3rd Person P.O.VJessie never thought himself special, why would he? There wasn't anything special about him, he wasn't crazy good at building or fighting, nor was he any good at potions or redstone.

All he was, was a sixteen year old, orphan boy with a pet pig that lived in a tree house.

I mean he had friend's, Axel and Olivia, and maybe Petra, but that was it! He never once won at the Endercon building competition (or any competion for that matter ) and any talents he did have weren't very interesting, well... except one, tiny little thing that MIGHT make him special...

He had gained the interest of the Admin.


The first time Jessie gained the Admin's attention was purely accidental, on Jessie's part at least.

All he did was kill a few monsters, that was it, okay?

( He may have, somehow, caused three creepers to become charged, which once they exploded killed the other mobs, one of which was a slime, which led to him, and the surrounding area, to be covered in slime)

Though it was unintentional on Jessie's part, he did admit that it looked pretty cool.

Of course then he realised what he was covered in and promptly went home in a rush, hoping no one saw him covered head to toe in slime.

But unknown to Jessie ( at the time ) someone had seen him.

The Admin had just dealt with a failure of a champion when he caught sight of a sixteen year old boy about to meet his doom.

A small part of him told him he should help the boy, a part that he had to repress, a part that had all but begged him not to hurt them, a part of him that had anguished over his death.

Just as he was about to help the boy, which even he was surprised he was doing, a few of the creepers were struck by lighting. The Admin blinked, what were the chances of that happening? and he hadn't even caused it!

And then the creepers exploded. Destroying some of the surrounding area and killing of the rest of the mobs, leaving the boy covered in the remains of the mobs.

It was stupid. The only reason the mobs were killed was because of the charged creepers, no other reason. The boy didn't do anyway, he just got lucky!

And yet the Admin was intrigued, the chances of that happening to anyone else were slim, the chances of that happening to anyone else and them surviving were slim.

What were the chances that a young boy, barely at the cusp of adulthood, surviving three charged creepers?

Perhaps he was thinking about this to much, others had survived much worse.

'But they were adults ' his mind told him, adults that always got scarred, that were always so boring.

Yet this boy didn't have a single injury, not from the spiders and zombies or skeletons, not from the creepers. Unless he counted the boy being covered from head to toe in slime guts, which he didn't.

Watching the boy go home ('where else would he go Mr. obvious?') the Admin figured he would keep an eye out for the kid. One never knew what he would get up to, perhaps the boy would be a successful champion, perhaps he would actually accept his challenges and actually care about him and not leave hi-The Admin shook his head, no need to think about that, now did he? With a snap of his fingers he teleported to the Sunshine Institute.

He needed to make everything was in order ('you mean torture the Warden, right?') and he really wished he wasn't so sarcastic, especially to himself.


The second time Jessie did something 'spectacular' was two weeks after the first incident.

He wasn't entirely sure how it had happened but he had only been making TNT, for reasons. and his inventory was getting kinda full so he may have put some of it down.

Now this wasn't his fault, not really. He had decided that making TNT was rather dangerous, so he needed somewhere safe to craft it.

Yeah who would have known a cave wasn't suitable, am i right?

Jessie really should've noticed the redstone, he really, really should have. Which led to his predicament, soaring through the air might have been a nice, wonderful even, thing if not for the fact that the hard, rocky ground was getting close at an alarming rate.

When he had heard the sizzling of lit TNT he had screamed at Reuben to run, if he died he didn't want his friend to go down to.

The blast had launched him a few feet into the air, which would have been fine.

If he wasn't launched out of the mouth of the cave. Why oh why did he have to choose the cave that was so high up? why couldn't he have chosen a cave surrounded by water?

Eyes watering Jessie closed them, if he was going to die, he didn't want to see it. Jessie had wished he had told his friend's how much they meant to him, how much he loved them.

And then it happened. It happened to fast, Jessie wasn't sure what he noticed first.

The water seeping into his clothes or perhaps it was the loud 'Splash' that he heard when his body collided with the water.

His eyes had snapped open . Blue light hit him, he was underwater.

Somehow he was underwater when he was sure there wasn't any water nearby.

Swimming to the surface Jessie noticed three things. One was that the water he was in, wasn't a lake or pond, it was in fact a pool.What made it so odd though was that the pool was made out of prismarine.

Number two was that Reuben was right in front of him. He was so sure the little pig had gone in the opposite direction as him, so how had he gotten here? It would have taken a very long time for a pig to come here fro the cave entrance, which to Jessie looked to be about 5-7 miles away.

And number three was that there was a chest, on which was a piece of paper.

Getting out of the pool Jessie scrunched up his clothing to get a bit of the water out. Once his clothing was decidedly less heavy he went up to Reuben and made sure he was alright, was he was sure he finally went to the chest.

On the chest was a note which simply said 'Should be useful, don't do something so stupid again' there was no signature or anything ssaying it was for him, but Jessie knew that whatever was in the chest was meant for him.

Opening the chest Jessie found a rather plain bracelet, mostly leather with a single prismarine shard impeded in the front.

Putting the bracelet on Jessie saw the enchantments, the soft blueish purple shine was definitely different. And stronger.

Jessie decided that he was going to go home and change and then he was going to the local Enchanter to see what was on the bracelet.

Once he was home Jessie instantly went to the shower, stripping nude he looked at the bracelet. He didn't want to ruin it but, he didn't want to take it off.

Jessie didn't know where these feelings were coming from but...This was a gift. One someone he didn't even know made and then gave to him!

'what if they made especially for me?' Jessie thought before shaking his head, that was silly, why was someone who didn't know him make him something so nice? And yet Jessie didn't take it off.

And maybe Jessie didn't ever take it off, not because the Enchanter told it had Blast Protection XV ,Fether Falling II and Unbreaking XV.

