Chapter 117:

"Thanks to everyone's hard work, we've successfully apprehended the entirety of Mason's network," said Ozpin, smiling up at the three teams from his desk.

Ruby let out a breath of relief, slumping slightly. "Thank goodness," she said.

"What about Mr. Ayers himself?" asked Ciel.

"He will stand trial, of course," said Ozpin. "We've submitted the necessary information, including Ms. Rose's testimony of communicating with him during her abduction and the attempt on her life."

"He doesn't have any influence in the courts, does he?" asked Weiss.

"It wouldn't be the first time someone with connections managed to weasel themselves out of a conviction," added Piper irritably.

"There has been a delay in the proceedings to insure against just such machinations," said Ozpin. "James is overseeing it himself. He will make sure that the trial is completely above-board."

"What are the odds of him being convicted?" asked Blake.

"Near complete," said Ozpin. "Of course, even if he manages to avoid conviction, he will not reclaim his Council Seat, as his impeachment was already decided." He frowned. "Of course, that will put him in a position to continue to interfere with your life, Ms. Rose, so we should work towards a conviction with all that we are able."

"Right..." said Ruby unhappily.

"However, there is other good news," said Ozpin. "I have been informed that High Leader Khan has fully dealt with the radicals in the Vale Branch of the White Fang presently. That means that it is finally safe to allow Ms. Forrest and her parents to return to their home."

Weiss and Ruby both lit up at that revelation. While it had been nice having Ashley close at hand, they were both conscious of just how long it was to be confined mostly to a single room, however pleasant, with barely any freedom to move about. They both knew that Ashley would be happy to be able to return both to her home and school, after having been away for so long.

"Is there anything else?" asked Ren.

"At the moment, no," said Ozpin. "With this, we have earned some respite, I hope. For now, you can rest easy. Enjoy the remaining time of your mission period. Once the semester ends, the Vytal Festival will begin, so I have no objections if you use your present wealth of free time to prepare yourselves for the tournament."

The students, nodded. Then the three teams turned to take their leave through the elevator, though it took a couple of trips for all twelve of them to use it.

Ozpin took a moment to take a few breaths to clear his mind, before the elevator chimed again, arriving with someone new. The doors opened to reveal Qrow, slightly stooped, looking tired, but fortunately alive...and ambulatory, well before he should have been.

"I'm glad to see that Ms. Rose's skills were up to the task of treating you," said Ozpin, pouring a mug of coffee for Qrow.

"Believe me, me too," agreed Qrow with a dry chuckle, taking the mug and sipping from it.

"What on earth happened?" asked Ozpin. "It's been sometime since I last saw you in such a state."

"Raven happened," growled Qrow. "That witch ambushed me, when I was trying to tail the bastards who took Ruby. She wanted them to get away, was hoping that they'd kill Ruby."

"That has rather unpleasant implications," said Ozpin. "She hasn't joined Salem, has she?"

"Hell no," said Qrow. "Though I wouldn't say she thinks she's above considering it at this point. Basically, Ruby and her siblings were a one-two punch that resulted them in unwittingly obliterating her tribe. Raven's had it out for them ever since."

"I see..." said Ozpin, his mind going to Hazel. "She would not be the first Salem ensnared with the promise of revenge."

"I guess she still fears Salem more than she hates Ruby," said Qrow. "But...I learned something else about her, thanks to our little dustup."

"What is it?" asked Ozpin.

Qrow's eyes narrowed, and his hands clenched into fists. "Raven's a Maiden."

Ozpin's entire posture went rigid, his eyes going wide. "Are you sure?"

"Sure as the sun rises," said Qrow. "When it comes to the two of us, Raven's always had the edge, sure. While I could peg her for training up and getting stronger, the gap between us there was just too big for me to explain.

"More to the point, I know her style, and she was doing stuff that just didn't gel with the skill-set she's always had, and the weapon she uses. She was tossing around fire and lightning like they were her personal playthings. Oh...and that thing with her eyes was a dead giveaway too. Red flames are kinda hard to miss."

"So...she's the Spring Maiden then," guessed Ozpin.

"It all stacks up," said Qrow. "The last one we knew of went and ran on Leo over a decade ago, well after Raven had ditched her husband and daughter and gone back to her tribe. Knowing what we do about Raven, and the way she does things, that doesn't bode well for how she got her hands on that magic."

Ozpin nodded, his expression grave. "I find it odd though," he said. "She had to be aware that she'd revealed the truth about herself to you, yet she didn't make a more determined effort to silence you."

"Oh, believe me, she tried..." said Qrow, his gaze going distant.

Two avian forms, one trailing faint ribbons of blood in the air, stooped down towards the monolithic form of Beacon Tower. The one in the lead's wings folded, its dip going into a dive. A second later, Qrow smacked into the ground, rolling to a stop practically at the tower steps. Qrow let out a low groan, stretching his hand across the ground, as though trying to pull himself into the tower's lobby, and the promise of shelter and safety it offered.

"Pathetic, Brother," said Raven, landing on her feet a couple meters away, already reaching down to pull her sword free. "You've always called me a coward. But, in the end, you come crawling back to Ozpin the minute you're in over your head."

She raised her sword, its long, red blade glittering in the fading evening light, stepping closer, preparing to deal the final blow to Qrow.

"You made a mistake," she said. "You turned your back on your family, sided with Ozpin...and now you're going to pay the price."

