Lucky Treasure

In attendance to Xiaoyao's Pill Event were Principal Canghe, some Lingyang Teachers who dabbled in Pharmacy, and his closest friends.

Lianyi and Beiyue included in that list, though Xiaoyao allowed some guests for Beiyue's sake.

The event was about obtaining a new level of purity in refining pills. It took one heck of ki control to produce such clear, glass-like luster! And better yet, more potent! Pharmacists present were encouraged to try their luck, so the excited maids and Xingli joined the table, their own censers out!

The event went as planned, though by the time it was over, they can see other girls by the shore, but too intimidated by the huge water-snake circling Xiaoyao's ship. Xiannuo had set her summon loose in full power to intimidate away unwanted visitors when the event ended.

'Aiya, news reached them late didn't it?' Xingli giggled as she could see a few ladies wanting to see the Princes as they were by the docks to get some sun.

'Sigh, even if they tried, they're not allowed in here Cousin Xingli. They are uninvited unlike us.' Zhonglei sighed with an eyeroll as after the event, the maids scattered to cook dinner in the kitchens. Beiyue was with the princes and academicians, leaving the two together. 'Really, how desperate are they?' he sneered in disgust. 'Sister would tell me a man will never pursue a woman chasing a man, as it's a man who should chase a woman.'

'Father was strict about that too.' said Xingli. 'Because a woman chasing a man is a sign of loose morals, disgracing oneself. He can really be as bad as Aunt Qin's father sometimes.' she told him. 'So, about your arrangement...'

'Mm. Sister will let me be known when it's time for contests in school.' Zhonglei chuckled. 'I can't wait to see the looks on their faces...' he smirked.


'That's one beautiful snake!' Sima Guiyan exclaimed, admiring Xiannuo's summon. 'I've never seen anything like it!'

'My maids want theirs cute.' said Beiyue in amusement. 'They think my and Dongling's summons are scary enough for all of us.'

'Three of your maids are summoners I recall...Dongling, Xiannuo and Qiangye.' said Lianyi. 'How far are they now in cultivation?'

'Humm, Dongling just started being a 6-star, while Xiannuo and Qiangye are about to master 4-stars. They juggle work after all.'

'Such phenomenal rise there!'

'Well, most of it is thanks to Yao'er.' Beiyue smiled at Xiaoyao who smiled back. 'My maids work hard to make his time worth the while.' she's currently known as 9-star junior herself. Catching up quick to far as the public knows, while to the teachers at Lingyang...they know better. 'It's Qiangye's fire fox guarding my mansion today so you won't see it now.'

They talked some more, until Dongling announced Dinner was ready...and what a feast the maids made. Three choices each of soup, dimsum, vegetables, meat and dessert!

And they all smelled way too good.

In this world, people relied on an ingredient's natural tastes, along with oil, soy sauce, sugar, honey and salt.

They never know how to get creative with culinary herbs. Garlic as an example, is a medicinal herb for refining and that's as far as they know! They don't even know it's edible and good for flavor and aroma!

Beiyue's modern knowledge was also a part of Qinghe's Tourism Industry. She had met with restaurant chefs in Qinghe as well as Taverns in how to improve using herbs...after using Security Sorcery so they cannot spread business knowledge limited solely to Qinghe only. And if they were to retire, they absolutely must inform her so she can meet their successors before training said successors. So visitors spend lots of money on delicious food!

And now, these guys were dumbstruck by how delicious the feast was. Not only did it smell good but deliciously-flavorful, and meat oh-so-tender! The dessert?

'What are these?'

They were cakes that were beautifully-iced, pastries, tarts, and pies. With fruit, nuts and honey of course. Chocolate is impossible in this world, sadly.

'A new development in my provinces. Try some!' Beiyue encouraged. 'They're all sweet desserts. Shops in my county will sell them soon as soon as my trained chefs master them there while my girls mastered them already.'

'It looks...fluffy? What are they made of?' Lianyi wondered as he received desserts from the maids as the cakes were pre-cut beforehand.

'Wheat, eggs, milk, butter and fruit. And you get those.' Beiyue grinned. Taking on their adventurous spirit, the unfamiliar pharmacists ate the desserts and they're sweet, moist and fluffy!


Needless to say, everyone overate that day, taking pleasure in the desserts.

'That was wonderful Yue'er, I've never had such a dinner!' Xiaoyao was very happy. 'Can I send my manservant to learn from you?'

'Of course.' Beiyue agreed. 'I'm a strict teacher and you'll be doing a re-budgeting of your kitchen expenses when we're through with him.'


'Just take care not to end up like Anguo Gong though.'

Xiaoyao choked, looking like cracked white granite, unable to imagine himself being...obese.

Beiyue's food was so delicious but he must learn self-control too.

'Ahahaha...' he laughed weakly and nervously.

