A/N: This will mainly be a Stefonnie story, but Bonnie will have several other brief pairings before things start up with her and Stefan. Also as a fair warning there will also be quite a bit smut in this.

Boardinghouse - Backyard

Bonnie walks along the trail from the boardinghouse that leads to the woods, hoping that her boyfriend of two years Enzo is somewhere nearby. While she enjoyed the party that Damon decided to throw, now that it's over she's exhausted and ready to go home.

As walks further away from the boardinghouse, she hears what sounds like Enzo's voice and quickly heads in that direction. She's shocked when she sees Enzo on the ground with Mona, a witch friend of Damon's, beneath him. Both are naked and Enzo is frantically thrusting in and out of her, his ass flexing with each slam inside.

Pain fills her body and tears immediately begin to form. She tells herself to say something, but the words apparently stay frozen in her throat because they duo on the ground keeps going, moans spilling out of both of their mouths.

Unable to do deal with this right now, Bonnie decides she needs to get out of here. However when she takes a step backward, she steps on some twigs, drawing Enzo's attention.

"Bonnie!" Enzo leaps off of Mona and quickly reaches for his pants to cover his still hard erection.

At that moment the words that were previously frozen in her throat seem to come out with ease. "Are you fucking kidding me, Enzo?" Bonnie's not sure what's worse, the fact that he's cheating on her at all, the fact that he's cheating with someone she knows and has been friendly with or the fact he decided cheat on her during a party that they both attended.

"Bonnie, I'm sorry. I just—" Enzo begins only to be cut off.

"You were around when Jeremy was cheating on me after I got out of the prison world and when we got together, you promised me you would never treat me the way he did." Bonnie glances at Mona who has yet to get dressed and is instead using Enzo's jacket to cover her body. "Clearly that was a lie."

"Bonnie, look—"

She cuts him off again, "I don't want to hear anything you have to say. There is nothing you can say that will make this better. I trusted you and you broke that trust. I don't even want to look at you right now."

Growing angry himself, Enzo snaps, "Bonnie, I know you're hurt and I'm sorry about that, but you need to admit your part in why this happened."

"Bonnie's eyes widen in shock as she takes in his words, "Are you seriously trying to blame me because you couldn't keep it in your pants?"

"I'm a very sexual man. I always have been so it's been hard being with some who doesn't have the experience to please me."

Bonnie doesn't get the chance to process Enzo's words because Stefan and Damon suddenly appear beside her.

Both men take in the scene, one brother filled with fury while the other is filled with guilt.

"You bastard!" Stefan snarls and attempts to rush Enzo, only to be stopped by Damon. He frowns at his brother, wondering why he stopped him from kicking the vampire's ass. Normally he would be one the trying to stop Damon to keep the peace, not the other way around.

"You need to stay out of this and let them deal with this without your interference. Attacking him will only make things worse."

Stefan lets out a sigh, but nods knowing that Damon is probably right.

"Damon, there's nothing to deal with." Bonnie moves her gaze to Enzo, "Just in case it wasn't clear, we're done. I don't want anything to do with your ass anymore."

Enzo's eyes widen in shock. He assumed Bonnie would tell him she needed some time so she could forgive him, not outright break up with him. "Bonnie, I can't believe you would throw away a two year relationship because of one slip up."

"Actually, Damon cuts in, "This isn't the first time."

"Damon, shut the fuck up!" Enzo glares at him.

Stefan glares at Damon as well, but for a different reason. He can't believe his brother would keep something like that from Bonnie.

Bonnie's eyes go to Damon who looks guilty. "How long have you known he was cheating on me?"

"I knew for sure about a year ago, but I suspected it three months before that."

There were little things that caused him to suspect Enzo was sleeping with other women, but it wasn't until last year when he walked in on the dumbass fucking Sybil and some other woman that he knew for sure. He promised Damon it wouldn't happen again, but he knows the other man has still been sleeping with Sybil, Mona, and several other women whenever he has the chance.

