
"Hmmm.." The first and seventh year cuddled together in the former table that was now a white mattress. Courtesy of the older student. Both were covered by a transfigured blanket, a former chair. "What's on your mind darling?" The seventh year spoke with her eyes closed.

"This.. Was a mistake Tonks.. Sorry. We should not have had sex.. Fuck." The seventh year frowned. Post climax clarity is usually a bitch.

"What's on your mind?" She stroked his hair. They were both completely naked. The skin to skin proximity made their conversation intimate.

"Sex was.. Great.. It just felt.."

"Meaningless? You'll make it mean something right?" Harry sighed. He was going to say empty. Tonks just had the better term. Post nut clarity is such a bitch.

"I will.. I'll take responsibility for this.. For you."

"The way you say that.. Hmm. So sweet. You don't have to. We can leave this as a one-time thing. If I decide to say no to your proposal that is.."

"Would it be unfair? If I ask you not to fuck around with others? For the meantime? While you haven't decided.. I mean."

"..That's fair. If.. I can also ask the same of you? You're mine.. Well.. For the moment." She hugged him tighter.

"I'm not that good looking. You won't have any problems with me." Tonks exhaled once through her nostrils. "I have a request. We need to sleep together."

"We just did.. I'm still too exhausted right now.. Maybe later?" Harry exhaled sharply through his nose.

"I meant. Really just sleep together. Just like sex. It's.. The best way to get to know me better.. Hard to explain."

"Okay?" She finally opened her eyes to look if Harry was serious. He was. Tonks found it a little strange. She shrugged mentally. "If you really want to. Let's meet.. Later tonight. After classes. We'll sleep in my dorm, I have no roommates this year."

"That's illegal." Harry was well aware of the school house rules. "Which makes it exciting. Thanks Tonks."

Tonks smiled. "You can call me darling. As long as the proposal is up." Tonks kissed him on his forehead.

"Darling.. I need to talk to May.. You'll meet her soon. I have to go. Do you need any help getting dressed?"

"You don't need to. Why would you help me get dressed?"

"If I can help you get undressed.. And have sex with you.. Doesn't mean I can't help you getting dressed in return. It's the least I could do?" Harry had good intentions, he just had to make it weirder.

"You don't need to be a gentleman. Just go." Tonks found it weird. Nothing was normal about him. She was well on her way on getting used to it. Harry got up first as he wiggled free from the embrace. The immediate dissatisfaction from the girl caused her to rise up as well.

"Hey Tonks.. Would it be weird if I ask you to keep my socks for me for the meantime? Why am I asking of course it's weird." Harry started clothing himself.

"It is.. Why?"

"I lost a bet with Hermione earlier. Now I'm not allowed to wear socks. Oh I know. If you decide to join my little collection. Keep it. If not.. Just return it to me?"

"Weird. But cute.. And unique. I like it. Alright." She wore a devilish smile as she added her own twist. "As long as you keep.. Let's see. This." She handed him her panties. Harry raised an eyebrow first before shrugging and taking it. He folded the undergarment carefully before pocketing it on his robes he was yet to wear.

Tonks told him where to meet after. She gave him a kiss he didn't return before he said goodbye and left the classroom. Nymphadora casted some charms and cancelled the one she had on the door. She returned the classroom as best as she could to its previous state. The transfigured mattress was a table again. Conveniently forgetting to cast a simple cleaning charm on it. She left as soon as she was done.


"I'm back." He found his best friend at their now usual spot at the library.

"What took you so long?" Hermione looked up from the book she was holding.

"..Kept you waiting, huh?" He sat down next to her.

"Is that.. A reference?"

"No.. What are you reading?"

Hermione placed down the Astronomy book she was pretending to read. She already finished it last summer break. Just going over some material while waiting for her best friend. "Stuff.. Harry.. What happened between you and Tonks?"

"We.. Had a tryst. Also found out she's a Metamorphmagus."

"What's a tryst?"

"Your priorities are. Skewed. You already know what Metamorphmagi are?"

"Yes. I read about them.." She was surprised.

"Then you've been reading the wrong literature if you don't know what tryst means."

"I'm pretty confident those are the wrong kinds of literature. So what happened? Why's your hair all messed up.. And why do you smell… Weird?" She wrinkled her nose. Popcorn?

"We had a tryst. We were just talking at first. Then it sort of escalated. We ended up having a tryst."

"Fine." She stood up to look for a dictionary. She went and found a magical one. She returned to where they were sitting. "How is it spelled? With a 'y'? She wrote it correctly on a blank page in the middle of the book when Harry nodded. The definition and examples of use appeared two seconds after.

"A private romantic.. Rendezvous. You.." Hermione blushed as she read the given examples.

".. Yeah I know. We were supposed to just talk. It kind of went out of hand." Harry slumped forward to the cold wooden table exhausted from the aforementioned tryst.

"You really.. Did it with her? It really was a booty call."

"I know. Should we submit a report for rape? I think I got raped."

"Harry. You're so. Bad. You didn't get raped. You willingly went for it! And your girlfriend.. Is okay with this? There's no way she's okay with this.."

"She is.. This is all her plan. She wanted me to see other girls. I have to talk to her. There are some problems.." The two remained in solemn silence for a while. Ambient noise of those conversing in the library providing sound around them. Hermione wasn't sure how to respond. This wasn't the usual Harry who was her new best friend.

"Harry.. Do you like.. Errr.. D-do you like girls who are older than you?"

"What brought on this question? Hmmm. Wood feels so good." The usual Harry was back.

"N-nothing. Just curious!" She wrote rendezvous on the magical dictionary. She already knew what it meant.

"May.. My girlfriend. My love. She's older, yes.. Ava.. My familiar.. She's.. She's four years old in owl years.. That makes her equal to twenty eight in human years. Give or take.. Nympho Tonks.. She's.. Seventeen.. Huh. Guess so." Harry came with the bright idea to ask Tonks' birthday later on. Also maybe assign and give birthdays to Aurumé and Ava.

"What about you Hermione? When's your birthday? You might be older than me.." He tried flirting in a much more mellow tone. It still reddened Hermione to a few shades when she realized the implication.

"N-no. September 19th.. The week after next.. You're older." She had read when Harry's birthday was of course.

"Oh that's close.. Advanced Happy Birthday Hermione." He smiled and looked up at her. They locked gazes. Hermione broke it forcefully.

"Thanks. Thank you. M-much appreciated. Harry.. Is one girlfriend not enough for you?" The unfamiliar Harry returned. Hermione was uncomfortable.

"She's more than enough. I don't need more. I don't want more.. I love her so much. She completes me.. I don't understand why she wants me to.. I need to talk to her." She was becoming concerned by the tone of his voice. Harry took notice of her furrowed brows.

"What's that look on your face? I joke around too much. I can't be serious around you anymore sweetheart?"

"N-no! Idiot. I'm just not used to you being.. Not Harry."

"You're goddamn right.. I'll suck it up. I need to talk to May. Priority uno. Priority dos. Make it up to Tonks. That's what Harry would do.."

"Why do you need to make it up to Tonks?"

"It's not for kids Hermione. Ow." The slap was instant.

"I'm not a kid!"

"I'm older than you. Ow." He expected it but he didn't dodge.

"By a few months! We're still the same age! We are in our first years!"

"I'll tell you then. If you blush you're a kid."

"Okay.. Deal."

"I didn't climax because of Tonks. What pushed me off the edge.. I was thinking about May the entire time…" Hermione blushed. Harry already expected this. He returned his face to the table. Kid. One more.