A whistling sound pierced through the air ahead of a wave that cleaved its way through the ground. Raven leapt back, finding that the attack had etched a black line in the earth, a clean cut between her and her brother.

"As Branwen-san has often said of you, your concept of 'family' is quite skewed," commented a familiar voice as Kyo strode forward to interpose himself between Qrow and Raven, casually resting the back of his sword against his shoulder. Beside him, Amber quickly went to Qrow's side, looking over his injuries. "Hello again, Raven. I see you haven't learned a thing from our last encounter."

Raven bared her teeth, red flames leaking from the corners of her eyes, prompting a shocked gasp from Amber.

"Ah, there's the power I sensed, the last time our blades crossed," said Kyo. "Are you prepared to use it, and fully commit yourself to this battle, Raven?"

Raven's sword trembled in her grip, and they could tell that it was only by the merest string of restraint that Raven kept herself from lunging at Kyo. Finally, instead of that, she slashed downwards at the earth beneath her feet. A swirling vortex of black and red opened up, and Raven dropped through it, the portal closing behind her.

Kyo relaxed, sighing. "How disappointing," he said. Then he quickly turned and knelt down by Qrow as well, inspecting the man's injuries. "I suppose we'll need to get him treated. Sadly, this is well outside my area of expertise. Call the medics, if you would, Amber-san."

"Damn good thing Kyo was still here on campus," said Qrow. "I would've been dead if he hadn't been."

"I had known that Raven was the callous sort," said Ozpin sadly. "I also knew that she would only become more-so, after she returned to her tribe. But to go so far as to try and kill her own brother..."

"Well, she ain't family no more," said Qrow. "She's an enemy, plain and simple. She might not be with Salem's crew...yet. But she's got it out for Ruby in particular. If I get the chance, I'm gonna bring her down. No more Mr. Nice Guy."

"I understand your sentiment," said Ozpin. "It will be difficult though. A Maiden's power is nothing to trifle with, and Raven has had at least a decade to build her mastery of that power, if my guess about when she acquired it is correct…which is only enhanced by the combat skills she already possessed."

"Yep," said Qrow. "And it looks like she's gonna bail, if she knows Kyo is around, so she's gonna try her hardest to skirt our most surefire way of bringing her down."

"I would rather we not place too much of this on Kyo's shoulders," said Ozpin.

"You think he can't handle it?" asked Qrow.

"I don't entirely trust him," said Ozpin. "I can't be sure...but there are certain irregularities concerning the present situation that leave me feeling...uncertain...of being able to depend on him to fight on our side. It appears that the Mibu have some form of non-interference arrangement with the affairs of Salem, but I have yet to fully understand why. he's hinted at it occasionally, but never explicitly stated his reasons." His mind went back to the previous day, and the sight of Jester. "But...I might have some idea."

The days passed quietly. Beacon's campus felt strangely lonely, with most of the students gone on missions. Ruby and her friends trained and played, doing what they could to occupy themselves. With Mason's agents in custody, they were able to enter Vale without having to worry about anymore abduction attempts on Ruby.

One of their first orders of business was helping the Forrest Family settle back into their apartment, which they hadn't set foot in since the White Fang attack months ago. With financial support from Beacon, the apartment had been fixed up, and even renovated, so that it was even better than it had been before the White Fang's attack. Ashley in particularly was ecstatic to be back home, and even looking forward to going back to regular school with her classmates. She was going to have some amazing stories to tell them for sure.

Aside from that, Ruby and Yang, along with some of the others, made it a point to visit Yukimura a fair few times, the girls taking every opportunity they could to bond with their newly-discovered godfather. With permission from Ozpin, they even got a chance to bring Amber with them, though Kyo remained at Beacon for the time being, in order to keep from causing any trouble with the law.

As they waited for the other students to return, Ruby and her friends also took the opportunity to spar with Kyo as often as they could; Ruby in particular. With the extra time they had available to them, they also made it a point to work on continuing to refine their techniques in preparation for the Vytal Festival Tournament. All things considered, given the level of their skill and experience, it was likely overkill. But they worked hard on their skills all the same, especially now that they were able to begin practicing some of the more advanced Aura-based skills Ruby had learned, though some skills were harder to pick up than others.

The sound of something snapping like a twig echoed through the training room, followed by a series of loud thuds.

"Owww...Not again!"

"Weiss! Are you okay?"

Pyrrha and Jaune rushed to Weiss' side, Jaune ready to provide healing, if she needed it.

"I'm all right," said Weiss, rubbing her face, which she'd landed on...again. "But..."

"It's snapped," said Ruby, crouching by the point where Weiss had tried to stop herself, "again."

"Ruby! Those boots are expensive!" Weiss glared at her friend from halfway across the ring. This particular consequence of their practice had been depressingly frequent, ever since Ruby had begun to teach her teammates the basis for Shukuchi.

"Well I warned you that heels would be a bad idea for this," said Ruby, picking up the item in question, which had snapped away from the sole of Weiss' boot. "It concentrates your Aura into too narrow a point. If you don't want to break it, you'd need to use more Aura to reinforce it, so it doesn't break when you try to stop. Besides, more contact gives you better control. Having your heels actually on the ground will actually let you feel it, so that you can know when and how to apply your Aura."

"There must be a way," grumbled Weiss petulantly.

"If there is, I don't know it," Ruby admitted. "You're gonna run out of spare boots at this rate." What I want to know is why so many women in the Kingdoms so often seem so fixated on fighting in heels.

"I'm having the same problem, Weiss," Pyrrha pointed out. "It may be time to start looking into different footwear."

