"A look in somebody's eyes
To light up the skies
To open the world and send it reeling
A voice that says, I'll be here
And you'll be alright

I don't care if I know
Just where I will go
'Cause all that I need's this crazy feeling
A rat-tat-tat on my heart

Think I want it to stay"- City of Stars from La La Land

"God, it's been so long." Jade said as she looked up at the Hollywood sign.

"Yeah," Beck replied, leaning back against the car lazily.

It had been, oh, four years maybe since they had last been in Los Angeles, before Jade had gotten onto Broadway, before Beck had landed his job on the late night talk show. Between those weird and busy schedules, it was hard to find a time to go visit anyone anywhere. If they had the chance, they would go to Canada for the holidays to see Beck's family, because Jade was adamant in her refusal to see her parents more than necessary.

Still, the fact that they had managed to avoid returning to LA for so long was a feat.

"It's kinda weird to be back."

"Sure is. New York and LA might be the show biz capitals of the US, but they feel so different. LA feels more calm than New York, I guess.

"New York is to LA what cocaine is to Valium." Jade said casually. "Both get you high, but they suck in completely different ways afterwards."

Beck shoved his hands in his pockets, unsurprised that his girlfriend knew about the side effects of drugs. That sounded exactly like the kind of internet holes she got stuck in when she was bored. "At least you can drive over here. Jesus Christ. I forgot how freeing being able to drive is."

"I don't think Jesus is ever gonna help the traffic situation in Manhattan, babe."

Beck rolled his eyes at Jade's horrible joke and bumped her shoulder with his own, making her retaliate with a harder shove. Beck chuckled and leaned over to press a kiss to the top of her head.

Jade wrapped her arms around him. "Fuck, Beck. Last time we were here, we were just two college kids who had stupid big dreams and now we're back here and I've been on freaking Broadway and you're gonna be in a huge movie."

"Guess the dreams weren't that stupid then, huh?" He smirked. "Big, sure, but not stupid."

"Did you ever think you'd be here?" Jade asked, looking up at him. "Like, when we were in high school. Did you ever think we'd be in the situation we are now?"

"God, freshman Beck hoped I'd be able to kiss you whenever I wanted to, but did I think it would actually happen? Nah."

Jade rolled her eyes and pushed away from him, exasperated. "You know exactly what I meant."

Beck pulled her back against him. "I know, I know."

Jade rested her head against his chest and then Beck continued.

"No, I didn't think I'd be here. Sure, I hoped I'd be some hot shot actor, but there's so many actors in the world, so anything could have happened really. But I'm really lucky, because it happened even better than I could have ever imagined. What about you?"

She shook her head. "I never thought I'd be good enough to get onto Broadway, or that I'd even leave this city."

"Are you sure you're okay with moving back here? I know how much you love being on stage. It doesn't feel fair to pull you away from that." Beck loved watching Jade perform in the musicals she had been in, because she loved it so much and her passion was palpable. It had been almost like magic, and he was so, so incredibly proud of her.

"Shut up," Jade retorted. "That was my dream. We're moving back here because it's time for yours."

"But there's no real theater district here."

Jade shrugged. "Hamilton's been here for a while."

"Jade, I know you know you would never get cast in that show, unless you did ensemble, and they dance like the world is ending." Jade wasn't a huge fan of dancing in shows. And, yeah the Hamilton ensemble did a lot of ridiculous dance moves she would break half her bones trying.

"And I'm glad that they still haven't wavered in their casting choices." Jade replied. "It was an example, we might get more shows that stick around a while. And in the meantime, I can always try for TV or something."

"That's fair,"

"Also... I was considering trying to get back in to writing."

"Really? That's awesome."

"You think so?"

"Of course!" Beck replied, pulling away to hold her at arms length. "You've always had some really cool ideas. Hell, I might just hand over my shitshow of an outline to you. You've given me half the ideas anyway."

"It's not a shitshow, exactly. It just needs... some work."

Beck snorted. "You don't have to be nice about it. I know it's not good."

"Well fine, you masochist. It sucks. Really bad. Tori's little brat could write a better outline and she can barely speak or hold a crayon." Jade grinned at him, letting him know she was joking. Mostly.

"Ouch. That was harsh." Beck faked offense. "No but really, Jade. I think you starting to write again would be awesome."

Jade smiled and turned back to looking at the Holywood sign. Beck was just watching her with a dorky little smile on his face.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

Beck shook his head. "Just looking at you. You look so happy and... beautiful. I can't help it. This city gave me you, you know? I just can't stop looking at you."

Jade rolled her eyes playfully. "You're such a sap, Beck Oliver."

He laughed and leaned over to kiss her suddenly, she was startled a little as she wasn't expecting it at that moment.

"What was that for?" she asked. "Not that I'm complaining."

"You just... God, it's too perfect to not kiss you with the sunset and stuff."

"Well do it again. And this time, you better mean it."

A/N: I know LA isn't technically the City of Stars, but I just really like this song, even though I didn't like the movie much. Thanks for reading.