"Also I was only able to come twice.. Tonks came three? No four times.. She was too exhausted after the seventh round. It became more of a chore after the fourth. I think I finally came at the sixth? No maybe the fifth.." Poor Hermione.

"Sh-she came f-f-four times?! T-to y-you?"

"Kid.. Keep that up. I'll submit your resume as the next Defense Against the Dark Arts.. Ow. I deserve that."

They bickered like children. Reaping their reward by a shot of an angry glare from the librarian. Harry mouthed a sorry that seemed to appease the hawklike figure. Hermione piped up after they mellowed. Remembering something she saw earlier.

"Listen.. Harry. I wanted to show you something. It.. Might surprise you." Harry's energy was renewed partially. A surprise? For him? Oh boy. What could it be? Hermione stood and led him out of the library.

Hermione stared at Harry's face for some time. Looking for any discomfort. He didn't give her the pleasure. Walking without socks was different. But it wasn't that uncomfortable. He reassured her by stating he wasn't wearing socks, just as agreed to. Hermione smiled smugly while guiding him happily to one of the commemorative halls around the first floor.

"I had a feeling that.. Your parents support you being in the house team. You just don't want the attention for some dumb reason.." Harry had too much attention already. Would it really hurt him at this point? No. Hermione thought.

"I've never even played Quidditch. What if I make a fool of myself?" He acted as if he was a shy virgin. Hermione resisted the sweet temptation of slapping him.

"You're already a fool. You won't make a fool of yourself more. And.. It's in your blood. Here look." They arrived to what Hermione's supposed surprise was. She pointed to a glass cabinet with golden badges engraved with names and years under the Hogwarts Special Service recognition.

"James Potter.. Seeker. My Dad.. He was Gryffindor. He was a seeker too. And also played as chaser..." He was surprised. Harry only thought James just flew on a broom. Nothing more.

"Yes.. Thought you might find it interesting."

"I do.." So Dad was into Quidditch, huh. "Thanks Hermione. Look. Professor McGonagall is here too.. She.. Wow. Wooow." Harry kept finding her name on a lot of the older commemorations.

"I know.. She has a lot of medals and trophies with her name on.. Harry. I've been thinking about what you said.. About. Wanting the people you like to remember you.. Even if you're not there.." She continued.

"This is also one way.. For people to not forget you. These.." She gestured at everything lining the walls. "Accomplishments."

"That's true.. I agree. Hermione. By the time we graduate, I bet your name will be all over this wall. Oh Hermione, how about some motivation? I'll.. I'll eat my shoes if you succeed." Hermione furrowed her brows and chuckled at the image. He was going to regret this someday. Hermione vowed to make Harry eat his sneakers.

"I wasn't thinking about myself. More for you.."

"Quidditch is.. Not really my interest. It's only the flying part I like. What do you think?"

"I think you should play.. As a seeker. For Gryffindor. You might get some sort of accomplishment. Something like your dad did."

"I will consider your advice. I still have to ask my love."

"Where is she anyways? Is she.. Far away? And also.. Is she.. You know. Like us too?"

"May is.. She's more than a witch.. And she's very close." Harry placed his palm to where his heart was.

"You're being awfully romantic." Hermione laughed as they left the corridor. She didn't press on. If Harry was asked and he answered with misdirection. He wasn't going to reveal anything anytime soon. She was quick to learn that.


"Tonks! You're back.. Oh shit!" Tonks entered the earthy passage. Her clothes were neat and her hair was flawless and flowing as she willed it to be. The smile and the look of joy gave it away. Why else would his friend be smiling stupidly if they just talked.

"I did.. We did.. Jason. He's the real deal." He knew her too well. Her friend motioned her to come over and sit in front of him. In one of the vacant black and yellow themed couches.

"Wooow.. Just wow. Tell me what happened. I gave it a fifty fifty. That he wouldn't even show. Or that you two would just talk you know. Not sex. That dude.."

"I even gave it less. Ninety five five. He's.."

"Charming? Charismatic? Chivalrous?"

"Yeah.. All that. Not so much the chivalrous one. The things he did.." Tonks shivered in delight. "Let me finish.." Jason looked at her confusedly. He knew Tonks his entire life in Hogwarts. He was her best friend. They both had similar backgrounds that their families didn't like them for their views. Tonks' problem was her controversial political views. Jason's family didn't like him because of his sexuality.

"First things first. He didn't cheat on whoever he's seeing. He told me she was the one to want.. Him seeing other women.. And basing on how he puts it.. She trusts him."

"So it's more than a fling? You're Tonks.. The Tonks! You could have anyone you wanted to eat at the palm of your hand! Make him leave his girlfriend!"

"Yes. I know.. I know.. But.. He's not going to be eating in my palm.. I'm going to be the one who's doing that.."

"Hot fucking damn! Well slap my ass and call me nancy. What.. A.. Legend. He's going to get all the hate from the guys."

"Second thing.. Now don't.. Shout or.. Do something rash."

"Okay? I can't promise that." Tonks laughed.

"..Well. Harry doesn't have one girlfriend.. He has two.. And he offered me the position of being the third one.. Wait!" Jason stood up. The shocked look on his face was priceless. Tonks motioned for him to sit down to not attract unwanted attention.

"FffW-what did you say? The fucking balls of that dude.. He has the most massive set in Hogwarts.. How does he walk? What the fuck.." Jason whispered as he sat down. It was just revelation after revelation. This was the best soap opera he's ever seen develop.

"What the fuck indeed.. I told him.. I need to think about it.. Jason.. He offered me.. Not only to become his girlfriend or dating.. More than that.. He straight up offered me to be Mrs. Potter. Sit down!" They were getting looks of curiosity from those around the common room.

"O-oh shit.. Holy shit! Tonks.. This means.." He sat down. Not before giving a middle finger to the individuals who were looking at them. The addressed individuals returned to whatever they were busy with.

"He's considering making me.. No let me make this easier.. Word per word as he said it.. He offers me the third position in his harem. Can't promise me mind blowing sex all the time. But if I wanted to ever be lazy and just become a trophy wife. To hit him up."

Jason's jaw was on the floor. Figuratively.

"Are you okay?" Jason recovered.

"Tell me.. Did you say no?! You didn't say no! When does a prince charming ever come into your life.. Tonks.. If you said yes.. You'd be retiring after Hogwarts. Eating.. No.. Being fed grapes by butlers while you swing on a hammock somewhere in the Caribbean!" The mental image made Tonks laugh.

"I'm surprised with your reaction. I expected you to be protective or something.. He's a prince charming alright.. He's collecting princesses though.. But he only loves his queen.. And there's more.."

"Tonks. You've got to be kidding.. My heart. It can't take all this.. This!"

"Shut up.. Face says otherwise. Priceless too for each little thing I've said. Let me keep surprising you."

"Alright you got me. What more?" He was on the edge of his seat as he waited.

"He.. He seemed sad. When we were having sex.. He always diverted the conversation by flirting.. Or by trying to make me orgasm.. It worked. I never got the chance to.. Talk about it. He was cheerful when he left.. But I know it's an act.. It's got to be."

"His girlfriend has to be a goddess. Or an angel.. Or a celebrity supermodel or some shit.. Tonks.."

"Yeah.. You know Viola Virgin?" She was the magical equivalent of Marilyn Monroe. With a more purple theme, than the whiter counterpart.

"Know her.. Bitch. I worship her."

"Exactly. Well.. I tried turning into her.. During.. He.. He just shrugged.. Said this.." She gestured to herself. "Looked way hotter.."


