The sun was sinking outside the window and Morgan realized with a grimace that she had overslept, again. As the conscious world began to unfold, Morgan felt like retching from the impact of memories.

Cal's dead, you've betrayed your father, and Hunter.well Hunter had his own things to deal with, the council, his, Morgan thought sadly.

The phone rang shrilly, echoing through her thoughts. Killan? Why would he be calling me?

"Hello?" Morgan said.

"Hey, little sis! What's new with you?" Killan exclaimed excitedly. Always so enthusiastic, it was almost nauseating.

"Not much. But, uh, is there any reason you suddenly decided to contact me?" Morgan queried.

"What, not in the mood for a family reunion?" a cold mocking voice sounded. Morgan froze, the voice had not come from the phone. She swiveled to find Ciaran, her father, and Killan standing there. Killan as cheerful as always brandishing a cell phone and her father with no discernable emotion.

"Uh, hi," Morgan said ridiculously lowering the phone. "Phone not good enough these days?"

"It just doesn't convey as well as personal contact," Ciaran replied.

"No worries, sis. Dad's not here to finish you off or anything," Killan jested.

"That's good to know," Morgan returned sarcastically. "But what are you here for?"

"I can tell you its not to try and make you kill your boyfriend again," Ciaran said ruefully. "I think we're even. I tried to turn you against your will, and you tried to turn me over to the council. But I have since removed the tracking charm you laid."

"Uh huh, and you are here because - " Morgan let her voice taper off.

"We're on an adventure of sorts," Killan revealed.

"Yes. It has come to my attention that perhaps the reason for your misguided loyalties lies in that your boyfriend is a member of the council," Ciaran stated.

"I still don't see where this is leading," Morgan said exasperatedly.

"You'll see soon enough. Despite everything, I still have hope for you," Ciaran said, with a almost fond expression.

"Hope for what, exactly?" Morgan demanded.

Ciaran shook his head, "You will know soon enough. In the meantime, I ask that you keep your brother here for a bit."

Morgan looked at both suspiciously until Killan interrupted, "I'm not here to spy, sis. I am just hanging out for a bit."

Morgan felt a smile coming to her lips as she observed her brother's antics, "Well I don't have a problem with it, but my parents might."

Killan looked almost offended, "What kind of jail is this?"

"Huh?" Morgan asked.

"I wonder that, too," Ciaran said disdainfully observing the room. "I have heard of the stipulations these keepers demand. Perhaps it would be better if you both came with me, rather. No offspring of mine should be compelled to stifle their magical potential in order to appease curfew and such rules."

"The rules are to protect me," Morgan pointed out. "But I think I should be able to get it arranged. But I want a promise out of you first, Killan."

"What promise?" Killan asked suspiciously.

"Just that you won't pursue any romantic interests within the circle," Morgan supplied.

Killan responded by looking at her with wide-eyed innocence.

"Cut it out, I know how you work," Morgan rolled her eyes.

After a little hesitance, Killan complied to her demands.

"I shall return occasionally," Ciaran announced. "And, Morgan, do not bother to involve the council or your feral lover, I intend no harm."

With that he disappeared, leaving Morgan with her brother.

Killan, looking perfectly at ease, plopped down on her bed and asked eagerly, "So, what should we do?"

"The first thing I have to do is tell Hunter you're here," Morgan said pointedly.

Killan looked slightly startled but nodded, "I guess you should. Are you going to mention Dad?"

Morgan paused, "I don't think I am. Not yet anyway. There isn't much reason to."

Killan looked relieved and let out a sigh, "Good."

Morgan narrowed her eyes, "You know I'm going to get to the bottom of this, just not right now."

Killan waved his hand cheerfully dismissive, "We mean only to give you a choice."

"A choice?" Morgan asked, curious despite herself.

"You've only been shown one path as an option. As if any other path would be a mere digression or mistake. There are other walks of life, we will present you with another," Killan said, uncharacteristically serious.

"I really don't know what to make of you," Morgan said, shaking her head a bit. "I'm going to go contact Hunter. You can do what you like."

