
The Kingdome of Arendelle was a place of peace and prosperity. Every citizen can be seen going about their business. The Kingdome is currently not at war and is a major trading point and all this is thanks to one man, King Agnarr. Under his rule there was no injustice no terror, he was a generously and a fair ruler. Not only that but you could see him often wandering with his wife through the streets mingling with the common folk showing his love he held for his people. And his people loved him back. They would always gift the couple with something or stop to talk to them never forgetting to greet them with a smile and thanking him for bringing Arendelle to prosperity. But one day it changed. The door which has been open for all Arendelle was now closed and since then the royal family has rarely come out.

"Go away brat you are far too young to become a knight" said the knight guarding the entrance to the castle.

"Please sir, I promise I will do everything just please let me become a knight" pleaded the young boy.
"*sigh* look boy do you even know what it means to be a knight and why the hell do you want to be one?" asked the second guard. "A knight is someone who swore to protect the country and its ruling family and …." Said the boy

"And what boy why do you want to be one." Asked a third voice now
"Captain!" shouted the two soldiers surprised.
"Because it was my father's dream to protect this country" answered the young boy with determination in his eyes."

The captain hearing the "was" in the sentence and after analyzing the cloths of the young one he concluded that he was an orphan who wanted to carry out his father's dying wish.
"*sigh* fine boy I will give you a chance. If you can pass my test, I will let you become a knight." Finished the captain.

Hearing that, the boy's sea-blue eyes shone with excitement. "Thank you, mister."
"Do not thank me too soon boy, what's your name lad." Asked the captain now on their way to the training grounds. "My name is Naruto Namikaze" answered Naruto. "Quite a unique name"

"Haha yeah my father said that we came here before I was born so I originally came from a different country, but I don't know from which one" said Naruto with a bright smile.

"Hmm" was all that came from the captain's mouth.

After that, the last few meters wert walked in silence. And after arriving at the training ground Naruto could see a lot of people training there, while others were resting under some trees and talking to each other. Noticing their presence all soldiers looked at the arriving captain and the Naruto.

"Good afternoon Captain Thomson" shouted every single soldier at the same time. Thomson on the other hand just nodded. Seeing him nod the soldiers continued whatever they were doing.

"Now lets come to your test." Said the captain.
Hearing him announce his test Naruto put his full concertation on the captain.

"All you have to do is to last one minute against me" was everything the captain said while taking out two wooden swords from a barrel. Slightly surprised Naruto nodded and took the offered sword from the captain. While Naruto was taking a stance, the Captain was still standing relaxed with one hand on his hip and the other holding the sword in front of him. Seeing Naruto take a stance the captain let himself escape a smirk. (Hoo it seems like he had some training before. Even though the stance is still full of holes you can recognize that it is still a sword stance.) thought the captain impressed.

The other soldiers seeing that their captain is about to fight a little boy they started to gather around them wanting to see why.

On a command, Naruto sprinted at a great speed at his opponent bringing his sword vertically down. Even though the captain was surprised by the speed he still was able to block the attack quite easily only to have his second surprise a feeling the power behind the blow. Though it was not as powerful as from a trained knight but for a nine-year-old brat that was some serious power. Seeing that his attack was blocked Naruto backed off about a few meters and started to circle the captain. After another few seconds Naruto once again jumped into action by dashing at the captain while this time slashing from below. The captain thinking nothing of that held his sword to block the blow but was surprised when he did not feel any contact. Shocked the captain looked at the hand where the sword was supposed to be only to find him emptyhanded. Looking at the other hand he saw how the sword came in the form of a piercing motion at his head. Realizing that he would be seriously injured if he did not move, he just did that. In one moment, Naruto was sure that he had the captain now and in the second he saw the sky. Realizing what happened the blond just sighed and stood up. Looking dejected Naruto looked at the captain who was pointing his sword at his throat.

"You are far too reckless" started the captain while removing his sword. Hearing him say that Naruto hung his head low.

"You do not think before jumping into the fight, your stance was full of holes and unstable and you do not analyze your opponent." Counted the captain his mistakes.

"You have a long journey before you make a decent knight." Said Thomsen finally after a full minute of silence with a grin. Hearing his last statement Naruto looked at The captain with shocked eyes.

"But I did not win?" questioned Naruto confused.

"*sigh* another thing it seems is that you do not listen to the instruction I said in order for you to pass is to last for one minute and not to win" explained the captain.

Realizing his mistake Naruto looked away embarrassed. "Sola!" shouted the captain.

