Hello my good fellows welcome back to another story. Sorry for grammar mistakes la da da da da trigger warning for bullying and everything belongs to marvel and Sony. The description should be clear enough.In this AU the snap never happened because the avengers managed to stop Thanos and because of that Tony and Peter got MUCH closer and the civil war had been sorted out. Part of the field trip trope because I saw a tik tok mentioning it and I wanted to do one. Yes this is just like the others but I'm bored and personally, I get moody when I find out their are no more field trip ones because I like everyone's twist or style. Hope you enjoy and it's not cringe

"Mr Parker?Mr Parker?" Peter awoke from his day dream,"sorry Mr Harrington I didn't get a lot of sleep last night because of... um homework." Peter apologized and mr Harrington sighed,"it's ok Peter I just didn't want you to miss out on me announcing the field trip this year! You might not be as into it because you are already well acquainted with the place as long as you're telling the truth." Peter was puzzled, last field trip he got bitten by a radioactive spider," what do you mean?" He asked," we are going to drumroll please...Stark Industries!" Everyone erupted and Peter sat there frozen. This was on purpose, he KNEW it. The avengers were in a prank war, including Shuri, so this wasn't good. Mr Stark had definitely planned this. His thoughts about betrayal were interrupted,"At Penis! Ready for your lies to get exposed?!" Peter rolled his eyes, regretting this trip,"Peter May I speak to you after class?" Today wasn't going well for Peter. Parker's luck.

Flash shoved Peter as he walked out of the classroom and Peter headed to Mr Harrington's desk,"you wanted to see me sir?" Peter asked nervously," yes Peter so I know the internship is real but can you try not to boast about it? I know you wouldn't but just in case because we know how Flash can get," Peter sighed, of course he did, because of Flash's parents money he can't get into trouble, which is unfortunate for Peter considering all the lockers he's been pushed into, names called, offending family basically everything a bully can do.

Mr Harrington handed Peter a letter and he stalked out of the classroom miserable," Peter isn't this so cool?! We get to go see the avengers and-" Peter groaned,"Ned I practically live there, it's my second house and you've come over many times before and met the avengers all ready but it's bad for me because I KNOW they did this on purpose!" Peter huffed. Luck was never on his side,"Yo Penis I hope to see you there and if we see stark I'm gonna expose your ass!" Flash yelled from down the hall. He was going to kill stark.

Peter hopped into the black llimo silent,"WHATS up kid? You seem non talkative and I'm not complaining but it's scaring me," Peter rolled his eyes and looked out of the window," I have a field trip." "And?" "You KNOW what!" Peter accusing said and Happy grinned,"sorry kid good luck there has been meetings about your school trip." Peters mouth dropped and started protesting as the llimo sped off,"no no I'm not going that's it I'm not going I refuse." And Peter ranted the whole of the trip whilst happy snickered.

Peter walked through the doors to the entrance to the penthouse when Friday's voice alerted him,"Hello Peter, would you like me to inform Boss that you are here?" "Yes and tell him I want a chat with him and that he's gone to far and I swear to god-" Tony's voice interrupted him,"swear to god what kid?" Peter froze. He had reached the top and low and behold, there was Mr Stark with a smug grin on his face,"You let my school have a field trip here!" He shoved the letter in Tony's face and he just smiled like a gremlin," I thought you would be happy Pete" Tony knew he wouldn't but lied anyway," you and everyone else are gonna embarrass me! And plus flash will be annoying as always and-" Tony's smile faded,"who do you mean,'flash' first of all who pops out a kids and decides flash is a good name 2. How is he annoying?" Tony's dad mode has been ACTIVATED Peter rolled his eyes,"first of all his real names Eugene but his nickname is flash and he's just a typical bully.nothing to worry about." If looks could kill the earth would of been destroyed," A Bully is NOTHING to worry about? Kid what the fu- wait sorry you're to Innocent-" Peter rolled his eyes so far back he thought he could see him brain,"I said I don't care,he helps with covering the Spider-Man thing up." Peter brushes it off and wanted to move onto another subject; However, Tony didn't,but Peter was clearly uncomfortable so he didn't press. He did however, call an avengers meeting once Peter had gone to sleep.

"Avengers please gather in the conference room, there are urgent matters to discuss." Fridays voice alerted the team. Tony stood by a whiteboard and everyone arrived in less than a minute," so I've gathered you all here today to discuss something very important." Tony begun,"wait a sec this is serious right? Not part of prank wars or whatever?" Steve asked,"no, well. Sort of?" Natasha rolled her eyes and began to stand up,"wait! It's about Peter!" Tony said. She sat right back down," what about Peter?" Her and the spidling had grown close,"is my мой паук ok?" (Excuse if my Russian is bad) (spiderbaby).,"His names Peter and not really. He thinks it's ok but it's not." The avengers were now intrigued,"so what's the problem?" Bucky asked, Bucky had also grown quite close with the baby of the group, technically everyone had, even Loki,who was pulling out his knifes,"what's happened to Peter what's wrong tell me now I'll kill whoever has threatened him!" Loki demanded frighteningly.