'Princess Beiyue,' an unknown old man approached them.

"The Pharmacy Sage!" Xiaoyao thought. The old immortal's knowledge surpassed his it was lucky he befriended the man on his travels. What could he want from Beiyue?

'Greetings to honored sir.' Beiyue greeted with elegant, respectful etiquette and charm, making the man happy.

'Mm. This old man is very pleased to know that the daughter of Princess Huiwen knows etiquette.' he was a bright, but thin old man. 'You do your reputation proud.'

'My thanks to sir's kind words. Though I believe we never met.'

'The old man laughed with a 'haha': 'Of course Princess doesn't recognize this old man. I had met Princess before she was married.'

Furthermore, his words had praised Princess Royal. Towards such a person, she needs to be very respectful to him. Hence, the memory of Princess Royal won't be flawed in his heart because of her.

The old man stroked the short beard on his chin and laughed: 'Good, good! Today this old man has seen Princess Beiyue, this old man has finally resolved his desire. That year I was too busy, I wanted to give Princess Royal a gift. But I had to deal with a lot of matters, so it kept getting delayed until she had passed away. I was still unable to send the gift. This old man had felt great regret these past years.'

Beiyue shook her head in reassurance. 'Sir, please don't say that. My mother must've felt that it was very fortunate of her to have met you.' she said with a smile. Must've been a birthday gift or wedding gift, she had no idea. But grateful all the same on her mother's behalf.

The old man smiled with relief: 'Being able to hear the Princess say it like this, this old man is also very fortunate. Since I'm unable to give this gift to Princess Royal, then I'll give it to you. Think of it as resolving one of this old man's wish!'

Saying up to this, he turned his hand over. From his high-grade purple gemmed space ring, he took out a scroll. With a smile, he gave it to Beiyue.

Beiyue didn't dare to refuse as she quickly received it from him: 'Thank you, sir!'

When an elder gives his junior something, it wouldn't be sensible/smart to refuse.

'Hahaha, good child. I hope to see you again.' The old man saw that she was well-mannered, he felt even more gratified. He nodded his head. His body floated on top of the lake. As he floated more, he slowly disappeared into the distance.

'...' it was a purple scroll with the label 'Hundred Ways of Refinement'. 'Hey, Yao'er...did mother practice Pharmacy?' she asked, knowing full well how valuable this scroll was.

'She does.' said Xiaoyao. 'She believes one must accomplish what they can so they have no regrets. Especially so as back then was war.' he told her.

'I see...well, I'll do what I can too.' Beiyue swore. 'Because I haven't gotten my wishes yet.'

'What would be your wish?'

'Well, being a princess aside, I just want a normal life.' Beiyue told him. 'And married a man who would give me a happy, loving and fruitful marriage. But how can I with mother's killer still alive, right?' she looked up at the sky. 'I'll fix all loose ends.'


'Daughter, how did the event go?' Gangjian asked his daughter who returned home.

'It was a very solemn, serious, but fruitful experience father! I never got the chance to be surrounded by high-profile people before!' Xingli gushed out. 'We all even learned a new technique! My first social debut is a success since I left a good impression on the people present!'

'Mm.' her father nodded in approval. 'By the time of the Feat Contest, you and your siblings must shine. The Pill Event is a small, but precious event, moreso as Prince Xiaoyao is present. How did they receive you?'

'Everyone treated me kindly after royal cousin introduced me and I never failed in my manners, so I was was nerve-wracking but I got better rapport with the school teachers now...all Lingyang Pharmacy Faculty are present along with principal and Sima Guiyan and Prince Xiaoyao's closest friends...never thought that guy is a Pharmacist too...' she said thoughtfully. 'Although some ladies came but Xiannuo's summon kept them all away. They're not invited yet dared to show up unannounced, how the time they came it was already late afternoon with dinner being cooked.' she said. 'Cousin Zhonglei said they'll never have a chance because they chase men when it should be man chasing woman.' she huffed.

'Well, they look desperate, Xing'er. It's a sign of loose morals. Blatantly saying they're after this man to gain his status and access to his money. That is the language we men perceive taught to us by our fathers.' Gangjian sneered. 'Never associate with their ilk, now that you have seen their faces by that lake shore.'



At home...

Beiyue hid the scroll in her ring. She would take vacation seriously for now.

She has some time left before school begins. So while resting her body, she would cultivate. She dared not rest on her laurels from her past life as a SOLDIER. She wanted to be stronger than that, damnit!

She has been downing pills since her mother's death after all. She had badgered Zack to do the same. Puppy got left behind. So when they spar, alas, she's stronger than him again.

Soon, when her short vacation was over, she had returned to school, wearing a red outer garment with yellow embroidery, white inner garments and orange harem pants. Her long silken vibrant hair loose. Half of it were as flat buns by the sides of her head, hidden by pomegranate flower pins.

