An Emporer's Song

Disclaimer: I do not own ASOIAF or PJO. Some elements in this story are inspired by other published works. I do not take credit for any of them.

Orion399: Haha. No Percy isn't a punching bag. It's just a very new environment to him and it's best that he learns some important lessons now with smaller consequences rather than later with bigger consequences. Yes I could see Percy regaining his water powers but I don't really see the point. Wouldn't it be funny to see a former son of the Sea God get his ass handed to him out in the sea haha

Hadrian. Caeser: The problem with Valyria is magical in nature. Many who have gone there, even a Targaryen princess, were driven mad or infected with horrible curses that killed them. The real question though is will Percy have a reason to go to Valyria? Possibly

Sian Ray: Thanks! And yeah I'll post the old story again. I won't be continuing it though, you have been warned.

TianYi: Oh, what makes you think so? Haha

Masso 2010: Yes, things are going to start to pick up. The War of the 5 Kings is starting. I appreciate it!

MetaTR0N: I'm sorry you feel that way. Percy has always been a piece in a chessboard. The Fates would have it no other way in his old world. The ASOIAF world is a horrible one to be in for a very loyal guy like Percy. He's never had to combat against assassinations. Most of his past obstacles were all pretty straight forward. Stop the bad people, save the world. This Percy is still adapting to his very new surroundings. Hope your view in this Percy changes as you get to see him become a stronger version of himself mentally.

Natsu vi Kurosaki: I completely understand where you're coming from. Percy definitely has a lot of will but the thing I'm pushing forward is that he doesn't know how to aim it properly so to speak. He's never had to dodge being poisoned by a servant girl or be backstabbed by a girl he has liked. This is new to Percy because this is essentially politics. And Percy was not that good at politics. The whole being nervous thing with the servant girl. Well sure she's not the most beautiful girl he has ever seen but Percy didn't need to be nervous around girls because he already had Annabeth. But I doubt the whole being shy around girls thing will be a problem going forward. At this rate he'll have PTSD whenever he looks at a girl. Haha. Thanks for the review!

Zoom99: She is a growing girl who doesn't have much experience socially because of Percy and Viserys being overprotective. I'm not writing her to be a whore who throws herself at every man she sees, haha. The old story had Percy x Myrcella x Daenerys but it was poorly done. I don't know if you'd guys want to see that redone in a much better way or just scraped all together. Percy has been manipulated once in the story so far. And it won't be the last. 'Tis the world of ASOIAF. I'll repost the old version. But it won't be continued.

Goblin (guest): Care to go into details on how the story became stupid to you? Perhaps I could better it by hearing your viewpoint?

Hideki667: Daenerys is not the same as she is in ASOIAF! She's been protected and nurtured by two older brother figures. She isn't dumb either. I thought I wrote how she wasn't when she told Viserys about the reason for the gold skulls and her interest in books. Guess it was too vague. When has Tristan been hostile to Percy and Viserys? He's simply joking around like how Viserys says hurtful things but he doesn't actually mean them. In their fight Tristan simply got angry at the insult to his mother. I'm sure most would in that situation. Yes, she knows how Percy was recently betrayed but how could she know that a random servant girl he just met would poison his drink? Margaery is a possible pairing. Daenerys's character will grow eventually.

Ashwa'Thama: Jeez you guys really hate Dany right now. Haha. Actually yes, she is being portrayed as a sort of Sansa. But GoT Sansa eventually becomes a badass. Who's to say that Dany won't either. I really don't care for who Percy ends up with as long the buildup to that relationship is done well.

Guest: I miss that Percy too. Sadly he's trying not to get poisoned and backstabbed so forgive him if his sassy meter isn't high right now. Haha.

Burning Hope: Hope for Daenerys x Percy? Sure if that's what you took out of the exchange last chapter. The best way to claim the throne? I don't see how that would be the best way to claim the throne.

Guest: Jon's real identity won't be revealed for a while. Not many know it after all. Will Percy accept him? It certainly sounds like a Percy thing to do.

Miguelgiuliano. Co: Erm. That's a lot to take in. But in PJO, the sea is Poseidon's domain. The trident is just his divine weapon. He, and his children, can control it as they wish. The storm and earthquake ability was shown by Percy in PJO as well. Percy's new divine parent is revealed in this chapter. We will see how it goes with the gods of ASOIAF. Daenerys's pairing is still up in the air so that can be possible.

Guest: Percy x Daenerys is possible.

Bio RL: You just had to bring that up. Haha. I only did that in the old story because I messed up the timeline. ASOIAF's timeline is much more flexible since the author hasn't even finished the series yet.

Lorem54: Perfection!? You're making me blush. Thank you thank you.

xXMoonlitSorrowsXx: Yes, that was my old story The Tale of the Black Dragon. This is TTBD's rewrite. There will be some explanation for Percy's birth in this chapter. Thank you!

Thranduil Aryyn: Most thought that the Targaryens were dead. What use does a guy like Harry Strickland have for carrying around the sword of Kings? Why Tristan has it...well that will be revealed. And Percy could care less about another Valyrian sword. He already has one. Maybe if it was Riptide he would care. Percy only wants what is best for Daenerys. If she decides to be with a bastard then he will let her. Percy was technically a bastard himself. Will that happen? Who knows.

Oddballzebra: Percy is a simp? I don't think he's a simp.

Rigald02: Yes, I like Tristan too. One of the not so many OC's to come. Tristan will definitely become a part of the 'crew' so to speak.

Jasper123: Percy did trust the voice. He had already drank a small sip at that point though. The servant girls reason for poisoning Percy isn't anything breathtakingly devious. It is revealed in this chapter.

Billthebuilder: Yes, I agree that Percy should be more prone to mistakes as he is still human and this is a very different kind of situation for him. I don't want to make a perfect Percy. I want to make a Percy that can be liked even with his obvious flaws. And yeah, Annabeth really came in clutch with the judo haha. And right?! Like I don't understand how anyone could just expect Daenerys to act like her canon self right off the bat. She was still hunted and on the run until she was 6 years old sure, but after that it was smooth sailing. Viserys also isn't an asshole in this story (or at least not an abusive one haha) and Percy made sure to look after her like a little sibling. It's only realistic that she be a bit of a sheltered and naive girl. That's the whole thing about character growth. The characters don't start at their strongest, they start at their weakest.