"Hai!" shouted a young man

"This is Naruto Namikaze he is our newest recruit." Explained Thomsen.
Sola looked at the captain like he was crazy. But the captain ignored him. "Recruit Naruto this is Vice-Captain Sola he will show you the quarters for recruits and will tell you when training is and everything else."

Hearing now his rank before his name Naruto straighten up and nodded at the explanation.

Now following a slightly confused Sola Naruto was practically beaming with happiness.
Seeing them leave Thomson turned around went straight to the castle. Arriving at a door guarded by two knights in Golden Armor. He waited for a second before knocking on the door. Hearing an enter. The captain walked in. Entering the room, he noticed two persons. The first being the one he was looking for General Julius and the second being no other than King Agnarr.
"My King, General" greeted Thomson with great respect.
"Ahh, captain Thomson just the man we were talking about." Said the King with a smile.

"Pardon my King?" asked the Captain confused.
"We were discussing the security for Elsa, a personal guard if you will." Explained the General
Nodding in understanding the captain took a seat.

"We were thinking that maybe you could be the one after all your record is amazing." Said the king obviously proud."
"Yes, and with that, You can finally be promoted to Commander" added the General.

"I am honored your Majesty, but I do not think that I am suited to be the personal guard of princess Elsa." Answered Thomson.
Instead of getting angry the King just raised one eyebrow.
"Hoo tell my why" asked the King
" If I am allowed to speak freely" asked the Captain and after seeing both nod, did he continue.
"I am not suited to look after a kid much less a kid who could freeze me to death in seconds." Explained the Captain.

"So you are saying that you are afraid captain." Stated the General slightly disappointed.
"Though I do admit that to some degree to be afraid its not about that but about the safety." Defended Thomson himself.

"Explain" ordered the King with narrowed eyes. "Let's say for example that there will come a moment where I have to defend the princess. The most likely outcome would be that the princess becomes afraid and loses control of her powers effectively killing me in the process and because of the fact that the enemy was standing in front of me I somehow would block the princess attack leaving only the princess and the enemy who would after seeing her power quickly dispose of her." Explained the Captain. For a full minute, there was silence in the study before the king broke it.

"I see. So what do you suggest Captain." Asked the King
"A squad is the best option if we take the exact same situation the chances that a knight survives is higher and could so protect the princess." Stated the captain.

"I see thank you I will think about it." Said the king with a tired voice.
"Ok we will discuss this later than now Captain Thomson you came here for a reason." Asked the General.

"Ah yes I nearly forgot. I wanted to register a recruit." Said Thomson with a smile.
The Generals eyebrow rose a bit. "You do know that the Recruit selection exam is still a few months away. How come you want to register a new one now."

"Honestly this Recruit is quite unique." Answered the Captain.
"Hmm how?"
"Well for one he is just nine years old." Said Thomson with a straight face while inwards he was laughing hard after seeing the reactions of his King and General.

"Yeah, captain Thomson why did you let a child to enlist." Asked the King clearly to upset as well.

"like I said this child is not normal. He has enough power to knock out a civilian adult and fast enough to give novice soldiers a run for their money." Explained the captain silently enjoying the dumbfound expression on his superiors.

"You must be joking Captain" said the King.
"I do not joke, your Majesty, this boy if trained right will become a monster. I am sure he will be the future General of Arendelle's Army and protector of this country. I can already imagen how no country would ever invade as long as we have him. And I have a feeling sire" said Thomson

The king and the General were shocked by the Captain's expectation.
"What feeling do you have" asked Agnarr.

"I think he also possesses magic" stated Thomson
"Why do you think so" asked the General. (If the boy truly possessed magic than maybe he could help Elsa) were the thoughts of King Agnarr.

"While fighting him I saw that for a split second his eyes changed red. But I do not think that he knows that but if we could bring princess Elsa and him together and see what happens then maybe we have finally a way at helping her princess." Explained the Captain.

"I see if you are right then we could finally help Elsa." Repeated Agnarr
"Fine Captain Thomson you are to bring the new Recruit to me tomorrow into my Study there we will see how he reacts to Princess Elsa" ordered the King.

"Of curse your Majesty." Said Thomson while saluting and walking out of the room.
"Are you sure that this is a good Idea you Majesty?" asked the General after Thomson left the room.
"I hope so old friend, I hope so." Was everything the king said before he also made his way out of the Generals office.


Ranks of the Army:

Knight Sergeant
Knight Commander
Paladin Commander
Royal Paladin
Great General (only the King)

Sword Mastery: