Hey guys and gals, welcome to the newest chapter of Pokémon Mirror War this chapter we'll be having a bit of development between the main trio.
We will also be having the first one of your riders popping up in this chapter so look forward to that.
Anyway don't have much else to say so let's go!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my OC's
Opening: Biggest Dreamer
Battle Club
Third person P.O.v.
"Gah!" Ethan yelled, as Ken kicked him into the wall "You really are an idiot aren't you? Making a contract with Pokémon with out even thinking about anything".
"Ken stop it!" Elaine yelled, but Ken ignored her as he pulled out his deck "This is the result of becoming a rider, I should just take you out now!".
"W-Why? I just wanted to help you two" Ethan said, but Ken just summoned his belt "And I thank you for that, but unfortunately Kamen Riders can't co-exist" he said, confusing Ethan.
"W-What are you talking about, you guys stop those wild Pokémon right? Wouldn't it better of there's more than one?" Ethan asked, Ken growl as he was about to place the deck into his driver but than Elaine moved in between the two.
"Elaine… move" he said, glaring at her but she shook her head "No, it isn't fair if you just attack him if he doesn't even know the rules".
"Then this is the perfect chance to take him out" Ken said, but Elaine shook her head "If you take him out…than I'm not helping you anymore!".
"Elaine" Ethan muttered, as Ken gripped his deck before removing his belt and turning around "Fine, but remember the next time we meet I will take you out" he said, before walking off.
Elaine turned around and helped Ethan up "Sorry about him, he's usually nice but when it comes to rider business…" she said, but Ethan just raised his hands.
"It's alright, I'm not that hurt" Ethan said, but than Elaine noticed a cut on his cheek which was dripping blood.
"Your bleeding!" Elaine gasped, getting real close to him while pulling out something from her pocket.
"Uhh!" Ethan blushed, as Elaine put something on his cheek "Stat still… and there!" She said, placing the band aid on his cheek.
"There all done" she said, making Ethan blush even more "Hmm? What's wrong" she blinked, turning her head in confusion.
"C-Close" he stuttered, making Elaines eyes widen and her turn red when she realised "O-Oh!" She said, jumping back "S-Sorry about that" she said, bowing.
"Um, if you don't mind, could you meet me tomorrow after school" she asked, and Ethan nodded "Yeah, s-sure" he said, making her smile.
"Thank you" she said, before turning around and running off "W-Wait!" Ethan called, but she was already long gone.
"D-Darn" he said, before feeling the band-aid on his cheek "Guess I'll go find dad" he said, before turning around and walking toward the battle zone.
"HAHAHAHA!" Ryo yelled, as he won another battle "And that's his sixth win in a row, he truly is the undefeated gym leader" The announcer yelled, as Ethan sweatdropped.
"Of course dad would be like that" Ethan sighed, before shrugging "Guess I should just sit down, this'll take awhile" he said, walking off as he looked at the deck in his hand.
Ethan sighed and put it back in his pocket not noticing some with curly brown hair and round glasses stalking him as he wrote on his notes.
He sported and all black leather attire, as well as a white skull themed mask hiding his face so so no one could recognises him as well as a red scarf.
"So that's the new rider? Let's see if I can have some fun with him" he said, with a smirked watching Ethan leave.
Ethan's house
Third person P.O.V.
After coming back home Ethan spent his night looking at his new deck with a frown remembering what Ken told him.
"unfortunately Kamen Riders can't co-exist"
"Why is that… why can't Kamen Riders co-exist…" he muttered, looking at his deck before sighing "I'll have to ask Elaine to tomorrow".
"Hmm, you seem confused" He heard, making him jump "Ah! What the" I yelled, looking to the reflection to see the Charizard staring at me while speaking to him telepathically.
"Your still here?" Ethan asked, as he scoffed "Of course I'm still here, why wouldn't I be? We're contracted remember".
"Well do you think you can explain something to me, what are the jobs of the riders? And What can they co-exist" He asked, as he looked away "I'm just a Pokémon, why the hell would I know".
"Oh right" Ethan said, scratching his head as Charizard turned around "Follow me, your still new to this so I might as well show you a few things".
"Uh, sure" he said, standing up before raising his deck in front of the mirror summoning the V-buckle which attached it's self to his waist.