Weiss looked down, actually pouting a little. Ruby had to stifle a giggle, as the expression looked surprisingly cute on her.

"You could probably go see Yukimura," suggested Jaune. "I think he might be happy to give a discount to Ruby's teammates."

Weiss perked up at that, though Ruby was a little reluctant. She could already tell that she and her godfather were going to get along well; and he seemed committed to spoiling her as much as he could, if only to make up for his inability to help her earlier in her life. However, she didn't want to take advantage of his kindness. Still...if it got Weiss and Pyrrha...and maybe Blake, while they were at it...out of those heels and into some more sensible footwear, it might be worth doing.

And maybe they won't force me into heels for the next dance, thought Ruby hopefully. It was a long shot, but she could pray for it.

"Then we should probably adjourn until we get that taken care of," said Weiss firmly, getting to her feet, relying on Pyrrha's support to keep from tripping, now that she was unbalanced by the damage to one boot.

"I'm gonna keep at it for a little longer," said Jaune, stretching. "I probably need more practice than anyone else."

Ruby wouldn't have said that. In fact, right now, Jaune was doing better than Weiss and Pyrrha. It helped that his hiking boots were far better-suited for this kind of thing than high-heeled boots. On top of that, having been schooled in the same Aura-techniques as Ruby since the beginning, on the account that his original Aura-techniques had been taught to him by Ruby, meant that he had more practice in controlling Aura as an extension of himself. Unlike Weiss and Pyrrha, Jaune wasn't being forced to contend with old habits that might have inhibited his own development.

Having that massive reserve of Aura of his definitely helped too. When Ruby had first started learning Shukuchi, she'd run through her own Aura fairly quickly. Even before that, the exertion of the physical movements left her legs feeling like jelly. In contrast, Jaune's Aura reserve enabled him to make a ridiculous number attempts, while his Aura also helped his legs to recover from the strain, ensuring that he could practice longer and harder than just about anyone else.

"All right," said Ruby, nodding as Jaune headed back to the other end of the ring. "From the top then. Try for two steps."

Jaune nodded. He'd already learned the bare basics of Shukuchi, before their last mission. He hadn't expected to actually use it in battle. But it had given him a chance to surprise Tyrian at one point, though Jaune's skill had only allowed him to use it for a single step. Now he was beginning to work on sequential steps.

Setting himself into his stance, Jaune took a deep breath, focused his eyes, and used Flow to begin channeling his Aura into his feet. A few seconds later, his eyes snapped open, and he abruptly blurred, rushing across the ring. Less than a meter away from the ring's center, the soles of Jaune's boots screeched loudly, and he skidded to a stop, flailing his arms to keep his balance.

Ruby shook her head. "Your step is off again," she said. "I know that heel-to-toe is how most people run. But Shukuchi lands with the ball of your foot first. Then the Aura in your heel works like a springboard."

Jaune nodded. "Y-yeah. I'll try again."

"Also, try and lower your thrust a little more," said Ruby. "You have a lot of Aura, so what feels like a really little bit to you is a lot more than it would be for most people."

"But if he uses more Aura, wouldn't he go faster?" asked Pyrrha from the sidelines, where she and Weiss settled to watch the remainder of Jaune's training.

"He would," agreed Ruby. "But more speed means more momentum, less time to act and react, and more opportunities to lose control. Controlling how much Aura you use also means that you're controlling how fast you're going. Ideally, that means you should be able to go as slow or as fast as you want."

"Right," said Jaune.

"Also, try and work on your braking," said Ruby. "Project your Aura from the ball of your foot right before it touches down."

"Yes, Ma'am," said Jaune dutifully, retreating back to the edge of the ring, wiping sweat from his forehead as he did so.

"It's amazing that it's so complicated," said Pyrrha, watching as Jaune went through it again. He skidded to a stop again, but for a shorter distance this time. Muttering to himself, he turned back and proceeded to start again. "You make it look a lot simpler, Ruby."

"That's what happens, when you've practiced it for as long as I have," said Ruby. "You have to do a lot of practice with Flow and Projection, particularly how much Aura you use. Going forward is just the beginning too."

In front of her friends, Ruby flickered back and forth in sideways movements, before darting back, then reappearing in her original spot. "Once you learn how to regulate the Flow of your Aura, and develop the proper footwork, you can go in pretty much any direction you want." She sighed. "Still, getting the footwork down is tough. On top of that, using it on a flat surface is miles different for using it over broken terrain. I must've broken one or both my ankles and legs a half-dozen times at least, each, when I was learning it. It's a good thing Sasame-nee was there."

It's amazing that she'd be willing to keep working at something, even though she broke bones and joints, thought Weiss, thinking she might get discouraged, if she had to repeatedly go through such a painful experience.

"We won't start you on anything like that yet," said Ruby. "Going forward is the most basic form, and it makes plenty of a difference on its own. Being able to shoot right into your opponent's space like that is a huge advantage."

"No kidding," agreed Weiss. It was the kind of movement that made her usual lunges look painfully slow by comparison. If they could get this down by the time the tournament came around, they would have a serious advantage over all the other combatants. RYNB too. Ruby was teaching them as well, but she was focusing on her own team at the moment, while Ren worked with his separately.

Ruby smiled, then went back to watching Jaune, who continued to propel himself across the ring. It was by tiny increments, but, little by little, he was refining his technique. It would take a lot of practice, a lot of repetitions, and a lot of attempts, before he would really begin to notice the results. Fortunately, his Aura made that possible. Of course, the real clincher was Jaune's determination.

