Chapter 2

A/N-I just couldn't resist putting out another chapter tonight!

When Will returned to Dr. Lector's office for another 'conversation', he found Cassie in the waiting room.

"Hey Will!" she said.

"You work for your brother now?"

Cassie shrugged. "Well he's currently missing a receptionist, so I thought why not? It's the least I can do. Hannibal's done so much for me".

Hannibal opened the door and ushered Will in.

"Have a good night Will!" Cassie told him, "Han, I'm just going to pop down to the coffee shop".


"I know, but it's only down the street. I'll be back soon. I promise. Then we'll lock up and go home right after your last appointment".

"Very well".

Cassie smiled and grabbed her purse before leaving.

"Has Cassie always been this dedicated to you?" Will asked when Hannibal closed the door.

"Cassandra and I are very close".

"Some might say too close".

Hannibal knew what he was implying. "I love Cassandra as a sister. Nothing more. Now, tell me about the case Jack Crawford has you working on".

Downstairs, Freddie watched as the brunette left the office before she snuck in.

Cassie was sitting in the coffee shop enjoying her drink when Will walked in the door. "Will!"

"Umm…your brother asked me to come check on you".

Cassie rolled her eyes. "Of course he did. He's so overprotective".

"Can you blame him?"

She tilted her head, confused. Will blushed.

"Wait. Are you telling me I'm pretty?" she asked him.

Will scratched the back of his neck as Cassie giggled.

Cassie returned to her brother's office and helped him lock up for the night before they headed home. Hannibal was having Jack Crawford over for dinner that night with Cassie attending as well. Since Cassie knew Hannibal's secret, he made her vegetarian dish.

Bach played in the background as Hannibal served dinner.

"Loin served with a Cumberland sauce of red fruits. Strawberries, raspberries, currants". Hannibal placed Cassie's salad in front of her.

"What kind of loin?" Jack asked.

"Pork", Hannibal answered.

"Wonderful. No meat for you, Cassie?"

"My sister isn't feeling well. I thought a salad would be good for her stomach".

"I'm sorry to hear that".

Cassie picked up her fork and started eating.

"I don't get that many opportunities to eat home-cooked meals", Jack told him, "My wife and I both work and as hard as I tried not to, I did wind up marrying my mother".

Cassie snorted, but covered it up as a cough.

Hannibal stopped to put his suit jacket back on before sitting down in front of his own plate of meat, but not before shooting his sister a look. "Your mother didn't cook?"

"She did, she did. I only wish she didn't. There was this meal she used to prepare she used to call it Oriental Noodles. Spaghetti, soy sauce, bouillon cubes and spam. I was very thin as a youngster".

"Well next time bring your wife. I'd love to have you both for dinner. And I'm sure Cassie would enjoy the female company".

"Thank you".

Jack took a bite of his meat, making Cassie's stomach turn. She knew Hannibal was getting a sick enjoyment out of watching Jack eat it.

"Lovely. So, why do you think Will Graham came back to see you?" Jack asked.

"I'm sure he recognizes the necessity of his own support structure if he is to go on supporting you in the field".

"Well, I believe that a guy like Will Graham knows exactly what's going on inside of his head, which is why he doesn't want anyone else up there".

"Are you not accustomed to broken ponies in your stable?"

"You think Will Graham's a broken pony?"

"May I be excused please?" Cassie said, rather loudly in fact. She'd just met Will, but he didn't deserve to be talked about in such a manner.

Hannibal nodded and Cassie got up, taking her plate with her. The two men heard a crash.

"Is everything okay?" Jack asked.

Hannibal shot out of his seat and practically ran into the kitchen.

Cassie was standing at the kitchen sink, breathing rather hard.

"Cassandra?" he asked.

"I broke it. I broke it", she said, looking at the plate, "I swear I didn't mean to!"

Hannibal wrapped his arms around her. "Shh, let's get you in bed".

"I'm not sleepy".

Hannibal led her to her bed anyway and laid her down. He disappeared and came back with syringe.

"No!" she yelled.

"It's just a sedative to help you calm down and sleep", he told her. He stuck the needle into her arm and Cassie's eyes went hazy. "Rest now". He leaned down and kissed her forehead as her eyes fell shut.

The cracks are beginning to show...