Chapter 2 – A frozen Princess

Arendelle training place

"put your feet apart! Your stance is still incorrect. Do not hold the sword this way" shouted the Instructure at his trainees. "HAI!" was the response he got from the group. "Good now do another twenty swings and then go make thirty rounds around the field "ordered the Trainer.

"You are like always a slave driver Commander Cross" said a voice behind the Commander.
"Mmm? Do you want to go and join them Captain Thomson" said Cross with a smirk seeing the captain starting to sweet?

"*cough* you really know how to threat someone at your age Commander." Said Thomson with a forced smile trying not to remember the training he went through with Commander Cross as his Instructor.

"You are such a brat" said the instructor laughing.
"Commander Cross I am 36 years old" protested Thomson.
"Hm! Thirty-six years old and still no manner how you became a Captain is a mystery to me" said the Commander while still overlooking the new Recruits.

"so anyway, how is the brat doing" asked Thomson now also looking at the Recruits from last year.
"Tch! I do not know where you found this boy, but you can definitively write it down as an achievement of yours." Said Cross obviously irritated.

"Hmm? So where is he" asked the Captain not seeing the blond child.
"I don't know. I had to send him away so that he would not destroy the men's morale." Explained Cross but Thomson just looked at him questionably. "Now imagen how you would feel if a nine-year-old brat can keep up with the training that even some veterans still have difficulties to keep up, not only that but to even want more training after finishing before everyone else." Explained the Commander with a straight face. Thomson just sweatdropped at that.

"*sigh* If he keeps up this speed of development, he will be a master before even reaching the rank of knight." Said Cross with a long sigh. Now Thomson's eye widens themselves. If even the Commander said this, then this kid was definitively a monster in disguise.

"So why do you want him" asked the Commander again still not looking at the Captain.
"Hm? Oh yeah the king wants to speak with him, you know since he is a nine-year-old." lied Thomson. "I see well he went towards the garden. So, he should be around there somewhere. "answered the Commander. The Captain gave a nod before he went on his way only when he was out of earshot did the commander utter something. "Tsk. Thirty-six years old and he still lies like a child." Whispered the old Commander to himself before giving further instructions.

With Naruto

"What the hell did he mean by I will become a headache" whispered Naruto to himself still upset being forced to go away. While walking away Naruto kept kicking a pebble on his way and would have kicked it further if he did not hear a voice.

"Do you wanna build a snowman…" sang the voice. Interested in who it was. Following the voice, he quickly found himself in the halls of the Castel. Where he would see a little child probably about six years old with auburn hair that was bonded in a braid. The child was standing in front of a door and seemingly singing to it. "What a weird girl" whispered Naruto slightly shifting and accidentally kicking a pebble. Hearing the sound, the girl stopped and looked at where the sound came from.

"Who is there" asked the girl innocently. Naruto for his part cursed himself and tried to hide but he was too late the girl has spotted him and immediately ran towards him. Seeing now the girl in front of him he could no tell that she was definitively younger than him. And looking closely he could also see a white strand in her hair and as he looked at these innocent green eyes, he had this urge to apologize. But before he could do so, this girl interrupted him. "Hi, I am Anna who are you?" asked Anna while outstretching her hand for a handshake. Being slightly shocked at how direct this girl was, he hesitantly shook her hand. "Eh hi I am Naruto" introduced Naruto himself. "Say what are you doing here" asked Anna rapidly. "I just came from my training when I heard you sing" answered Naruto truthfully. (Why the hell am I telling her that?) thought Naruto furiously in his head.

"Ehh Training why were you training" asked Anna with her head tilted.
"Because I am a knight" said Naruto proudly.
"ehh no way You are too small to be one" explained Anna with a grin on her face.
Hearing her jab at his height Naruto twitched slightly. His height has always been a sore point.
"Now listen here…" started Naruto but was once again interrupted by Anna. "But its ok you still can be my friend." Said Anna with a smile.

Gaining another twitch Naruto wanted to leash out but was once again Interrupted by another voice.
"Anna, what are you doing there." Asked a Woman who obviously was the mother of this child. Hearing her mother's voice her eyes light up and started to run towards her mother and jumping into her arms. While giggling cutely. "Mommy look I a made a new friend" said Anna while pointing at Naruto who was standing there still dumbfound at this situation.

Iduna just raised an Eyebrow at seeing the blond child. (how did this child enter the castle) thought the Mother while taking a defensive stance thinking the worst right now. Fortunately or unfortunately for Naruto who was about to speak once again was interrupted again by another voice.

"Naruto there you are I searched for you." Shouted a voice behind Naruto.
"Captain Thomson!" greeted Naruto surprised.
Arriving finally were Naruto was Thomson then also noticed the other two persons.
"My queen, princess Anna it's a pleasure to see you" said Thomson while going down on a knee.
Hearing who these two were Narutos eyes nearly popped out. (This brat is the princess) thought Naruto slightly relieved that he did not say anything rude.

