Tobias POV

Today is the day that the next group of initiates come into Dauntless. Tris placed first and was offered a leadership position, which she surprisingly accepted. But she chose a job training initiates with me on the side since Eric was dead. I was worried she would become corrupted by power, but after a few months she has made a few good changes to dauntless and she's still the same strong, loving, and determined girl I fell in love with.

She argued for the cutting of initiates to be stopped, and majority vote ruled that her request be granted. We now only cut those who are truly unfit to be dauntless.

She also got several rules about violence put into place. Sure dauntless is meant to be free and thrilling, but fights can get serious and people get hurt. There are now consequences to harassing and beating people up.

I'm so incredibly proud of her. She has grown so much over the past year. She is loved and respected by mostly everyone. And while she hasn't gotten much taller, her form has narrowed and widened in all the right places. Her chest is no longer childlike and flat and her waist has shrunk at least 2 inches from what I can see. Her hips grew and gave her a beautiful hourglass shape. Her hair has grown a little past her shoulder, and is shiny and blonde. Her eyes still big and a piercing blue. She is the most gorgeous woman in Dauntless, no doubt in my eyes. The best part is that she isn't over confident, she is still humble and never acts like she is better than anyone else.

I shake myself out of my thoughts and continue to make breakfast for us. Tris trudges her way into the kitchen and rubs her eyes. I put the eggs I was making on a plate and turn off the stove.

"Good morning beautiful" I say as I walk over to kiss her forehead and hug her.

"Good morning" She replies, her voice raspy from just waking up. She wraps her arms around my waist and lays her head on my chest.

"I was worried when you weren't next to me when I woke up" She whines.

"I'm sorry about that. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast since you rarely get the chance to eat in the morning" I say as I tilt her head up at me by holding her chin. She smiles up at me and goes on her tip toes and closing her eyes. I lean down and lock our lips. My mouth tingles as her soft lips touch mine and i wish we could stay here forever. Instead of deepening the kiss like I wish she would, she pulled away and went to help herself to some eggs and toast.

"Thank you for the breakfast. I'm being excused from some of my afternoon leadership duties to help with the initiates. I'm gonna go get some work done this morning and will be back by 11 to wait for them to come down." She says, scarfing down one more piece of toast.

"Ok, you're not leaving the compound though right?" I ask.

"No, just some paperwork and meetings." She answers while walking out of the room. "I have to get dressed now."

"You need any help with that?" I say jokingly. I hear her laugh from the bedroom but I get no response. Her fear of intimacy still stands.

She comes out in a pair of tight black jeans and a racer back tight black tank top. She looks so intimidating despite her shortness. She throws on her black jacket and pulls on her combat boots. She pulls me down for one more firm kiss on my lips before saying goodbye and leaving. I decided to do the dishes and I make our bed as well. I put on some dark grey jeans and a tight black t-shirt. I put on my black boots and run my fingers through my hair. Now that Tris is gone, I walk over to my dresser and pull a small black box out of my underwear drawer. I look inside at the simple, sparkling ring I designed for her. I don't know when I'm going to propose, but I want it to be soon. She is 18 and I am 20. We are young, but I just know that we are meant to be together. She brings out the best in me. I hide the ring back where I always put it.

I begin to set up the initiates dorm room. Making sure there are at least 12 beds, each with a pillow and blanket. I checked light bulbs and made sure there was running water. If it gets warm or not I couldn't care less.

I had nothing else to do really. I found Zeke and we hung out for a bit. He's excited to train the dauntless born. When the clock strikes 11, we head down to the net. I can't wait to see Tris and leave a lasting impression on the initiates.

A/N hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I'm thinking this will be 7-10 chapters long. Let me know if you thought this chapter was a good length, or if I should make them longer. Chapter 2 will be published later tonight because I'm in a writing mood. Hope you all have a lovely night 3 xoxo kate