So... This is the last part of it... I hope you enjoyed it! I hope everything is explained and wrapped up here. If not review and tell me and I might have to rewrite this... and please tell me if I should write an extension. About Draco or Astarael, maybe. Oh, and don't think that just since I don't update this story I don't check up on it, so PLEASE review! (Thanks to reviewers after story. ^_^)

No disclaimer this time, YOU KNOW I DON'T OWN IT!!!!!!!!!


"So how did it go?"

"Fine. We got all the remaining fighters from their side either dead or under confinement."

"I'm glad all that's over..."

"You said you would explain, Astarael."

"I'll repeat myself. I will explain everything when Harry wakes up."

Soft voices floated around him. They seemed to hover just outside the cloud that was unconsciousness. For a while he was reluctant to respond to any of his senses. The cloud then slowly began to dissipate of its own accord. Then light filled his vision.

"So what happened to the Deatheaters that were captured alive?'

"All caught and trailed."

"Their families were placed under careful confinement until they were proven guilty or innocent. Some are still confined for their own safety."

The ceiling of the hospital wing. White, clean sheets made the bed. The walls washed with gentle light from the candle and the dawn flowing through the window... I always end up here, don't I? He mused.



"What happened to Draco Malfoy? You said you saw him, and the Ministry of Magic was never able to find him."

"I don't know actually."

He knew who was talking. Ginny... Ron, Hermione...Astarael. He could sense the others: Sirius, Dumbledore, Lupin, Mrs. Weasley... Mr. Weasley wasn't there, oh-and Hagrid was there as well. What were they doing here?

"What are you all doing here?" Harry voiced his thought out loud. They all turned simultaneously to stare at him like ghosts...

"HARRY! Oh, Harry!" With a faint 'poof' he was slammed back into the pillows as Ginny hugged him furiously. The others were staring at him like he had grown an extra head or something. Except Astarael. She, if anything had a look that said "You certainly took your time, Hmmmph!" But she came to his rescue despite her irritation...

"Ginny, sweetheart, I think Harry would like to breathe now." With a furiously blushing face Ginny pulled back. At that moment the notorious Madame Pomfrey stormed in and just about kicked everyone out of the hospital wing, even Dumbledore and Astarael.

"Out, OUT! This boy needs REST and I want to make a THOROUGH checkup. OUT!"

"Nice nurse, Albus," Astarael chuckled.

"Yes, her 'don't mess with me' attitude sort of reminds you of someone, eh?" Astarael just rolled her eyes at him.

Later, Harry was talking with Ron and Hermione. Rather, they were talking; he was eating a bag of chocolate frogs. Ron and Hermione were sitting at the end of the bed, which was scattered with the various sweets Sirius had left.

"So your teacher-"

"---MMPH!" Harry hastily swallowed his mouthful, "Astarael, Ron. She's no longer my teacher."

"-Yes, her. She told us what happened after you and she vanished."

"She described some pretty gruesome training, Harry," remarked Hermione seriously.

"You have no idea. But then again, if she was the one to describe it, you idea can't be far off... She's a slavedriver and I swear she enjoys it."

"Oh, come now I'm not that bad," Astarael remarked as she and Ginny came up to the bedside. Harry gave her a sulky, hurt look. "Okay, maybe I was. But I didn't enjoy it" Harry's look turned into a glare to rival Snape's "Ummm, well, maybe I did. But it was that kind of training that helped you survive, your fight with dear Voldie."

"But..." Harry's voice dropped as the thought that had been bothering him for a while presented itself again.

"But?" Astarael prodded.

"I still don't understand how I did it."

"It's simple really." Harry stared at her. Ginny, Ron, and Hermione were hanging onto every word.

"Your connection with Voldemorte," She explained, "Is that scar on your forehead, which was made by your mother's love. She died to save you. You were so desperate to save Ginny that you did the same through the sword."

"But-but then I shouldn't even be alive!" Harry stuttered.

"Yes, well, your life force, or spirit as the case was, returned to your body instead of leaving it for good."

"How?! That's not supposed to happen! It goes against every law of magic... of nature! No spell can bring the dead back to life-" Harry stopped short and stared at his former teacher's face. Hers golden eyes had sharpened into daggers, a crease formed where her eyebrows pulled together, and Ginny stared in awe as tendrils of white hair began to whip around her in an invisible wind. Oh, no... I must have said something REALLY dumb...

"YOU. ARE. A. CHAOS. MAGE. YOU. STUPID. IDIOT!!!" Astarael's exasperation was truly a sight to see, and hear as her angry scolding echoed around the castle. "BENDING. AND. BREAKING. THE. RULES. IS. EXACTLY. WHAT. YOU. DO!!! Have I taught you nothing!?? Yes there is a rule about returning after you die and what not, but that is what chaos mage is FOR! Your father and his best friends were, and still are, pranksters. I'd hope that if nothing else would enlighten you to what you can DO!"