That was something Ruby admired about him. Jaune was no genius, possessed no talent to soak up techniques like a sponge. Instead, he was, more or less, completely average. His natural reserve of Aura was enormous, of course. However, where that truly showed through was at times like these, because it allowed Jaune to push himself harder and farther, making up for his lack of talent with the sheer volume of work he put in. But none of that would have meant a thing, if he didn't have the determination and grit to keep pushing himself, no matter how daunting the task, or how slowly he seemed to pick everything up.

And that's why I love him, she thought, beaming proudly. He never gives up.

She wasn't one to give up either, so that made them a perfect match in her eyes.

A few days later saw Ruby training with her brother, the sound of their swords clanging echoing repeatedly throughout the sparring ring. Fierce, crackling sparks snapped, occasionally exploding with sounds like thunderclaps. Winds whistled and howled. The pair of them were blurs, their swords making sparks explode from their colliding Auras.

Finally, a shriek, like the sound of a hunting bird of prey, filled the arena. Flaming wings spread, and the entire space was dyed vermilion for a moment. When it was over, Ruby crashed to the floor, lacerations covering her entire body.

"Ruby!" shouted Jaune, rushing to her side and quickly using his Aura to begin the healing process.

"You've gotten even better," Kyo commented blithely, standing over Ruby, his sword casually resting against his shoulder. "I don't even need to hold back anymore."

"So you weren't going easy on her?" asked Jaune.

"I wasn't actively restraining myself," elaborated Kyo. "'Not holding back' is not the same thing as 'going all out'. Suffice to say, Ruby-chan isn't quite ready for me to use my full strength yet."

"I'll get you someday," promised Ruby, lifting her head up from the floor, giving her brother a playful glare.

Kyo chuckled. "I know you will, and I look forward to it." His smile widened. "In fact, today we can begin taking the first steps towards that end."

"Huh?" Ruby blinked, staring up at her older brother. "What do you mean?"

"Let's sit down for a little, Ruby-chan," said Kyo, gesturing to the seats that lined the arena. "I have a few things to tell you."

With Jaune supporting her, Ruby made her way towards the benches along the lost wall. Once again, she'd reserved the largest sparring ring, taking advantage of the fact that most other teams were still out on their missions, though it would only be a few more days before they would be back. Up in the spectator seats, she could see a few of her friends sitting in on the battle, watching with interest. Amber was seated alongside the ring, offering Ruby and Kyo towels as they approached. The siblings accepted gratefully.

"What did you want to talk about, Kyo-nii?" asked Ruby.

Kyo stared at his knees, a strangely melancholic look on his face for a moment, before his smile returned. "Well, Ruby-chan, I think it's time you learned about the higher arts of Mibu swordsmanship."

"You...don't seem happy about that," said Ruby.

"I am," Kyo told her. "However, there are certain burdens that come along with these techniques or, at least, things that you should know, about who and what they are for."

"What do you mean?" asked Ruby.

"You remember the discussion we had with Penny-chan a few weeks ago," asked Kyo, "about the principles behind the Four Secrets?"

Ruby nodded.

"Utilizing Aura, technique becomes the machine with which one can engage with the higher order of physics that govern the world, allowing one to utilize power that would be virtually impossible at any other time," explained Kyo. "Of course, when it comes to the simple act of fighting and killing, be it Grimm or people, that is somewhat overkill, don't you think."

"I don't know," said Ruby, frowning. "I mean, if someone's strong enough, you have to fight at a higher level to beat them, don't you. Isn't that a natural progression of that sort of thing?"

"It is, but it isn't," explained Kyo. "After all, when it comes down to it, all you need is greater strength, speed, or a better form. Therefore, higher-order techniques, like the Four Secrets of the Mumyo Jinpu Ryu aren't strictly necessary."

"Then what are they for?" asked Ruby.

"Such techniques exist to cut that which cannot be cut, to kill that which cannot be killed, enemies beyond the reach of normal swordsmanship, or even the standard of Aura-based technique that most Mibu schools of Manifestation are held to."

"What kind of things?" asked Ruby.

"To put it simply and bluntly...gods," said Kyo.

Ruby's jaw dropped. "Gods...? You the Brothers from Ozpin's story?"

"Exactly like," said Kyo, leaning back, casting his eyes towards the ceiling. "Honestly, I'm not sure how much of that story I should tell you."

"What story?" asked Ruby. "Do the Brother Gods have anything to do with the Mibu?"

"They do and they don't, and that is exactly the problem," said Kyo cryptically.

Jaune and Ruby stared up at Kyo for a moment. Finally, Jaune broke the silence. "Well, I didn't understand a word of that, but I'll fight to the death for your right to confuse me."

"I'm sorry if it's confusing to you," said Kyo, laughing nervously, while rubbing the back of his head. "Some of it is things that Ozpin-dono has not told you yet. Others are things I am uncertain even he knows."

"I don't understand?" asked Amber. "What isn't Ozpin telling us?"

"Ah...quite a bit," said Kyo. "There are reasons, of course. Some are good, some not so much. Where it pertains to him personally, I'll admit there are gaps in our knowledge, but we have a grasp of the key points. For the time being, we'll hold off on that conversation. Let us get back to the main point."

"The higher techniques," ventured Ruby.