Arraia: Thanks. Percy won't be overpowered nor will he have a harem. Unrealistic in this type of setting. But if you have a few opinions on who you think Percy should be with and why. I'm all ears!

This-Mickey-Seems-Iffy: Who knows, Percy could be paired with anyone at this point. I still haven't decided.

Chapter 4. The Red God


Percy's dreamscape…

Percy had died before. So he knew how it felt to be dead. There was no light at the end of a tunnel or even the appearance of Thanatos, the god of death.

Death was nothing but darkness. It was like falling into a dreamless sleep and waking up in what felt like moments but it was really timeless.

But perhaps death had only been that way the first time due to being shredded apart atom by atom by Tartarus. Because this time, Percy woke up to the same beach from his dream. It looked just as it did the last time. The fiery changes that had been made were still in full effect.

'I tried to warn you, Perseus.' It was the same voice that had been prevalent within his mind ever since he had been reborn. The one he had no choice but to put aside to think about later.

This time however, Percy wanted answers, "Alright, I'm getting sick of you popping up inside of my head without so much as a knock. Who the hell are you?" He called out.

The voice chuckled, 'As unhinged as always. Very well.' A booming trumpet blared into existence, jarring the glassy ground.

Percy covered his ears but it did little to block out the ominous sound.

Like straight out of an apocalyptic movie, a gigantic figure began to rise from the flaming sea. The sun pierced through the thick clouds like spears of light. An oppressive and hellish heat that made even Percy begin to sweat sweeped over the beach.

His eyes involuntarily widened at the sheer size of the being. The thing was around the same size as Typhon, the father of monsters. It had a roughly humanoid shape that looked to be made up of flame and shadow. Eyes like miniature suns beamed down on him with a harsh light. Huge bat-like wings made of red fire spread themselves from out behind the being, completely encasing the beach in shadow. A long whip made of fire and a huge one handed axe made of shadow formed in the beings claws.

Most people would have either frozen in fear or bowed in reverence. But then again, Percy wasn't like most people.

"Please don't tell me your name is Hyperion." Percy sighed with an eye roll.

Only the brief flicker of the beings sun like eyes notified him that it had blinked at his comment. A moment later it began laughing, sending tremors throughout the world.

"That was amusing. But no, I am not that weakling you know as the Titan of light." The being's voice boomed.

Percy winced, "Do you think you could maybe tone it down a bit? I don't know if my eardrums can rupture in a dream but I really don't want to find out." He said, clutching his ears.

"Ah, yes. Forgive me. I forget how weak mortal ears could be." A huge explosion of fire and shadow enveloped the being like a nuclear blast making Percy avert his eyes on instinct.

This being was obviously a god. And whenever god's suddenly exploded into a supernova it usually meant that they were showing their true forms. A god's true form was strong enough to incinerate any mortal in their presence or even a demigod if they were dumb enough to look at them. Percy would rather not find out if that same effect applied to this new god.

After a few moments, the intense wave of heat died down.

"You can look now." This time the words were said at a much lower volume.

Percy turned to see a woman standing in front of him. She was wearing an ornamented red dress that hugged her womanly curves and showed the top of her cleavage. Her hair was deep red and her eyes shone like a warm summer sun instead of the harsh sun that it used to be.

"Why couldn't you just appear in this form the first time?" Percy asked with a deadpan look.

Her pale face gained a silvery blush, "I wanted to impress you." She muttered, embarrassed.

Percy chuckled, "Well, consider me impressed. I've seen some pretty cool looking beings but you're definitely in my top five. So, uh, what do I call you?" He asked.

She blinked, "You could call me mother, I suppose." Wait, what?

"Hold on a second lady. I don't even know who you are! And I already have a mother named Elia. Or at least I did, until she was killed." Percy grumbled the last part.

"Perhaps we should sit down for this conversation." Before Percy could reply, the lady waved her hand through the air.

The world around them warped and distorted until Percy suddenly found himself sitting at a dinner table in a chamber. Candles, plates and utensils were already set up.

"You must be hungry. Please, eat." The lady smiled from across the table.

Percy blinked as a variety of different foods materialized in front of him. Just looking at all of his favorite dishes from his home World made his mouth water. The food in the Known World was nowhere near as tasty as the food in his old world.

"Isn't this a dream?" Percy asked the woman, picking up a slice of New York style pizza.

She nodded, "In a sense. This is my domain. Reality is what I make it here. So while only your consciousness is here, I can make it so that it feels real to you." Well that explained why he could feel his hunger.

"So are you gonna tell me who you really are?" Percy asked, taking a bite out his pizza.

Gods, he really missed the food of his old world.

"I have many names, but you can just call me R'hllor, if you don't wish to call me mother." She looked a bit sad at the last part.

Percy tried to figure out where he had heard the name R'hllor before, "Are you that god that those red priests all follow?" Percy asked.

R'hllor nodded, "Yes, the red priests and priestesses are among my followers. I'm sure you're wondering why I have appeared before you?" She inquired.

He shook his head, "I'm no child of Athena but I'm not stupid. You've called me your son before so I am assuming that I'm now your demigod child. I'm also guessing that, since only my consciousness is here, I am still alive." Percy concluded.

"You are smarter than what people give you credit for. Yes, you're alive. The poison was strong but you didn't drink very much of it. While only a sip would still be fatal to most, you obviously are not like most mortals." R'hllor smiled.

Percy sighed in relief at still being alive, "That's good. So I'm guessing you masqueraded as Elia Martell and gave birth to me?" He asked, only to receive a swift denial.

"No. Elia Martell was a real person. Unlike the immortals in your old world, I do not have a physical form. I am simply the concept of life, light, fire and shadow." R'hllor explained.