"I thought so too.. But then again.. He didn't climax with the Viola thing.. So yeah.. He's…"

"Harry Potter is a goddamn legend.."

"Yeah.. On top of being the boy who lived.."

"Oh yeah. He was that too. Huh."

"They should change it. Fuckboy who lived.." Jason snapped his fingers.

"Something along those lines." They both smiled then it turned to soft laughter.

"So do.. You have feelings for him?"

"I don't know.. He had some requests first.. He wants me to meet the other two.. And see what they say.."

"A council? A council of bitches.. Tonks. You'd end up there too."

"Yeah.. Well.. He had a weird request. He also wanted to sleep with me.."

"You already did."

"That's what I said. No just really sleep together.."

"Oh. I don't get it."

"Me neither.. I told him okay.. Sure.. I was like we already had sex.. What's sleeping together?"

"He invited you to the Lion's den?"

"Ahhh. Not really.. Yeah no.. I invited him here.. Later tonight."

"Oh." Jason elongated that 'o' and kept that form of the letter on his lips.

"You've know the rules right? People aren't really magically forbidden from entering the other houses.. It's just that.."

"People don't.. People who don't fuck around don't.. You're going to risk being expelled. In our last year, might I add. Well.. I guess it doesn't matter. You won't have to work if you two end up together.."

"I.. You're right.. What should I do?"

".. You hit pay dirt with Harry Potter.."

"If you put it that way.. All that pranking over the years finally paid off?"

"For you! What about me! Where's my prince charming? How come life only gives me lemons?"

"Maybe because you haven't tried? Jason. He's out there somewhere. Who knows yeah?"

"Wait.. Tonks.. What about you? What's your thoughts on all.. This?"

"I don't know.. I'm not sure.. I mean. I like him.. He's.. Good at sex. He's smart.. He's funny. Lots of potential.. But too many surprises.. And he's sweet. Really cute too. I kind of want to.. Take care of him.."

"I don't believe it.. You're in love? What the fuck."

"Am I? What if it just ends up as a one-time thing?"

"Oh.. That might change things.. Just talk it out later?"

"Yeah.. Yeah.. Talking might be good.."


"My love! I am angry!" Harry stormed through Aurumé's castle. He went for a nap aided by a simple drowsiness inducing charm in the Great Hall of all places. He slept on his charms book. Hoping Hermione would wake him if they needed to go to class soon. Hermione liked the idea of being around a silent Harry for a change. She challenged herself by studying better on whatever she had her hands on at the moment. Vowing to make the idiot beside her dine on his footwear. Sometime in the near future.

"I was going to go for a normal setup you know? Me pretending to be angry. But sure. I'll bite.. And why is that my love? In a normal setting. I should be the one angry.. So why are you angry?"

"I can't do this my love! It's not possible! This. This plan of yours! Forget about it! I changed my mind! I don't want it!" He marched upwards the golden stairs to the top of the massive crimson pillow.

"You break any normalcy and clichés we could have had.. Let's discuss and dissect what happened. Calm down my love. You are making me anxious." She blew cool air slowly at him. It soothed Harry. His frown vanished. He wondered if it was really a part of her magical abilities and not just a prank.

"You saw everything? What about my conversation with Hermione?" The red dragon lowered her head to eye level with Harry.

"I saw the conversation with your best friend. But no. I couldn't bring myself to watch you have sex with that girl. There's no way I'm going to watch that without becoming jealous." If Aurumé slept on this world. She would be haunted by the memories and sometimes the occasional dreams of her container. That was one dream she would rather categorize as a nightmare. It was all her fault. Something that she could not be rationally upset with Harry for.

"My love. This harem will not work for me. I.. I only love you." He touched her snout. Aurumé closed her eyes.

"Take it a bit slower my love. We'll get to that.. Now go back from the beginning." She opened them again as she raised her head.

"I got hit by a ca-."

"Not that far." She giggled.

"Tonks. She's in her seventh year. She teased me for a prank. With friends.."


"I flirted back. My love! I'm sorry.."

"You're fine. It shows that I've taught you well. I wasn't expecting you to be this fast finding someone however. Go on."

"She.. She invited me. It was more of a prank.."

"True. And?"

"But it escalated! My love!"

"I know calm down.. Come to me.." She embraced him with her entire body. Harry spread his arms as much as he could to cover the little area that he could reach. Aurumé encircled him.

"We had sex my love.."

"I know... My love.. Like Tonks. You didn't disappoint me. Nor did you hurt me as well. It's been on your mind since. I wanted and planned for this.. If it's hurting you then I will scrap everything. When Hedwig kissed you. She kissed you with all she could. If she isn't able to take you away from me. Noone else can.. Not even that older student."

"I couldn't.. The entire time.. Even as we flirted.. I don't love her May.. I only saw her as a piece of meat." She knew it was the truth and it made her smile.

"That's very disrespectful to a whore my love. But yes.. You did."

"It only felt great. But it felt.."

"..Go on."

"It felt.. It felt empty my love."

"Harry. I love you." Harry shut his eyes and exhaled deeply before his reply.

"Aurumé. I love you."

"See how that's different?"

"Yes? I don't see the point."

"I'll make it weirder so you understand better. Do you feel the difference when you say it to me?"

"I understand now my love. You are amazing." Harry nodded nuzzling his head against her scales.

"Do you really?"


"Knew it.. Where were we my love?"

"I love you. Aurumé."

"I love you too. Now. Are you okay, my love?"

"I am.. I think. May. Aren't dragons monogamous? You said you mate for life? I don't think that includes sharing.."

"You're right. It doesn't. I have only one mate and that is you. This entire.. Plan. Wouldn't have been possible without Ava. What kills relationships.. Even the strongest ones.. Are those emotions and feelings unknown to couples.. With Ava's magic. Any infatuation that may grow to something more we can address immediately."

"I will never love anyone else but you May."

"Love comes in different forms.. You also love your owl don't you? And your parents?"

"Yes. But a familiar and familial love! I almost twisted my tongue saying that."

"Don't get distracted.. Yes. All different. You would need to accept loving future members in the collection too. Harry. You are too kind to treat them as concubines.. It will just make you sad. I would rather give up everything than be the cause of your grief."

"..May. What about my parents? There are two scenarios. Once they find out after I tell them. First, Mom will say no.."


"Second. Ma will say no.." Aurumé waited for more. Harry snuggled closer as a reply.

"..Oh that was it."

"That was it."

"Harry.. You'll be surprised at how much they love you.. Hedwig should also know their feelings. Let's ask her.."

"What? She does? Oh yeah.. Wait. But she's my familiar. Doesn't her magic only work with the one she's bonded to?"

"It does more for you.. The owls at the school my love. They do not act as familiars to each and every student. Yet they still function as a normal magical owl for every delivery.. It's the same with Hedwig. I don't know the limitations or extent of her emotional abilities to your mothers. We'll ask her."

"May.. Can you start calling her Ava instead? Whenever you say Hedwig.. My mind just automatically goes to her familiar form.. Please.. And.. Her magic.. Does it work for you too my love?"

"Fine.. Harry.. No it doesn't. Dragon magical resistance remember? It's my magic."

"You figured this out by yourself? How?"

"Last night. Hedwi- Ava's tease to you. You might have missed it. Remember when she teased you right here. About adding your parents to the collection?"


"She also said.. 'I can see why'."

"And? She just teased it because my parents are.. Extremely beautiful?"