Kyo nodded. "Techniques can fall under two broad categories, when it comes down to it. Techniques like the kind you practice, ones that convert your Aura into other forms of energy, ones that enhance the cutting power of your swords, or even the more basic techniques of the Raikoken; all such techniques fall under the mantle of Hitokiri, that is Man-Slaying techniques. They are made to use against mundane opponents, be they Creatures of Grimm, or other people.

"The second is what I have termed Kamikiri, God-Slaying techniques. The Four Secrets of the Mumyo Jinpu Ryu were created as God-Slayer techniques. In fact, of all the Mibu Clan's schools, the Mumyo Jinpu Ryu has the distinction of being an entire school of swordsmanship based around Kamikiri techniques."

"A school meant to slay gods..." Ruby whispered. "Is that why almost no one is allowed to learn it?"

"More or less, yes," said Kyo. "Its creation is a tangled story that delves deep into our clan's history."

"Are you gonna be able to tell us?" asked Ruby.

Kyo frowned. "I am still pondering that," he admitted. "As I said, it concerns history that Ozpin-dono, experienced as he is, is not aware of. It is knowledge that might well completely shatter his worldview, considering the life he's led."

"That bad, huh?" said Ruby, trying to imagine just what kind of deep dark secret would be able to break someone who had spent centuries experiencing all the different kinds of strangeness the world had to offer.

"One man, no matter how many lives he leads, cannot know everything," said Kyo cheerfully.

"Okay..." said Ruby. "I'm curious, but I'll trust you, Kyo-nii."

"Thank you, Ruby-chan," said Kyo earnestly.

Ruby nodded. "So you think I can learn these Kamikiri techniques?"

"I believe so," said Kyo. "In fact, the Raikoken, created by Sarutobi Sasuke, contained such a technique. I believe it was called Kirin. You are certainly reaching a point where you could easily learn such a technique."

Ruby frowned. "That wasn't on his scroll."

"It was not," agreed Kyo. "However, we've dug up additional history on Sarutobi in our records, and they do confirm the existence of such a technique. What you must do in order to learn it is something we were unable to uncover. It may well be that you will have to create your own technique."

"But how to you make a Kamikiri technique?" asked Ruby. "How did you learn the Four Secrets?"

Kyo glanced down at the sheathed form of Tenro. "To put it simply, it's an extension of what you already learned, in order to acquire the Raikoken."

"You mean drawing on the Aura of the world?" asked Ruby.

Kyo nodded. "At even its most basic level, you could say that the Mumyo Jinpu Ryu is a school based around utilizing the power of the One. The Mizuchi, in its complete form at least, does not merely produce a blade of wind. Rather it transforms the entire atmosphere into an extension of one's blade; the air around you, even the air inside your own lungs; it becomes a blade capable of cutting you, no matter where it might be. Such a feat can only be obtained by by tapping into the power of the One, and making a portion of the world itself an extension of yourself.

"From there, achieving something on the level of the Four Secrets, a Kamikiri technique, requires immersing yourself even further in the world's Aura, not merely tapping into its power, but opening yourself up to the truth it contains. Just as you refined your physical techniques by listening to the voice within your own body, so too can you discover new ones, if you truly immerse your awareness in the existence of the One."

"How do I do that?" asked Ruby.

"By emptying yourself," said Kyo. "Completely void yourself of thought, and open yourself up, and you will begin to feel the path. It will take training, and a great deal of trial and error. But I am certain that you will be able to find your way down that road."

"Is that how you learned the Four Secrets?" asked Ruby.

"Um...not quite," said Kyo, chuckling nervously. "I had a guide, of sorts. Murasame-sama, my could say he quite literally beat the form of the Four Secrets into my flesh. That was probably the most painful and arduous phase of my training. I would rather not resort to such harsh methods for you, particularly since I believe such methods aren't necessary, the tradeoff being that you will probably be at it for a little longer than I was."

"So you can't help?" asked Ruby.

"Not much," said Kyo. "It's partly because your school is your own creation. Therefore, your ultimate techniques, your own Secrets, should have their own form, one that is just as unique to you as the rest of the techniques you've created. Too much assistance on my part could...muddy the waters, so to speak."

Ruby frowned. "Why talk to me about this now? It isn't just because you think I'm ready, is it?"

"I'm afraid you're right," said Kyo uneasily. His expression hardened. "You've met him already...Jester."

Her throat bobbing, Ruby nodded uneasily.

"Of all of Salem's minions, he is the one you need to be most wary of, one who is undoubtedly more dangerous than Salem herself," said Kyo, his expression grave. "Despite the odious nature of her existence, we of the Mibu have never sought to deal with Salem in any capacity...and it is Jester who keeps us from acting against her."

"Why?" asked Ruby.

"I don't know," Kyo admitted. "It might well be that there is no reason. You've met him yourself, so I imagine you've had a taste of his madness."

Ruby nodded, her stomach squirming at the memory of the man's sinister Aura.

"Jester's actions are not necessarily shaped by anything approaching rational thought," continued Kyo. "His reasons for doing what he does are completely his own, assuming he has any reasons at all."

"That's...scary," said Jaune.

"Who is he?" asked Ruby. "He was one of the Mibu once, wasn't he?"

Both Jaune and Amber started, staring at Ruby in shock.

Kyo nodded slowly. "It was long before my time. He is a relic, hailing from ages past...time beyond reckoning."

"I thought so," said Ruby. "The's driven him completely insane, hasn't it?"

"It has," said Kyo.

"Ennui...?" Jaune canted his head. "What the heck is that?"

