Unexpected Love

A/N: so I've seen some really good Sevmione fanfics recently and thought that maybe I'd want to try my own. I can't say it will be the best, but hey, it's literally just a fanfiction.

I know I haven't posted any new chapters or updates on my other stories but I just started a new school year a few weeks ago. Last school year wasn't the best for me and I started this past summer going to the hospital. It was a hectic year to say the least, but I'm hoping to get back into writing. No promises as this is a very busy and important year of school for me but I'm hoping to get back into writing.

So I was looking up colleges in NYC because I couldn't think of my own fantasy college name for this fic. I also realize that yes, wizarding equivalent to college is they're N. E. W. T. S. but I thought it would be interesting to have an actual university. So we're just going to pretend that Baruch College in NYC, which is about 4ish miles from Manhattan, is a secret Wizarding school. If I get facts wrong about the location and what's around it, I apologize. I'm looking this up online and sometimes facts are wrong. I'm also not really sure if Baruch is a university. I just know that it's a private college so for the purposes of this story I will be calling it a university. I know I will be changing some aspects of things to fit this story so you are free to pm me saying something was different or I changed something but please don't get upset if I say I did it on purpose. I do love all of your feedback though.

I hope this fanfiction does well and that since I'm older from when I started other fics, I can write even better. I'm also going to be trying my hand at third person. I've always written in first but for this fic it might be easier to write in third.

Now I know this was a very long author's note and some people may not have read it but if you did, thank you for bearing with me.

Happy reading!

Hermione never liked being in the spotlight. That's one reason why going to an American college and going to America in general was so inviting to her.

It had been 3 years since the war ended and even now it was still a little hectic over there, in Europe, and Hermione didn't want to be in the middle of it all constantly. Her friends understood, although they said they could probably never leave europe to live in America for a long time, like she had been so far.

The first year after the war was mostly clean-up and other things like burials and repairing the school and various other places that had seen the war. There was also lots of obliviating needed. With as much of the muggle world involved and damaged in the war, there were too many things to try covering up to just say something ridiculous happened, and with all the mental trauma, the world was not in the best of places.

Another big thing to happen was the capturing of the surviving Death Eaters. There were many and the aurors were even still working on finding the ones that had gone into hiding again as well as going through trials before sending them to Azkaban.

Hogwarts was repaired within the first year after the war. Many parents didn't want to send their children to Hogwarts that next year, especially the parents that had first year students. It was surprising to Hermione that everyone was trying to get right back into things like they were, although it did make sense to her.

The second year after the war, the school had reopened, but not as many students returned as the years before Voldemort had come at large again.

Hermione returned that year though. Many students that already had a career path set after the war, such as Harry and Ron being Aurors or Megan Jones that got a job at a rob shop, didn't return as they didn't think it necessary.

She thought that since so many students that had fought in the war at various different ages had returned to Hogwarts, it reassured many of the parents that it was ok to send their children, and over Hermione's first year moving to America she was informed of the astonishing attendance of new students in the new year.

She was glad at that. Her head of house, Professor McGonagall, had become Headmistress after the war and many of the teachers that survived returned also.

There were countless losses in the war. Many people close to Hermione, Fred, Lupin's, to name a few. Teddy Lupin was under Harry's care though. Teddy was an alarming three years old. Unlike Harry and Hermione, their other friends didn't understand the muggle term "terrible twos" or anything of the sort until they experienced Teddy.

Hermione sometimes got sad though, when thinking about little Teddy. She knew Harry and the Weasleys, even her, and everyone else Teddy met would tell him about his parents and how and what they died for. She suspected that at some point when he wasn't able to fully understand, maybe during his first or second year at Hogwarts, while people that Teddy didn't even know would be telling him about his parents he'd get sick of it. Like Harry did. Hermione wouldn't blame him though. It's a lot to take in. He would get mad that there was a war that took his parents from him. He'd be mad that his parents chose to fight and "basically" took away theirs, and his chance of knowing each other.

