Life

We see a young man walking down the streets of Queens, New York to his apartment and relax from his long day at work. He smiled knowing that he can now enjoy his weekend, thanks to staying at work late and doing a lot of overtime. It might not pay much but it pays the bills and allows him to have a good lifestyle. This is Kyle Jacobs, a part-time worker, and college student. Thankfully, he's on break from college.

Kyle walked into his apartment, put his bags down and sat on his couch relaxing while taking out one of his comic books to enjoy in his spare time. He smiled as he read his favorite Marvel comic book character. The only Amazing and Spectacular Spider-Man.

Kyle had loved the web clawer since he was a little boy growing up and has been reading the new comics to maintain his knowledge of the character. He started being a fan of Spider-Man when the 1990's Spiderman Animated Series was still on. It was really good and he was sad that the show didn't keep going. Kyle loved Spider Man's story just as much as DC Superman's.

Of course more and more series came as the comics got busy with some changes to the character but Spider-Man was always the same lovable and awkward hero we all know and love. Kyle must have almost all of the different comics of Spiderman ever made ranging from the original, Noir, 2099, MC2, and Ultimate. Currently, it's either amazing or spectacular as the ongoing titles

Kyle smiled at that before yawning to which he noticed that it was late and needed to sleep. He may have no work tomorrow but he wanted to get some sleep and see what else he can read, maybe the new Spider-girl series or watch some movies with friends. Who knows for sure, but sleep first, then party.

The young man had a good dinner before taking a shower to wash up for the night. He turns the lights off and climbed into his comfortable mattress and sheets.

Kyle closes his eyes as he goes to bed but then something feels off. He hears voices that he's unfamiliar with and feels his body moving on its own. He is having trouble seeing what's happening. Everything is dark but little by little light is coming into vision. And soon enough it was blinding for his eyes that he had to cover them. Once his eyes got adjusted, he saw a crowd of people behind him and in front of him was a dead body.

It was then Kyle noticed that he's wearing a Spider-Man suit and was shocked. This was not a dream, comic book fair, or a prank that has gone wrong, it was real. It was then that he felt like this scene was familiar to which he began to remember that he read this scene in a Spider-Man comic book.

It was with this realization that Kyle knew that he's is in the Marvel Universe and has become the Superior Spider-Man.

Then all a sudden, Kyle was bombarded with memories of both Peter Parker and Otto Octavius. They were so many images and feelings that Kyle felt nearly overwhelmed but he held himself together until the memories stopped and heard someone talking to him.

"Promise me you'll keep them safe" was the last words that Peter, in Otto's body, requested for Kyle, to do like the new Spider-Man.

Otto tried his best to be superior and he was mostly successful, unfortunately, he lacked Peter's empathy and goodness to be truly a Superior Spider-Man. Perhaps Kyle won't make those same mistakes. A New Superior Spider-Man is born and he will do his best to be the symbol of hope that Otto failed to be.

"I promise Peter. I'll protect them. No matter the cost," Kyle said as he begins his journey as the Superior Spider-Man.

Time Skip

During his first few days as Spider-Man, he has not encountered any supervillains yet. While a bit disappointing, he didn't mind that. Kyle may be in Parker's body but he's never been involved in a fight before. Especially against such super-powered psychopaths. So it's probably good that he hasn't met them yet. Which is why he's satisfied with the whole helping the community thing, getting cats out of trees and all of that jazz.

Kyle felt good doing that because, for the first time in his life, he truly understands the saying "With Great Power comes Great Responsibility". Spiderman is the hero we all wish we could be. The everyday man that's willing to put his life on the line for the people because he chose to. Kyle will honor that while being Spider-Man now.

As the web swings to a rooftop and crouches down to observe the city streets, Kyle can't help but be amazed that he is here. An Avenger, a hero, and a symbol. But Kyle was cut off from his thoughts as his phone rang. He looked and saw that is was MJ. So he answered the phone.

"Hey MJ. What's up?" Kyle asked.

"Hey Tiger, you want to meet up?" MJ asked.

"Sure. When and where?" Kyle asked.

"An hour from now at Union Square Park," MJ replied.

"Sounds good. I'll be there" Kyle responded.

"See you soon Tiger," MJ said as she hung up the phone.

Kyle was getting excited as he was going to hang out with the legendary Mary Jane Watson. Kyle must thank who or whatever brought him here because this was just awesome

One hour later

Kyle was in his civilian clothes waiting for MJ. He still finds it weird that he has Peter Parker's face but there are worse faces to have. Soon enough, he saw MJ and she saw him. They walked towards each other and hugged each other. We parted after a few minutes

"How have you been MJ?" Kyle asked.

"Pretty good Tiger but I wanted to know how have you been? You haven't been the same when Octavius died" MJ said to which Kyle produced a sad look on his face.

