The first thing Sora did when he realised he was actually holding a real Keyblade in his hand was 'yelp' in surprise and drop it, earning him the most disbelieving of looks from Avery.
"Sora!" She gasped, shaking her head and massaging her temples as if she couldn't believe the was the Protector of Light she had been looking for. There was an awkward, almost comical moment between Sora and the monster as the two looked at the weapon between them as if expecting it to move and make combat on its own. It was the monster that realised that this was very unlikely to happen and with a triumphant roar he raised his hands to crush the boy. In that moment Sora raised his hand over his head and closed his eyes, not even minutely expecting that to stop the monster's advance in any way.
"You've got to work with me!" Yelled Avery, surprisingly close. Sora forced his eyes open, first to realise that the Kingdom Blade had reappeared within his grasp, second to notice that Avery now stood between him and the monster, single handedly holding it back with a keyblade of her own. Its features were a merging of pastel tones, with a surprisingly long, gold handle. Its guard was also long, with an appearance of twisting clouds. From the base teal eyes surrounded by a fox-like face glared at Sora as its keychain- a dark, cracked eye- swung aggressively in the air.
"You've got one too!" He gasped, almost dropping the keyblade on the ground again.
"I swear if you drop that again….." Avery warned pushing the monster back into the fence behind it.
"So this is real?" He turned to her, waving his keyblade like a flag. "And you got one too?" He hectically pointed at her own weapon. "And you can actually see that, right?" He pointed at the monster.
"Yes to all of the above- now will you help me!?" Avery's patience, very obviously, was running short.
"But I can't fight that thing!" He said, taking in the massive size of the monster.
"Of course you can!" She almost hit him with her keyblade as she turned to address him. "Keep up Sora, I know you aren't this slow! If the Keyblades are real, so are your adventures and you know you've fought bigger guys then this one."
"If I could do that, you think I'd let a bunch of bullies beat me up?"
"It's all in the muscle memory, you got to accept reality and then it will all be clear." She gave him an encouraging smile before turning her attention back to the monster. "Now let's beat this guy and get out of here."
Accept reality… for so long people had been telling him that this was reality, not the one where he fought monsters. But Avery's words, and his own eyes, couldn't deceive him this well… had his own reality been rewritten? To make him think it had all been his imagination? How was that even possible? Yet the warmth of the keyblade within his grasp told him that that must have been true, that holding that in his hand, fighting away the darkness, that was his reality, his truth.
He took a couple of steps besides Avery and crouched in a long forgotten stance, he felt rusty and yet every muscle of his body remembered the motion. "Let's get out of here." He said, shooting Avery a quick smile before jumping higher than was physically possible at the monster, raising the keyblade above his head and bringing it down before him, cleanly cutting the monster in half.
Avery punched the air and Sora, unsteadily, landed on his feet, almost falling over, clearly hyperventilating. He ran his free hand through his perpetually messy hair, subconsciously spiking it as he looked up at the monster as it began to disintegrate into silver sparks.
"That was insane!" He said as Avery grabbed his hand.
"That was brilliant!" She beamed, speaking at the same time.
Her hand felt pleasantly warm within his as she lead him across the courtyard, the students and teachers blissfully ignorant to the monster that had just, literally, fallen into the backyard. They did notice as the two students, still hand in hand, ran out of the courtyard and through the corridors and straight out the front door. The door guard was enjoying a sandwich as they ran towards the locked door. Bored, he raised an eyebrow at the two teenagers, those doors were locked and would remain locked until the final bell rang that afternoon.
But still running the girl raised something- was that a massive pink key?- and the doors swung open. The two didn't even pause as they ran out. The guard dropped his sandwich, tuna and tomatoes spluttered across his jacket as he pushed his chair back, yelling after them as he ran to the door. He came to an annoyed stop in the doorway, his head shaking, how could they have vanished so quickly?
"Where are we going?!" Sora was half-panting, half-laughing, half-confused (yes his math wasn't that great) as Avery led him through the parking lot bushes and trees instead of out the school grounds. The thyme was blooming with rich purple flower, their scent overpowering. Mediteranean flowers that thrived after the summer where in full bloom and the artificially planted palms and evergreens created a strange forest, connected by webs of ivy that blocked them from the guard's view.
"Wishing well." Was Avery's short reply, not even panting as she slowed their run, her golden-pink curls had leaves and twigs trapped within them but she didn't care as she continued to lead Sora through the foliage. He could see the stone wall that separated the school grounds from the outside world and he was acutely aware that she was still holding his hand, his was awkwardly sweaty for a number of reasons, as she continued to calmly lead him. His other hand was still firmly gripping the keyblade, not wanting to let it go for fear, if he dropped it again, he would lose it for good this time.
