Chapter 17

Tony awoke face down in his pillow. He was too tangled in the sheets to move much. He laid there for a minute, trying to remember … anything. Paris. He was in Paris. That's why the bed linens smelled different. He blinked. a hotel...with Ziva. Tony reached to the other side of the bed and grabbed only air. Had he dreamed it? A sick feeling settled into his stomach at the very thought. No. Waking up to find out it was all a dream was like losing her all over again. He couldn't lose her. He brought up his hand to rub his eyes when he saw it...the gold band gracing his left hand. It wasn't a dream. A new question came to mind. If this was real, where was Ziva?

It took a minute for him to extricate himself from the bedclothes. A quick look around the bedroom and the en suite bathroom revealed no Ziva. Tony opened the door and made his way into the living area. She wasn't watching tv nor was she at the dining table. It was noticeably colder than in the bedroom. He gave a quick shiver and rubbed his arms. He spotted the culprit. The doors leading out to the balcony were opened. He saw movement and went to investigate. As he neared, he saw it was Ziva. Her back was to him. She was standing in the middle of the balcony gazing eastward, wrapped in his coat. Years of experience had taught Tony that coming up on Ziva without at least a little bit of warning wasn't a good idea. He cleared his throat as he stepped to the doorway. "Nice coat," he said.

Although Tony couldn't see it, Ziva smiled and pulled the collar to her face. "It smells like you." She glanced over her shoulder briefly. "Where are your clothes?"

"Let's coat. I believe that's the tail of my shirt sticking out from the bottom there. Apparently, you're wearing them." He stepped behind her and snaked his arms around her waist. "How long have you been out here?"

"Since around 0800, when the sky first began to lighten," she answered. "You do realize you are still naked."

"One of the perks of penthouse living. Who's gonna see?" Tony settled his chin on the top of her head. "What were you doing out here before daylight?"

"Watching the sunrise."

"Your first day of freedom." There wasn't a trace of sarcasm in his tone. He was sincere. Tony understood.

Ziva was quiet for a long time. "It does not look different," she finally said, "but it feels different."

"Like you will never look at the sunrise the same way again?"


"I've never been a morning person." Ziva laughed at his "confession." "I know. Big shock." Tony grew serious. "Yesterday, on the flight, sunrise couldn't come fast enough."

"It represents so much. New day. New life. New family. New me."

Tony nuzzled her hair. "I rather like the new you."

"For the first time in my life, I am free to be myself. It is … different."

"With everything you've gone through in your life, you could have let it turn you bitter and callous." He pulled her closer to him. "Instead, you turned out this wonderful, amazing, loving person I get to spend the rest of my life with."

"I like the new you, too," Ziva replied.

"What? I've always been this charming."

"You have?"

"Mmm-hmm. Especially when I'm naked." Tony shivered. "It's cold out here."

"Especially when you are naked," Ziva countered. "We could...go inside and warm up."

"If you're ready…"

Ziva turned in his arms. "I have watched the sunrise. I can be distracted by my naked husband." Tony smiled. He kissed his wife then took her hand and led them back indoors.


"What would you like to do today?" After returning from the balcony, Tony and Ziva spent the morning in bed, entwined in each other. A little after noon, Tony ordered lunch from Room Service before joining Ziva in the shower. He posed his question while they were ensconced in the fluffy hotel robes eating lunch on the balcony.

"I have not given it any thought." Ziva paused. "For the first time I can do whatever I want and I do not know what I want."

"Freedom is a wonderful thing," he agreed. He stuffed another bite into his mouth. "Is there anything you particularly want to see? Anywhere special you want to go?"

She pondered for a moment. "Paris is such a beautiful city. There are a lot of places I would like to visit, but I would like to avoid all of the tourist traps."

"Tourist traps?" Tony repeated with an amused glint in his eye. "Have you been studying your American idioms while we've been apart?"

"I cannot tell you all of my secrets," she replied coyly. "While I was waiting in the airport, I did read about something I think would be interesting."

"What's that?"

"The Christmas Markets."

"Hmm," Tony mused. "That sounds like the perfect way to wind up our evening."

"I could think of a better way," Ziva offered suggestively, running her bare foot along her husband's calf.

"Let me rephrase," he amended quickly. "That sounds like the perfect way to wind up our evening out."

"Where would you like to go?"

"You probably wouldn't like it. It's the most tourist-y place in Paris."