Ron and Hermione were grinning now. Ginny muffled her laughter by stuffing a chocolate frog in her mouth. Harry sighed.

"Well," said Astarael said now calm, "I have got to be going. I'll see you later."

She had only gotten a few steps down the hallway when Hermione hurried passed her.

"Hey, what's the rush?"

"Oh," smiled Hermione, "I have to meet my parents in a little while. They were really worried about me. I've got to go pack."

"I see."

"Oh... no." Hermione suddenly slowed and looked just about ready to turn back to the hospital wing.

"What's the matter now?"

"I..." Hermione began, then finished at the encouraging expression she received. "Well you see back down in that room that held the sword fragment I asked Harry why it had to be Ginny to help..." She stopped as Astarael grinned. "What do you know about it?"

"Heh, heh," the snickering teacher leaned down to whisper in Hermione's ear. "We, me and Dumbledore, put it there in the first place. We set it up so that the retriever needed a partner... Of course, chaos magic could have bypassed it, put it would have been very difficult..."

"Yes but, why Ginny?"

"It had to be that person's soul mate." Hermione's eyes widened, then she smiled.

"Does Harry know?"

"Oh, yes. I've been teasing him about it for ages..."


Harry surveyed the bustling platform of the train station with a grin. He was yet again under the guise of Damion Atwell. Another school year, he pondered. And I will be a teacher again. Dumbledore had asked, and Sirius had been quite enthusiastic about "James's son teaching, and it's not like you don't know more than any Auror." Fudge, however, insisted that a minor couldn't teach, but as he didn't know Damion and Harry were the same person, he approved of Damion.

He had seen many of his classmates pass and greeted them. Nearly everyone he knew slipped earlier through the barrier. Seamus, Neville, had been enthusiastically talking about the future games of quidditch. Hermione and Ron had passed by hand-in-hand, grinning and waving to Professor 'Damion'. Ginny had also passed by. Harry smiled. Ginny... They had both changed, matured, and were eager to see what the future held. Should I tell her... No, he decided. I'll save the little bit about soul mates for later. He glanced down at his watch. 10:58. Better get on the train, he decided.

"Excuse me, do you know where I can find platform 9 and 3/4?" Harry spun around to see a small eleven-year-old tearfully ask the exasperated muggle conductor the location of the non-existent platform. Harry quickly hurried over to her, greeting the confused girl warmly, and bluffed away the conductor.

"Just go straight at the barrier between 9 and 10," he told her.

"W-what? I'll crash!" Harry chuckled.

"Trust me."

"Okay," said the girl hesitantly. Gulping she hurried toward the wall. Seconds later she had vanished beyond it. With a grin Harry leaned against the barrier and slipped through.

"Not to bad, eh?"

"N-no!" The girl was now gaping at the bright red Hogwarts Express. "Thank you, mister..."

"Call me Damion. I will be one of your teachers this year. You had better get on board now." He watched her little pigtails bounce as she hurried forward with her trunk. Hopefully, he thought, she'll have just as much fun as I had at Hogwarts... Voldemorte is dead, Hogwarts is now no longer a battleground, and the Ministry is reforming.

He was not the only person watching and smiling. Astarael gazed intently at the retreating back of her former student. Good luck, Harry Potter. The-Boy-Who-Lived. Chaos Mage...

Thank you:

WolfMoon~ I loved the way you ended your story... But I am not in the habit of killing the main characters! I get too attached. Anyway, Thank for your encouragement and for reviewing!!!1

athenakitty~ Here's your answer! If you want me to do more about Draco, please tell me or give me some suggestions. Thank you!

crystal,lily,james, and sirius~ Oh, Thank you so much, I hope you enjoyed!

neha~ I really, really, really appreciate it!!!!!

Rachel A. Prongs~ Yes, it was a horrible place to leave off, but my muse was getting tired... And Thank you!

Tania Nightqueen~ I'm glad you enjoyed. No, Harry put all of his remaining magical energy into the first blast, his life force into the second. Thank you for revgiewing!!!

PheonixPadfoot89~ Here you go, I hope you like it! Thanks so much!!

hyper yoyo boy~ Wow, that's quite a compliment!!! Extra points to you! And thank you for reviewing!

read-a-holic~ Here's the last of it, tell me if I should write more. And thanks!

brion~ NO, NO, NO!!!!! I do NOT kill Harry!!!! I hate it when that happens... -_-;;; Sorry, to scare you... Hope you enjoyed the rest of it. Thanks!

Silver-Pheonix~ Thank you so much for reviewing!!!! ^_^