"Wishing well? There's a well here?" Sora tried to ask, he wanted to ask more about the monster and yet he knew what that was- a Heartless- he knew an impressive amount about them and how to defeat them, provided that his delusions were actually his real memories.
"No...I mean a wishing well." Avery repeated as if she were explaining to a small child. She paused and that was when she finally released Sora's hand, leaving him kinda disappointed. Before him, in the shadow of the wall, framed by palms and covered in lichen and ivey was a plain stone well, it had no arch from which a bucket could be dropped from and the well's mouth was blocked by a flimsy piece of wood however Avery ripped it off surprisingly easily. "This world is painfully devoid of magic, it only manifests in certain places - wishing wells, coin fountains, christmas trees but those are too seasonal, a well will have to do."
"Have to do? What will it do?" Sora tugged at his shirt, the trees around them rustled in a warm autumn breeze.
"To get out of this dreary place!"
"I think jumping down a probably dry well only get us a trip to a hospital!"
She gave him a broad smile. "O ye of little faith!" And she simply pointed her keyblade at the well's now revealed mouth and, just above it, a keyhole appeared upon a door of light that seemed to swing open equally as bright doorway.
"C'mon." She said, already climbing over the well and had one leg through the door as she turned and extended her hand to Sora to help him up.
Sora looked at it and hesitated, this world, Avery told him that this wasn't his world, that his imagination, or what he had thought was his imagination, was the truth and he believed her but his stories, his memories as he should start calling them, weren't all happy. He had felt pain and betrayal and loss, if he remained here, the worst he'd have to deal with were tests, not even the bullies stood a chance before him now. He looked up at Avery's expectant face, obviously tired of waiting for him over a well mouth and for a moment another face from his memory replaced hers and without question he accepted her hand for there was another hand he wished to hold very soon.
For a moment the two stood awkwardly over the open well mouth, one of Avery's legs still inside the door of light as she wobbled, as Sora's free hand grabbed her shoulder for balance (he had decided to allow the keyblade vanish for now). Was it necessary for her to have uncovered the well? Was it magic confined in some way by the rotted piece of wood? He wondered as he looked down into the dark, very deep well.
"There's no turning back." Commented Avery, as if just remembering she should tell Sora this. "Behind this door awaits you a lot of pain and hardship and the high possibility of death."
"And my friends." Sighed Sora, still gripping her hand for strength, but releasing her shoulder, as he walked past her and through the doorway, not seeing the knowing smile Avery gave him as he walked past her.
The light was warm yet blinding and lasted just long enough to wonder if Sora had just stumbled into a mistake. But he felt a tug on the hand that Avery was presumably still holding and he took another step and the light faded. Sora blinked, trying to take in as much of the room as he could, it wasn't very big, pretty normal sized but the walls were ragged and a dark red colour and the small spikes that protrude from the ceiling and floors gave Sora the impression that they were in a cave. The Cave, which he decided to call it until he learnt what it really was, had a single mouth which lead to a clearly lit passage of unknown destination. They were standing on a high-tec silver platform one side of which it had large transparent screen upon an impressively large control board and here two people were standing.
"Master!" Gasped the closest, a girl of around sixteen. She had a large, dark plump face with startling grey eyes and long lilac hair in multiple braids. She was wearing simple and comfortable looking black pants and white wrap around shirt with long netted sleeves continuing where the over shirt ended, much like ninja in anime would wear. "Extraction successful?"
Her comment earned her playful whack on the head from the boy standing beside her. He had similar dark skin and lilac hair but his was pulled back in shoulder-length dreadlocks and he seemed to be wearing a dark green kilt and a grey jumper.
"No Kana, that's just a random guy the Master broth with her." The boy scolded.
"Don't hit me Eli!" Complained the girl Sora assumed was Kana, hitting the boy, Eli, back.
"Stop asking silly questions then!" The two bickered as Avery, releasing Sora's hand rolled her eyes at the two and stepped down from the platform. Sora's eyes followed the girl, although she was still wearing her dark blue school uniform, he noticed that the skirt had gotten shorter... Or had Avery gotten taller since passing through the door? Her curly hair seemed longer too and the rosey tips he'd noticed at school had not spread towards her scalp to replace her once golden locks with a pink colour. When he'd seen her roll her eyes her previously blue eyes were now a deep and unmistakable violet.
"I see everything went well here." She noted, causing both teenagers to instantly silence as she strolled towards them. Leaving Sora standing awkwardly on the platform, the door vanishing behind him.