"It's...a condition," said Ruby. "Sort of. It's not like a disease or anything."

Kyo provided the explanation. "The Mibu Clan's mastery of Aura-techniques enables them to accomplish many remarkable things. Amongst those is the prolonging of their lifespans."

"Uh...How much prolonging are we talking about here?" asked Jaune.

"Virtually indefinite," replied Kyo casually. "Ruby-chan has already been taught the restorative art, known as .

"To put it simply, one's Aura consists of dual natures, opposite natures if you will, Yin and Yang-the latter not to be confused with Ruby-chan's sister, by the way. Yang is the power that represents and incites growth. In contrast, Yin embodies the negative, the fading and degrading. The extreme of Yang is represented by birth, the extreme of Yin, death.

"When a person is born, they are born with these elements out of balance. A newborn's ratio of Yang Aura vastly outweighs their Yin, which fuels their growth and development. As a person reaches adulthood, the opposing aspects of their Aura balance out. Then, with aging, the balance gradually begins to tip towards Yin. When the Yang has faded completely...death comes; hence, a person's path from infancy, though childhood, to adulthood, and then into old age.

"The art of essentially serves as a manual reset of sorts. One uses their control over their own Aura to reset Yin and Yang back into balance, therefore maintaining their body's condition and staving off the effects of age. As it is a rather simple procedure to perform, prolonging one's own life is an easy process. As such, Mibu have an average life-expectancy of nearly two centuries, though there are a fair few who live even longer. Both Murasame-sama and Makoto-sama of the Taishiro are over three-hundred years old."

"That's...incredible!" gasped Jaune. On Kyo's other side, Amber looked just as floored by the revelation.

"But why just bring it back into balance?" asked Amber. "I mean...Yang fuels growth, right?"

"Yes," agreed Kyo, "all kinds of growth, including that of viruses and bacteria that are present in your body, even now, but are held in check by your immune system. One way or another, Yin and Yang will find their balance. If you actively throw them out of balance, they will find their way back into balance in a manner that will be to your cost, such as a virus within your bloodstream breeding explosively, or even the formation of Yang-based diseases, namely cancer."

Amber paled at the notion.

"Hold on a second!" protested Jaune. "This said it can prolong people's lives indefinitely, right?" Seeing Kyo's nod, Jaune frowned. "So why do the Mibu have a life expectancy at all? Why don't they just live forever?"

"Indeed," agreed Kyo, smiling widely, like a teacher, whose student had just asked exactly the right question to drive the lesson forward. "That is where the Ennui comes in."

"What is it?" asked Amber.

"To put it simply, it is a condition that gradually emerges as one grows older, but does not age," said Kyo. "There is no biological root that we have been able to trace, which leads us to believe that it is psychological, or even purely existential.

"In terms of symptoms, it is a feeling...a feeling of life becoming...burdensome."

"So they feel tired?" asked Jaune.

"In increments," said Kyo. "Imagine waking up each day, feeling a little bit more tired and run down. Physically, nothing is changed, yet you feel different all the same. Little by little, the Ennui saps one's will to live, until one no longer feels obligated to continue on. Those who succumb to the Ennui simply cease their efforts to prolong their life, and slip away peacefully to what waits beyond."

"That sounds..." Amber began to say.

"Horrible?" suggested Kyo. Amber nodded slowly. Kyo nodded back, his expression sober. "I suppose it does. However, amongst the Mibu, we have come to accept this condition as a fact of life. Life is not meant to be continued perpetually, it is meant to be lived, then departed from, to each in their time. There is nothing wrong or unnatural with the Ennui, and we consider it nothing more than the Yin that exists to balance the Yang of our own prolonged lives. One way or another, the balance must be made, the Yang of your birth balanced by the Yin of your death."

"So...only a couple-hundred years, huh?" asked Jaune.

"For an average member of the Mibu Clan," agreed Kyo, nodding. "There are factors that mitigate and delay the onset of the Ennui, and it is the nature of such factors that have led us to embrace the Ennui as a natural aspect of our existence."

"What factors are they?" asked Amber.

"They are called Ikigai," said Kyo. "To put it in Common, it would roughly translate into 'a reason for getting out of bed'. Ikigai represents the things that drive you to move forward with life. They can be aspirations, duties, responsibilities, feelings...people..." His hand moved to rest atop Amber's, and he smiled warmly at her, eliciting a blush from her cheeks. "As long as you have something to do, or someone to share your life with, you can continue on, as those things mitigate the burdensome feeling brought on by the onset of the Ennui. That's how people like Makoto-sama and Murasame-sama can continue on, despite being over three-hundred years-old, their sense of duty to the Mibu is what allows them to continue on."

"You knew about this?" asked Jaune, looking to Ruby, who nodded.

"Makoto-sama gave us a lecture on it, during our last year at elementary school," said Ruby. "That's when we were taught too."

"Are we gonna get to learn that?" asked Jaune.

"Eventually," said Ruby.

"It will take more training," added Kyo. " is another Manifestation art, so you need an even deeper awareness of your Aura than even that for basic Manifestation, before you can sense the Yin and Yang components of your Aura, and control them. Once you do, it isn't so hard to accomplish. Fortunately, there is no rush. After all, you are well over a decade away from when your Yin aspect will begin to gain ground. By then, you will have already learned the art. Even though Ruby-chan knows how to perform it, she doesn't use yet, because using it now would completely halt her physical growth."

"Oh..." said Jaune. "So then...if this Ennui-thing gets stronger as the years go by, then..."