He thought about telling Bonnie, but he remembered the fall out when it came out that Jeremy was cheating on Bonnie, not long after she got out of the prison world. Bonnie had been hurt, but he knows had Jeremy not left town and ended the relationship himself; she would have forgiven him eventually. He knows Bonnie will forgive Enzo so he decided to keep it quiet because Bonnie was happy. He didn't Enzo would actually be dumb enough to fuck Mona while Bonnie was close by. And now he knows Bonnie needs to know all the information if she and Enzo are actually going to work through this.

"So what you're saying is that you knew my boyfriend was cheating on me, but instead of letting me know you just let me go around looking foolish." She pauses to take several breaths, "Why the fuck would you do that?"

"You and Enzo are good together. He has your back and I knew the cheating wouldn't change that."

"This son of bitch does not have my back!" She glares furiously at Damon. "Someone that has my back would not be fucking other women. Someone that has my back wouldn't be standing here blaming me for him fucking other women!"

"What?" Stefan's gaze goes to Bonnie in surprise.

Damon even looks a little taken aback.

"Before you got here, he told me that his needs weren't being met which makes it my fault that he can't keep it in his pants."

"Bonnie, I'm over 100 years old. I've had a lot of sex throughout the years and you just don't have enough experience to please me. I was only stating a fact."

Finding out that she's been cheated on hurts, but it's how nonchalant he is that really gets her. It makes her wonder what that says about her that makes him think she'll just forgive him with no real effort on his part.

"Well you can use your experience on other women because I'm done. Don't call me, don't text me, don't anything me from now on." She looks at Damon, "Keep his ass away from me. It's the least you can do after hiding this from me."

Damon can only nod sadly.

She turns to walk off and is surprised when Stefan offers his arm to her. "Want some company on the walk back?"

"Thanks," Bonnie smiles slightly, grateful that she won't have to walk back alone.

Inside the boardinghouse, Elena is helping with the cleanup of the party when she sees Bonnie and Stefan storm in with Damon and Enzo behind them. As Bonnie gets closer, Elena sees the tears in her eyes and quickly rushes over to her. "Bonnie, what's wrong?"

"Enzo has been cheating on me for almost our entire relationship and Damon apparently knew this whole time."

Elena glares at both men, but her gaze lingers on one man. "Damon, I can't believe you."

Damon frowns, not liking the look of disappointment in her eyes. "Elena, I'm sorry. I didn't say anything because I knew she would forgive him if she did find out. Why would I put her through that kind of hurt?"

"Why are you apologizing to me? I'm not the one you betrayed." She glances at Bonnie pointedly. Deep down Elena knows it's because a part of him is still hoping that she'll change her mind about being mated to Tyler and come back to him. Still it bothers her that he apparently is more bothered by her being upset than Bonnie the person he actually hurt.

"I—" he starts to say before being cut off by Elena.

"And you," Elena addresses Enzo, her eyes going yellow. "You're lucky I don't pump werewolf venom into your body for what you did to Bonnie."

If Elena is honest, she's never really liked Enzo all that much, but she never said anything out of respect for Bonnie. Not to mention it would have been very hypocritical of her considering her past relationship with Damon. What had mattered to her was that he seemed to treat her better than her brother had, but apparently that's not the case.

Still as angry as she is at Enzo, her priority is Bonnie, "Bonnie, why don't we head to my place for the night? Tyler is still out of town with some of his pack so it will just be the two of us."

"Okay," Bonnie nods, relieved that she doesn't have to go to her apartment just yet.

Elena grabs Bonnie's hand and the two women begin to head to the front door. Bonnie glances at Stefan, "Bye, Stefan." She then walks out of the door without speaking to Damon or Enzo.