"Tell me."

"The Eiffel Tower." Tony wiped his mouth with his napkin. "I want a picture of us in front of the Eiffel Tower. When we were in Paris before, I wanted one, but I was afraid to ask. I know there's one of us on the Vespa, the one Tali had in her go-bag. Every time I saw it, I was reminded of what a coward I'd been, so I promised myself that if we were ever in Paris together again, I would get my picture." He smiled an embarrassed smile. "I know it sounds cheesy…"

"It does not," Ziva assured him. "It sounds incredibly romantic."

"I never gave up on us. Even before Tali came to me, I knew that no matter who all said I needed to move on, I wouldn't be happy...truly happy...until I had you in my life again."

"So many lonely days for both of us." Her face brightened and she cupped his cheek. "But no more."

"Nope." He kissed her palm. "We made it."

Within the hour, the DiNozzos were walking hand-in-hand down the streets of Paris. The day was bright and sunny with just enough nip in the air to remind them it was winter. Tony had been correct when he referred to it as their first day of freedom. It had always been second nature for them to touch whenever they were near. Now, they didn't have to worry about separating before the wrong people noticed. "I like being able to do this," Ziva said, holding up their joined hands.

"Me, too."

"I want us to be...affectionate in front of Tali. do you say it? The phrase where you are telling people groping each other in public to go to a hotel?"

"Get a room?" Tony offered.

"Yes, not in that way, but I want our daughter to know her parents love each other."

"And aren't afraid to show it," he added. "I was just a kid, but I'll never forget the way my dad looked at my mom. For all of his other faults, he loved her. There are plenty of ways to show your affection for someone and not be gross."

Ziva giggled. "I cannot believe you just said 'gross.'"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing. It is just that I have not heard an adult use that word in a long time."

"Maybe more adults should say it."

Ziva laughed again. "So, we agree not to be gross in front of Tali. Kissing and holding hands are acceptable."

"Right. So are hugs, cuddling on the couch, especially during movie night, and occasionally having you sit in my lap."

"Especially during movie night," she emphasized. "I miss our movie nights."

"You miss them? Between Tali asking questions and Senior's anecdotes he always seems to have about the actors or the setting or the storyline, it's been ages since I've watched a movie in peace." They stopped at a crosswalk. "That's always an option for tonight," he suggested.


"Movie night."

Ziva looked at him incredulously. "On our honeymoon in Paris you would rather spend time watching television than…"

"I never said I preferred it," he defended.

"I am sure that we will be able to find something to occupy ourselves," she replied, looking him over from head-to-toe. "We did not get to all four things last night...or this morning."

While waiting on the light to change, Tony took advantage of the pause to steal a kiss. He was glad they could let the world see the couple they'd been in private for so long.

Tony got his picture at the Eiffel Tower...several, in fact. He sent one of the better ones to Tim with an accompanying text that simply said, "Finally!" His reply was an equally simple heart emoji. "Thanks, Probie," he said quietly before closing the texting app. Ziva sent a similar message to Jimmy Palmer, letting him know she arrived safely and thanking him for the ride. Messages sent, the phones were put away and the exploration continued.

True to Ziva's wishes, they stayed away from the major attractions of the city. Instead, they spent their time wandering the streets, visiting shops, and sampling the local cuisine. There was lots of eating. From croissants at the cafe where they ate on their last trip to Paris to macarons of every flavor imaginable from whatever bakery they passed. Baguettes, crepes, and eclairs were also sampled. Chocolate-loving Ziva wasn't disappointed with what they found in the confectioneries. Since they both packed light, there wasn't additional space available that lots of non-edible purchases would take up. Food, however, was no problem. What they didn't eat while they were out, they could finish in the hotel room.

They had dinner in the twilight at a small cafe with crisp white cloths and candles on the tables. Wine flowed, as did the conversation. For the first time, they could talk about something other than their next rendezvous point or what clues had been found concerning the identity of the person wanting them all dead. When Tony reached across the table and took Ziva's hand, they didn't have to pretend that it was either a part of a cover or an accident. When Ziva held out a forkful of her dinner for Tony to sample, there was no worrying about Mossad tattletales hiding somewhere with a telephoto lens.

As it turns out, dinner before the trip to the Christmas Market was a good idea. "I had no idea there would be more food here," Tony said soon after they entered the first area of stalls. "They should seriously consider changing the nickname for this place from 'City of Lights' to something food-related."