"Henshin!" He yelled, raising his arm diagonally before inserting his deck into his belt before two silhouettes of Ryuki to appear and over lap with Ethan transforming into Ryuki.
"Sha!" He yelled, before jumping into the mirror warping him into the mirror world version of his room.
"So why did you want me to come over here?" Ethan asked, leaving his house and looking around feeling the cold air hit his suit "G-G-Geez w-why is it so c-cold" he asked, crossing his arms.
"There's probably some ice type Pokémon around, they'll be a good for training" he said, confusing Ethan as he looked over at his contract Pokémon.
"What are you talking about?" He asked, as the Pokémon just shook his head "Never mind, they should just be around the corner".
Ethan nodded and ran around the corner to see a group of snover freezing the area as a large Abomasnow freezing more of the area.
(Play Slash from Digimon tamers)
"Alright, let's do this" he said, pulling out a card before sliding down the Drag Visor and inserted the card before closing the visor.
Charizard extended his wings and flew towards Abomasnow shooting a fire blast at the Pokémon knocking him back.
The Snover began shooting out a icy wind at Ryuki so he moved out of the way before pulling out another card and placed it into his drag visor.
Ryuki caught the sword as it flew in before he ran towards the Snover and slashed him several times before kicking him back.
The Snover then began shooting razor leaves at Ryuki hitting him a few time before he quickly pulled out a another card and inserted it into the visor.
A mechanical version of Charizard's head appeared on Ryuki's arm before he jumped up and blasting a large flamethrower incinerating the Snover's turning them into small balls of light.
He turned around to see Charizard still fighting the Abomasnow. Ryuki ran towards the fighting Pokémon as Charizard flew out of the way of a ice beam.
"Gonna need to finish this" he said, pulling out a card and inserted into his visor before striking a pose.
Ryuki jumped into the air as Charizard flew behind him before he switched to a kicking pose as Charizard shot a fire blast at Ryuki.
Ryuki was engulfed in flames as he sent a flaming kick at the Abomasnow making the Pokémon explode turning him into a ball of light.
(End song)
Charizard flew up and ate the balls of lights "Ahh, now that tastes good" Charizard said, making Ryuki sweatdrop.
"You just wanted to get something to eat, didn't you"Ryuki asked, as Charizard smirked "Hey I just tried killing two birds with one stone".
"Yeah yeah what ever" he said, before leaving to get back home before anybody else notices.
As he walked off Charizard smelt something, he turned around but saw nobody "Hmm.." he said, mused before flying off where the scent is coming from.
Raizen Highschool
In the Highschool a group of people were leaving the school after their club activities were finished for the day.
"Oh I left something in class, you guys go on ahead" a girl said, as she ran back to the school while her friends.
When she made it to the class room, it was empty all except for a mask on the teachers desk "Huh, what's that" she said.
She felt something compelling her to get a closer look as she picked it up. It had a black colour with blue markings on it.
"Looks like a yamask's mask? Strange" she mumbled, unconsciously about to place it on her face before black tendrils came out and wrapped around her head forcing her mask on her.
"HRMM! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!" She screamed, trying to rip off the mask not realizing she was stumbling towards the window before she fell into the mirror world "Somebody Help!".
The man who was stalking Ethan was there as well, smiling as he saw her fall into the Mirror World "Shall we play a game".
The next day
Ethan P.O.V.
I yawned as I to my classroom, I hadn't got much sleep after Charizard tricked me into getting some food for him.
"Hey Ethan!" I heard, before patted my back "Huh?! Who" I said, turning around to see Jack smiling behind me.
"Oh hey jack, what's up?" I said, as we entered the classroom with a few students inside "Nothing much, I heard your dad dominated the Battle Club today".
"Well he is one of the strongest gym leaders so that to be expected" I said, sitting down as he did the same "I'm just surprised you don't brag about him more?" He asked, and I just shrugged.
I looked over to see Elaine walking and as she did, she looked k er at me. We shared a look before she quickly looked away before sitting down.
'What was that about?' I thought, before turning to Jack "So I hear we're getting a new teacher today".
"Really" I blinked, looking at him "Why? Did something happen" I asked, confused as he shrugged "Apparently our old teacher went missing or something" he said, as I nodded.
A few minutes later when everyone was in the the principle came in along with someone we didn't know.