"Bye, Bonnie," Stefan replies as he tries to suppress a smirk at the blatant dismissal of the other two men. He waits until Elena drives off with Bonnie before turning to Enzo. "What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Bonnie's not here you don't need to play up the hero hair," Enzo scoffs, using the nickname Damon sometimes uses for his younger brother. "We're vampires with high sexual appetites. One woman rarely cuts it. Even Damon here couldn't resist other pussy while Elena was in that sleep coma for those six months. "So you can't seriously expect me to believe you the Ripper of Monterey has never cheated on any of his girlfriends."

"I haven't." Stefan denies easily. Even when he was a ripper back in the twenties, he was faithful to Rebekah. When he did sleep with other people, it was people he and Rebekah agreed to bring into their bed for a threesome or the occasional foursome. That was the type of relationship they had agreed to from the beginning, but by the end before Klaus wiped his memories; they had stopped bringing other people into their bed. So the fact that this bastard is trying to justify cheating on Bonnie who he clearly didn't have that kind of arrangement with pisses him off.

"Whatever Stefan, you've always been too soft." He rolls his eyes before growing serious. "You know what? It doesn't matter what you think because we all know she's going to forgive me. She just needs some time to process things."

"I don't know, she didn't seem very forgiving when she dumped you just now. What makes you think she'll suddenly change her mind?"

"Because I have her heart and the only cock her pussy wants is mine. Once she remembers that she'll come find me. In the meantime I plan on taking advantage of being single for the moment. I need get all the wild sex in I can before Bonnie and I get back together. After that I'll resign myself to having vanilla sex with Bonnie." At least until she fully trusts him again. Once he has her trust back, he'll go back to satisfying his urges the way he is now. Of course he doesn't say that part out loud because he knows it won't go over well.

Furious at the way he's talking about Bonnie, Stefan balls in his hand into a fist and punches Enzo in the face, knocking him unconscious.

"Stefan, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Damon glares at his younger brother, surprised by his behavior.

"I did what you should have done the moment you found out this bastard was fucking around on Bonnie!"

"I don't get why you care so much. I'm closer to Bonnie than you are and I didn't feel need to get violent."

"That's because these days if it isn't related to you trying to get back in Elena's pants, it doesn't register with you."

Damon flinches, but doesn't deny the accusation. Instead he brings things back to his brother. "You weren't like this when Jeremy cheated on Bonnie so why are you acting like this now?"

"First of all, Jeremy is human so it wouldn't have been a fair fight, second he left town right after that so there was no time to go after him. And at least he had the decency to be apologetic about his behavior once Bonnie found out. He didn't try and blame Bonnie like this asshole," he glances down at a still unconscious Enzo.

Damon knows there is a deeper reason Stefan is so angry on Bonnie's behalf, but decides not to get into it for now.

Stefan clears his throat, bringing Damon out of his thoughts "I want to know why you didn't tell Bonnie about this the moment you first found out."

"It wasn't my business and like I said before I wanted Bonnie to be happy."

"We both know if it had been Tyler cheating on Elena, you would have gone out of your way to tell her no matter how happy Elena was."

Damon starts to deny it, but realizes he can't. "Yes I would have told her because she would deserve better than a man that cheats on her."

"Are you saying Bonnie doesn't deserve better?"

Damon sighs tiredly, "Bonnie and Elena are different. Elena would never be okay with cheating, but Bonnie has always been more forgiving. I knew she would end up forgiving Enzo so I figured why put her through all of that pain when she's better off not knowing."

"Well, she didn't forgive him and now she's mad at you too. That theory clearly didn't pan out."

"It's only been a few hours. With some time she'll eventually forgive him and me for not saying anything. This isn't the first time Bonnie's been mad at me and I'm sure it won't be the last."

Angry with how nonchalant Damon is being, Stefan decides to end the conversation. "Get him out of here," he glances at Enzo in distaste. "I know he's your friend, but as far as I'm concerned he's no longer welcome in this house."

He turns away from Damon and quickly flashes upstairs to his bedroom.