So R'hllor was kind of like Gaia and Tartarus but just without the ability to have a physical body.

"So then how are you my mother?" Percy asked, confused.

"While I can't affect the world as much as I'd like to. I can still influence it. Just as your god's did, the god's here have children do their bidding for them. It's incredibly difficult and most god's aren't strong enough but some of us can intertwine our essences with mortals and have children that way. Though the mortal usually dies shortly after, due to embodying our immortal essence." So there were gods in this world, they just couldn't physically manifest themselves. At least he wouldn't have to deal with any asshole gods like Ares.

Percy frowned, "So you killed Elia Martell just so you could have a child?" He didn't know Elia but still, the whole process of possessing people until they withered away didn't sit right with him.

R'hllor shook her head, "Elia was already dying from an illness when I merged with her. I couldn't have saved her even if I wanted to. He practically had his claws in her." Her face wrinkled in disgust at whoever 'he' was.

"But why did I end up in this world? I should have gone to the underworld when I died." Percy said.

"Due to your...particular situation when you died, your essence was scattered across chaos. If you were just a normal soul it would have been impossible to stitch your essence back together. But since you were already half god, it was a simple task to bring the pieces of you back together and then put you inside of Elia's unborn child." She told him.

Percy sipped his coke as he pondered this new information. So the fact that he had been killed by Tartarus was the reason for him not going to the underworld. And if what R'hllor said was true, then he probably would have still been scattered through chaos. He would have ceased to exist without even knowing it. It was a scary thought.

"What about the other gods in this world? Do they have children as well?" Percy asked R'hllor.

She shrugged, "I don't keep track of them so I wouldn't know. Most of them aren't capable of having children though. Their power is widely based on faith. The more followers they have, the stronger they are. That rule applies to me as well but not as much since I was here in the beginning." R'hllor explains.

"Great. There are potentially other demigods out there and with my luck they'll probably want to kill me." Percy groaned, making R'hllor giggle.

"I wouldn't worry too much. Children of the gods aren't nearly as common here as they are in your old world. Most also aren't that dangerous. Physically at least." R'hllor told him.

Her last comment brought forth a question he had been wondering, "Why am I so weak compared to my old body? I thought I was technically still a demigod." Percy said.

While his physical strength had increased a bit over the past few years, it still wasn't nearly as close to how strong he was before. It wasn't as if he desperately needed his old strength back. It would just make his goal so much easier in attaining.

"As I've told you, I don't have a real physical form. The power you inherited from me is only spiritual. For example, in your old life you were essentially half god and half mortal. Both physically and spiritually. But now you are more like one quarter god physically, while your soul is almost completely divine." She explained to Percy.

Percy frowned thoughtfully, "So while my soul and therefore my powers will be stronger. My body will be a lot weaker." He ended lamely.

He'd much rather have physical strength than greater powers. Even though he used to be a son of Poseidon, he rarely ever used his powers. Mostly because he hadn't needed to. His enemies would usually die to his sword.

R'hllor chuckled at his expression, "It may sound worse but once you actually learn to use your powers it won't be so bad. There is another way for you to get a bit stronger." She told him, making him perk up.

"How? I thought you said I'm mostly just spiritually strong." Percy said.

"I also said that your soul is mostly divine. And with that comes your ability to be empowered by the faith of mortals." She informed him.

Percy's brows shot up, "So you're saying I can be juiced up by having people believe in me and sacrifice BBQ in my name?" He asked.

He always wondered if Poseidon could taste the food he received from an offering.

R'hllor frowned a bit at the BBQ part but nodded, "The more faith and belief people have in you, the more your soul becomes closer to being completely divine. As that happens your body will develop to become stronger in order to hold your essence. Usually a mortal body would wither away due to having so much energy but yours has been exposed to it since it's gestation." So he could eventually regain his old strength, he just needed to have a bunch of followers.

Percy sighed deeply, "This is a lot to take to in." He said.

Something made R'hllor pause before she looked back at him, "It seems that we've run out of time. We'll speak again, my son. Oh, and please try to be more careful in the future. It wouldn't do for a son of mine to die to something as pathetic as poison." She smiled in amusement before his vision darkened.


Myr, Golden Company Camp

Percy sat up with a gasp. His throat was dry and his body was stiff but he was alive. And he was also back in his tent but neither Daenerys or Viserys were in sight.

His talk with R'hllor was still fresh in his mind. There were other questions he had but until he saw her again, they'd have to wait. For now he had to let his family know that he was fine.

After putting on his armor and sword, he made his way out of the tent. The company's maester seemed to be making his way to Percy's tent, arms filled with medicines and antidotes. The man stopped when he noticed him and ended up dropping all of the items in his arms in shock.

"Where is my family?" Percy asked the awed maester.

He dumbly pointed off in the direction of Harry's tent. Percy thanked him and continued on his way, ignoring the passing men's looks of shock and surprise. Most of them had probably assumed that he had or atleast would have died.

Faint yelling grew louder as he neared Harry's tent. It sounded like Viserys was yelling at someone.

Percy walked inside of the tent and was greeted to the sight of Viserys delivering a hard backhand across a sobbing girl's face.

Most of the occupant's backs were turned to him. Daenerys was saddled next to Tristan, who was rubbing her back in comfort. Percy was really tempted to chop off that hand. And Jon was next to Balaq looking at the crying girl on the floor. Harry meanwhile was the only one to have noticed his entrance as he was purposefully looking away from the girl.

"Your grace!" Harry said in surprise making everyone in the room pause.

They all turned to see Percy grinning at them.

"Perseus!" Daenerys bolted forward and dove right into Percy's waiting arms.

The girl hugged him tightly, "I'm sorry for being so mean to you these past few days! I didn't mean anything I said, I swear it." She sobbed into his chest.

Percy smiled, "It's okay, Dany. It's not your fault." He told her.

Daenerys looked up at him with puffy red eyes, "B-But you almost died and I was so mean to you. I'm sorry, Perseus." She told him again.