He had curly brown hair with glasses that covered his eyes, A black tailored suit with a red tie, jeans and boots as well as a white shirt.
"Alright everyone, as you heard your previous teacher had went missing so for now this will be your new home teacher, Dexter Collins, I hope you all get along with him" the Principle said, as Dexter stood forward.
"Hello everyone, as the principle just told you, you can all call me Mr. Collins I hope we all get along" he said, with a smile but for some reason I had a bad feeling about him.
After class
Ethan P.O.V.
We all looked up to see the bell ringing, as Mr Collins smiled "Alright everyone, I hope enjoy the rest of your day and don't forget to do your homework" he said, before getting up and leaving.
"So Ethan wanna do anything after school?" Jack asked, as I looked up "Hmm… I'm not sure" I said, before we heard someone walk up to us.
"Ethan, could you meet me up on the roof" she said, as my eyes widened "O-Oh right sure" I said, remembering that we'd meet up today.
She then began walking to the roof as Jack bumped me with his elbow "Oh ho, now what was all that about?" He asked, with a smirk.
"N-Nothing man, come on she just wants to talk" I said, standing up and grabbing my bag before making my way to the roof of the school.
There I saw Elaine looking over the banister with a sad look in her eyes before she turned to me with a fake smile.
"Good you're here, let's get started" she said, walking up to me before raising her hand "Could I have a look at your deck?" She asked, and I nodded.
"Oh sure" I said, pulling my deck out of my pocket before handing it to her as she looked it over,
"So could you please explain what the riders are and why they can't co exist, and what is the mirror world?" I asked, as she sighed.
"Well, the mirror world is another world that can be accessed through the mirror, thought it's poison to people who aren't riders and even then, they can only stay there for about two hours at most".
"Wait but what about you? Why can you stay in the mirror world?" I asked, with a raised eyebrow making her look down.
"I… I don't know why I can stay in there without a deck… all I know is that it has something to do with my brother" she said, and I nodded.
"So… then what about the riders, why can they co exist?" I asked, as she looked at me "Because… only one can survive to win the war".
"What… war?" I asked, as she looked at me surprised "You don't know about the rider war?!, but Drake would've told you".
"Not really, I just kind of bumped into him and he dropped the deck into my pocket" I said, scratching my head as she pulled out her phone and showed me a picture "This is what he looked like, look familiar?".
I looked at the photo and he looked a bit different then how I saw him, he had short grey hair with blue and was wearing a white shit with a grey blazer and grey trousers.
"Huh, he looks a bit different than when I saw him?" I said, making her blink "Really?" She asked, and I nodded "Yeah, he looked a lot older with longer hair and was wearing different clothes".
"Oh…that cant be him this was just a year ago" she said, looking down as I frowned "Oh…un Sorry" I said, as she looked at me "Oh no it's alright".
There was a bit of a awkward silence between us before I sighed "So, Uh about that rider war thing, what is that?" I asked, making her jump.
"Oh um right, you see there are hundreds of riders all over the region" she said, surprising me "Hundereds?!".
"Yeah, I was surprised as well" she said, as I blinked "Why are there so many, and why can't they co-exist".
"Because… the last rider standing gets one wish" she explained, making my eyes widen "A wish?".
"Yeah… I don't how but my brother said that the mirror world has the power to grant a wish, I don't know why he's doing this though".
"So then that guy from before is only helping you so he could get his wish easier" I said, and she nodded "That jerk!" I yelled, but she shook her head.
"No, he's doing it for a good reason" she said, as I looked at her "Really?" I asked, and she nodded.
"Yeah, his sister was put into a coma after a car crash… so he's fighting so she would wake up" she said, making me look down "…Huh…".
We then heard someone opening the door to the roof, so Elaine quickly grabbed me and made me hide behind the corner.
"What's u-" I said, as she looked at me "Please don't let anyone know about the mirror world" she said, and I nodded.
"Hey did you hear?" One of the students said, as the other looked at him "No, what is it?" He asked, as the other one crossed his arms.
"Well apparently people have been disappearing when they're the only person in the school" he said, as the other student nodded.
"Oh yeah I heard about that, didn't another teacher disappear as well?" He said, and the student nodded "Yeah".