"Yes. Perhaps. Or she was referring to something else entirely."

"Like what? I'm not on the same page, my love."

"Your parents have feelings for you.. Romantically!" Aurumé proclaimed.

"Ha. Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Hahahahaha!" The most forced laughter Harry ever did in his entire life.

"I may just have been overthinking it a little. That's all I do here. We'll ask Hedwi- Ava herself. You don't like that Harry? I'm sure a lot of people would." The readers mostly.

"Stop! I will not add my.. My parents! They are.. This is the only thing I cannot turn up to the next level, my love. It is beyond insanity!"

"Aren't we already well beyond past that point? When you gave Hedwig a human form? You could've just made her be able to talk as an owl. Just like I do.. Right now."

Harry's eyes widened in alarm because of that realization. He managed a comeback. As he remembered who was responsible for that suggestion.

"But it's different for her! You had no form before. She already does.. You were the one who told me to turn her human!"

"Was I? I can't remember." She said friskily.

"..You planned this! From.. Wait when?"

"Figure it out yourself. You're so smart now aren't you?"

"Yes. But! I'm also lazy. Tell me my love!"

"You might not even remember.. Our fourth day. I was still your pet Dee."

"You've.. When I was petting you.. That was the only time.. You were unresponsive.. Then we flirted.. On things we were going to do once we get you out… From that point?"

"Right again. Back then it was impossible. I can't think of you falling in love with another woman the same exact way you love me.. I'm glad you remember my love."

"If I ever forget about my times and memories with you. I'd rather just die. Living.. Without those. Without you.. Is not worth having all the money, fame and power in the world. I will trade all that for even a single second with you."

"Harry.." Whoever said wooing a dragon would not melt her insides. Clearly has never correctly wooed one. Harry melted her heart into a soft puddle like ice cream in the middle of summer. Just all gooey and sticky.

"I need Ava here. Words are just words. And words aren't enough."

"Sometimes they are. My love.. That was the best version of 'I love you' I've heard from you. You've no idea how happy you just made me."

"I wouldn't be able to say it if it wasn't true. And you can sense if I'm lying." She only smiled. She was tempted. She lost to the temptation.

"I don't need that right now." She licked the air quickly and sighed contentedly. Harry snorted.

"Okay. Let's get back to serious business. The Collection. Some outstanding problems."

"I get it.. For now. I award you one million points. To winning my heart. I seriously want that in a frame or a painting somewhere." She looked around the castle.

"How about a tattoo? Maybe on your forehead." They were back. Just like old times.

"I'll give you two million points if you tattooed that on your penis."

"Damn it." Harry laughed. Aurumé smiled closed mouthed.


The duo discussed the outstanding harem problems to ease Harry's stress. Ava was the centrepiece for this entire harem to work. Aurumé knew she would know if someone in the collection is only after Harry for sex or his wealth. Anyone else undeserving or had impure and selfish motives for Harry would be expunged as a candidate and a friend. Aurumé also added for him to not to go looking and accepting any more obvious type of perverted invitations without her and Ava's permission from now on. Harry immediately vowed.

Harry told Aurumé that she'd be risking him falling in love with another. Aurumé knew this. She admitted she didn't like it. At first. She then confessed that she's only willing to share him if they had the same exact vindication and motives as Ava did for him. Pure and selfless.

If Ava deemed a girl unworthy for Harry due to underlying motives, whoever she may be was excluded. That in itself dwindled the numbers of the witches in Hogwarts acceptable for the harem. One could probably count it in one hand. Harry was more than content with that resolution. He asked her why bother with all this if they were only going to sire children anyways. She replied that she would not stand any form of harm inflicted on Harry. Be it emotional or physical. Harry wanted to tease her for being so protective since often times,it was Aurumé who was causing him harm. He relented from doing so.

He told her about meeting with Tonks in her respective dorm to sleep with her in order to meet Aurumé. She said that that would work but he'd have to bring Ava with him. Aurumé asked him to avoid having sex with her again until they got to talk to each other first. Harry agreed willingly. Ava was going to be the judge, jury and executioner for the seventh year. He voiced his opinion that there's a chance she will not pass the qualifications.

Aurumé said that it doesn't matter. She doesn't matter. Only what she brings to The Collection. It was bloody ruthless thinking about it that way. But if it was up to Harry in the first place. He was happy to stick with just Aurumé and Ava. The Tonks situation was clearly an experimental beginning. Aurumé started preparing her questions she needed answered for one Nymphadora Tonks.

Harry also asked her what she thought about him playing Quidditch. She just said she'd support him whatever decision he goes for. He also asked for tips on how to spot a small and a lightning fast golden shaped ball flying in odd directions, seeing as that would be his main role. Aurumé might have no problems with it. She became unsure when Harry materialized the golden walnut sized orb he was tasked to seek. Given the enormousness of the field they were going to play at. The only advice she could give was that for Harry to keep his back against the sun always. Harry came to the conclusion that that would help because the sunlight would also glint off of the snitch's golden surface, maybe making it easier to spot. The other problem was there was another seeker on the field, possibly trying to distract and also look for the snitch faster. Harry tested her by saying she'd get more hot witches if he won the house cup.. Aurumé shook her head as she squeezed him ever so tightly.

Harry vanished suddenly in the middle of the lover's flirting with each other. Aurumé was in the middle of suggesting a loophole in Emma's rule in which she never specified which day of the month was free of rules. Only that it was once a month. Meaning they could, in theory, change it whenever. Aurumé sighed. Harry was gone. Must have been his best friend Hermione waking him up. A possible candidate. Harry doesn't like his bitches young though. Aurumé exhaled sharply. She was about to make it a free day today, due to her knowledge of what happened between him and that older girl. Oh the things she wanted to do with him.

She closed her eyes. She settled on waiting for her love to come back and preparing the questions to grill this whore of a shapeshifter later.


"Err. Sorry Harry. It's not class yet." Hermione gently shook Harry's shoulder with one hand.

Harry was not amused. He was just interrupted with his love. "This better be fucking worth it." Hermione almost winced at his tone. Must have been a good dream.

"These two.. Wanted to talk to you." Harry rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Good Afternoon Harry! Nice nap you got there going eh mate. Sorry to interrupt. Well done. Wood's just told us."

"Fred and George are on the team. They're beaters." Hermione spoke while reading her Astrology book.

"Our job is to make sure you don't get bloodied up too bad. Can't make any promises of course. Rough game. Quidditch."

The other twin continued. "Brutal. But no one's died in years. Someone will vanish occasionally.."

It was completed by the other. "But they'll turn up in a month or two!" The twins placed and squeezed Harry's shoulders and left as soon as they arrived.

"Hmmm. Hermione, analysis!"

"..You think it's something more than a friendly greeting.. Ohhh.. Could it be.. Their little brother must've told them about you?"

"High probability of a threat. A friendly one. Or just wanted to tease.. What's up with higher years teasing firsties? Now I really want to play." Harry rubbed his hands like a villain. He was stopped as Hermione slapped him playfully on his face while still reading.


The lesson with the tall and dark skinned Professor went incredibly dull. The only thing he liked was the fact that it was a field of study that had a direct equivalent in the non magical world. He thought, what if maybe they thought useful subjects for the wizarding world here instead. Like wizarding taxes or mortgages? He snorted as the non magical world was equal in that manner. Star charts, constellations and planet locations are exactly what basic knowledge a young wizard should have.