"I do not think I can eat one more bite."

"I'll be fine unless we find someone selling caramel apples then all bets are off." He looked around. "Reckon they sell caramel apples in France?"

Ziva laughed. "If we come across a caramel apple stall, I will not stop you from buying as many as you want. Just do not ask me to help you eat them."

"You say that now, but the minute I buy one, it will be the bon-bon incident all over again."

"That is different," Ziva countered. "Bon-bons are chocolate."

"So, I'm safe until we see bon-bons or chocolate-covered apples?"

"For the most part, yes." She slipped her arm through his and he kissed her cheek. They went off to explore the Christmas Market.

"I need to find something for Tali," Tony said as they strolled down one of the rows of vendor stalls.

"I thought you said her Christmas gifts were all purchased and wrapped?"

"They are, but our little girl has gotten used to a gift every time I travel."

"It sounds like Abba may be spoiling her just a little bit," Ziva replied, her thumb and index finger almost touching.

"It's not spoiling. It's more like...tradition."


"Yeah. It's our tradition. 'Spoiling' would be if I bought her everything, which I don't," he explained. "It's just a little something so she would know...I was thinking about her."

"You know that you will ruin all other men for her if you keep it up."

"That's the idea."

"You do not wish for Tali to be happy someday, like we are?"

"I long as it is a long way down the road."

"You are such a dad," Ziva said with a laugh, "and I love you for it."

"How about you help me pick it out?" Tony suggested.

"Is this not a gift from you?"

"Trust me, she doesn't care who it's from. Nothing says we can't modify the tradition. The only reason you haven't helped before was because you were...away. Tali would love a present her Ima helped to choose." Tony flashed her the grin that melted her heart. "Besides, it will give me more of a chance to scope out caramel apples."

A few minutes later, while Tony was at a neighboring stall looking at their selection of cheeses, he heard Ziva gasp. He wandered to where she was. "Whatcha found, Zi?"

Ziva held out her hand so he could see the charm resting in her palm. It was a stick figure man and woman with a little stick figure girl between them. The three figures were holding hands. "Do you think Tali would like this?" There was a part of Ziva that was embarrassed to ask. As a mother, she should know her daughter's preferences.

Tony sensed what was on her mind. "I think Tali would love it. She wore your Star of David until she started school. She knew it was her Ima's and it was special. I convinced her to leave it at home so nothing would happen to it. The part I didn't tell her was I didn't want to risk the wrong people seeing it and making the connection to you. I didn't want to risk either you or her being subjected to any unnecessary danger."

"How did she react?"

"We have a pretty chill kid. She was fine with leaving the necklace at home, especially after Pop-Pop gave her Grandma's jewelry box to keep it in." Tony touched the tiny golden people. "This she can wear every day. It will be just as special because her Ima picked it out."

"You did so much to keep me alive to her."

"You were alive," Tony countered. "She knew you were. You just couldn't be with us."

"The pictures you took, our 'visits' kept me alive," Ziva said. "The last few weeks, when I was so tired of running and my mind was torturing me with all of the bad times of the past three years, I thought of Ice Cream Day. It 'happy place,' because the two of you were there."

"Now, every day can be Ice Cream Day. Just figuratively, though. I don't think I could handle it if it were every day. Little Miss DiNozzo is serious about her ice cream."

"Just like someone else I know."

"Hey, now, Senior isn't here to defend himself…"

"As I recall, you said he broke up the argument between you and Tali," she reminded.

"He called me 'Anthony.' That's how I knew he was serious."

"I have to hear this story."

"I'm sure he will be more than happy to tell it to you." Tony gestured to the seller to get his attention. In his best taxi-cab French, he asked the price of the charm. They chose a gold chain for it and paid for their purchases which Ziva tucked away safely in the inside pocket of her jacket.

In the next set of stalls, Tony indeed found a vendor selling caramel apples. There were also festively decorated chocolate-covered ones. They bought extras under the guise of taking them to Tali, but Tony and Ziva both knew they would disappear before the night was over. They explored the rest of the Christmas Market, munching their apples and talking.

The cab ride back to the hotel was peaceful. Ziva laid her head on her husband's shoulder. "Did you have a good time at the Christmas Market?" he asked.

"I did. Thank you for taking me, although I know you were getting bored."

"I wasn't bored. I just think when you reach the point where people are selling rocks that you've pretty much seen everything there is to see."