"Do you think that could be a mirror Pokémon?" I asked, and she nodded "Yeah, probably do you mind if we could check it out tonight?".
I blushed a bit at what she said before I nodded "Oh uh, sure. I said, making her smile before she left the roof.
I just sighed and slid down the wall a bit "Man… what did I get myself into now" I sighed, before getting up to get ready for tonight.
Ken P.O.V.
"Hey Marine" I said, as I walked into the hospital room where I saw my little sister on the bed with a breathing apparatus on her.
She had long black hair going down to her back with hazel coloured eyes, she wore a hospital gown that was mostly white with a few black lines going around it.
"She's be about the same age as Ethan, wouldn't she" I said, sitting down as I looked at her… it's been three years since the car accident that killed my parents and our Marine into a coma.
I had a bouquet of flowers in my hands as I went and took out the old flowers and replaced it with the new flowers on the desk next to her.
I sighed and pulled out the deck, thinking back to how I got it "…Marine… I promise you… I'll make you wake up no matter what!" I said, seriously while looking at her.
I then heard my phone ring as I took it out my pocket "It's Elaine…" I murmured, before answering the phone placing the phone next to my ear.
"What do you want?" I asked, with a raised eyebrow "Ken, I heard a rumor of mirror Pokémon showing up at my school".
"Again? Why is there so many Mirror Monsters showing up lately" I sighed, before sighing "Fine did you get any other details?".
"Well I'm pretty sure that they normally appear around night" she explained, and I nodded "Alright, I'll meet you at the school tonight".
I hung up the phone before standing up and smiling at my sister "See you later… Marine" I said, before turning around and walking off.
Night time
Third person P.O.V.
Ethan waited outside of the school at the dead of night, he had left late so he could meet Elaine but as he waited he heard another set of footsteps.
"So… Elaine invited you to this as well Huh?" He heard, before turning around to see Ken walking up to him "Ken…" he said, stiffening.
"Heh, what's wrong? You scared of me" he said, with a small smirk as Ethan "N-No" he said, making Ken snicker.
"Elaine already told you about the rider war, didn't she? He asked, and I hesitantly nodded "Y-Yeah, she did".
"Heh, don't worry I won't kill you yet, you'd be useful as a human shield" he said, which jut got me angry "What the heck's that meant to mean" I said, grabbing his coat.
"Oh yeah? You wanna go at it" he said, pushing me off of him before taking out his deck, I was bout to do the same but then…
"Sorry I'm late" we looked, over to see Elaine running up to us as we put our decks away into our pockets.
"Sorry, my aunt needed my help with something's so it took awhile for me too leave" she said, and we nodded "It's alright".
"What were you two talking about?" She asked, as Ken just patted her head "Oh don't worry, you don't know need to know".
"Hey whats that meant to mean!" Elaine pouted, chasing after Ken as I followed "Hey Wait up!" I said, as we ran into the school.
"Huh, it's strange it isn't locked" Ken said, as we walked through the halls ways of the school "Yeah, I wonder why…".
"It's almost like someone wanted us to come here" I mentioned, as Ken looked at me before looking away "I'll go look up stairs, you two search down here" he said, before running up the stairs.
"K-Ken Wait!" Elaine said, but Ken was already gone "Is he usually going off like that?" I asked, and she just sighed "Yeah".
"Well we might as well take a look, let's just try and check our classroom" I suggested, and she nodded "Yeah, good ides" she said, as we began walking deeper into the school.
Second floor
Ken P.O.V.
I walked down the dark hallway, I left the others cause I had a bad feeling that somebody was watching us "Where are you…".
"I've been waiting for you" I heard, as I looked up to the sound of footsteps walking towards me as I took a defensive stance.
He wore a leather biker outfit with spikes on the arms and the shoulders as well as a white skull mask.
"Kehehe, I've been looking forward to fighting you" he said, before pointing at me "Kamen Rider Knight".
"I see, so you know about my rider name? So that makes you a rider?" I asked, as he smirked and threw up a deck.
"Your right, you can call me Kamen Rider…" he said, before catching the deck and showing it to me which had a picture of a coffin "…Anubis".
He pointed his deck to a reflection which summoned his V-buckle before inserting the deck into his belt "Henshin" he said, transforming him into his rider form.