Class ended early. He and Hermione had dinner in the Great Hall prior. Time to get Ava. Hermione bade her goodnight. Another introduction,what's expected of them and what to expect. They were asked to bring their telescopes, star chart, the book, some parchment and quill for the next lesson, which would now regularly be Tuesday's midnight. Ava was perched on top of one of his bed's post.

Harry whispered. "My cutie pie.. How are you? How's your day.. One for it was good.. Two for it was the best."

One hoot.

"It could've been better. I know. Mine too. We're going to sleep in a different place today. You know what I'm planning?" She replied yes, with her single hoot. "Let me just do my routine. Then we're out of here." He did. He pocketed an extra toothbrush. Planning ahead. Smort.

"Good to go." Ava flew and perched herself on Harry's shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?" It was the redhead boy who asked.

"To the Hufflepuff Common room. My friend who I just had sex with invited me." If Ava could roll her eyes.

"Y-yeah. Right. For sure." Just probably going to rub one off at the toilet on the second floor, Ron thought. But why bother bringing his owl? Could be just sending a letter? Oh the joys of not being taken too seriously.

"If I'm not back. I've been caught. And I'm probably expelled.. See ya." He left the dorm.


"Nymphadora Tonks. This is my owl. Hedwig. Her other name is Ava. Ava Edelweiss." They were in front of the rendezvous point. Another unused classroom, somewhere on the second floor.

"Hi Hedwig.. Err. Ava?" Two names? What?

"Hedwig. Meet Nymphadora Tonks.. One hoot for nice to meet you." Hedwig didn't hoot. This wasn't looking too well for the seventh year.

"Why did you bring your owl?"

"Tonks.. It will be easier to explain. Once you see it, I'd also prefer if you keep it a secret as well. If you don't.. Well.. Noone's going to believe you. Especially true if I confirm it myself. People don't seem to take me seriously these days.."

"You have got to be kidding. Another big reveal? Really?" They started walking together. The older girl kept looking curiously at the owl glaring at her. Wondering what sort of surprise she holds. Students were still aplenty, some leaving classes or whatnot. The common room should have less traffic. Tonks hoped.

"Yup. Anyways.. How's your day been?"

"It was good. Thanks for asking.. You made it good. You?"

"Yeah. Same." Hedwig knew it was a half truth. She knew it was because of a red dragon.

"How much do you know about the official school rules darling?" The owl's talons gripped tighter but not painfully.

"Ahh. Worried about the curfew? It's still a quarter before nine.."

"No not that.. The common rooms. You know that it's illegal to share with other houses our way of entry to the common rooms. Also the location of our houses. It's supposed to be all hush-hush.."

"You know what else is illegal? Premarital sex."

"What are you? Twelve? Oh wait.." Tonks laughed as they walked side by side.

"I know what's legal. And I quote. 'Six inches apart from the opposite gender. Always.' That's written in Hogwarts, A History." Tonks took his arm in hers breaking the law.

"Useless outdated rules no one cares about. Not even the professors. You were inches deep in me earlier, remember?" Ava pretended not to hear. Harry smiled.

"Stupid rules.. Oh Tonks. Do I get expelled if we get caught?" Harry chirped.

"Possibly. Yeah why? You scared Harry?"

"Hedwig can tell my feelings. Hedwig. If I'm scared. One hoot. If not two." He got a single hoot. Tonks laughed.

"A familiar bond huh. She's quite intelligent too."

"She's smarter than me. That's for sure. Cuter too."

"You don't care if you're expelled? Surely you're bluffing."

"People really don't take me seriously. Oh well. We'll see how this ends. Isn't this exciting my cutie pie?" Two hoots.


"Shit. Staircases changed. We're on the prohibited third floor. Hey Tonks. Let's see if we can snog here." Harry looked around at the moving staircases. Hogwarts. What a genius inconveniencing design.

Tonks giggled. From a distance she saw a familiar red eyed cat mid sentence. "We'll just wait till it chang-. Fuck! Quick Harry hide! It's Mrs. Norris!" She spotted the caretaker's red eyes cat.

"Who." Hedwig hooted. Harry chuckled.

Tonks dragged him along the corridor. Running hand in hand.

"Ooh! We better not be caught! Isn't this exciting for you yet Ava?" One hoot. "Thought so too. Good owl my cutie cutie." They were running along the passages when they came upon a locked door.

"Shut up Harry. Alohomora." The door unlocked. And the trio hid inside. Ava started hooting in alarm. The owl saw it the moment they entered. Harry and Tonks froze as they turned to see what caused Hedwig to panic. The three headed beast in front towering them started growling.

"Tonks let's try a different room. I don't think we can snog here." They hurriedly exited the door and locked it right before the creature slammed its maws on the wood. The seventh year locked it in place once more.

"What the fuck was that! Shit.. Filch is probably coming soon.. We better go."


"That was a fun side trip.. Hey.. Isn't this the way to the kitchens?"

"Fun? We could have died.. No wonder it's forbidden. You're right this is the way to the kitchens. Our common room is near." They arrived at their destination.

"We're here. See these barrels on the right hand side? Barrel two. From the bottom. Middle of the second row. That's the entrance."

"Cool.. Barrels.. What then? A password?"

"Yeah no. Just tap in sequence Helga Hufflepuff."

"Morse code?"

"Morse? Don't you mean Smores' Code?" Harry blinked twice.

"Smores' code of course. How silly of me. Named after the discoverer of the magical way to communicate by tapping. Yeah? Also known for his campfire treat innovation.." Harry completely bullshitted everything. To his surprise. He was correct.

Tonks looked at him weirdly. "I don't know about the campfire thing. But yeah. An ancient outdated way again." Tonks looked around for passersby first. Satisfied, seeing there was none but them. She took out her wand. Instead of tapping the barrel. She tapped Harry and Ava once gently on the top of their heads. It felt like an egg was cracked and its yolk and white spilt dripping on his hair and his face. Except there was nothing. He whistled as he admired the effect on his now transparent hand.

"Disillusionment charm.. Advanced stuff. Turn around." There was a slight shimmer. As the light bent Harry and his owl. Otherwise it was pretty good. Not completely invisible. Just camouflaged to a great extent.

"If you move too fast. The charm has a hard time adjusting and refracting light. Running will be too obvious. Stay here for a bit. Hopefully it's clear inside. Just to be sure." She tapped the sequence. There was some long taps. Short taps. Poking? And some drilling motions. Weird. Better read up on this later. The barrel enlarged and opened. Tonks marched inside.

Harry would not give a single fuck if he was caught and consequently expelled. Tonks getting expelled for coercing and bedding a first year on the other hand he empathized with. Getting expelled at your final year at any school would be devastating. He respected her decision to be discreet. The only thing he was dreading as of this moment was the familiar's thoughts in his shoulder. And Hedwig knew that. She hooted smugly.

"What do you think so far Hedwig? Or do you want to surprise me?" No reply.

"Surprise it is then. Here she is. She's back."

"Come let's go. Inside is clear. There's some second years approaching. Quick!" Harry and his owl ducked into the passageway into the Hufflepuff common room.


"I should've been Hufflepuff." They were in Tonks' room. She took out her wand again and cancelled her charm. The owl on his shoulder flew to the top of one of the four poster beds. There were only three in the circular room. It was still large enough for more however.

"Our common room better than Gryffindors'?"

"Yes. Definitely. It feels more cozy.. I like it."

"Everyone thinks so too. Well you know. Everyone that's lived here.. So how do you want to do this.. Harry. I want to have sex. Again."

"Only an insane person would say no to that.. That's why I'm going to have to say.. No. Not tonight. We can spoon and talk." Tonks' disappointment at his rejection was priceless.

