Hi there, I'm back with another chapter. I will be making a bunch of grammar and sentence structure clean up to the chapters before this after I release this chapter. I was on a phone at the time and didn't have access to a pc to fix it. Pressing enter on the phone would make the format weird. That aside, I had a strike of investment into this story so I'm going to continue it.

Let's get to the reviews.

If you don't care about my responses to reviews, scroll down to the chapter title.

RedFistCannon: Yes it would throw a wrench in her original plan, but she has something quite nefarious cooked up. Yeah, I had no access to a pc at the time since my laptop had finally fried a while back.

Diabloseriosa: Yes, I could see how you thought he was calling his mother Bulma. It switched to the narrator's view midway so it was easily mistakable. I'm fixing that in the edits.

Elijah Oliver: I'm planning on that happening later on, but he will be on his own for a while.

S Goku and Z Goku: You can put it that way, yes.

JensenDaniels32: I talked with you about this in the pms but for anyone else wondering, the universal god tiers come from the novels where the big bad goddess is so large she requires multiple universes to fully manifest, also she fused two universes together casually among other things.

Qazse: Motoyasu will be the same guy he is in the cannon story except toned down slightly since the situation is a bit different. Without Ren to hold the two together, Itsuki and Motoyasu will not be as cohesive. His character will remain largely the same given that he would start off with an even larger party and a motivation that will be revealed later on in this chapter. To be honest, I don't really dislike Motoyasu's womanizing as much as other people do, And after reading the way he died, I kind of feel bad for him. Of course that's not to say I agree with his #metoo believe all women nonsense, but he didn't deserve that death. Yanderes are a terrible character trope that need to get "peacefully sunsetted". There's nothing attractive about serious mental illness. However, now's not the time to get into a conversation about double standards in anime.

Itsuki's prick behavior will be slightly toned down due to Ren not being there and due to circumstances. As for Trunks, He's going to be leaving Melromarc quickly so not many guards will be harmed by him. Remember, as much of a meme guards are in stories like this, they still are people and not all of them are malicious or ill meaning. They have to do their jobs.

Oh yes, Trunks has no aversion to killing bad people or demi humans, however, he doesn't like killing innocents. One thing I would like to add is that while many people portray demi humans as good guys who didn't do any wrong for whatever reason, that's far from the truth. As with literally any race, religion or whatever in fiction and real life, you have the good and the bad. I wish to portray that equally.

JensenDaniels32: I agree with you about Saiyan biology resisting poison to a large degree, however, it isn't immunity. Goku resisted princess snake's poison but it still knocked him out. Frost's poison was capable of incapacitating Goku. Gohan's cells were being destroyed by the poison from the furry guy. While I agree that normal poison would do nothing to a Saiyan, something incredibly potent could take them out. I also realize that it would be hard for anyone to actually carry out the poisoning given that Trunks can somewhat sense malicious intent through Ki. It's not impossible though.

Also as for Vegeta being killed in his sleep, it would also be incredibly unlikely, due to his past where he must have dealt with assassins on a daily basis. It was a hypothetical more than an actual chance. I realize this site has many many downplayers, I hate that as much as you do probably. We all know the arguments "Goku got hurt by a laser, therefore hes fodder" or "Goku in super saiyan got hurt by a rock" or "Goku got hurt by bullets, therefore hes fodder" or the most annoying one "Goku isn't universal cause it was mostly Beerus that was putting out all the power" or a plethora of dumb arguments that simply ignore that the fighters can suppress their power. I'm not a downplayer of super or dbz, If anyone is looking for nerfing, here is not the place to look.

Guest: Welcome back, I like the long thought out responses.

Let's get to it.

Yes, I like the plot point of trunks getting his tail back. It forces him to adapt to the world differently than he would have without it. Now for one, I hate the idea of making villian characters one dimensional racists, sexists, classists, species ists or whatever ist or ism you want to use as a way to show how virtuous the mc is. I prefer a shade of gray. One dimensional characters work good only in a very small amount of situations and usually its bad writing to speed up the plot. If you have a bad guy or bad woman, they should be fleshed out with reasons for their opinions and views. If not, they are just boring dime a dozen cookie cutter models that aren't remember able in any way.

The church of the three heroes is going to have to do a lot of damage control for sure, and do it fast.

As for Vegeta, yeah, he would blast everything to ashes if he was disrespected like that.

As for Trunks and his relationship with Naofumi, you will have to wait and see. I don't want to give everything away before the chapter even starts.

Itsuki will have a cautious view of Trunks in the beginning. While he sees Trunks being bullied, he also sees him react violently. The jury is out on what he thinks about trunks at the moment.