He looked like a pharaoh (think Kamen rider spect Tutankhamen form) coloured black and purple with bright red eyes covered by a visor and with a Ankh weapon that he could insert cards into.
I summoned my own V-Buckle and inserted the deck into my belt "HENSHIN!" I yelled, running towards the rider as the armour surrounded my body transforming into Kamen rider knight.
I tried punching him but he caught my fist before he threw me to the nearest reflection into the mirror war.
I feel down on to the ground and shook my head before looking up to see him entering the mirror world as well.
He then pulled out a card and inserted it into the Ankh which summoned a scythe as he grabbed it before beginning to run towards me.
I rolled out of the way of his attacked before drawing my blade and running towards him before we began clashing blades.
I jumped back and pulled out a another card with a picture of a spear before I inserted it into my sword.
I grabbed the spear and began running towards the rider with both my blades and attempted to attack him but he blocked it with his scythe before he spun it around and tripped me to the ground.
"Heh, is that the best you got? Too bad I thought this would be a fun game" he said, as I growled before kicking him back.
I grabbed my weapons and stood up as he pulled out another card I've never seen before and inserted it into his Ankh.
He then disappeared into the shadow's as I tried to attack him "Hey where did you go!" I yelled, looking around
Suddenly several black hands grabbed my body before trying to drag me back "W-What! Let's me go!".
I looked back to see a large black and purple sarcophagus "N-No!" I yelled, struggling to break free but it wasn't enough "Nooo!" I yelled, as I was dragged into the sarcophagus before it shut.
First floor
Ethan P.O.V.
"You sense anything?" I asked Elaine, as we walked around the hallways of our school "No not yet, and I can guess you haven't either" she asked, and I nodded.
"You think Ken will be alright on his own" I asked, as she sighed "I don't know, he's never really does things like this" she said, as we walked into our classroom.
We began looking around the classroom when I found a mask on the desk "Huh, what that…" I said, walking up to it.
It had a black colour with blue markings on it "It… looks like a Yamask's mask…" I said, as felt a sudden feeling to pick it up.
I lifted up the mask "What…is this feeling" I mumbled, getting a feeling of putting it on as I moved it close to my face but then.
"ETHAN!" Elaine yelled, pushing the mask off of me as the feeling "Huh?! Wha" I blinked, looking over at her "What?".
"T-The mask" she said, as I looked over to see several black hand moving around the mask before forming into a yamask.
It had several sharp fangs all over it's body like on it's mouth and hands that were tipped with poison "So it's ghost and poison" I said, summoning the V-buckle.
"Henshin!" I said, inserting the deck as several grey images appeared before moving to me transforming me into ryuki.
(Play slash from Digimon tamers)
"Elaine, stay back" I said, and she nodded going to hide as I looked over to see the Yamask moving back to the mirror world as I followed it.
I looked around me to see several ghost type Pokémon surrounding me like Haunters or Mismagius.
The Pokémon tried to attack me but I moved out of the way before pulling out a card and inserting it into the card reader.
I tried slashing the ghost Pokémon but my sword just passed through it "Huh, what?!" I said, before the Pokémon punched me back.
"Ow! What am I meant to do my attack just pass through them" I said, before noticing a trigger on my sword.
"What does this do?" I said, pressing it before my sword was engulfed in fire "Cool! This'll work" I said, running towards the Pokémon.
I slashed through one of the ghost Pokémon making it explode before I turned around and slashed another one.
One of them tried to grab me but I jumped over it and slashed the Pokémon in half making it explode.
Several Pokémon began blasting at me so I pulled out a card and inserted it into my card reader.
Charizards Wings sprouted from back and blocked the blast sending them back at the Pokémon making them explode.
"Gotta finish this!" I said, pulling out a card before inserting it into my card reader.
Charizard's head appeared on my hand as I spun around to the ghost type Pokémon before I began charging up fire into the head.
"Take this!" I yelled, blasting a powerful fire blast at the last few ghost Pokémon making them explode.
(End song)
"And done" I said, before walking to the reflection before jumping out to find Elaine waiting for me.
"Ethan, did you stop the Pokémon?" He asked, and I nodded giving a thumbs up "Yup, sure did thought I had some trouble".
"Good" she said, before looking down "I'm worried about Ken, if he found one of the masks then he might've been pulled into the mirror world" he said, and I nodded "Good idea" I said, before we began running up stairs.