"You have a way with words.. Why not? There's only the two of us.. You have me. And this perfectly good bed. Why not take advantage?"

"I promised my love.. She wants to talk to you first before anything more will happen between us.."

"Oh.. That's fine. I wanted to talk to you too. You're still free to change your mind while we're spooning.." Harry snorted. If there's something to be learned about his life story. It was that you don't fuck around with what you promise to a dragon. Especially. If that dragon was your girlfriend. Tonks got changed first. She wore a seductive white nightgown. Harry of course. His green onesie he folded in his robes. He folded his school uniform and placed it in Tonks' laundry basket.

"Tonks.. The beast we saw earlier. What was that?" Tonks spooned Harry. The lights were off and Tonks was getting hornier by the second. Harry opened the bed's black curtains to let his white familiar in. He explained to Tonks that he has to sleep with her by his side. Harry cuddled Ava gently, like a small white stuffed toy.

"No idea. You sleep with your owl?" Getting cockblocked by an owl. Tonks sighed. Sleeping with familiars was not unheard of.

"Yeah.. Hmm.. There'd be no reason to hold such a murderous looking three headed dog in Hogwarts.. Unless it's for lessons of some sort.."

"I doubt that.."

"Then.. The only other reason. It was meant to guard something.. The trapdoor below it."

"There was a trapdoor?"

"You didn't see?"

"I was too busy looking at the heads that looked like it wanted to eat us."

"Fair enough.. Harry. I'm.. Okay.." She sighed while rubbing her thighs together.

".. You're turned on? It will be hard for you to sleep.." Harry was disappointed his onesie wasn't enough to discourage sexual attention from Tonks. Ava had her eyes closed but listened attentively while being stroked and cuddled.

"A little bit. Can't we just.. You know. Just for a bit?"

Two hoots.

"My cutie pie says no. Among other things. I know a drowsiness charm if you'd like?" Knowing that that was a better option, Hedwig struggled free from her master's embrace and took off as Harry parted the curtains for her. She came back not a moment too soon with one of his wands in her talons. Lefty.

"What about my other wand my cutie?" Two hoots.

"You have two wands. Right. Smart bird. Where'd you get her?"

"Professor McGonagall.. Birthday present." Harry casted the spell on both of them. He placed the wand under the pillow. Exhaustion slowly took over while he was telling the story of how he met Hedwig and how he got to have two wands.


"Alright time for the main show of the night. Welcome to my world Nymphadora Tonks. This is my rabbit hole."

"Woah.. What the fuck? Where are we?" He made clothes for Tonks and himself. Casual wear. As he brought her up to speed. Her eyebrows were raised the entire time. They were walking along the forest to Aurumé's castle. He summarized everything as best as he could.

"A seal? And you can do whatever you want? I've never heard about one in this.. Scale.. It.. Seals your girlfriend?"

"Yep. We met here one day. I'll tell you all about it. Just in time. Hello Ava." The approaching white owl turned human before it could fully land.

"Good evening master."

Tonks jaws were on the floor. "What!"

"Ava. Tonks. Tonks. Ava."

"We've already met." She whispered into Harry's ear covering her mouth as she did.

"Master. She has feelings for you. Attraction. Not as great as my lady's. Or mine. She's unsure if she wants to be in The Collection. But she likes being romantically involved with you.." Harry was slightly relieved at this result.

"Tonks. Ava here is the second one in the collection. My cutie pie."

"The owl is your second girlfriend?" She blinked four times.. "No wonder you don't come easily. Shit. Look at her. She's. Beautiful.." Ava gave bonus points to her. She was telling the truth. Her moles, her pale skin, her outfit that hugged her curves, her partially exposed breast, her spectacled black eyes, her spectral white hair, her black diamond earrings, and those thighs to die for. Each and every little thing she had compounded to her beauty. She was taller than Tonks, but only because of her black stilettos.

"If you think an owl as a girlfriend is a surprise. You might want to brace yourself. Master gave me this form in this place. Come. Time to meet Aurumé. Master's chosen. And the first in The Collection." They made their way into the grand castle. Tonks looked like a tourist as she kept looking around.

"Well, well, well.. Mmm. What do we have here?"

"My love."

"Harry! A dragon! And it talks!"

"Harry! A whore! And it talks!"

"Master! Sluts! And they talk!"

"Ava. Aurumé. Nymphadora."

"Sorry, my love."

"Sorry, master."

"...Err. Sorry darling." Harry's girlfriend. Was. A. Fucking. Dragon. A rather rude one at that. A rude talking dragon..


"Cut to the chase. Ava! Do your thing!" Aurumé lazily commanded. She eyed the older student as if she was beneath her. Which worked well given her position and size from the pillow she was resting at.

"This here. Is seventh year. Nymphadora Tonks. Vying for the third position of the collection, my lady. She is physically and sexually attracted to Master. She is unsure of the proposition and wants Master for herself. She's a possessive woman. She is not after master's wealth or has underlying motives. For now. She also thinks master would boost her reputation somehow. Master thinks it's the other way around. They are both correct. My lady.. Thoughts?"

"Hmmm. Who does Harry think is the most beautiful of us three?"

"Wait a minute. My love, that is a dangerou-."

"Master favors my lady the most. Even as she is the most physically unappealing among us three. Master also loves me. I am the cutest one. Tonks.. Well. This one can just change her form anyways."

"Wow." Nymphadora raised her eyebrows.

"Ava.. Tell us. How do you feel about Nymphadora."

"..I hate her. My lady."

"What? My cutie pie!"

"Shh. Listen. Go on. Tell us why. Oh and turn me human. My love. I feel out of place." Harry did. Tonks' jaw dropped at the revelation of the dragon turning into a girl. She looked casual with her Hogwarts uniform outfit Harry decided for her. Aurumé couldn't care less is she was wearing anything for that matter.

"She.. I was supposed to be.. Master's second time with a woman. I mean I'm second! Master how could you!" Aurumé face palmed. The former owl fake sobbed. Hoping it would work. Trying to learn from the best.

"Oh." Harry and Tonks both said in unison.

"What are you still doing? Comfort her!" Aurumé stomped her foot. Harry went to Ava and hugged her. Ava won this time. She whispered something in Harry's ear. It made Harry blush.

"Well. That's new. Anyways.. I think you're decent. You're the most normal one in this room. All things considered. You take care of Harry. If you hurt him. Ava will kill you while you sleep."

"Yes my lady." Tonks looked at Ava as her would be assassin. Death by owl talons. Nasty way to go. Ava was still considering slashing her throat once they woke up. She was still under orders to kill anyone who takes her master's love anyways.

"Can I just say something? I've been thinking.." Harry is the most surprised filled person she has ever met. She's already down the rabbit hole. Who would not want to see how the adventure unfolds. Sane and boring people would.


"She is understandably bewildered at the revelations master has. She wants to get to know him better. To be sure master is worth it."

"Understandable.. I will impose three rules on you if you decide to join us.. One. You will be under the same rules Ava and I follow.. Two.. Harry let me finish.. You will swear loyalty to him. Third.. You will not be allowed with any other relationships. Sexual and romantic ones."

The company remained quiet as they all looked at the seventh year deep in thought.

"No. Ava. Don't spoil it. Let her ask herself." The maid looked away as she cursed under her breath.

"Questions. What are the rules you and Ava follow?"