"Yeah it's been a bit of a roller coaster" Kyle stated as he and MJ began walking

"You shouldn't feel bad for him. He was a murdering lunatic" MJ said

"Maybe so but he wasn't always like that," Kyle stated which made MJ look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I looked up his history and...he didn't have a good life. He was often bullied because he was smarter than everyone else. Got worse when he was getting bigger. He wanted to do good things for the world. He had the mind and skill to do that but he became a broken man. He was surrounded by darkness and it eventually consumed him. I...wish I could've saved him. Maybe I should've tried harder" Kyle explained.

Having Peters and Otto's memories made him understand both of them so much more than the comics even showed. Tragedy struck both of them and chose to decide who they are. MJ then stops waking and looked to have an understanding expression on her face as she faces Peter (Kyle).

"You can't blame yourself, Peter. He made his choices. He chose to become a monster. He had to have known that this was how it was going to end" MJ said.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Sometimes I wish I could do more. Be the better man that uncle Ben believed I could be. I thought being Spider-man was the way to do it. But whenever my actions lead to someone's death I...just can't help but be ashamed that I failed even when I beat the bad guy," Kyle lamented sadly.

"You can't save everyone, Peter. Thinking that way will only prevent you from saving more people in the future. You have to accept that or else nobody gets saved next time," MJ advised to me.

Kyle then smiles at her.

"You are indeed wise MJ. I don't know what I would do without you," Kyle said which made MJ smile too.

"Probably something stupid and dangerous," MJ answered to which Kyle playfully gasps in shock.

"I would never," Kyle said dramatically which made both of them laugh. They then looked at each other right in the eyes as if staring into each other's souls.

"I'll be here for you Tiger. Always," MJ said.

"And I'll always come back to you. No matter where I am or how long it takes," Kyle said.

They then got their faces close to each other and locked lips. Kyle was internally excited and freaking out at this whole thing but kept his cool to not freak her out. So he just enjoyed this beautiful kissing moment with one of the hottest women in the Marvel Universe.

After their little make-out session, they decide to go get some food at a nearby Wendy's. MJ went for a simple salad and soda while Kyle went all out with a double cheeseburger, fries, nuggets and a Frosty. This is all because of the new metabolism that he has inherited in Parker's body. Made sense given his abilities and acrobatics that he does when in the suit.

They both sat at a table facing each other.

"You know I've been thinking of changing my suit," Kyle said which caught MJs attention.

"Really? Always figured you were pretty loyal to the one you have now. Why the change?" She asked.

"The one I have now represents everything about Spider-Man. Both good and bad memories surround that suit. I just feel like I need to change. To something better" Kyle explained.

"You make it sound like you'll be a different person," MJ said which made Kyle scoff at the irony.

"Maybe I will. I've made many mistakes over the years but I also had a lot of success as well. I just want to focus on the good that Spider-Man has done and improve on it. Be a symbol of hope when times get dark" Kyle said which made MJ touch his hand.

"You already are Pete. But I am curious about your new suit design. So if this is what you want to do, I'll support you 100 percent" MJ said with genuine support. This made Kyle smile.

"You are just too amazing MJ. Maybe you should be a superhero too" Kyle said jokingly.

"If I do that, then I'll be known as the "Amazing Watson". You'll have a competition for naming rights," MJ joked back which made both of us chuckle.

"I'll probably lose that competition knowing my luck," Kyle said as both he and MJ continue to enjoy each other's company.

Time Skip

Horizon Labs

Kyle went inside Horizon labs late at night to finally create the Superior spider man suit. Thanks to him having Ottos and Peter's combined intelligence, he was able to use the technology there to get the designs right. As he was doing this, Kyle was just lamenting on how easily this was. Kyle wasn't a dumb person in his world but he was in no way a genius. He always figured that he was more wise than intelligent. Many people back in his earth often praised his wisdom despite his young age.

But while Kyle is excited about this opportunity, he misses his friends and family back in his world. He wonders how they are doing. He wonders if they are aware of his disappearance or think he's dead. He hopes that they are ok. Maybe one day he'll figure out if he can see or go back to his world. But for now, he's going to try to be his favorite.

Kyle also wonders if Peter's mind or soul is still inside. He hopes he is just so he can meet with him. Though he is scared that Peter would hate him for hijacking his body in all fairness, Kyle has no idea how he was able to in the first place.

Kyle was soon cut off of his musings as he noticed that his suit was done. From memory, Kyle created Peter's spider suit from the PS4 video game that had the white symbol on his chest and original black from the Superior spider suit with the red main color and black webbing designs.

This was the suit that Kyle had in mind to be the Superior Spider-Man. Otto's black design was badass and almost made him similar to Batman in terms of tactics that could work the new spider.

However, Kyle wanted to do it differently this time. He wanted to show the world there is always hope. That's what the white in his symbol means.

Now that his suit his finished, he can truly become the Superior Spider-man.

Kyle's Harem (So far): Mary Jane Watson. Felicia Hardy. Natasha (maybe)