"There is nothing to be sorry for, Dany. Everyone grows up eventually. I didn't accept that at the time but I do now." Percy said truthfully.

"I thought I lost you. I'll never take the time we have together for granted. We can even style each other's hair and have tea parties like we used to." Daenerys sniffled.

Percy's face reddened in embarrassment as he tried to avoid looking at the snickering men in the room, "Dany, I thought I told you not to say anything about that." He gritted out.

In his defense, it was only because Daenerys had no real friends growing up. So he essentially had to fill in all the spots.

"Sorry." She mumbled as she finally stopped hugging him, though she remained close to his side.

Viserys walked up to Percy with a wide grin, "You had us scared there for a moment, nephew." He said before bringing Percy into a bear hug.

"It'll take more than a bit of poison to kill a dragon." Percy grinned as they separated.

Jon walked up to him with a guilt ridden look, "I'm sorry, your grace. I failed to protect you." He said solemnly.

"Don't blame yourself, Jon. Nobody could have known." Percy told him though Jon still looked guilty.

"Hey! Head up, Old Griff. Perseus doesn't need a moping knight. We'll just make sure you drink out of his cup first next time. I'm sure you wouldn't mind the excuse, you drunkard." Viserys smiled broadly.

"My foot would be up your ass if you weren't a prince." Jon grumbled to himself but a smile tugged at his lips.

Tristan approached Percy and shook his hand, "I'm glad you're well, Perseus. I heard how easily you beat Duncan. It wouldn't do for my only competition to die before our spar." He said with his usual smirk.

Percy smirked back, "Competition? Where is he? I'd love to meet him someday." He joked good heartedly.

He nodded at Balaq who nodded back with a small smile. The man wasn't one for heartfelt words but he looked genuinely glad that Percy had survived.

"Thanks to your last words before going unconscious. We were able to catch the wench that poisoned you, your grace." Harry told him, gesturing to the brown haired girl who laid chained to the floor.

Her face was a bit bruised, due to Viserys. Usually Percy wouldn't allow anyone to be tortured in his presence but, well, she wasn't exactly on his list of innocents.

"Did you find out who hired her?" Percy asked as he crouched in front of the crying girl who avoided looking him in the eye.

Viserys glared at the girl, "No, the whore wouldn't speak." He seethed.

Percy looked back at the girl, "Your name is Lora, right? Why is it the women whose names start with an L, are the ones who fuck me over." He said before his expression darkened.

"You only have one chance to reply so I want you to listen to my next words carefully. Who hired you, Lora?" The girl's soft cries continued but she otherwise remained silent.

He nodded, steeling himself for what he had to do. Percy didn't consider himself a naturally cruel person. Most of the time he was as calm and gentle as the sea. But even the sea had its dark and stormy days. It usually took a lot to reach his breaking point though. Maybe his temper really had changed to reflect his new godly parent. Because at the current moment, he felt like a raging inferno was burning inside of him.

Percy grabbed onto the girl's wrist, holding her firmly even as she struggled, "Dragons are magnificent creatures aren't they. Legend says that dragons were born from a second moon that had crashed into the sun and cracked open like an egg. It sounds ridiculous, right?" He asked, everyone looked at Percy in confusion as he continued.

"No one really knows how dragons came into existence. Well, except the Valyrians of old that is. They were somehow able to hatch and tame dragons. No one knows just how they did it. Some say it was magic. Others say it was blood. But I like to think that it was a mixture of both. I mean there had to be a reason why Valyrians were so close to dragons right? They had to be similar to their draconian counterparts in some way, yes?" Lora's eyes began to widen in disbelief and fear as Percy's hand gradually grew hotter.

Meanwhile the others had no clue where Percy was going with his speech, "Uh, your grace. What are-" Harry was immediately silenced by a look from Percy.

Percy focused back on Lora who was looking very panicked as the heat around her wrist was stinging at this point.

"The words of House Targaryen is, fire and blood. Now I can see how the blood part came to be. Only the dragon rider families could control dragons even among other Valyrians. Our blood is important, which is why my family chose to keep their blood within the family. But haven't you ever wondered where the fire part came from?" Lora let out a horrified screech and jerked wildly as Percy's hand began to glow with heat. Her pale skin sizzled at the contact.

Everyone but Viserys gawked at the supernatural phenomenon happening in front of them.

"I'm sure it's starting to burn, no? I wouldn't know. Us Targaryens are very resistant to fire. We could probably stand in the middle of a pit of flames and we would only come out with a few soot marks. But you are obviously not a Targaryen." Percy remarked coolly as Lora began screaming in pain as her skin sizzled and began to peel.

"I'm feeling merciful. So I'll ask again. One. Last. Time." Percy said calmly even as Lora desperately tried to pull away from him, "Who hired you?" He asked.

"It was a man named Littlefinger! I swear it, I swear." Lora cried out.

Percy let go of her wrist, "Who is this Littlefinger?" He asked.

Lora sobbed as she held her burnt wrist, "He is the Kings master of coin. The King learned that you Targaryens had resurfaced and had the aid of the Golden Company. So he ordered for you to be killed. The reward was 50,000 gold dragons and a lordship." She told him.

"How does that fat bastard always know where to find us!" Viserys spat angrily.

So even after all their years of hiding Robert Baratheon still continued to try and kill them. It obviously wouldn't end until the King was dead. Percy was sick of running from assassins. If the man wanted him dead, then he'd have to kill him personally.

"Captain-General, do you think we have enough men to take the Seven Kingdoms?" Percy asked Harry.

Harry looked surprised, "The Golden Company has been waiting for this moment since the day it was created. But against the full might of the Seven Kingdoms. I don't know if we could, your grace." He said, unsure.

Percy frowned thoughtfully, "Even considering that my uncle's in Dorne would join us, we'll be outnumbered still. We need more men to even the numbers." He sighed.

"It would take years to raise and train enough men." Tristan told him.

That much was true. Sellswords didn't just appear out of thin air after all. Most of them were exiled knights or bastards of noble families. They needed pre-trained men that would be ready to join them at a moment's notice.