We walked through the hallway and I had a feeling someone or something was watching us "You see anything?" I asked, but she shook her head "No not yet".
"I GOT YOU!" We heard, before a blur kicked me into the mirror war before following me on the way "ETHAN!".
"Ugh, what heck?" I said, before looking up to see a rider I've never seen before walking towards me "Who are you?" I said, getting up.
"Kamen rider Anubis, and it's you turn to play my game" he said, holding a scythe before running towards me.
"W-Wait!" I said, rolling out of the way before grabbing a card and inserting it into my drag visor.
I grabbed the sword and began running towards him as he swung his scythe at me "Who are you, why are you doing this! Where's ken!".
"Heh heh, like I said I'm a rider like you, Anubis and you are the new player for my entertainment" he said, kicking me back to the ground.
"N-New player?" I asked, as he smirked before having a Cofagrigus hidden in the shadows open up to reveal Ken in his rider form tied up by many dark hands.
"KEN!" I yelled, getting up but the Cofagrigus closed up "Oh I don't think so, if you want him back then you will have to beat me" he said, as I got up and pulled out a card before inserting it into my Drag Visor.
Charizards head appeared on my arm as I began charging up flames so I can blast him "Oh, I don't think so" he pulled out a card and inserted into his Ankh.
Suddenly some Mummy Bandages shot from the mirror and wrapped around Charizards mouth making me not able to blast him.
"What?!" I said, before he ran towards me and kicked me in the face knocking me back into the wall.
"Come on you can do better then that" he pouted, pulling out a card and he inserted it into his Ankh.
Coffagrigus had his four black arms begin moving towards me before they picked me up and began beating me "Gah!".
"Man, I thought you'd be more fun to beat but this is just getting and now" he said, having Coffagrigus throwme away.
"Guess I should just kill you now" he said, taking out a final vent card but then we heard banging from the window.
"Ethan! Get back up! You can lose yet!" Elaine yelled, banging on the window as I looked at her "E…Laine…".
"SHUT UP!" he said, having one of his black fist shatter the window in front of Elaine "Damn bitch, maybe I should have her join my game as well" he said, making my eyes widen.
"D-Don't you touch her, you bastard!" I said, standing up and picking up my sword as he looked at me "Oh and what will you do? Your just a newbie rider".
I felt a fire start bringing in me as I glared at him "…Who…the…hell…do…you…think…I AM!" I yelled, as I felt my self lose control.
Switch P.O.V. to Third person
(Play Power to Terror)
"RAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Ryuki yelled, as a large fire covered his entire body "Fascinating, this must be blaze? I have heard of some Pokémon who can't control so I guess you're the same".
"Well then time for round two!" He yelled, sending several black hands towards Ethan who just sliced the hands with his sword.
"Huh?!" Anubis said, before Ryuki passed by him and force Coffagrigus open before he pulled Knight out of there before throwing him through a reflection back to the real world.
"We're not done playing yet" Anubis yelled, running towards Ryuki who dodged all of his strikes before slashing him burning Anubis.
Ryuki pulled out a final vent card and inserted it into his drag visor "Alright, I think I had my fun for now" he said, getting up.
Charizard came flying in and started circling Ryuki before he jumped into the air and sent a kick at the rider while Charizard engulfed him in fire but before he could hit him Anubis inserted a card into his Ankh.
Anubis and Coffagrigus disappeared as Ryuki kicked making him crash into the wall but the impact caused him to pass out.
Kamen Rider Knight came in through a reflection and looked down at the passed out Ryuki.
Knight considered leaving him there but then he picked the young rider up "I guess your pretty useful after all, I'll keep you alive after all" he said, walking back into the real world.
And done so what did you guys think of the newest chapter of Pokémon Mirror war I liked it and using Kamen Rider Anubis.
I decided to let riders be able to use the Pokemon's ability so for example Ethan will be able to use Blaze to boost his attacks and fire power but causes him to lose control and maes even one final vent be the end.
Anyway with that said on to the reviews.
Justsomeguy49: The most you can have is six and it had to be the same type as you
Guest DCDGOJIRA: Meh, it was fine not great
Anyway with all of that said don't forget to like and review, send a rider if you have a idea, watch out for the virus and of course