She got the attention of many young masters for her looks, blushing at the mere sight of her.

Zhonglei wasn't exactly oblivious to the thoughts of these young masters. His sister was way too beautiful to be even humanly possible. Sometimes, he feels treacherous feelings in his heart towards her because of her beauty, that may cross lines and he was afraid of that, so he bottled it all up, not wanting to lose what family he had left.

Eyes fell on her silk curtain for hair, her skin as white as snow that made her hair, eyes and red-matte lips stand out. A natural beauty with exquisite, petite form accompanied by her brother Zhonglei and their servants to the top of the stairs, before leaving them. Even her maids have vibrant hair and snow-white skin!

'Princess Beiyue's back!'

'She took leave due to overworking right? Is she even OK?'

'It's not easy being a princess worth 500 million gold...'

'No kidding, so young and already a landlady, Princess Qinghe!'

'That's some determination though...'

'Not only that, Prince Jing and Consort Jing came back too!'

'They did?!'

Beiyue listened to the conversation.

Prince Jing was affiliated with his mother's family as confirmed by Yingye. She also met his Wangfei, Lin Wanyi. She was a woman who has very blessed big eyes, her face is as round as a goose egg, her forehead is full and clean, and her lips are plump and ruddy. That, and a big pride that she would resort to dirty tricks just to 'stay' a winner. Such a woman is not allowed in the royal family. When she discovered Yingye's abilities, she had Yingye spy on the pair as well. Conspiring with Zhanye to cause her downfall as a woman like her cannot be a part of the royal family and taint it with evil.

Beiyue had been looking for an opportunity for her downfall and her opportunity lies in the upcoming Feat Contest at around autumn. It's way too hot to do any school event, it's still summer!

As she separated from Zhonglei, she headed for Mount Archery Class to get dressed for yet another training session but students who are normally watchful of their etiquette are now all out of order!

'Puppy, Yingye, what's going on?' she asked the couple.

'Lingyang College will be holding a skills competition and this year the principal had specially approved of the Imperial College to also join!' Yingye chirped. 'Let's sign up!'

'Yeah, let's!' Luoluo grinned. 'I already commissioned a sword made that looks like my old pal!'

'...that's weird, we're not normally allowed in Feat Contests.' said Beiyue. Imperial College specializes with words and brains while East College does practicals.

'It's a once-a-blue-moon thing, come on!'

'Yeah yeah, whatever...I have a mission anyway.' said Beiyue airily.


'Yup. I'll tell you on lunch break. Not now.'

And so...

'OK, spill Gen.' said Luoluo excitedly. 'What's your mission?'

'They say the key to an empire's downfall is a woman.' said Beiyue. 'Lin Wanyi is a woman who cannot be allowed to be part of the royal family after I confirmed her character with Yingye's help.' she said.

'She's a woman who will use all means, including dirty methods to get what she wants.' said Yingye. 'If we let that someone in as a consort...' Luoluo paled at that.

Yingye would tell him how she grew up. She grew up in a treacherous household wherein even she has to be careful even if her royal father dotes on her. She had to constantly watch out for assassination attempts from other consorts. It was lucky she got engaged to Luoluo so she was now protected as being a Single Princess was more trouble than it's worth!

'Our opportunity is in this feat contest.' said Beiyue. 'To prevent a future evil dynasty and to protect a rightful ruler's term, we have to play dirty as well.'

'Right...' said Luoluo uncomfortably. To put a person off their high perch, public humiliation is a must!

He can't imagine himself doing that, even for a country!

'For now, we'll sign up like normal. I'll handle Wanyi.' Beiyue told them. 'Yingye, I need you to know what contest Wanyi will join in. I absolutely must join there if it's within the Imperial College.'

'Alright.' Yingye nodded.


After school...

'Zhonglei, what contest will you join in this coming autumn?' Beiyue asked Zhonglei, intrigued.

'Well, I aim for the Swordsmanship Tournament.' said Zhonglei. 'I'll go by what I know for now. Zhongqi signed up for the Polearms Tournament.'

'Humm...then, time to file the paperwork.' Beiyue grinned. Zhonglei momentarily paused before grinning back.

'It's time for that?'

'It is. Let's enjoy the chaos you'll cause while I'm stuck in Imperial College...but I'm sure Luoluo will get me good news somehow.' the two went home late, in a mischievous mood because they filed the required paperwork.

Then Beiyue had her sword sharpened in Bugiel Market.

They counted down the days, until it was time.

It was an event where it's OK to come to school in battle outfits for those joining.

Zhonglei dressed up in swordsman's armor his money can buy that matched the sword his sister gifted him. He was also well-groomed, with his armor and sword all polished, except for the handle that was only clean so he could grip it.

"Today's the day." he thought as he left with his manservant. "That it'll all be legal!" he swore nervously but at any rate, he embraces it any day, every day!