Motyasu and Trunks's interactions will be limited especially since he believes the princess that will work extra hard due to the necessary sacrifice she made when she tried to get rid of trunks. Trunks will probably see him as a good guy at heart but incredibly dumb and manipulable man.

I have something extra spicy planned for the eventual Fitoria meeting. There's no way in hell trunks would take Fitoria's bullying like a coward. Look forward to that when it happens.

Trunks won't even be there to have a party, so that isn't an issue.

There is no way in hell that Trunks would own a slave, Even if seventeen and Eighteen were turned into his slaves, he would kill them instead. Slavery would remind him too much of Seventeen and Eighteen. Not that he's going to go on a crusade to free every slave, it's just that his morality and experiences wouldn't even make him consider it. Sorry, but no slaves for Trunks regardless of how interesting of a plot point that would be. Now if it where Vegeta from early to mid dragon Ball Z, I could picture him buying or just walking in and taking one for shits and giggles.

As for Rifana, MAYBE and that is a BIG MAYBE, a set of orange balls could be scattered across the planet.

Don't apologize, I very much look forward to your input.

Death Lantern: That was a formatting problem I was incapable of fixing at the time. It should be fixed by the time you read this, If you do.

Skywolf99: Yes, After reading through it again "Rough around the edges" is putting it nicely. Thank you.

Sashazanuda409: Thank you. I am not relying on the anime. I mostly am doing the manga and some of the novel.

And that's that.

"Yelling"/ Important thing




Chapter Three: Open eyes, Closed heart.


Trunks had stood waiting for the heroes that had begun moving to his location with the man that was sent away in silence. He didn't want to kill anyone, especially after what he had gone through with the androids. Killing was the last thing he needed. The guards would wake up in a little while and that would be troublesome. He had to find a way to stop them from getting backup and making things more difficult.

The solution was simple. Ki restraints.

Gohan had taught him them in the case he had to make a desperate escape from the androids. It required focus of one's Ki in an attempt to make the equivalent of rope that would snake around the person that is being held. For someone of his power it would be not an issue to restrain them, but maintaining concentration on over twenty five different restraints would be a challenge in not pressing too tight and an overall challenge to his control abilities.

"It's time I tried" he said as he reached out his life force to the guards that lay on the ground. It was a challenge at first, manipulating so many extensions of his Ki. Though he quickly adapted and completed his hold as the heroes came walking to him behind the portly man.

He fixed his neutral stare at the heroes coming to meet him, they were in a similar situation as him as far as the summoning went. That was where the similarities ended though as far as he could tell.

The portly man scurried off after the heroes stood in front of each other.

Motoyasu was the one to speak first.

"Hey sword hero. I know you weren't treated so well by Myne, but can you forgive her? She had a very troubled past like yours and she spoke out of hurt" he said with an attempt to bring peace.

Trunks decided to reluctantly give the benefit of the doubt to her and said "There's two sides to every story so Alright, besides I don't really think I'll be seeing much of her anyways. Just tell her not to insult me again. I haven't done anything to her".

Motoyasu smiled and thanked Trunks for his understanding.

"So, was there something you wanted to address?" trunks asked the three.

"The first thing is, Are you our enemy? It doesn't look like it but it never hurts to be sure" Itsuki asked to get the doubt out of his mind. He didn't want to fight over misunderstandings as things stood now.

"No, I'm just trying to understand what's going on and if I stay here I'll have to deal with attempts to get me imprisoned or worse, killed. I'm going to search the surrounding area to find some information before making my way around this world to learn what's going on. That brings me to my own question. A friend of mine taught me a good ability for times like now. I'm going to want to talk with you in private for a little bit before setting off and the guards should be coming any time now. I promise you I wont hurt you. Just grab on to my shoulders, I'll tell you everything after we get to a private area" Trunks said to the heroes.

The three looked at each other as if questioning if it was a good idea.

Naofumi stepped forward first and put his hand on Trunks's right shoulder.

"If you wanted to hurt me, you would have done it by now. I'll trust you with this" he said with a half confident, half curious voice.

Trunks nodded in appreciation before asking the others "Are you going to grab on or not?"

Itsuki asked in return "What is it you want to do?".

Trunks smiled his best reassuring smile at the time and said "I want to teleport us to somewhere we won't be overheard. You just need to have your hand on me for it to work".

Motoyasu, who was in a positive enough mood now that Trunks had forgiven his new girl friend decided to put his hand on Trunks's opposite shoulder saying "I'll put my faith in you".

Eventually Itsuki sighed then grabbed Trunks's right arm.