Hermione was also happy and very grateful that both Molly and Arthur had taken her in. They had when she was first introduced to the Wizarding World so many years ago, and they've continued to love her as if she were their own child.

After the war she went to Australia to try to reverse the obliviation, but it didn't work and it took her a long time to come to terms with the fact that her parents may never know her again. During that time she stayed at the Weasleys or at Grimmauld Place with Harry. Everyone tried helping her and being there for her, but after a while she knew she had to pull herself out of the sadness she had put herself in and get on with her life and education.

That didn't mean that she had forgotten about her parents, she just needed to work on her education and get into a good paying job, researching about counter spells, but she knew that if she let the knowledge of her parents current fate consume her, she'd never be able to get out of that. She knew she couldn't only focus on that. She needed to focus on her needs too.

That's one thing that led her to University. She was going to go to school, maybe to become a Potions Mistress or Charms Professor, maybe Transfiguration. Hermione hadn't figured that part out yet, it also depended on where and with who she could get an apprenticeship with. So for now she was taking all the classes required for both courses.

It was tedious work, taking all those classes, but she had the weekends, and every other wednesday where she had no classes so it didn't overwhelm her too much. It also helped to keep her mind busy and distract her from thoughts of her time on the run with Harry and Ron during the war.

She never liked thinking about that time much and what transpired during it, but she wasn't going to obliviate those memories or take them away. She may not like them but they were still apart of her, so she just kept them suppressed most of the time.

Harry and Ginny, as expected by almost everyone, got married the year after the war ended. It had been a beautiful summer wedding and Hogwarts was dismissed of classes since so many of the professors had wanted to come. Ginny had asked Hermione to be her maid of honor (they had done a traditional muggle wedding) and hermione happily accepted.

Ron was currently dating the younger sister of Susan Bones, Meghan, and was thinking about proposing soon. He had been keeping her up to date in his life whenever he could or found the time, but letter writing was never Ron's strong suit.

He and Hermione figured out they weren't going to work as a couple when they were fighting about Hermione going to America for more schooling. They mutually parted and didn't talk for a while, but the first Chritmas hermione came home, they repaired their friendship and have been writing letters letting each other know what was going on in their lives. They were better off as friends.

Ginny however was the one that really kept her informed as to what was going on in the Wizarding world over in Europe and what was happening in the Weasley family lives.

Ginny and Hermione became very close friends after the war. Hermione never really had many female friends because she was always taking care of Harry and Ron or getting into trouble with them. The most female interaction she had at school was in her fourth year when people started figuring out that Krum had asked her to the Yule Ball, but even that was fake. They just wanted to try and figure out why Krum had asked her.

After the war though, Hermione was a mess and the boys didn't know how to help her really, they were always there for her if she wanted to talk to them, but they were on the run with her and were dealing with their own stuff and were busy trying to get on with their own lives. Ginny was the one that was able to be there for Hermione the most because she was still going to school at the same time Hermione was and could be around Hermione much more than the others. Hermione also very much enjoyed the female companionship, and although she would never be the Weasleys sister by marriage or blood, she was her sister in loving her and the fact that Molly and Arthur had taken her in.

Hermione's final year at Hogwarts was bittersweet. She loved being back, but it held sao many memories of lost classmates and friends. It held the memory of war. The memory of death. Memories that Hermione would want to forget, but it also held the memories of those that survived and the memories of all the mischief that everyone in her year got into over their years of somewhat undisturbed schooling.

Hermione had loved and hated going back. She was happy to go back when she did now though, to see her old professors and some of the students she made acquaintances with that were a few years younger than her, and she loved being able to just simply walk the grounds.

Hermione had a lot of knowledge in many different things for someone of her age. She was book smart as well as being able to survive while hiding if she needed to. Her many years of evading the Dark Lord wisend her beyond what someone her age needed to be, but the one thing it didn't prepare her for was what was yet to come in her life.

A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of 'Unexpected Love'. Mostly back story and such, more of a prologue than anything. I can't guarantee I'll post new chapters in equal increments, I've been very busy. Another chapter will be up when I find time to write and finish one. Please review!