"Yes," agreed Kyo, his expression darkening by an order of magnitude. "To put it bluntly, Jester should have died millennia ago. You see...he is afflicted by a terrible condition, one that completely defies all logic according to how our world works. He simply cannot die."

Jaune, Amber, and Ruby all felt a deathly chill go down their spines upon hearing that.

"He can't die?" asked Ruby. "B-but then..."

" wouldn't be so hopeless, normally," said Kyo. "After all, Kamikiri techniques are devised for just such enemies, ones who cannot be killed through normal or natural means. If one who cannot die is likened to a god, then Kamikiri techniques, like the Four Secrets of the Mumyo Jinpu Ryu exist to cut such people down."

"Except that it won't work on Jester, will it?" asked Ruby, frowning. "Otherwise, you would've killed him already, wouldn't you?"

"Exactly right," said Kyo. "That is the problem. Jester has been 'killed' many times. He has suffered through the most powerful techniques that the Mumyo Jinpu Ryu has to offer, attacks that would have snuffed out even the Pretender Brothers like candle-flames. Yet he has always come back, as though nothing has happened, even though we all know that he would prefer it if such an attack truly sent him into the void, once and for all.

"You see...while I won't tell you everything about Salem-much of that is Ozpin-dono's story to tell-I can tell you that her existence is akin to that of a god..."

That makes sense, thought Ruby. After all, Ozpin's been fighting against her through all his reincarnations, which mean's she's been around just as long as him...if not longer. So either she has the same kind of ability, or she just lives really long, just like the Mibu.

"...yet we know, full well, that the Kamikiri techniques we possess have the capacity to end her," continued Kyo. "However, even with the Kamikiri, we cannot kill Jester. So long as he remains between us and her, Salem will remain a plague upon the people of this world."

Ruby frowned. "But then...what good does it do?" she asked. "Even if I learn these Kami-kiri techniques, I won't be able to kill him anymore than you would."

"Perhaps," said Kyo. "The truth is...I'm not sure. However...O-Kaa-san and Tou-san think that the answer might be otherwise."

"Huh?" Ruby grunted, looking at Kyo in confusion.

Her brother smiled down at her. "They told me that you are a very special girl, in ways that you do not yet know. As such, you may yet find a way that no one before you has. Therefore, you could be the one to finally bring this endless parade to its end."

"Don't you mean cycle?" asked Jaune.

Kyo shook his head. "The term 'cycle' suggests death and renewal. Cycles are natural. There is nothing natural about Jester's endless life. It is merely a line, progressing forward, long after it should have reached its end, and connected with its new beginning. In a world of circles, such a line is a clear aberration."

He returned his gaze to Ruby. "In any case, Ruby-chan, while O-Kaa-san and Tou-san aren't fully sure of how to go about this, they are certain that developing a Kamikiri technique will be your first step." He smiled radiantly at her. "And think of it this way. If you can do this, if you can bring Jester down, then you will have surpassed, not only me, but the entire culmination of the Mibu Clan's efforts to deal with that man across the whole of our history. That would make you victorious over me in the truest sense of the term, don't you think?"

Ruby nodded, not feeling all that encouraged though. It was such a severe task to just have dropped on one's plate. Worse still, they knew there was more to this; more to Salem, more to Ozpin, things he hadn't told them, truths yet hidden. Despite his earlier candor, when it came to speaking about the Maidens and Relics, there were layers to the truth that they had not yet scratched.

And Ruby found herself wondering just how much truth Ozpin intended for them to much he would allow them to.

More importantly, Ruby knew that the enemy's main attack would be coming during the Vytal Festival. Jester had promised it. She knew that she would have to deal with him, one way or another, which gave her a deadline. She could only hope that she would make it in time.

Despite the ominous tale that Kyo had dropped on them, one that Ruby and Jaune were quick to share with the rest of RASP and RYNB, they did their best to keep their spirits high. Despite her trepidation, Ruby looked on this as a continuation of her Huntress training. She had decided to become a Huntress to protect people. For better or worse, Jester, and the rest of Salem's minions, were threats to the ones she would be fighting to protect. Therefore, training to overcome them was only the natural course for her.

She tried not to work herself too hard. Despite her worries, things had gone quiet for the time being. The White Fang's activities had died down almost completely, at least on the overt level. Much to Ruby's surprise and relief, the trial against Mason Ayers proceeded promptly and without complication, Ruby herself not even needing to act as a witness.

On top of that, the end of the mission period brought with it the resumption of their regular classes and training. The extra time that they'd had to prepare, during the remainder of their mission period, had paid off in spades, especially for Jaune. His combat ranking had risen like a rocket, going from the bottom of class to jockeying with the other members of RASP and RYNB in the rankings, with only Ruby and Pyrrha remaining comfortably seated at the top.

Life went on, and they prepared as much as they could for what awaited them in the future, but also tried to enjoy their school lives as much as they could. A few weeks after their second missions, their semester exams came and went, leaving the Vytal Festival right around the corner.

Already, the inverted-conical form of Amity Coliseum hovered over the bay between Vale and Beacon. Trains and ships, both seagoing and aerial, were arriving daily, bringing with them more and more people. Many of them were tourists, coming to take in the festival and watch the tournament in person. Several of them were students from the other Academies, who would be participating in the tournament, or cheering on their schoolmates who were, but who had not signed up for the exchange with Beacon.

Ruby found herself looking forward to it. After all, the approach of the tournament meant the arrival of visitors she was looking forward to...and those, whose coming she hadn't anticipated at all.