Trunks brought his left hand to his face with two fingers on his forehead as he focused on a life force a little way outside of the city and the four of them popped out of the space they were just in.

Popping back into existence in an open field next to a deer that was startled and bolted after they appeared next to it, the four heroes looked around.

It was nice and quiet as the sun shone down upon them, casting it's warmth upon them.

"That's pretty cool" Motoyasu said in slight excitement as he regained his unsteady footing.

"How far is the range of this?" Itsuki said as he slightly hobbled a short distance away to acclimate to the ground again.

"That was pretty interesting" Naofumi said with a slight tone of awe in his voice. He never expected to experience teleportation just like this before.

"This looks good enough. As for the range, as long as I can sense something living and lock on to it, I can teleport to it" Trunks said, not wanting to reveal the flaws in the technique. The flaws were that if you weren't familiar with the target, there would be a large margin of error in where you arrived.

"That's pretty broken. Where did you live that an ability like that was required?" Motoyasu asked curiously.

Trunks responded in a neutral tone "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. There are people watching us, I thought you would want to know. They are invisible and so far they have caused us no harm. It was one of the reasons I teleported us here, so that hey can't find us here right now. I want to know a little bit about the people I was summoned with"

"That makes sense" Naofumi agreed.

"Alright, Now that there are no prying ears, lets at least share our stories. I may not meet you for a while so I'd like to know the people I will fight alongside with" Trunks said, wanting to move the conversation along.

The heroes all sat down near each other and went over their history, though embarrassing parts and private things were kept secret. Now with at least a rudimentary understanding of each other and what they thought the world to be, debate sparked.

Motoyasu and Itsuki had believed this world was from a game, noticeably different games though while Trunks and Naofumi spoke of the same book. Not wanting to derail the conversation, Trunks said that that could be discussed later. Right now, he had to set up objectives.

The four agreed to at least help the world in the way they could and the three besides Trunks would hear out the king.

"Good, I have to go now, but it's about time you three return. Grab on to me" Trunks said while standing up and locking on to the throne room.

The other three heroes grabbed on to his shoulders and arm before they popped into the throne room near the entrance that had a hastily repaired set of doors on it.

"I'll meet you all later. Take care" Trunks said before teleporting out quicker than any of the guards or the King could react.


Throne Room

Recovering from teleportation for a second time was easier than I thought. Looking around the room, I saw looks of distrust and heard the muffled conversations of the people in the room. The king had his eyes narrowed at us as he leaned forward on his throne.

The room hushed as the king raised his hand for quiet.

"I expect an explanation for this. Aiding criminals is a punishable offence, hero or not" he said while giving me an especially deep scowl.

"Come forward and explain yourselves" He said beckoning us to come closer, the anger in his voice palpable.

The three of us stepped forwards and stopped a good twenty feet or so away from his throne. It was Motoyasu who spoke up in defense of Trunks.

"Trunks isn't that bad of a guy, Please don't be so harsh on him" he implored the king who was about to yell again when someone cut him off. It was the woman that had insulted Trunks before.

"Please let the heroes of the hook this one time. I doubt that they are collaborating with him. If they did, they most likely would have run away by now" she asked the king in a pleading manner, her posture and eyes in a meek and non forceful manner.

The king sighed and slowly fell back into his throne before shaking his head, wrinkling his brow and closing his eyes in defeat. He looked like a man that was just forced into a corner.

"Very well, but I forbid you from meeting with him within my country. If any guards in the surrounding towns report to me that you have been conspiring with him or have even been seen walking together, you will be arrested and tried for treason" he said reluctantly with clenched fists.

"Thank you" The three heroes said with relief.

"I only do this since I cannot lose you. If you were regular civilians, You would be executed here and now. Now on to the next concern. You have discovered what your weapons do, am I correct?" he asked the heroes.

The three Heroes looked at each other puzzled at what the king meant.

The king sighed deeply.

"Say 'Status' while focusing on yourself" he said while rubbing his temples in exasperation.

The three heroes tried and with some difficulty managed to pull up their status screens after trial and error.

"Level one" Itsuki said disappointed as he sucked his teeth in a 'tsk' manner.

"Same" Motoyasu and Naofumi agreed.

"This is why you must train. In a short period of time, invading monsters from another dimension will assault this country and you need to be strong enough to fight them. I have called to service powerful adventurers to help you in your journey, however, you must train in separate parties or else you won't get enough EXP to level up. Any questions?" the king asked, hoping to get this over with sooner rather than later.

No questions where asked so the king requested the adventurers to join the heroes.