"Captain it is also nice to see you. You may rise." Ordered the Queen while Anna was giggling at the situation.
"So Captain who is this child" asked the Queen now obviously relaxed now that a knight was here.
"Ah you mean Naruto my lady. He is our newest recruit." Explained Thomson
"Recruit! He is a little kid what would his parents say."
"I am an orphan your majesty" said Naruto instead of Thomson.

Hearing that the Queen gained a sad expression. "But still.." tried the Queen to protest.
"I am sorry milady but it has been already made official the King himself signed it." Explained Thomson. "He did what!" shouted the Queen. The Captain suddenly got the feeling that it was not a good idea to say that. " What is my idiot of husband thinking" rumbled the Queen angrily before calming down. She then finally looked a Naruto.

"*sigh* Fine but after training I want young Naruto to come here and have him take lessons with Anna. This way he at least can still have a decent childhood and Anna has been complaining why she had to go there alone. "decided the Queen.

Now both Thomson and Naruto looked lost. While Anna was beaming at the prospect of not having to go there alone anymore.
"But my Queen..." tried Thomson to protest.
"Isn´t that right Captain." Asked the Queen with a sweet smile.
"Of course, your Majesty." Said the Captain defeated while taking Naruto by his arms and dragging him away. Naruto still looked shocked as ever.

Meanwhile on the other side of the door. A girl was sitting on the floor and leaning against the door. Her pale blond hair was shadowing her eyes. The girl was very cute and anybody with two eyes and a brain would see what knock out beauty she would become but the thing that is pretty unnatural is that the room she is in is completely frozen.

"I am sorry Anna" was everything she said

Back with Naruto

"Did that just happen?" asked Naruto after a while.
"Unfortunately yes" admitted Thomson who also was in trance.
"Do I really have to go and take classes I mean I am not a Nobel so why should I take them." Asked Naruto

"Honestly I do not know why her Majesty did that, but you have to go now if you like it or not." Answered Thomson.
"Anyway today it seems like you will meet the whole royal family" stated the Captain.
Naruto just looked confused at him.
"The king has summoned you and the first princess will also be there" explained Thomson
"Why would he want to see me?" asked Naruto
"Does the King need a reason?`" asked Thomson sarcastically trying to hide the real reason.

Hearing his answer Naruto just kept silent until they arrived at what he assumed was the Kings study.
"Now listen here you have already met the Queen and the second Princess do not assume that the King and the first Princess are the same. The king even if he is young is quite wise and the first princess is probably the opposite of the second princess personally wise. So, when we go in the first thing you do is go on a knee and greet the king and until he says so you won't raise your head nor will you stand up." But it seems like that they had to wait. After ten minutes the finally could enter the room.

Naruto just like instructed went on his knee and bowed his head. "Greetings my king" said Naruto and Thomson in unison.
"Greetings Knight-Captain Thomson Stone and Recruit Naruto Namikaze you both may rise." Greeted the King back. Naruto once on his feet did finally notice the other people besides the King. The other one was an old man who was probably around his 80 and the second one was a young girl around his age with pale blond hair and icy blue eyes. The moment Naruto laid his eyes on the girl he was immediately capitated by her beauty. He would have kept staring at her if he did not hear a rough coughing.

"Now that we all have your attention "said the King annoyed. Naruto hearing that had to gulp.
"First of all, I want you to congratulate on making a recruit at such an young age. I heard you were quite talented." Stated the King
Naruto hearing all these praises gained a blush.

"Thank you, your Majesty" thanked Naruto.
"But I do want to know why someone such young wants to join the military." Asked the King curiously.
"On my father's death bed he told me that I should find something worth to protect and since I love this country, I thought that it is worth protecting it." Explained Naruto simply.
"And your mother" asked the King again."
"I was told that she did while giving birth to me milord" said Naruto with a sad smile.
"I am sorry to hear that" apologized the King
But Naruto just shook his head saying that it was ok.

"Right now, you should also probably meet her as she will one day lead this country." Stated Agnarr
"Elsa if you will" said the father to his daughter.
Elsa at first was hesitating but then finally she walked forward and stood in front of the boy.
Standing in front of him Elsa recalled what her father said.

"Elsa you are finally here." Said Agnarr happy.
"father" greeted Elsa back with a small smile of her own.
"You must be wondering why would I call you"
Elsa just nodded.
"You see in a few minutes I will meet somebody who potently could help you but we have to be sure so when you greet him shake his hand.
Elsa's eyes widen themselves.

/End of Flashback/

"I am Princess Elsa from the Kingdom of Arendelle it a pleasure to meet you Mr. Namikaze." Introduced Elsa herself with the grace of a true Princess while holding her hand out for a handshake.
Still stunned by her beauty Naruto could only muster a "Nice to meet you" while also stretching his hand out to accept the shake. What Naruto did not notice was how everybody in the room became tense and were staring at the two children. Because when both children touched each other's hand all hell went loose.