"We'll catch up later," Killan said lightheartedly.

"Yep," Morgan said, his mood catching on to her as she turned and got into her beloved Das Boot.

Hunter. Come to the Park. Hunter. I need to talk to you. Once she was sure her silent call was received, she drove off to the meeting place and anxiously paced until he arrived.

A firm arm wrapped around her waist, startling her out of her thoughts. She thought it was strange she had not felt him coming, but her thoughts abandoned her as he began to kiss her neck seductively and a wave of desire overwhelmed her. She leaned into him and moaned as his hands took in the curves of her body. Desperate to see him, to taste him, to feel him she turned in his arms but found the lust she felt too strong to even manage her magesight and gave into her primal thoughts.

It occurred to her that something was different about him as their bodies slowly gravitated toward the ground, an elusive point she could not pinpoint. After that fleeting thought, nothing else occurred to her head as they strove to unclasp their clothes, to give into temptation. As the last clothing that kept their bodies from joining was nearly discarded, the sound of a car engine drew closer, shattering their moment.

Abruptly, all of Morgan's thoughts suddenly returned and she realized what this would look like and who it could be. A neighbor, a churchgoer, a school classmate. Morgan quickly extricated herself from Hunter's arms and struggled to return her clothes. She heard him doing the same thing, then felt him pressing something into her hand that she instinctively closed upon. After her hand had clasped, she heard him move away quickly. As if running. Running? Something was wrong, Hunter never ran.

There was little time for her to contemplate it as she focused on her disheveled appearance. The car had stopped some yards off and she heard approaching footsteps.

"Morgan?" the voice called tentatively.

Morgan froze, shocked and suddenly frightened. That was Hunter's voice. But -

"Morgan?" he called again.

"I'm here," she said, her voice sticking in her throat. Finally she had herself enough together to see clearly in the dark, and what she saw nearly broke her heart. It was Hunter, looking concerned. For her. He had no idea what might have happened if he had not arrived just then, what was happening.

"Hey," Hunter said relieved as she came into sight. "I was.worried about you. I got these - vibes - off you, and I heard my name." he stopped embarrassed.

Morgan understood why. He felt her desire as she nearly gave herself to who she thought was him, and she had likely moaned his name. Now that she knew it was not him, it was time to figure out who it was. And before Hunter figured it out.

Damage control time, Morgan thought to herself. "I was having a dream. A really good dream."

Hunter blushed deeply, "Heh. Why were you sleeping out here?"

Morgan paused to think of an excuse, but decided to try to stick to the truth as much as possible, "I was waiting for you. Did you not get my message then?"

"Message?" Hunter looked startled. "No, I'm sorry. Did you need me?"

More than you can imagine, she thought silently. "I just wanted to tell you that Killan is back. He's going to be staying with me for some time."

Hunter looked less than pleased, but of course that was natural after the circumstances with Sky and Killan. Being the gentlemen he was, he would not mention it of course, "That's good for you, I suppose. You must miss him."

"Yeah, it's nice having a brother. But don't worry about him and Sky, I made him promise not to pursue any of the circle," Morgan assured him.

When Hunter still looked doubtful she scowled, "Whatever his faults, Killan is trustworthy."

"Look, I know you trust him because he's family, but think about what I have - had - for a half brother," Hunter said, matching her scowl.

"Let's not talk about Cal," Morgan said quietly.

Hunter grimaced as he noticed the pain the mere mention of his sibling caused, "I'm sorry Morgan. Do you want to come home with me, Sky and my dad are out. In fact they won't be back for a few days."

Morgan caught the suggestive tone, but decided she couldn't get physical with him again, or rather now.after she thought.after she had almost. "I'm sorry Hunter. I have to get home."

She didn't miss the disappointed look on his face, but couldn't change her mind, "That's all right. There will be other nights."

After he left, Morgan finally remembered the token that had been pressed into her hand. Uncurling her stiff fingers, she gasped as she recognized the necklace. It was Cal's pentacle.