Present day 10:00 PM:

Lindsay & Tyler's house:

(Lindsay & Tyler were both cuddling on the bed together)

"We had a great night, didn't we Linds?" Tyler asked

(Lindsay nodded her head silently)

"I'm glad you've thought so."

"I agree. Let's hope things will go so well tomorrow." Lindsay replied

"Goodnight Lindsay."

"Goodnight Tyler."

(Then they've fell asleep together)

At Lindsay's dream:

(Screen fades to white to Lindsay at a casino)

"Wow! I love going to a casino! With all the slot machines, drinks, & a lot more!"

(Then she went to try out a slot machine, when she pushed a button, it exploded & she landed on the wall)

"Ow! What was that for?!" Lindsay cried

(Then she saw the slot machines coming to life & getting ready to kill her)

"Oh. My. God. I better run!" Lindsay said then she began to scream & run for her life while the machines are chasing her

(She went close to the exit, she tried to open the door, but it was locked. & the slot machines were ready to kill her)

"I'm dead.." She gulped

(Then all of the slot machines went near her & they all blew up on her & died at the scene)

Back to reality:

(Lindsay jolted up with a scream & she began to breathe)

"Aw.. Thank god!" She said in relief

Tyler wakes up to check on Lindsay & says "Lindsay? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I just had a nightmare when all of the slot machines killed me." Lindsay explained

"Wow.. That's really scary.." Tyler replied

"I know Tyler." Lindsay said

(Then they've kissed softly on the lips & they've lay back down on the bed)

"Goodnight Tyler." Lindsay whispered

"Goodnight Lindsay." Tyler whispered back as he kissed her on the cheek & they went back to sleep

The end! Like & review!