Endgame Supernatural Style

Fed up with the life circumstances five years after the blip Dean decides to reverse the events of the last five years with supernatural means.

Sorry for the long break but my cat got ill and I had to put him to sleep a few weeks ago. I wasn't in the mood to write. I brought him as a kitten from the shelter and he was 16 years as he died.

Chapter 1

Dean dropped his weapons frustrated in the trunk. The last five years had been a nightmare. After the blip, monsters of all kinds had come out to prey on the shaken and reduced population. The not dusted hunters were few and hard-pressed to keep up with the protection of the humans, which had suffered more than enough.

On one hand, it was easier to hunt because there was no law enforcement and nobody was interested in old wanted posters anymore. On the other hand were the nonhuman monsters not the only ones who had come out to prey on the weak.

For Dean's taste too many criminals had gotten away with their life while too many good people were killed who would fight them under normal circumstances, it all seemed very suspicious to Dean.

Many hunters had started killing humans monsters like murderers and rapists too when they happened across them during their hunts. The victims of human monsters were as grateful for their rescue as the victims of the creepy monsters. Moreover, as another advantage all hunters knew what they had to do to stop the human monsters from coming back as ghosts.

Dean had no problems with this proceeding and had it done more than once. Even Sam had no objection whatsoever when they caught someone in the act. What other choice did they have? There was no law, no prisons and no justice anymore.

It was against their morals to let these human monsters get away and give them so the opportunity to commit their next crime. They would further kill, rape and torture and then they would be responsible for the suffering these monsters caused. No, for their conscience it was better to kill the scum and protect the innocent.

"What is our next mission?" asked Castiel wearily who now travelled with them all the time. Heaven had fallen silent and to be a hunter was the only way for Castiel to help the humans. He kept the Winchesters up to date over the current actions of the Avengers, not that they were doing much to protect the innocents with the big exception of Hawkeye or Ronin as he called himself now.

The remaining Avengers like Natasha Romanv, Steve Rogers and other just took care of the big picture.

Tony Stark had crept off like the coward he had always been and enjoyed his comfortable life while everyone else suffered.

"No mission, there is a big meeting with other hunters. It is time the supernatural does something useful", answered Dean. Sam and Castiel changed glances. Dean was now the leader of the remaining hunters in the United States. "The Avengers can do nothing to reverse the last five years but perhaps we can and it is time we use the knowledge we have."

"You know that I have not enough power anymore to send you back in time", said Castiel confused.

"I know, Castiel, but there are other possibilities. It seems like the Men of Letters have a British branch, they have contacted us and want to talk. They said some things that make me think that they can time travel. Do you know anything about them, Castiel?"

"I have never heard of them, Dean but that doesn't mean much. I didn't know either that the father of your father was a Man of Letters, some things I was never told."

"And if they can time travel …" asked Sam.

"We go to the Avengers and ask them if they want to do something useful for a change that really helps. Sam, are there still two hunters who follow Ronin?"

"Yes, they don't know if they should be in awe for the way he kills the scum of this earth or to complain about the many corpses they have to burn."

Sam shrugged. "And they talk about him all the time; all hunters have now a new hero." Sam smirked. "Other than you of course."

"If the British Men of Letters can really time travel, we should contact Ronin first. After all, he is the only one who helps already in a practical way."

"Who will contact him?" asked Sam and he already knew the answer to his question because he knew his brother.

"Me, it is too important to send anyone else." Dean smiled boyishly. "And do you really think I would miss the chance to meet one of my heroes?"

Sam and Castiel exchanged again glances and then sighed.