Haven't got the next chapter ready but I have a simple omake ready to read here!

"All Hail Lelouch! All Hail Arthur! All Hail Britannia!" Neo-Britannian soldiers were heard cheering for Arthur Vi Britannia and a coming of a new era of Britannian history.

The looping cheers could be heard loud and clear among the audiences watching the scene in question from C's World. Those watching were mixture of Britannians and Japanese of various social ranks and background.

"So much for your grand finale, my wayward son." Charles Zi Britannia gave a amused smrik towards his twitching son. "And the greatest irony mankind has ever known in its existance."

"Oh this is hilarious!" The child form of VV and Marianne laughing on the ground at the great irony happening before his eyes. Their laughter echoing throughout the infinite vastness of C's World, one that was joined in by several laughters erupting from members of the Imperial family.

Lelouch's eyes simply stared at the scene happening before him. His son briefly stunned by the cheers he was receiving before fully embracing it. It was looking at a mirror, his son who so errily resembled him at the age he died at, yet having a different aura to it. This was not how things supposed to be, there was supposed to be a unification of the world and peace from this death!? His death was supposed to create the peaceful world Nunnally dreamt of, not this chaos! Those damn fools ruined it all!

… And he left behind a cruel world to his sons and Kallen, who was exiled from her own country she sacrificed much for to Australia to live the rest of their lives there. Setting a single foot outside of Australia a death sentence for the twins.

"Well brother, it seems your death ended up being meaningless." Clovis La Britannia smirked with amusement. "I do have to admit the great comedy in seeing your own flesh and bloods seeking to dethrone Nunnally and rebuild Britannia, along with tearing down those rabbles."

"Lelouch, doing Zero Requiem was irresponsible of you! You left Nunnally behind and your family and friends. Why did you threw the chance of changing things for the world as Emperor? As much as I understand one of the reason for doing so, that wasn't the best way of redeeming yourself nor something I wanted for you to suffer for." Euphemia tearfully scolded her brother. "And now your sons are going to war because of this entire mess for their right to live."

Shirley looked at him in concern at the possible bloodshed that will come soon and the coming possible tragedies. "I only hope your sons come out of this alright Lulu, along with Nunnally."

"Wonderful, my nephews are aiming to restore Britannia and hate Japan with all their heart." Naoto Kozuki muttered in frustration as seeing his sister's sons starting their quest to reclaim their throne, while giving a glare at Lelouch for impregnating Kallen.

"Oh my little mames, I'm so sorry I left you'll like this. Forgive your grandmother." Naho Kozuki mourned in sadness, able to see the despair and rage within her grandsons' heart against the world who wronged them and took her away from them. She was even more sadden when she saw Arthur directly participating in the war and took away people's lives.

James Stadtfeld and Naoto Kozuki simply put their hands on her shoulder to reassure and comfort her.

"Ohhh that's my grandson alright! Hmmm I see he's like his mother and me in knightmare fighting, I see a bright future ahead of him." Marianne praised Arthur. "Though Naoto, he's not obviously like me or his mother but I can see the intelligence in his eyes… So he still has potential rather than becoming a disappointment." She remarked.

This got Lelouch's attention as he seethed at his mother. "Shut up, mother."

"Don't talk to your mother like that, boy." Charles glared at his son.

"Both of you already lost the privilege of being my parents or even worthy of being one in the first place." Lelouch retorted as Marianne then noticed a key detail on the screen.

"Ohhhhh look at here, Lelouch. Looks like your son has his first crush~." Marianne spoke in a sing-along voice at seeing Arthur staring at Valentina while celebrating. "Isn't that sweet? He's like Charles and you in seeking out the best woman, not to mention she's like that Kallen girl. Imagine the great-grandbabies Charles~!"