Itsuki and Motoyasu's parties quickly filled up but Naofumi was left with no one.

Then, the woman who had had an outburst earlier walked over to Naofumi and bowed to him with a slight blush and a serious face.

"I want to thank you for trying to help me earlier Naofumi. I know I slapped your hand away and I apologize, I was angry and not thinking clearly. Please forgive me. I want to make it up to you and hopefully show you that I'm not the bad person you might think I am by helping you level up, I know the areas around here and can help you get armor and a weapon. I also am very good with a sword and can compliment your lack of a weapon. Please let me join you?"

Naofumi who was caught completely off guard by the mature act of good will agreed to have her join his party. He didn't completely trust her, but if she was willing to help him and bow in apology, the least he could do was give her a chance.

"Thank you" She smiled warmly to him while standing next to him.

With the parties now organized, the king raised his hand for quiet and attention.

"With the heroes now partied up, I will provide them with funding. Spear hero, for your eagerness to help those in need, I award you five hundred silver to be used at your discretion" after saying that, two men in high quality gray silks brought a large bag of coins up to Motoyasu and handed it to him.

"Bow hero, Your choice in adventurer companions is well founded and shows the gravity you put for this trial. I also award you five hundred silver to be used at your discretion" the two men brought another bag to Itsuki's party.

"And lastly, the Shield hero. Due to your small party and lack of ability, I award you three hundred silver in leu of not having as many people to help support" the king said while trying to keep a neutral tone.

"But tha-" Naiofumi was about to interject, however the woman tugged on his shoulder as to stop him from saying something regrettable.

"With this done, I remind you not to interact with the rogue sword hero, he will be arrested and tried for treason in time. Dismissed"

The two men brought Naofumi a considerably smaller bag of coins.

Later that day


The woman who had joined his party was quite warm once he got to know her. Her name was Myne and she had explained in depth about her history and showed vested interest in what Naofumi had to say. She had shown him around the city and even treated him to a nice lunch consisting of a venison sandwich with a drink of his choice. He chose water.

She took him to a armory owned by the city guard. It sold low quality armor for discount prices. After convincing him to spend a small amount on light leather armor that allowed him to keep his mobility, the two went out hunting. They started with balloons, orange balloon type monsters with sharp teeth that bounced like rubber balls.

He would defend, while she attacked. This went on for a while while they smiled and joked with each other. They really hit it off well. Naofumi eventually stopped distrusting her thanks to her honest and bubbly personality that took everything on the shoulder without judging him. Eventually she got tired and the two walked over to a large rough and unevenly barked tree and sat down at the base while talking about their lives like long time friends and not new acquaintances.

Wiping the sweat off of her brow, Myne leaned her head affectionately on Naofumi's shoulder. He didn't resist it as she was visibly tired. Besides, if a balloon horde attacked, he could hold them off long enough to wake her up.

Gazing up at the sky, Naofumi felt comfortable. He had made a new friend who was helping him and they really hit it off well. Myne was an honest woman that had the best intentions. Her outburst at Trunks was unfortunate, but it was a mistake she apologized for and he forgave her. Water under the bridge, live and let live.

"Thank you for letting me join your part Naofumi. I was afraid you viewed me as a horrible person after my outburst. I'm happy we got to know each other" She said groggily as she nuzzled against his shoulder.

"I'm happy I got to know you too Myne, I honestly was overwhelmed when I got here. Thanks to you, I can finally find some comfort here" He said while gazing up at the sky with a relaxed expression. Unknown to him, Myne smiled evilly.

Naofumi felt a slight pinch on the back of his neck that was resting against the tree.

"Ouch. That bark is sharp" he said as he reached to the back of his neck with his hand to make sure it wasn't a bad cut. When he felt nothing major, he dismissed it and kept looking at the sky.

"You know, I'm kind of tired. Let's have some rest" Naofumi said as he felt his eyelids droop with weariness. Seconds later, he was snoring deeply in a sleep that he wouldn't wake from for hours. By then, it would be too late.

Myne got up from next to him and looked at the tiny needle she held in her hand. The tip had a small bit of Naofumi's blood that was mixed with a dark green liquid. A paralyses and sedative poison that induced strong hallucinations. By the time the guards arrived to arrest the Horrible Shield demon who had teamed up with the Rogue sword hero to attack her, he would be crazed and seeing vivid hallucinations. The plan was perfect.

And cut.

Thanks for reading.

See you next time.

I know that in cannon, Trunks didn't have IT but I find that stupid since Goku should have taught Gohan that knowing he was going to die. Gohan certainly would have taught Trunks that if he knew it.