Disclaimer: If I owned this, would I really be here? I think not! And if you still want to sue me, don't bother. I'll give you my debts freely. They're about all I got as a newly graduated college student. Only Tsutaki is mine, got it fanfic writers?



Kagome looked up from where she sat on the floor changing nine month old Tsutaki and at her younger brother, Sota, standing in the doorway. Worry was written across his face and his eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets.

"What's wrong, Sota," Kagome asked anxiously as she finished securing Tsutaki's diaper and smoothed the small girl's skirt back down over the new padding.

"I can't find Buyo," Sota said, panting. "I've looked everywhere!"

"Alright, alright," Kagome said standing a snuggling baby Tsutaki against her jean-clad hip. "You look inside again and I'll look outside.

"Thank you, oneechan," Sota cried as he scampered off into the house to search.

Kagome sighed and walked quickly outside, trying to ignore Tsutaki as she played with her long hair. 'I should have put it up,' she thought, allowing her gaze to wander around the yard. It caught on the Bone Eater's well and its slightly ajar door.

"Sota's been playing in the well house again, Tsutaki-chan," she told the baby absently. "I'm going to get him for this. I hadn't wanted to go near it until Mom got back with jii-chan."

Kagome shifted Tsutaki on her hip and opened the door to the Bone Eater's Well enough for her to slip through. She stood just inside, keeping her grip on the squirming baby tight and allowed her eyes to adjust to the dim light inside. The little girl pulled her pink skirt up and began to gum its hem. Kagome clumsily reached up and pulled the fabric back down with a sigh.

"Buyo," she called lightly. She knew it was silly, but she couldn't help thinking that Inu Yasha could hear as well as smell through the well. She wasn't sure why, but she couldn't reconcile herself to the idea of him finding out about the baby on her hip. The squirming, fussing, hungry baby on her hip that would not call her anything thing but mama.

"Tsutaki, hold still, please," she pleaded with the child as she started down the stairs to the actual well. "Buyo, come out so we can go back to the house!"

She reached the bottom of the stairs and tip-toed cautiously around the well, keeping a careful eye out for the fat calico. Suddenly, Buyo jumped on the well, scaring Kagome and causing her to let out a small scream. The baby in her arms also screamed and jerked back out of her arms.

"Tsutaki," Kagome shrieked and leaped to catch her. Her arms wrapped around the chubby little body of her target just as the girl began her downward journey in the well.

"Aaa... Tsutaki-chan," Kagome cried as she hung half in the well, her grip precarious on both the squalling child and the dry well side. "Grab mama, Tsutaki-chan. Grab mama before she falls over!"

The baby grabbed for Kagome but only managed to grab a couple fistfuls of hair.

"Itai," Kagome screeched and flinched back, almost losing her grip on Tsutaki. She grabbed back at the girl and fell over into the well at the same time.

When she landed, Tsutaki was safely crying in her arms and she was at the bottom of the well as unscathed as always. Sighing, Kagome stood and tied Tsutaki securely to her with the belt from her jeans before climbing up the side of the well.

"I'm gonna..." Kagome breathed angrily as she climbed thinking of her younger brother all the while. Tsutaki sniffled and clutched at Kagome's tee. Finally, Kagome pulled herself over the edge of the well and stood looking into the forest.

"Well, Inu Yasha should be hear soon. He always knows when I've come back," Kagome told Tsutaki who merely yawned and cuddled closer to Kagome.


Kagome sighed as Shippou came bounding out of Inu Yasha's forest at her. He stopped about half-way, however, his eyes growing wide and his jaw dropping in shock.

"SHIPPOU," Kagome heard Inu Yasha roar as he flew out from the trees and hit Shippou over the head.

"ITAI," Shippou cried as Kagome yelled, "Inu Yasha, leave him alone!"

"Kagome, where have-" Inu Yasha began, but stopped as he caught sight of the baby clutching tiredly at Kagome's side. "N-N-NA-NANI?"

The wind blew Kagome's hair about her face as Inu Yasha stared in shock at Tsutaki. "It's a baby, Inu Yasha," Kagome told him tiredly, feeling as though there truly were more than one baby in the clearing.

"Nemui, Mama," Tsutaki whined at Kagome.

Inu Yasha's eyes practically jumped from his skull and, before Kagome could say a word, he sped from the area.

"Inu Yasha," Kagome called after the rapidly disappearing red blur. Whether or not he heard, Inu Yasha didn't stop.

"Well, that went well," Kagome grumbled to Tsutaki. Tsutaki whimpered and buried her head against Kagome.


Kagome sighed and began walking towards the still stunned Shippou.


Kagome looked up to see Sango running out of the woods, her eyes wide as she stared at the child nestled against Kagome's hip, "You have a baby!"

"Well...um...I..." Kagome stuttered as Shippou hopped up on her shoulder and sniffed little Tsutaki, who retaliated by screaming. Kagome sighed and reached up the pull Shippou into her other arm, but her hand never made it.

A firm arm wrapped around her middle and lifted her feet high above the ground. She screamed, her wide grey eyes searching for Sango. Sango whipped hiraikotsu from her back and let it fly towards the youkai that was now flying into the sky with Kagome and the two children she held. Tsutaki screamed her displeasure and Shippou cried, "Sesshoumaru!"

A chill spread through Kagome's body at Shippou's identification and she shrieked, "Inu Yasha!"

Inu Yasha didn't come, however, and Sesshoumaru simply kicked Sango's giant boomerang to the side and fly quickly away with her. Kagome twisted around , but couldn't manage to do much more than get a better grip on Tsutaki and Shippou before Sesshoumaru's tail wrapped around the three of them and the world disappeared into white fluff.


Ok, I got this idea before the semester ended and just when I was being crushed by all the end college prep and end of semester work I had to do. Anyway, this is just the first chapter, I'll explain things better in the coming ones.

Since I already have a bunch of fics I'm working on, this one will continue only as long as I get feedback. It's going to continue at least a few chapters, but for me to lengthen it longer than that, ya gotta tell me what ya think of it. And that you want me to. And as always, if you want to know when the next chapter's up, just say.


Tsutaki's name means "Moon Waterfall" or "Moon Cascade"

Hiraikotsu is what Sango calls her giant boomerang which is made from the bones of youkai.

oneechan = big sister

jii-chan = grandpa

itai! = ouch!

Nani = what

nemui = I'm sleepy or just sleepy

youkai = demon, monster, etc.