"Three laws made by Harry's foster parents because he is still too young.. First. No sex. Added to no tongue during kisses. Second. Minimal flirting. Physical and verbal.. And third. No blowjobs and no eating any of us out. She gave leniency.. Only once a month. We have twenty four hours of no rules."

"That's.. Good. As a parent."

"I despise it. But I also respect it. Harry can't break these rules. It would crush his heart. He loves his parents.. You are outside of those rules.. If you ever decide to join us. You will likely tell his mom of your encounters with him."

"I had a second question. I have no problems swearing my loyalty.. But I want to make sure I am not blindly following someone who could be the next Dark Lord."

"Harry's not going to be evil. We're not going to be evil. You have my word. If he becomes cruel or evil. It will be my responsibility to put him down.. Moving on. All those who stand to cause harm to us and our family. We will destroy with no mercy."

"Fair enough. Third question. Why am I not allowed other sexual partners if I join?"

"The Collection.. Will only comprise of women loyal to Harry. He will love each and every member. As we will do with each other.. This is not possible without Ava. Through her.."

"This is a lot to think about.."

"It is not a light decision. But some have married on even lesser terms."

"True.. I want to date Harry first.. With your permission."

"..Permission granted. Ava."

"I will only grant my vote of confidence if you stop having sex with my master as you are not part of The Collection."

"Oh forgot about that. Thank you."

"You're welcome my lady."

"Rats.. Fine. Only dating."

"Good. Then I may yet approve of your relationship with my love." Aurumé smirked. She loved making the world go round. "Harry get the fuck out of here. I need to talk with these two alone."

"..Yes my love.. I'll bring something back. Have anything in mind?"

"I'll leave that to you my love. Now go."


"Ava! What does this witch see in Harry?"

"She sees Master.. As an attractive person. Her pranking lead from one thing to another. And she likes what she discovered. She has completely disregarded master's age. She thinks they are sexually compatible. Just as you do. My lady. Asides from the physical attraction. She has a complicated feeling of wanting to take care of Master. She wants to get to know Master more as she sees him very interesting. Something that she has lacked her entire life. A sense of adventure..."

"I feel personally attacked.. Wow. Ava.." A talking magical owl. Using her magic in this world.

"My lady! I will ask that question to you too. What do you see in my master?" Aurumé was surprised. She shook her head. Easy enough to answer. She relented as she told her story to both of them. Ava knew this already. She wanted to hear it for herself. Tonks was being brought up to speed.

"The first thing he ever did for me.. Was kindness. Despite our differences.. And all the things after. He gave me a form. When I've all but given up. I will return that kindness to him. By making him happy until he draws his last breath. His happiness is everything to me."

Tonks spoke. "Ava? You are bound to Harry with magic. You serve him correct? Serving him doesn't really mean you have to love him.."

"She's right. What have you got to say for yourself owl."

"My lady. What Tonks said is true. My kind would serve loyal without question. We do not need to love our masters.. But I do. By choice.. Master hides it very well. But he is the kindest and sweetest wizard there ever is. He treats his loved ones like he's afraid he's going to lose them. He treats me as a loved one. I could not help it. He cares for me like family. He talks to me like I'm family. I could not ask for a better master.. I love him. More than I can describe. More than the magic that binds me."

"Wow.. Those are high standards you have set. It's quite beautiful. Almost poetic.."

"You won't be able to match it. Unless you give him everything you are. Like Ava and I. What this owl maid said is true. He is deserving of our love. And twice more. I will not allow anything less.."

"That's the reason for your rules?"

"Yes. This one time thing between you and my love is over. Either you're in. Or you aren't. If you aren't.. Forget about fucking Harry. Ava. Here's the question! This will determine whether she's the third or not."

"Shoot. My lady." Nymphadora swallowed. Was she going to ask if I love Harry? Oh no.

"Does Harry love Nymphadora Tonks?"

"Wait what?"

"My lady. You already know the answer." Ava snorted.

"Fine. You're in. If you wanted?" Aurumé was completely satisfied.

"Wait. What's the answer?! Ava!"

"You cannot make demands of me."

"Just tell her."

"Master Harry's love is for Aurumé.. He doesn't love you."

"That's harsh Ava. He doesn't love her yet. You two just met.."

"Oh.. O-okay."

"Ava…" Aurumé knew there was more.

"Fine. He sees you as a concubine."

"Ava!" This owl. Never stop riling.. Oh. She got it. Aurumé saw the pattern.

"Fiiiine.. Master likes you. And with approval from me and Aurumé. He will love you too."

"She only insults girls who Harry likes. She's not lying. She gets on my nerves too."

"If I'm in.. Harry is in a relationship with.. His familiar. An owl. Me.. And a dragon who is sealed in.. Here?"

"Yes.. Welcome to the insanity." Ava gestured everywhere. Aurumé laughed.


"Tonks. Go find Harry. Bring him back here.. Actually no. Talk to him first. Give me time with Ava here. I want to speak with her alone."

"Err. Okay. Where would I look?"

"Try the front courtyard. He won't go that far. Go." The seventh year student promptly left.


"My lady. I have an idea what you wanted to talk about."

"I thought you couldn't read me?"

"I can't. My lady. But you are very predictable."

"Go ahead then."

"Master.. Feels. Strangely sad."

"Sad? Why?"

"He likes the girl. But he is more than content with you, my lady.. Master feels sad as he doesn't want to hurt her with.. Your plans."

"Harry thinks it's unfair if he only sees her as an addition to our group?" Her brows were furrowed.

"Yes, my lady. He is more than content. With you. He loves me too. But like I said, I don't hold a candle to you my lady. His love for you is like a bonfire.. A huge one. It feels like one too. Compared to yours. His feelings for me are.. A candle. For Tonks.. Even less. Embers."

"I know.. My love.. Ava. What are your thoughts?"

"We can use Tonks, my lady."

"Oh? How?"

"As far as I can tell. She is a possessive sort of woman. We cannot control the environment where Master currently studies. She is acceptable and we are fortunate. I would be happy to spill blood if anyone lesser would take advantage of master."

"I see what you're getting at. To avoid having to murder hapless witches.. Use Tonks instead to deter them? Am I right? Have her as a front for him being in a relationship?"

"Yes my lady.

"Why would you not murder Tonks?"

"I thought about it. She is a good person, my lady. Just like Master. She hides her pain and loneliness through humor. She likes harmless pranks. I don't think Master would approve of me slitting her throat."

"You like her Ava?"

"It's complicated my lady."

"Hmm. And here I thought I was the possessive one."

"My lady. I do not understand. Aren't dragons like owls too? We mate for life."

"Dragons do too. I would not have it any other way. This should only be possible.."

"Because of me. My lady. What if I lied to you? What if Master Harry falls for me instead?"

"You can lie to me. But not to Harry. I'll approve of it. Your intentions are pure. If it will make him happier with you. I will sacrifice my own. If he is still sad about this arrangement.. I will not force him anymore. It would just be the two of us."

"Are your feelings true for Harry my lady? Or are you only using him for your own benefit? Maybe a little similar to Tonks?" The temperature dropped around them. No more familiarity. Just cold hard facts and statements.

"My love for him is equal if not greater. He.. He is my world. There was nothing here before. Just.. Space and blankness. I gave up. Stuck here for eternity. My own damnation.. He turned it around and gave me.. Everything.. He is everything to me.. I.. I would rather just die if I ever lose his feelings for me. It's hard to explain.. I wish you could just read my feelings too."

"I don't need to, my lady. Your face betrays it. I'm happy Master found someone worthy of him."