"They were polished stones for jewelry-making."

"And what are polished stones?" Tony asked. "Rocks." Ziva laughed. He wrapped his arm around her. "But I would look at a quarry full of rocks if it meant spending time with you."

"You say the nicest things."

"Hey, you're the one who makes a pile of rocks sound romantic."

Sooner than they realized, the cab was pulling up in front of their hotel. Tony paid the driver then he and Ziva walked inside hand-in-hand. They stole a few more kisses in the elevator. "I need to call the airline and double-check our reservations for tomorrow," he said when they reached the penthouse.

Ziva went to put away their purchases. Tali's necklace went into her bag, zipped safely in an inner pocket. The apples she carried back with her, knowing they would be eaten shortly. When she came out from the bedroom, she heard Tony say to whomever was on the other end of his call the tickets were for "Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiNozzo." A smile spread across her face. That was the first time she'd ever heard them referred to as a married couple. That's who she was now. In a sense, Ziva David no longer existed. When they met in Israel after her "death," Tony urged Ziva to bury her past in the rubble of the farmhouse. Now, she could. Sahar had been the last ugly reminder of her father's "legacy" and the pain he'd caused. Ari and even Eli himself couldn't escape it, but she had. Tony was such a big part of why. She sat on the sofa and listened to Tony continue to talk to the airline. As she listened, she picked up the complimentary pad and pen laying on the end table and began to write. She looked at what she'd written. זיוה דינוזזו. Ziva DiNozzo. She laughed, feeling like a middle school girl doodling her name with the name of her crush on her notebook. There were times when she wondered if she would live long enough to realize that dream. Ziva glanced at the rings on her left hand. She did though, again thanks to Tony. She was still writing when Tony came into the living area.

"We are all set," he announced. "As of 11 a.m. tomorrow, we will be winging our way to New York City." He snatched the caramel apple off the table. "What are you doing?" he asked, removing the wax paper and biting into his snack.

"Just doodling."

"Lemme see." He plopped down beside her on the sofa. "That's your name," he said, pointing to the first letters she wrote. "That is Tali." He looked at the unfamiliar characters. "Is that my name?"

"Ken," Ziva replied in her native tongue. She pointed to the letters אנתוני. "Alef, nun, tav, nun. Anthony."

"Wow! Cool!" Tony pointed to the matching characters under his, Ziva's, and Tali's names. "Does that say 'DiNozzo?'"

"It does." Ziva looked at her husband. "How did you know my name and Tali's name in Hebrew?"

"Tali wanted to learn how to write her name in 'Ima's letters.' I googled her name in Hebrew to teach her," Tony explained. "I learned your name...just because."

"You learned to write my name in Hebrew?"

He took the pen from her and wrote the Hebrew characters for his wife's name. "See?"

"And you did this just because?"

"Yeah. I mean, I guess there's some deep-seated psychological reason or something, but I just wanted...another piece of you to keep with me."

Ziva blinked back a tear. "Would you like to learn how to write your name?"


She took his hand and guided it as it drew the four letters. "Alef...nun...tav...nun," she repeated as they went. "Anthony."

Ziva removed her hand and Tony tried for himself. When he successfully formed his name in Hebrew, he moved to Ziva's writing. Beside her perfectly formed characters he wrote, Anthony DiNozzo, Ziva DiNozzo, and Tali DiNozzo in English. "There. That makes us a family in two languages." He stared at their handiwork. "Looks pretty natural, doesn't it, Sweet Cheeks? Your first name with my last."

"Get used to it, my little Hairy Butt. It is going to be like that for a long, long time."

"I can live with that." Tony took one last bite of his apple and rewrapped the wax paper around the remainder. "So, Mrs. DiNozzo, how about we move this party to the bedroom and we cap off our first day of freedom with a grand finale we'll neither one forget?"

"I say, lead the way Mr. DiNozzo."

Author's note: Our couple finally got their day in Paris. I rather liked writing the Tiva honeymoon, no angst or sadness, just them getting to enjoy themselves. There's one more chapter then an epilogue to wrap things up. This story has grown so much from the one-shot Chapter 1 was supposed to be. Thanks to everyone who has hung in there with me. The comments and reviews mean so much. Thanks to my BFF and the rest of my "support staff" for urging me on when I wanted to quit. Reviews are awesome. I truly appreciate every one. Happy Reading and TIVA FOREVER!