I wanted to make a scp, But [REDACTED] Happened... So! Plan B, Post it here and..Yeah!


Item#: SCP-7905,

Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Item Scp-7905 must be contain in a Gray Stone and Brick room. Always Under guard by Level 3 personal. Every 4th Friday, Two Personals Are to enter the room and Play Chess Against Item Scp-7905.

Description: Moved to Site-19 in the Early 2020. Origins Of it dates back to the 12th Century. The object is a Rusted Suit of armor, With a ragged red Flag. Scp-7905 Is animate, But not hostile Can communicate. It will Not move until the 4th Friday. Personal Must win a game of Chess, Or Try Twice. Object is to Attacked by Strangulation, Or Stabbing personal. In the event of Attacked,all Personal in Containment Must Kneel, to respect the lose of personal.

Personal reports the Sound of of Chanting. This is Considered normal, if behaviour Change report to the acting supervisor on duty.

Found at a Renaissance Faire by off duty Personal at July 11th, It's reported by researchers that it contains a skeletal reminds of a Male, however it's unknown the age of the Skeleton. Do to the rust around said armor.

The Object Can speak full sentences and Understand Modern Day stuff. Must conduct more Research.

Note: Age of Skeletal remains is 23. It's began to get hostile When Personal Walk to a certain Corner of the contain. All personal are will be inform. When Scp-7905 Been move, for repair to the Containment, Behind a broken Brick In the corner There was a weird Invitation with a Blue with Orange Mask.

All personal who enter the containment before have been Interviewed, all said that than "Don't know" To be investigated.

Pretty simple thing (Literary) Anyways, It's probably not going to be Notices. But I don't care, I'm just Happy I Posted a SCP.

Anyways it's time to go. Bye!