"Don't you ever dare let him know about what I said. And what I'm about to say.. I am not worthy of him. Dragon or not. I am the one lucky to have him access this world after all this time."

"My lady. For a dragon. You are a wuss."

"Fuck you Ava." The familiar atmosphere was back.

"Fuck you too my lady.. I won't tell Master. Provided you tell him that yourself."

"Oh but I do. I do it every time. Every time I call him. My love."

"Dumbass master and his love sick dragon."

"And his birdbrain maid."

"And his shapeshifter whore?"


"Hi Tonks.. Err. Let's make this as normal as possible. How's it going?" He patted the spot next to him at the crystal fountain spewing liquid gold.

"Harry.. Do you have any more surprises I should know about?"

"I may also have crippling chlamydia. You might have contracted it."

"You do?" Tonks paled.

"Got you. Priceless face. No.. Wait! Sorry, I don't." He laughed as Tonks lowered her hand from slapping him.

"You think you got me. I just made my face paler to play along." She didn't.

"Sure you did. Don't worry. I've had my blood work done. I'm as clean as a whistle.. Or was that how the saying goes?" Tonks sat down with him.

"You like pranks and jokes?"

"I do.. It brings color to life."

"That's.. A very profound way of looking at it.. Yes. I love jokes and pranking too." Their relationship started with it. Not a few hours ago.

"How much color did that bring to your life?"

"A lot.." She smiled at him. He smiled back.

"But never fucking joke about STDs you piece of shit." She pinched his cheeks.

"Sorry. We don't have a lot of ground to work with. So.. What did you guys talk about?" He rubbed the sore spot on his cheeks when Tonks' hand left it.

"Feelings and stuff."

"What do you think? About all of this?" Harry stared into the distance.

"It's crazy. Way crazy. And.. I kind of want in."

"Won't you be crazy too if you wanted in?"

"Yes. Maybe. Put yourself in my position. Nothing interesting ever happens. Just drama. School stuff. Pranking here and there. Then you come in. With all.. This.. Rabbit hole you said."

"That's Lewis Caroll's book. Alice in Wonderland.."

"I know. Don't you mean Charles Dodgson? Famous wizard writer?"

"Oh.. Of course. Of course. Of course. I knew that of course."

"Sure darling. Did you read the entire thing? It's madness. But one can't really help going down the hole. Want to see where it ends or where it leads to. You know?"

"Where the madness will take you? See if it has a good ending or a bad ending?"

"Yeah sort of."

"There's also that saying. Curiosity killed the cat."

"Good thing we're not cats then."

"True, true. I'll make it official then. Nymphadora Tonks. Would you like to go out with me?"

"Are you dumb or something? We already had sex. We're more than friends. Let's make it official. I'm one of your girlfriends now. What do you think?"

"I am dumb. What do I think? I think you're crazy." Tonks laughed.

"Now we're dating. I'm okay with the other two. As strange as that sounds."

"I'm dating the hottest witch in Hogwarts. Wow."

"That is honestly not the most surprising thing about this. You're also romantically involved with a dragon. Your own familiar. You have two wands. You are a god in this place when you sleep.. What else?"

"My foster parents are lesbians."

"Your foster parent-. Wait. What?" Harry laughed. He proceeded to tell everything about Lana and Emma. How he missed those two.

"Wow.. Wow. Wow."

"I think that's about it. I ran out of surprises. That's the end of the rabbit hole."

"Are you sure.. Also, aren't you forgetting something?"

"Hmmm. No. Not really. I don't think so?" Nymphadora caressed his scar.

"You are also the boy who lived."

"Yeah no. That's not a surprising thing. Old stuff. Everyone knows about that." His noncommittal shrug made Tonks snort.

"Let's talk.. About feelings Harry."

"I'm not good at it.. I'll try my best."


"Do you want me to start?" Tonks nodded.

"Okay.. I'm sad. I can hide it easily but.. It's.. Impossible. I feel like it's unfair to you. That you're the third in this weird harem. And I can't love you the same way I'll love May. You deserve better."


"Yeah. I want to give you the best. Of what I have. If we date and take it seriously.. It's.. Hard to explain. It's kind of making me choke right now."

"My turn then. I think.. You're in over yourself."

"All the time."

"No jokes for now darling. Your familiar Ava.. Made that apparent. I won't ask for more. Let's just date and see where this takes us yeah? Take care of me Harry."

"I will. I promise."

"I still have an overwhelming advantage compared to those two mind you."

"I know.."

"Oh so what is it then?"

"You're the only one who can be physically with me. Ava can't. Aurumé is helpless. I need to help her get out of here."

"You're smart."

"If I was smart enough. I wouldn't be in a four way relationship.. With a dragon. An owl. And a shapeshifting hottie."

"True. Let me set my own rules for you darling."

"Oh no."

"Quiet. Now.. Let's see. You aren't allowed to accept hookups and dates. Not from anyone. Besides me. Oh. And the collection."

"I guess the first bird gets the worm kind of thing huh?"

"Yes. Exactly. I was the first to do that for you. I will also be the last."

"You don't have to make that rule you know. I wasn't really going around looking for witches to have sex with."

"It just fell on your doorstep?"


"Well, I'm at your door. Now the door is closed. I close it."

"I'm fine with that. One woman is more than enough. Two is insane. Three is just.. Out of this world."

"Yep. Harry that rule is more for me than anything else. I will not tolerate you banging other witches just because they asked for it. That dragon maybe.. But I am not her."

"I understand. Crystal clear. Just for the record. I am not as horny as you make it sound to be."

"Maybe. But those who want you will be.."

"It's over for them then. I get to date the best witch in Hogwarts. Arguably also the best in bed. I don't want any more."

"You better remember that." She kissed Harry. He returned it as they hugged.

"My time to shine. You. Fucktwat. Get off of my master." Ava marched towards them angrily.

"Ava.. Come here. I'll give you a kiss too." Harry broke away from Tonks.

"No master! You cannot bribe me! Fuck! Okay." She hurriedly situated herself to the other side of Harry and they kissed as well. Tonks smiled. What the fuck has she gotten herself into.

"Master.. I love you.. If this cunt ever hurts you. She will die before she sees the sunrise. I swear on my magic."

"Ava.. Please. Hostility needs toning down. You aren't allowed to hurt anyone in the collection."

"If she hurts you master. Then she is out. I am free to follow Aurumé's command. You hear that you little cunt?"

"This rude fucking owl maid. What did I ever do to you?"

"Ignore her Tonks. Spirited and feisty women seem to surround me." He groped Ava over her clothes while giving another kiss. The effect was immediate. She shut up and her hostility volumed down to zero.

"Me too darling. I'm getting left out."

"That's inappropriate. We are still dating." He did it anyways. Much to Nymphadora's delight.

"Master.. Can I have another date with you too? I want you to make me a castle here like my lady's."

"Good idea my cutie pie. Another time.. We have a lot to do first. I had some ideas for tonight."

"Yes master." She happily looked forward to her own castle.


AN: Chapter has dragged on for too long. I have been rewriting and revising this for an unhealthy amount of time. It's started to feel like a fanfic within a fanfic within a fanfic. The readers can still make sense of this as the author believes they are smarter than him. Hopefully they could see the not so hidden messages I've implied in the making of this chapter. Time skips involved in the next chapter. Just had to get this out once and for all as it had become a huge roadblock for me in this story. It kept turning into a porno. I had to stop and get some help.

Toned down humor to advance the feelings. Feelings need some love too. The author is pretentious af. Love you all. Peace.

February 12,2020 : Added