"No problems here at HQ." Eli said as the two gave Avery a flimsy salut.
"Your journey to Earth seems to have gone unnoticed." Kana continue, dropping her saluting hand and turning to the screen as if to double check her words.
"Good." Avery nodded her head, also looking up at the screens. "The RLS Legacy seems to almost be done restocking, we finished just in the knick of time!"
"Are you going to be heading out again so soon?" Eli whined, looking at Kana, were the two siblings?
"The time has finally come for me to finish what I started." Avery was saying but Sora cleared his throat, catching the attention of all three.
"Hi!" He said, giving them a weak, nervous smile. "Sora? Remember me? Though I haven't met most of you, can anyone explain what is going on?"
"You can sail a boat right?"
"Thought by captain Jack Sparrow himself, but.."
"And you can cook?"
"Pick up a few pointers from Remy... But what does that have to do with anything?"
"Just as prepared as I expected… Eli and Kana, get him some clothes and explain, he can't be traveling the worlds dressed like that." Avery looked disapprovingly at his outfit.
Sora looked down at his own uniform, it seemed that Avery wasn't the only one who had gotten taller as they passed through the portal. Sora's trousers now awkwardly brushed by his calves and the sleeves of his shirt revealed way too much of his lower arms.
"But…" Began Sora.
"Get ready first, I promise they will answer all your questions." Avery's voice was calm and she gave him a strange smile
Kana and Eli did not explain anything.
They spent more time bickering and wrapping him in material then actually telling him anything useful. Sora got the impression this was not the first time he's been dressed by arguing clothes makers but he was pretty sure those times it was between winged old ladies. He did confirm that Kana and Eli were in fact siblings and that they had been in this cave for way too long. They didn't explain where they were or where they were going but they had asked a multitude of questions about the world he had just come from.
By the time he was deemed appropriate to be seen by Avery, who they insisted on calling Master, he had told them all he knew about the internet and he was in an outfit that Sora believed belonged to some videogame. He was wearing comfortable balck and red shoes and black cargo pants, and a matching black v-necked shirt with a white trim. But the hoodie he wore was long, and black except where it folded out to reveal a checked red and black interior. It was held in place by a deep red sash, the same colour as his hood that fell just right to his forehead, shadowing his face as needed. Around his neck a familiar crown shaped necklace hung- it felt good to have that back but he smiled nervously as Avery came into sight, waiting patiently before the platform.
She too had changed out of her uniform as was wearing a pleated pastel pink and grey skirt and a white, kimono like shirt with trailing sleeves. The kimono was held in place by a sash the same colour as her skirt. In the same colour she had sleeveless cloak, its hood neatly folded on her back and, dangling at her side was a light blue mask of creature Sora couldn't quite recognise.
"Looking the part of a hero now, aren't we?" Avery nodded her head in approval as she inspected Sora's outfit.
"You don't look half bad yourself." Sora attempted a sheepish smile but the girl's attention was already directed at the siblings that had followed him and ran towards the screen and keyboard. They were quickly pushing buttons as things appeared across the screen Sora couldn't see.
"How much time till departure?" She called, her keyblade appearing within her grip with little effort.
"Thirty minutes!" Eli yelled back.
Avery nodded her head in approval again, already taking a step toward the platform as she pointed her weapon. A keyhole appeared before her much like it had on the well on Earth, swinging open to reveal another door of white light.
"Are you ready?" Avery spared Sora a quick glance back as if remembering he was also involved in this part. "I assume they explained everything to you?"
"Not really…" Began Sora as he walked to stand slightly behind Avery, he half wondered if she would grab his hand again to lead him through the portal.
She didn't, but instead furrowed her brow at Kana and Eli who sheepishly shrugged.
"We were busy, Master." Was Kana's vague reply.
"You better get going if you don't want to miss the ship!" Her brother yelled, obviously trying to get the two of them out of trouble. If they weren't so pressed for time, Avery would have scolded them better but instead she sighed, turned to Sora and said.
"I'll make sure to answer your questions."
"I'll learn as I go along." Sora shrugged nonchalantly, he felt as if he had journeyed before without knowing the full details, in fact he remembered doing so many times. "Just tell me what you plan on us doing."
"Sail a ship across space." Was her serious reply, taking a step into the light.
Sora had no choice but to follow as Kana and Eli chorused, "May your heart be your guiding key."
And that's chapter 3! So the chapters are taking a bit long but I'm rewatching the films I plan to use and it's taking a little more time. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'll try update ASAP and feel free to drop a review, I always love to hear from you guys. Until next time-LunaPendragon