He blinked as he thought of something, "How much gold would it take to buy at least 5,000 unsullied?" Percy asked.

Daenerys frowned in thought, "Erm. Well around 25,000 gold I think. Each child is bought from their parents for one silver. Their harsh training is what increases their value to about 5 gold each unsullied. The masters don't sell them by tens anymore but by the thousands." She informed him.

"You are brilliant, Dany." Percy smiled before looking at Harry, "Well, do we have that much?" He asked the man.

Harry looked offended, "Of course we do. We have 20 times that but I just don't understand why we need unsullied specifically." He said.

"The unsullied are the best shield warriors in the Known World. If we position ourselves correctly, most armies will just smash right into us. They'll slowly lose men as the rest of the company's men can just kill them from behind our shield wall." Percy explained.

"I understand now! Like a meat shield yes?" Harry asked with awe across his face.

"Something like that, yeah." Percy said before looking back at Lora.

She wilted under his stare, "I told you all that I know, I swear." She promised.

"Yes, you did. I appreciate that. And for that, I won't kill you." Lora sobbed in relief, "But you intended for me to not ever see my family again. Do you have any loved ones Lora?" Percy asked.

Lora nodded slowly, "A little sister at home. My mother died last year." She said sadly.

He nodded, "Then you know it feels to lose someone you love. That is the feeling you almost gave to my family. They shouldn't have had to see me in such a state." Percy said, somberly.

"I'm so sorry. I just really needed the gold to take care of my sister!" Lora cried.

Percy gently wiped her tears away, "I understand. But you brought Daenerys to tears. You forced her to see the consequences of her actions. It's only fair that your own sister learns that lesson as well, right?" The girl broke out into more tears.

"Please don't harm her. I beg you!" Lora pleaded with Percy.

He gently shushed her, "I won't harm your sister. It's not fair for her to have to suffer for your actions. But she must still learn her lesson, just like Daenerys did." Percy gently cupped her face in his hands.

Lora stared at him with wet brown eyes, "B-But how?" She hiccuped.

Percy looked at her sadly, "By seeing her own sister in such a state." She looked confused before her eyes widened in realization.

And with that, Percy took the chance to jab his thumbs into the eyes of the girl. She screamed a bloodcurdling cry as his thumbs gouged into her eyes while also glowing hot red. Everyone's face wrinkled at the sight of the girls eyes being gouged and cauterized at the same time.

Once he was done, Percy stood up and gave the thrashing and screaming Lora one last look of sadness before he looked away, "Make sure she gets to her home safely, Jon. Give her sister some gold as well. And be quick about it. We have a lot to do." Percy told him before grabbing Daenerys by her hand and walking out of the tent, followed by Viserys.

They left behind a screaming, newly blinded Lora and four stunned men. Percy's heartless act would spread through the camp and beyond like wildfire.


Some ways between Yunkai and Astapor...

Percy had immediately set out to the slave city of Astapor. The trip from Myr all the way to Astapor spanned almost half of Essos so he had been riding for roughly two months now. He could have rode faster without the 500 or so men from the company, but he wouldn't have been able to carry the trunks of gold by himself. He also wanted to make sure Daenerys would be protected since she insisted that she go with him.

Ever since he had revealed his fire powers, Daenerys had been practically glued to his side. She barraged him with questions and theories on how and why Percy was able to produce fire. It wasn't like he could really blame her excitement. To her, Percy was probably the closest thing to a dragon in a technical sense.

Even though he revealed his powers, Percy still hadn't revealed that he was a son of R'hllor. Even if people believed him, he really didn't want to promote to the Known World that he was a demigod just yet. There were potentially other demigods out there who could have some grudge against R'hllor and wish to take it out on Percy. So he had simply chalked up his powers to him just being a true Targaryen.

Balaq galloped up to where Percy and Daenerys sat upon their black steed, "We should be maybe six days from the city, your grace." He told Percy.

He was the only person to accompany Percy and Daenerys on the journey to Astapor. They had left Jon and Viserys with the rest of the company to help prepare the ships and supplies for the trip to Westeros.

The hardest part in getting to Westeros would be the oliphaunts. Due to their obvious size, special barges needed to be built in order for them to travel over water. It meant more time spent not invading the Seven Kingdoms but the oliphaunts would be a huge boon for them. Percy was already thinking of ways to catch armies by surprise with the behemoths.

"We should stop for the night then." Percy said as he signaled for the men behind them to stop and begin setting up camp.

"I'm going to scout ahead, Balaq. Set up patrols so we don't get caught by surprise in the middle of the night." Percy told the dark skinned man who gave him a nod.

With that, Percy whipped his horses reins and galloped away. They didn't go too far ahead. Only a good distance away to the top of a hill in order to overlook the surrounding area. For miles around there was nothing but barren land.

"Beautiful." Daenerys murmured from where she sat behind him.

Percy looked over his shoulder at her with a questioning eyebrow, "I look like this every day, Dany." He said with a grin.

She rolled her eyes in amusement, "Not you, flame brain. I'm talking about the sky." Percy looked upwards.

The sky was ink black and riddled with countless stars all sparkling like diamonds. Among the stars was the full moon, casting its pale light over the terrain. It really was a beautiful sight. Views like this on his old world wouldn't have been possible due to all the light pollution.

He blinked as he registered her words, "Flame brain?" Percy asked her.

Daenerys's cheeks reddened in embarrassment, "You gave me a nickname. Why can't I? Plus, you are technically a flame brain. You act rashly and can make fire, hence the flame brain." She said smartly.

Percy's eyes dimmed. Her words had unknowingly made him think of when Annabeth used to call him seaweed brain. He wondered what she had been doing since his death. If she had moved on after his death or simply refused to believe that he had died. She could be pretty stubborn when she wanted to. A part of him hated himself for putting her through that. But the other part knew that he himself couldn't have moved on if he failed to get her out of Tartarus. He would have probably been wallowing in misery in the fields of asphodel if he didn't.