"Shall we pick up the pace? We're almost there."

"Yeah! We don't want to miss Ruby-chan's debut!"

"I don't think there's any risk of that. We should be arriving a day early, even at our current pace."

"But if we get there sooner, we can play with Ruby-chan some more, before her tournament begins."

"That's one way to put it, I suppose."

Sasame giggled, looking at the trio of tagalongs behind her. She'd promised Ruby that she'd be bringing one of them along, but, much to her secret dismay, hadn't thought about the other two. She supposed that it would do well for all three of Ruby's friends to come and visit her.

"Well then," she said cheerfully, beaming at Natsuki, Miyu, and Setsuna, "let's pick up the pace. Everyone hold hands and make sure to stick together. We don't want you getting lost."

"Oi, what are we, kindergartners?" protested Setsuna, while Miyu giggled. "This isn't a field trip."

"I can't wait to see Ruby-chan again," declared Natsuki, hopping up and down as she walked, an exuberant grin on her face.

"And I know that she'll be ecstatic to see all of you," said Sasame, turning to face forward again, so that her charges wouldn't see the melancholy look that slipped across her face like a passing shadow. Let's enjoy this visit to the fullest, Ruby-chan. After all, I fear it will be the last one I'll be able to make.

"Master Whitley, we will be arriving in Vale within the hour," declared the portly butler, who entered from the cockpit.

"Very good, Klein," said Whitley, looking up from his scroll, which flashed with schedules and spreadsheets. "Are the accommodations taken care of?"

"Of course," said Klein. "The presidential suite of The Grand Silmaril has been reserved for your use. We shall be arriving at their landing pad shortly."

"Excellent," said Whitley.

It was one of the perks of having the best room at the most exclusive and magnificently-appointed hotel in all of Vale, just the kind of place that visiting Councilmen from other Kingdoms would vie to stay at. The Grand Silmaril had, amongst their other amenities, a rooftop landing pad, allowing Whitley to disembark from his airship at the hotel itself, rather than needing to land at Vale's airport, then go to the hotel via local air or ground transportation. It was just one of those luxuries that was expected of the presumptive heir to the most-powerful company in all of Remnant.

Oh...I'm getting ahead of myself on that last part, he thought. Well...that particular conundrum was what he was here in Vale to solve in the first place.

"Have you sent notification to Weiss about our arrival?" asked Whitley.

"Not yet," said Klein, the uneasy look in his eyes indicating how unhappy he was with that particular fact. "You told me that you wished to keep news of your arrival from a surprise, I believe."

"That would be correct," agreed Whitley. "I understand that Winter is also here now. Perhaps a full reunion between us siblings is in order." He smirked up at the family butler. "Are you looking forward to seeing Weiss again, Klein?"

"O-Of course, Master Whitley," said Klein. "I've missed her a great deal, since she left Atlas." Despite his words, there was still a strong sense of unease in his statement.

Whitley understood. After all, Klein loved Weiss like a daughter, and had been more of a father to her than Jacques ever had. He was worried just what kind of plans Whitley had in mind for their "reunion". Whitley often found himself wishing that at least some of that tenderness and affection had been spared for himself. But it seemed that being the "favored child" of Jacques Schnee marked him as being undeserving of such things.

For his part, Whitley had never asked to be smarter than both his sisters put together. He'd never asked to eschew direct violence in favor of more creative solutions. He'd never asked to be more savvy at the actual business of running a business than either of the people who'd been slated to do so before him. However, it seemed that those factors had marked him as unworthy of affection. At least Willow, bitter drunkard that she was, was indifferent to everyone equally. Weiss and Winter might have thought they'd had it hard, as the objects of Jacques' disdain. But Whitley figured that they'd probably never wondered what it was like to be someone who lived saddled with his hopes and approval.

Regardless of which child he favored, Jacques Schnee did not do "affection".

Still, those were complaints about pointless things, in the end. Whitley had come to Vale with business on the mind, business he planned to see through in full.

" this is Vale."

"Well, it's Vale's territory, but we're not at the Kingdom yet. Come along, whippersnapper, we've got a train to catch."

"Y-Yes, Ma'am."

The boy huffed, struggling to keep up with his chaperone, while struggling with the weight of the two suitcases he was carrying. On top of that, for an old woman of diminished stature and hunched posture, who needed a cane to help herself get around, she set a surprisingly blistering pace through the streets of Ulmo. Despite that, and the fact that he was forced to carry her luggage along with his, the boy was grateful for her presence. Without the promise of her supervision, he would have never been allowed to Vale for the Vytal Festival at all.

"Come along, kid. We've gotta catch that train, or we'll be stuck here all night."

"C-coming," groaned the boy.

The woman paused, turning back to look at him over her shoulder, the pale-blue lights of her cybernetic eyes flickering slightly. "Regretting this trip yet?"

"Of course not," protested the boy.

The woman grinned playfully. "Good! Wouldn't do to travel all the way across two continents to see your crush, only to get cold feet on the doorstep."

"I-It's not like that!" protested the boy.

"Sure it isn't," said the woman with a merry cackle, continuing on her way. "I hope you didn't put all your hopes on her, she's probably found a nice boy for herself already."

"I know that," huffed the boy. "I just...I had to see her."

"Well, good luck with that," said the woman. "In a few more years, you'll probably have an easier time seeing her. Now let's get going."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Next chapter: The Vytal Festival commences. Yay.