When Harry woke up, light was fading outside the windows.

He rolled out of bed and pushed the sleeves of the sweatshirt he was wearing up over his hands. It smelled like laundry powder and Pepper's perfume.

Harry followed his nose to the living room, where Tony and Pepper were sat on a sofa together eating pizza from a delivery. Tony looked up and jumped as he approached, but a smile quickly spread across his face.

"Hey kid. Feeling better? Come sit down."

Harry nodded as he sank into an armchair, and cautiously took a slice of pizza when Tony pushed a box towards him. There was black oil on his hands and forearms.

"You must have been beat." Tony said. "You've been out three days."

Harry's eyes widened, and he saw Pepper shift slightly.

"I got you some clothes." She said. "But we can go shopping tomorrow and get everything you need. Is... do you have any stuff from... from before? Tony said you lived in England. We haven't managed to contact your guardians, but when we do we can see if your things are still there, if you want?"

Harry shook his head, then paused. His trunk would have been in his bedroom in Privet Drive, and although he thought the Dursleys would probably have burned it, if anyone could find out it would be Tony. It would be nice to have his photo album and invisibility cloak. "Maybe."

Pepper nodded. "Ok. Well, tomorrow."

Harry nodded, absently chewing on the pizza. He tipped his head to the side slightly, peering at Tony. He tapped his chest. "New?"

Tony frowned for a split second, then grinned. "Knew it wouldn't get past you. Yeah, I upgraded. This one should last a lot longer and won't get as hot."

Harry nodded, and Pepper just gaped.

"How could you possibly..."

Harry shrugged. He didn't feel like explaining how the device in Tony's chest now smelled more sterile, and the faint humming it gave off was at an even higher pitch, so Harry could barely hear it.

Harry glanced out the window as he ate, watching the dark sea as Pepper and Tony's conversation washed over him. It suddenly struck him just how long it had been since he had eaten something that wasn't out of a tin.

He glanced at Tony. "Can I-" he jerked his head at the door.

"Course you can. This is your home now Harry, I mean that."

Harry stood and crossed to the sliding door leading out onto a balcony overlooking the sea. He breathed in the salty air, closing his eyes and listening to the gentle wash of waves against the cliffs far below.

He felt tears pricking behind his closed eyes once again, and wrapped his arms around himself, fingering scars that had disappeared but would never be healed, letting the sound of the ocean drown out the sounds of agonised screams, angry shouting in foreign languages and the chink of metal on tile.

The metal bar of the balcony railing was cold under his hands as a breeze came in from the sea, ruffling his long hair as it passed over him, taking his worries and bad memories and fear with it as it blew away.

A small smile twitched at his lips as he listened to the sounds all around him; the water crashing against the cliffs, small animals in the forest around the house, the faint hum of electricity behind him. It was all so much quieter than the system of caves in Afghanistan or the bustling suburb that was Privet Drive.

Harry opened his eyes when he heard footsteps behind him, acknowledging Tony's presence with a nod as he came up beside him.

They stood together for a while, both comfortable with the silence.

Harry looked up into the sky, taking in bright constellations unobstructed by clouds or light pollution.

"We're okay now." Tony said quietly. "We're out, and we can look after ourselves, and each other." Harry wasn't sure if he was talking to him or just reassuring himself, but he appreciated it all the same. "We're okay now."

Harry tilted his head, resting it on Tony's shoulder and the man's arm snaked around him, settling over his shoulders, a comfortable weight. They were silent for a while longer.

"I meant it, you know." Tony said. "This is your home. I've found a lawyer; he's coming over tomorrow. I'm going to make it official."

"I... what?"

Tony turned to look at him. "You're not old enough to live on your own; you need a legal guardian, and your current ones deserve to be in prison." Tony said. "I've got a lawyer coming over tomorrow who will start the paperwork of making me your guardian."


Tony looked confused. "What do you mean why?"

Harry's throat felt thick with emotion. "You want me?"

In answer, Tony simply wrapped his arms around the small boy, pulling him into a tight hug. "Don't be stupid, kid." He whispered. "Of course I do."