"I don't have to say it anymore if you don't like it." Daenerys muttered bringing Percy back to reality.

He shook his head and smiled, "It's fine. But you could at least pick a name that's endearing in some way." Percy chuckled.

She huffed childishly, "Well, I like it. So you have to like it too." Daenerys ordered.

Percy grinned at her, "Your wish is my command, my little dragon princess." He chuckled as Daenerys hid her red face.

They fell into silence for a while as they looked at stars and the occasional comet.

"Do you think we could reach the stars one day?" Daenerys asked suddenly.

Percy smiled cryptically, "What if I told you that stars are nothing but giant balls of fire. Would you want to reach the stars then?" He asks.

Daenerys nodded, "Real Targaryens can't burn so I think we would be fine." She said confidently.

Doubtful. Sure they could stand some heat, even more so in Percy's case, but no one could reach the sun without turning into ashes. Except a sun god like Apollo. Did that mean some other god drove the sun around like in his old world?

But Apollo needed to physically do that and the gods on this world apparently had no real bodies. Maybe that's why summers and winters were much longer than the ones in Percy's world. There was absolutely no structure to this world even amongst the divine. One day he would bring order to this chaotic world. But first he needed to become King.

"I'll take you the stars one day." Percy promised Daenerys.

She looked at him like he was crazy, "I wasn't actually being serious, Perseus." He chuckled.

"I know, but I'll still find a way." Percy said before blinking at the pinky finger in front of his face.

"If you're serious then make it a pinky promise." Daenerys told him.

He smiled before connecting his finger with hers, "Pinky promised." Daenerys smiled back before resting her head on his shoulder.

They stayed like that for a while. Peacefully looking up at the stars in bliss. And just for that moment, all of Percy's worries and regrets disappeared.



Astapor had earned its name, the Red City. Most of the city's infrastructure was made of red brick and stone. Giant red pyramids were spread throughout the city. And the all encompassing red dust of the city threatened to get into the eyes of all its inhabitants.

The majority of the people they passed all wore slave collars. It made Percy sick to know that such a thing was popular in the Known World.

At least it wouldn't be a problem for him in Westeros. If it were then he would have simply ordered all the slavers to be thrown off the side of their castles when he inevitably took the Seven Kingdoms.

"They look so...sad." Daenerys muttered from his side.

They had only been allowed to take Balaq and a group of five other men inside of the city. The rest wouldn't be allowed inside of the city gates for obvious reasons.

Percy nodded sadly, "Most of them are mistreated by their owners. And if any of them speak out against their treatment, they are killed." He said.

"Can't we help them, Perseus?" Daenerys frowned as they walked past a line of slave children being led away by a fat olive skinned man in expensive robes.

As much as it pained him to say, they couldn't help these people. Not now at least. The only reason the Golden Company joined him was to retake Westeros. They wouldn't lay their lives on the line just for slaves.

"Not today, Dany." Percy told her. She looked a bit disappointed but nodded nonetheless.

They were met by a girl, probably no older than 10 years, with dusky skin, molten gold eyes and long curly black hair. Next to her was who Percy assumed to be one of the Good Masters they were set to meet, Kraznys mo Nakloz.

Percy nodded politely as they reached the two, only for his eyes to darken at the man's words.

"Tell the exiled King and his dragon whore that we are 'pleased' to meet them." Kraznys told the girl beside him.

By the confused faces around him, except an angry Daenerys, the man was obviously speaking in High Valyrian. The main language used in Astapor. Percy really needed to ask R'hllor why he could understand seemingly all of the languages of this world.

"It would be wise not to insult my family, Good Master Kraznys." Percy told him, in what he assumed was High Valyrian since the man's eyes widened.

Kraznys coughed in his hand, "Forgive me for my manners, Targaryen. The weather makes me irritated." He told Percy.

Percy looked the man down before looking at the girl, "And you are?" He asked her.

The girl blinked, "This is Missandei. It is nice to meet you Perseus and Daenerys Targaryen." she said in the common tongue.

"Please, follow me. I don't have all day." Kraznys told Percy, regaining his previous arrogance.

Ignoring the urge to set the man on fire, Percy and the rest of their group followed the man inside of the building.

They passed by numerous other Good Masters and slaves on the way. Daenerys was excitingly asking about every statue and artifact she saw, while Missandei answered all her questions with a small smile.

Eventually they were led into an open courtyard filled with a group of unsullied who were all training in the harsh heat of the red sun.

"These are some of our finest warriors! One of these vermin is worth five of the others. Get in line, Vermin!" The unsullied immediately formed into a single line facing them.

Kraznys looked on with pride that made Percy's stomach turn. He looked over the group of a dozen or so unsullied. They were of varying ethnicities. There were some Lyseni, Braavosi, Dothraki and even some that looked similar to Kraznys.

Walking down the line of men, Percy looked at each of them. Most of them were completely devoid of emotions. It was sad to see anyone in such a state. But it was the last unsullied that caught Percy's eye.

He was young, maybe in his twenties. Like the others he was fit and stocky with no facial hair and close cut brown hair. There was the same serious look as the others but there was also a solemn expression.

"What is your name?" Percy asked the soldier.

After getting permission to speak from Kraznys he spoke, "Grey Worm." He said, simply.

Percy nodded, "Pick up your spear, Grey Worm." He said, walking back to take off his white travel cloak to give to Balaq.

Grey Worm looked at Kraznys who frowned in confusion but nodded, allowing him to pick up his spear. Meanwhile Percy was cracking his neck and stretching his stiff body.

"What are you doing?" Kraznys demanded.

Percy glanced at the man as he cracked his joints, "I am testing one of your so called, best warriors." He told him.

Kraznys scoffed, "Don't be foolish. Unsullied are the best fighters in all the Known World. You may die in an accident, Exiled King." He warned.

Ignoring the man, Percy drew Truth and began spinning it around his hand to get used to the weight. If only Riptide had come to this world with him. He missed his old companion.

