"She smelled Charlie and didn't snack on him? She's so... tamed," the big bulky muscle man speaks as he lowers his defensive position.

"I was forced to remain in the medical centre so I could resist the smell for when I do rescue missions," I told them as I slowly move out of my position.

"Enough, we aren't here to fight," Carlisle says as he takes a step down from the porch.

Nodding my head I inform them, "Bella told me we have 'Royals', and I have no knowledge of the 'rules'."

"Do you know who bit you?" A female with a heart shaped face and brown hair asks.

I shake my head as I respond, "No, after the man killed my teammates a female showed up and bit me. She probably thought I was dead or something."

"That is troublesome," the shoulder length blond hair male mutters as he stars at me.

"As far as I'm a wear of, I'm the only vampire in the base," I say as the pixie-like female suddenly goes stiff.

Edward, who is in front of Bella, looks at me with awe and nervousness as the Pixie is still stiff.

Tilting my head to the side I ask out to anyone, "So that's Alice then?"

Suddenly the female starts jumping up and down while letting out some joyous laughter, I stare at her confused as she hops her way to me. She pulls me into a tight hug and whispers, "Congratulations!"

"Uh... what?"

The female pulls herself away and stares at me with stars practically in her eyes, only to say with a huge smile, "You'll see soon."

"Alice?" was all honey-blond said before going silent as said female disappeared.

"What was that about?" Rosalie asks as she takes a step away from Bella with confusion clearly visible.

"She's harmless unless provoked," copper head says as he puts a arm around Bella's shoulders.

At that everyone relaxed, but still stares at me with confusion still there. Carlisle speaks up with a smile, "Come in Alexandra, we can explain everything inside."

"Please call me Alex, Mr. Cullen." I speak as I walk behind Carlisle before asking, "May I ask a question sir?"

The said man nods and speaks as he closes the door behind me, "Just Carlisle."

Stopping so I can face him I ask him, "Bella said I am a Newborn, what does that entirely imply?"

"Typically, " Carlisle starts as we arrive to a living room like area, "a Newborn is not in the right mind set, it's all animistic instincts. To feed and to kill."

I stop by a couples couch and tilt my head before I spoke up, "I wasn't hungry till three days after my change."

"You weren't?"

I shake my head, "Not at all. Though it could be, because I was changed around the sent of stale blood or something like that."

It was quiet and still as Carlisle and the rest of the Cullen's process what I said. "That could be true," copper head says thoughtfully. "and please stop calling me copper head."

I shrug my shoulders with a smirk, "What I see is what I say... copper head."


Sorry its short, just wanted to update something on 'The Sister's Twilight' instead of my other one constantly.