Loki's bond with Peter was very close, and their meeting was, weird. "Hey get away from my kid!" Tony pulled Peter away from Loki," get the creature away from me," Loki snapped back, obviously this hurt peters feelings as Thor had been one of his favorite hero's and Loki was now a superhero technically and it all linked up so hearing this broke his heart but he tried not to show it. Tony sensed peters sadness and glared furiously at Loki,"what?" Loki asked innocently and then looked at the 'creature' he was only a boy who looked miserable. He had looked quite joyful earlier and was quite nice. Tony left and took Peter with him but later on Peter went back, despite his mentors wishes, where he found Loki,"hey sorry if I annoyed you earlier I didn't mean to I swear and I can understand if you don't like me I just think you're really cool! Although you traumatized me when I was young but I'm over it," he hands him a picture,"look I drew you!" Loki groaned, wasn't this kid supposed to be 15? Quite young in asgardian age but mature enough in human tears and he was Spider-Man? He looked at the picture and it looked like it took time and effort and couldn't force away his smile,"t-thank you. May I keep it?" Peter grinned and molded and offered his hand,"friends?" Loki took it cautiously,"friends." He confirmed. They had been close ever since, Loki apologetic to how he acted at first.

Either way, everyone knew how wholesome and enjoyable it was to be around Peter. He had helped them a lot before, not just in battles, but mentally, he helped Natasha with her nightmares sometimes and Bucky with flashbacks or help getting Cap caught up to date or mr Stark with his gadgets so on. Hearing Peter needed help, everyone was quick to volunteer."I'm gonna say if now please don't over react because I have a plan." "Just spit it out stark," Tony took a deep breathe,"petersbeingbullied." No one got it,"say it again Tony! " Sam demanded,"slower," ,"peters getting bullied." Tony managed out. There was an immediate reaction. There was an uproar to say the least, Thor called for his hammer, Loki pulled out his knifes,Natasha her gums, buck and Steve flexed their arms, Wandas eyes flowed red. It was chaos,"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Tony snapped and stood their, a short,little angry man and terrified very tall men. "Like I said, I have a plan. Wanda, I know you won't wanna do this but," Wanda looked at him,"what?" "Um I think first, we get wanda to do her magic thing," he waved his arms around a bit,"is that what I look like?" She asked giggling to the others,"shut up. But anyway do your magic thing and see what goes on in his head to see about bullies. I wanna know how bad it is and how long." Wanda grimaced, it was a teenage boy she didn't wanna get into that stuff. She didn't wanna see anything she shouldn't," that's invading his privacy!" She argued."if you won't do it I can call up starlord or whatever his name is and Mantis can do it!" Wanda groaned and everyone looked at her expectantly. "Fine. Just because it's for peters sake."

They all crept silently to his room, and Wanda thought wether she should worry or not; the kid was too innocent he literally had star war bedsheets. Then again, he had star wars bedsheets. She sat on his bed and somehow everyone manger to fit in the room and watched in amazement as she put her dainty fingers on his head.

Wanda was in. She went into peters dream, maybe she could find something there. Nope just Spider-Man stuff. What a kid. She started to dig deeper, thank god this kid was innocent, sadly though it didn't take her long to find his thoughts and memories of bullying. She felt like eleven from that stranger things show he made her watch, she said to the team," I've found it, someone post on my Snapchat story,'nr going into peters brain'" she laughed,"I'm joking just wait a sec."

"Hey Penis! Watch out dork!" She spun around to see a boy bump into Peter, " what did you just call him?" She asked as she went to help Peter up, fury filling her but no one reacted. She was in a memory. Oh poor Pete. "So Ned wanna come over and put together the Star Wars Death Star together?" She smiled; it was good he took time off from being Spider-Man but she groaned as she heard that annoying kids voice again,"hey Penis watcha talking about? Star Wars? How do you expect to get a girlfriend dude when that's all you talk about? Or is it a boyfriend you want?" Peter blushed and looked down,"why aren't you more like Spider-Man? Idiot." Wanda laughed at the irony before she saw Flash push peter into the licked and then punched him in the face,"flash what the hell!" But flash walked away laughing. Wanda went through many memories before she come out, almost sobbing. She couldn't take it anymore, how did the kid handle this and think it was normal? She was escorted outside before being questioned.

Once she could gain her breathe back she told them," he's been doing it for years. Physical and mental bullying." Wanda told them. Again, everyone burst into rage,again Tony told them all to shut up so they could plan.

They day of the trip had arrived and Peter had been dreading it, "hey egghead ready for your lies to be exposed?" Peter rolled his eyes,"go away flash," flash did NOT like Peter responding,"oh yeah penis? What you gonna do about it?" Flash shoved Peter onto the floor and walked away laughing as Ned rushed to his aid,"see ya on the bus! If we can all fit fatso might take up all the room." Flash yelled as he where red the classroom,"you alright man?" Bed asked Peter nodded and stood up,"yeah I guess let's just get this day over with," but in reality Peter didn't want the day to end. He wanted it to snow so they couldn't leave and they couldn't go. It was a bit selfish, he had to admit but he couldn't help it. He knew the avengers were going to embarrass him, he saw shuri, scott and DEADPOOL show up the other avengers. He was being ganged up on and he didn't like it one bit.

"Everyone ready? Let's go!" Mr Harrington announced as the bus left. The whole time Peter had paper balls chucked at him and name calling but eventually flash got tired of it and left him alone,"thank god," Peter turnt to Ned ," sup losers" Peter, blushed as MJ interrupted their conversation," I hate to ask but because you're an intern and close with Tony and all that do you think I could meet pepper and Natasha?" Mj asked,"yeah probably they're coming to embarrass me so you'll probably see them," Peter laughed before flash interrupted again," sorry mj there's a low chance of that happening, you know that right? Because the internship is all fake and the avengers pat king Peter? They don't even know he exists!" Flash drilled on,"shut up Eugene or I'll tell the employees there that you're bullying Peter, I looked it up there is a strict no bullying policy so I'd shut your mouth." Mj stared as a matter of factly, flash didn't believe it but she scared him anyway. "Thanks Mj." "No problem losers."