Grey Worm and Percy each took their respective fighting stance. Percy was already going through the numerous scenarios of the times he had faced a spear user. If Grey Worm was any good, he would try and keep Percy at a distance with his spear. So Percy's best chance to win was to close the distance quick enough.

Tactic decided, Percy dashed toward Grey Worm. The unsullied immediately sent a vicious jab that would have gone right through Percy like paper if he didn't sidestep it. Unperturbed, Grey Worm swiped his spear head towards Percy's torso.

Percy crouched low under the spear, spinning like a top before sticking his leg out to backsweep Grey Worm off of his feet. Percy was momentarily surprised when Grey Worm hopped over his leg and came back down with a downward spear thrust. Rolling away just in time for the spear to stab into the ground where he had just been, Percy quickly recovered. Before Grey Worm could take his spear from out of the ground, Percy ran at him and jumped to deliver a flying knee.

Forced to abandon his spear, Grey Worm backed away from Percy to avoid the knee and drew a long dagger from a sheath on his back. Grey Worm flipped the knife in his hand, holding it in reverse as he took a boxer stance.

Not one for words in the middle of a fight, Percy rushed the unsullied with his sword raised. They went back and forth: slash, sidestep, stab, deflect. Neither of them let up as they entered a deadly dance of blades.

The fight was actually pretty fun for Percy. No one had ever lasted this long against him, other than Viserys. Deciding to finally break the routine, Percy threw his sword at Grey Worm who hurriedly tilted his body out of the way. Dashing forward at full sprint, Percy just barely ducked under a slash and went for Grey Worm's torso. He went around the unsullied, wrapping his arms around his waist as he circled to the man's back.

With a grunt, Percy lifted the man up and suplexed him into the ground causing Grey Worms dagger to fly from his grip. Recovering quickly, Grey Worm stood up and was immediately forced to block a powerful right hook from Percy.

Taking an odd turn, the fight quickly changed into a street fight as both fighters began delivering blows, uppercuts and kicks at each other. Percy grinned as he ducked under a left hook before giving a body shot to Grey Worm's stomach hard enough to make the man's knees slightly buckle.

Stumbling back from the force of the punch, Grey Worm's eyes widened as he saw Percy coming at him with a superman punch. Sidestepping the vicious punch, Grey Worm sent a high kick to Percy's head. Instead of ducking under the kick, Percy reached out and grabbed the man's leg in a tight grip.

Percy hooked the back up his foot behind Grey Worm's only grounded leg and pulled him off of his feet, sending him falling to the ground with a thud. Before the unsullied could recover Percy got on top of Grey Worm in a full mount and grabbed his wreath crown that had somehow stayed on top of his head to bring both of its sharp points within inches of the man's wide eyes.

Everyone's eyes were wide at the arguably one of the best fights they had ever seen. Both fighters worked to take away the others advantage and both had to make momentary sacrifices in order to gain an advantage. In the end, it came down to who had the most experience and skill. Both of which Percy had in spades.

Percy breathed a bit heavily, "That was a good fight, Grey Worm. My best one yet!" He laughed as he finally got off the man and helped him onto his feet.

Grey Worm remained serious though his mouth twitched in exhilaration, "Yes, that was a good fight." He bowed his head to Percy.

"You lost to a boy king!" Kraznys raged, "Unsullied do not lose. You dare humiliate me in front of this boy and his whore. Take your life at this very moment. I have no need for weakness!" He roared as Grey Worm stiffened at the order.

Percy whipped around to face the slave master, "Speak of her like that again and I will rip your tongue from your fucking mouth!" He said, viciously.

Unbeknownst to Percy, his eyes had started to glow like heated coal and the temperature around them had spiked to a sweltering heat as sweat began pouring down the necks of all those present.

"It's fine, Perseus." Daenerys quickly approached Percy, the heat he was giving off not affecting her, "Let's just get this over with, okay?" She said, bringing down Percy's furious face to look at her.

His eyes slowly dimmed and softened as they met hers. Percy sighed deeply to calm himself, bringing the temperature down to the level it was originally at.

After he was relatively calmed, Percy turned back to Kraznys, "Forgive me. The weather makes me irritated." He recited the man's own words back to him.

Kraznys gulped and nodded, "Y-Yes, it must be the heat. Shall we finish our business, King?" He asked a bit nervously due.

Percy nodded, "5,000 unsullied for 25,000 gold. And Grey Worm will be a part of that 5,000." He told the master, his voice giving no room for debate.

"Very well, I intended to give you this one as well in order to translate." Kraznys gestured to Missandei, "But you seem to already know our language well enough." He said.

Daenerys tugged on Percy's arm, "Can we still take her with us? She's really smart! I'm sure she would be a help to us." She told Percy.

"Sure, why not." Percy said, knowing Daenerys only wanted someone to talk to that was around her age and the same gender, "We'll take Missandei as well, Kraznys."

"Well, that would be an extra-" his words died in his throat as Percy's eyes started to flicker like embers, "You know what, why not. A gift from me to you!" He chuckled nervously.

Percy smiled, "Perfect. I'll have my men bring the gold then." He said brightly.

After giving the gold to Kraznys, Percy was handed a scourge of sorts that would apparently allow him to command the army. He would hang on to it for now but eventually he would make it so that he wouldn't need the scourge at all.

Grey Worm seemed to be more lively after they left the city behind them. Though he was still serious looking.

"You should smile more, Grey Worm. You're a free man now." Percy said as he rode alongside the unsullied.

The unsullied man had wanted to be marching behind with the other unsullied but Percy wanted to get to know the man more. Their fight had been one of Percy's hardest after all.

"I am still a slave. Just with a different master now." Grey Worm said, stone faced.

Percy snorted, "No, you're not. All of the unsullied could leave right now and I wouldn't stop them. It would be a bit disappointing after spending so much gold sure, but I wouldn't blame any of you." He told the man.

Grey Worm looked at him with a peculiar expression, "You would just allow us to leave?" He asked, very confused.

"Yep. I'm planning on conquering Westeros. I need more than just an army. I need men who will actually believe in me and the future I plan to bring the Known World." Percy told him.