No while it was nice that he was now safer, he didn't take it off because someone made it for him.


The Admin was a busy man, he built things, created things. He had the Sunshine Institute to run, no matter what others thought.

And yet even while he was busy he kept an eye out for the boy.

The second time he saw the boy he followed him into town and what he saw angered him.

Some of the older people, mostly shopkeepers he noted, were nice to him, talking to him, asking him how he was, how 'Reuben' was.

'The pig, the boys pet pig is named Reuben' He wasn't sure why but he filed that information away.

The other townspeople how over...

The town was mostly young people, children, tweens and teenagers. And it was obvious to him that the boy didn't get along with any of them.

The minute he laid eyes on thatboy, Aiden, he knew he wasn't going to like him.

Aiden was wearing a leather jacket with an ocelot face on the back, and upon seeing 'the boy' he smirked at his friends 'great, they're one of those types' he thought rolling his eyes.

He knew these types, they act tough until someone stronger comes along and then like a dog with it's tail between it's leg they rolled over.

Aiden was with tree others, each wearing the same leather jacket.

Two dark haired anand one blonde.

"Hey dorkface! Where ya going, the idiot imporium?" He, tried to, made fun of 'the boy'.

'I really need to learn his name' he thought.

The other to laughed with Aiden while the blond shook his head and looked in the other direction.

He also knew these types, the Admin thought, remembering a time long past. The blonde was a type C bully, as he like to call them.

They were friends with the type A and B but didn't actually bully others but instead turned a blind eye to it.

The only girl in the group walked up to the boy" Hey Jessie, how's it hanging?" She said snidely. The boy, Jessie, turned pale. His eyes started to tear up.

He didn't know why but he really wanted to hurt them.

"Maya that was uncalled for, esp-especially since today is...y'know" The blonde finished on a whisper.

All the blonde got in return was a glare and an unimpressed look.

"Really Lukas? C'mon were only joking!" Aiden said, throwing his arm around Lukas's shoulder. Maya and the other boy just nodded and laughed.

Jessie walked away and he followed him. When in town it was obvious to him that Jessie was trying not to cry, but when they left town he didn't even try anymore. He was outright sobbing as he broke into a sprint.

When Jessie made it home he had collapsed into his bed. His pig oinking softly, Jessie reached over started to pet him slowly calming down.

When looking for champions, he didn't want people with emotional baggage. They always seemed so...pathetic to him, especially when what they went through seemed to insignificant compared to others.

But he felt none of that.

Jessie looked heartbroken, he was mumbling to himself.

That 'it wasn't his fault'.

He had never wanted to hug someone so much in his life as he did now.

The Admin had kept a closer eye on Jessie after that.

He learned that he did have friends, Axel and Olivia. Olivia was nice enough, though in his opinion she went on about redstone to much, and with Axel he went on about TNT and explosions so much so that he worried that Jessie would be hurt because of him.

He also found out why he cried that day.

Now he didn't really get angry often, now others ('Xara' his mind whispered ) might think he lost his temper easily but that wasn't entirely true.

Yes he got mad, yes he got angry, but in all his life there were only three times that he had been livid.

He didn't remember what the second and third times were about, other than that each were accompanied by the most bone chilling fear, but he definitely remembered the first time.

He had been a child then, not even ten years old. He loved his mother, she was the most beautiful woman he had known, and the kindest.

She would read to him, sing to him, teach him.

But no matter how much he loved her, that didn't save her.

Now you have to understand, he was a child who loved his mother and despised his father.

A father who abused them.

When his mother died he was empty. He felt nothing for weeks. The one thing he cared about, the only person who loved...gone.

His father held no love for him, nor he his father. But while he wanted his father dead he didn't think he would the one to do it.

That was until his father told him what really happened...

Needless to say that monster got what he deserved.

But he was getting off track, the point was that he rarely becomes livid.

This was one of those rare instances. The reason Jessie reacted like he did was because when he was seven years old, his mother hung herself, right in the front garden.

And those children, those insignificant worthless children joked about Jessie's dead mother in front of him!The next time he followed Jessie to town when he saw them, for a brief moment he allowed his eyes to be visible. He may or may not have been giving them nightmares, though he did go easier on Lukas since he did tell them to stop.

They didn't make fun of Jessie for a month.

And every once in awhile he would pay them a quick visit. Just to make sure they remembered their lesson.

He continued to follow and watch Jessie for awhile, making sure no one bullied him was something he was subconsciously doing at this point.

Protecting Jessie however, he wasn't sure why he was doing it. If Jessie was going to be his champion then he needed tto be able to protect himself. that's what he told himself at least, but he didn't stop protecting Jessie.

He was originally going to only protect from afar, but the the boy just had to get himself in trouble.

Jessie nearly blowing himself up would have given him a heart attack, if his heart needed to beat that is. Quickly making that pool was probably not his best idea. He could have just made a small lake, but no he just had to make a pool surrounded by prismarine! Jessie most definitely noticed that!

An-and he said nothing, he did nothing. He didn't start freaking out, he didn't start, well... It was weird. How he just..accepted it.

Most of his previous champions would freak out, while the other half just didn't want anything to do with him.

Teleporting to his home, one that he had recently made when bored, he laid on his bed. He felt the moment Jessie put on his bracelet, he knew Jessie would most likely take a shower when he got home and would take off his gift to him. Not that Jessie knew that.

So imagine his surprise when Jessie never took it off. When Jessie slept with it on. And when he followed Jessie into town the next day, seeing him wearing the bracelet, seeing him be so gentle with it once he realised how many enchantments were on it. That he thought that who ever gifted it to him went out of their way to make him something so special.

Perhaps Jessie had a constant smile on his face that day.

And maybe...The Admin, Romeo, had a small smile on his face as well.