Nico goes to Azkaban Ch. 5
Today was the day. Today, I was going to kill old moldy-shorts. Yeah, yeah. Say whatever you want. I know, I'm only 15. Sue me. I'm a freaking son of Hades. It's not the first time I've killed. And it sure won't be the last. I was once again in my grim reaper cloak, and I shadow traveled to the location dearest Bella had given me last time. Really, you would've thought he'd keep his followers more prepared, and involved. He was a nutcase though.
Creeping silently down the hall, I waited in the shadows for the man at the door to move out of the way. He went in, and I slipped in after him on his shadow. Oh, I was in scumbag's shadow. How, nice. I hid in the corner waiting for the perfect moment to attack. It was only yesterday evening that I'd reaped the last of Riddle's horcruxes. Nasty one it was too. That scar was one tough piece of work. But, regardless, it was dead, and would not be coming back to life. Thank the gods for that!
"master, there have been no sightings of the boy. He appears to have dropped off the face of the planet." Nope. He was just in a super-secret location. Guess they couldn't get in. pooh on them!
"Lucius, must I remind you?" the blond paled considerably. I didn't like him, but that didn't mean I wanted to see him tortured. I chose that as my moment to step out of the shadows.
"Tom Marvolo Riddle. You have failed this city." They gave me blank looks. Oh, right. They didn't watch muggle shows. I sighed. "I'm here to kill you." I stated in much clearer terms. Voldemort stood. And the blond haired one -Lucius. I think his name was- pointed his wand at me too.
"and you think you can get away with that?"
"no. I know I can." I pulled my sword out of the shadows. They reacted just as I thought they would; they pulled their wands out.
"wow. So predictable." I chided. Then, I melted into the shadows. "let's play a game, shall we? It's called hide and seek! You have one minute to correctly guess my location, before I kill you. Ready? Go!" I melted directly into the shadows. It was a neat trick I'd learned. I was everywhere, and nowhere. There was no way to win this game of hide and seek.
Of course, old moldy shorts didn't know that. He started firing killing curses all over the room, desperately trying to hit me. I laughed. It echoed eerily.
"you missed." I told him, before coming out of the shadows right behind him. "I don't miss." My sword came up in an arc.
Lord Voldemort, leader of the death eaters, and nut case supreme, fell dead at my feet. I turned to Lucius.
"Have a nice day!" I said cheerily before shadow traveling back to my cabin at camp.
Gods, this week had been long. First, I'd had to reap a soul from a living human boy. Then the order of the flailing flamingos had to interfere, meaning I had to use my reserves to get back to camp. Of course, instead of getting a break, I'd had to teach the newbies sword fighting. *shudder* then I'd had to convince Percy to let me go kill old moldy shorts. Then I' had to convince Will to let me leave to go kill him. Then I had to actually kill the dude.
I need MacDonald's. but I was too tired to shadow travel anywhere. I groaned. How was I to eat the delicious burgers of that heavenly place if I couldn't get there? Will would never go get it for me; He says that there's too much fat in them. He doesn't understand the simple science of 'I don't give a schist!'.
Wait. A lightbulb went off. I could call Jules-Albert! He could drive me to the beautiful M! I ran outside, and did just that. I got in the car on the passenger side.
"Where to master Nico?" he asked.
"Take me to the nearest MacDonald's!" I commanded. He smiled knowingly at me, and set off.
Lucius was not having a nice day. First, he'd been the one who'd had to tell the Dark lord that they couldn't find the Potter boy. Then, a wierdo in a cloak had murdered Voldemort right in front of his face! But that wasn't the worst. He was out of hair shampoo. How was he supposed to cope?! Without his precious hair shampoo, he was defenseless!
Harry opened his newspaper. The headline immediately caught his attention.
'VOLDEMORT IS DEAD!' It read. 'huh?' Harry asked himself. Screaming sounded from upstairs, and then a great clamoring, and crashing; the telltale sign of someone coming down.
"Harry?! Did you see the paper?!" Hermione asked frantically.
"Yes Hermione. I saw the paper." He told her calmly.
"Did you do it?!" she demanded.
"No Hermione, I can't leave the house. Remember?" he said tiredly. That boy, Nico his name was, had said that he was going to kill him. Was this Nico's doing? Harry didn't know. Unfortunately, Moody had been there when Nico had shown up, and had almost killed the poor boy. Moddy was of the opinion 'shoot first, ask questions later.' Nico had left in a hurry. Harry hadn't been allowed out of the house since, because he couldn't convince the order that Nico hadn't wanted to kidnap him and give him to Voldemort. Maybe now that he was dead, Harry could leave. The front door swung open, and the great Albus Dum-old-door, came in.
"Harry," he said, deceptively calm. "did you do this?" Harry rolled his eyes in exasperation.
"no! why the *beep* does every *beeping* person think I *beeping* did this?! I didn't *beeping* leave the house! You *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*!"
"Harry! Language!" Hermione cried, completely stunned at her friend's bad mouth.
"No Hermione. I'll say whatever the *beep* I want!" Harry stood. "all you *beeps* can go screw yourselves. I'm *beeping* leaving this piece of *beep*!" Harry stormed out the door, and dissaperated to the Lovegood's house to be with Luna; the only one who understood him.
Neville understood, and married Ginny.
Ron got Lavender. And died three days later under unknown circumstances.
And Draco got over his idiotic prejudice, and married the girl he loved. Him and Hermione lived for many years in happiness.
Oh, almost forgot!
Nico got his MacDonald's, and lived happily ever after with Will.
Thank you so much for staying with this story! ik it's short, but it would mean so much to me if you lovely readers would review!
on to the reviews!
Bean89: thx!
pheonixspiritwolf: thank you! this is the last chapter. sorry :)
when-fangirling-is-life-UwU: im glad you loved it.
Time Blade: yes, yes, and yes!
DragonMaidenSummer: here you go!
Guest (all): that made me happy :)
Rose10332312: I'm glad you think so.
Vingo: thank you!