A brief moment of silence, "And what future is that?" Grey Worm asked Percy.

Percy smiled as he looked ahead to see Daenerys and Missandei on their own horses talking to each other with smiles on their faces, "A future where those two will be able to live without fear of one day losing all they have on another person's whim. A day when everyone, noble or not, can speak of their differences with each other without hate. One such future, where men like Kraznys are put to the sword for their crimes." A future where he could finally hang up his sword for good.

Grey Worm was silent for a long while as he absorbed this new information, "And where will I fit in this future of yours?" He asked.

"Now? You will be the one who leads the Golden Company's new shield guard. Commander Grey Worm." Percy grinned at the man before galloping ahead to scare Daenerys and Missandei.

Grey Worm watched as the boy who had seemingly freed him, laughed and joked around with the two girls. His entire life he had been nothing more but a weapon for his old masters. He used to resent being just a weapon for someone else's use. But now it didn't sound bad to fight for the future that Percy wanted.

Every King needs a sword. And Grey Worm would be that sword for Percy. Or rather, his spear.


Coast of Myr, 299 AC

Percy sat alongside Viserys, Daenerys, Jon, Tristan, Missandei and Grey Worm as they overlooked the coast of Myr.

Twenty or so ships were out in the water, as the company's soldiers loaded supplies, weapons and items onto them. The oliphaunts were also being led onto their specially made barges with only some minor difficulty.

The added 5,000 unsullied had integrated into the company easily enough. They now sported golden armor with spiked helmets and carried golden spears and shields. Grey Worm had to work a bit to get the unsullied to open up a bit more to the rest of the company. It was easy enough though, as mostly all of the company's men really liked the idea of having a shield guard made up of one of the Known World's best warriors. Except the very few like Duncan and Denys who complained about all the action they would miss.

Percy had sent out a sealed letter to his uncle's in Dorne asking for their alliance in the coming invasion. They were still waiting for a definitive response.

Their first attack was already planned. They would siege and take Griffin's Roost, Jon's old castle in the Stormlands. Once the castle was theirs they would see how the other great houses would react to Percy's return and act accordingly.

If he was being completely honest, Percy was excited to begin the war. Not for the needless deaths of course but for the challenge. He was more than a little experienced when it came to war games. It would be fun to see what type of strategies the enemy generals used.

"Your grace, I bring alarming news!" Harry called as he ran up the hill side to get to them.

Viserys snickered at the out of breath man but otherwise remained silent where they sat on the cliff edge.

Percy waited for the downed and panting man to regain his breath, "What's the news, Harry?" He asked.

Harry let out one last heavy breath before standing up, "Robert Baratheon is dead! The new king is his son, Joffrey. But the new King had Ned Stark, warden of the north, killed. So the North has declared independence. Joffrey's uncles, Stannis and Renly Baratheon, have also declared themselves Kings." He ended his rant with another heavy breath.

"Who is allied with who?" Percy asked with a frown.

"The North and Riverlands are allied to Robb Stark. The Westerlands, obviously for Joffrey. A few of the Storm lords have joined Stannis Baratheon but he mostly only has the lords of the Narrow Sea as backers. And Renly has gotten most of the lords of the Stormlands to rally with him and House Tyrell in Highgarden. The Vale and Iron Islands are silent for now." Harry told him.

That was a lot to take in but this may actually work in Percy's favor, "And what about my uncle's in Dorne? Any word from them?" Percy asked Harry.

Harry shook his head, "They are silent as well and haven't responded to our messages yet." He said.

Well that was a bit surprising. Percy had been told that his uncle's in Dorne had been furious at Robert Baratheon for the death of their sister and niece. Why wouldn't they immediately support him? He was the last living child of Elia, their sister.

Oh well. As long as they stayed out of his way they weren't necessary for his victory.

Percy smiled as he turned back to look out over the bay, "This is perfect for us. The Seven Kingdoms are split and at war with each other. We won't even need to take Griffin's Roost now. Most of the Stormlands men are away with Renly in Highgarden, leaving their castles poorl defended." He said.

"I'm guessing you want to rush in and take Storm's End before Renly can send men back?" Tristan smirked, "We could easily defend the castle against any number of men." Jon nodded in agreement.

"No one has successfully besieged Storm's End, your grace. But I may know of a way. We would need to make sure to bring more food and supplies though. Stannis was once stuck in the castle while Highgarden sieged it with no food to feed themselves for months." Jon advised.

Viserys frowned, "So we'll be hiding inside of Storm's End while the rest of the Kingdoms fight each other?" He asked.

Percy shook his head, "It will only serve as our choke point. Once we are cemented in the castle we can essentially do anything we wish. As long as there are men at Storm's End, we can pick at the other Kingdoms armies and go back to the castle before they can know what hit them." He explained.

"So we'll basically be running away with our tails between our legs." Viserys said angrily.

"It's more like a tactical retreat. Since we have the smaller numbers, we have no choice but to use such underhanded methods." Tristan told Viserys who continued to grumble to himself but ceded to his point.

Percy turned back at Harry, "Well then, Harry. Get the ships ready to sail. We have a war to crash." He grinned.

Woohoo! You made it to the end. Congrats. Now before you go do whatever it is you do, one quick question.

How do you guys feel about the way I wrote the gods of ASOIAF?

And this chapter was for all the people who called Percy a cry baby or something along those lines. He is simply slowly coming out of his shell. His legendary temper is coming out even more now due to his new godly parent. And boy I can't wait to write some of his interactions with some of the characters in Westeros. If you're still confused at how the whole god thing works, don't worry it will better explained as the story goes on. How do you guys feel about Percy finally showing his fighting skills? It may seem unorthodox but Percy was always unpredictable and he doesnt have enhanced strength and speed right now so he has to rely on his unpredictability and experience to fight against very skilled fighters like Grey Worm.

We are now going into the first arc, Clash of Kings. This will be the only arc I will even remotely follow canon wise. After this arc, completely new arcs will pop up. I'm excited. Anyways, until next time!