Ducktales season 1 episode 22 – Last Crash of the Sunchaser

A/N: Get your tissues out people, this chapter is likely to make you shed tears due to the emotions and accusations inside. Enjoy...if you can...

It is bright sunny day in Duckburg's today and everyone in McDuck Manor are in a completely energised mood as they get ready for the vacation of a lifetime in Monacrow. Little did they all know about the craziness that was about to go down and possibly tear them apart for ever. It all starts with Launchpad placing all the supplies and equipment in their travel car.

Launchpad: The pilot attempts to push the life raft in the overstuffed car as well kick in a loose rope. C'mon! He finally succeeds and shuts the back door. All set!

The life raft inflates, cracking the window though that unsurprisingly doesn't deter Launchpad as this is a great vacation day.

Huey, Dewey and Webby run out the door more energised than usual as she excitedly raises her fist in the air.

Webby: Next stop, Monacrow!

Huey: Huey presents a colourful poster of what Monacrow has to offer. Home to E.X.C.E.S.S, the Extreme Consumer Electronics and Science Emporium! Experimental race cars!

Webby: Lasers!

Launchpad: Aeroplanes?

Dewey: Launchpad and Dewey fist bump. You bet old friend.

Scrooge: Scrooge appears outside the door. And Monacrow is said to be the final resting place of the elusive Maltese MacGuffin. He walks down coolly throwing up his cane. Lost during Netherworld War II, his ephemeral heirloom is so rare that no one has ever laid eyes upon it.

Huey: Whoa, so what is it exactly?

Scrooge: The stuff dreams are made of! He looks up with dreaming and almost tearful eyes.

Huey: No, but, l…like is it a statue or…?

Donald: Here comes THE Duck! To their surprise Donald walks out the door with a suitcase and wearing his blue sailor attire with the yellow stripes and red bow tie. Hope you guys have room for a sailor in there.

Dewey: Uncle Donald!?

Huey: You're coming too? That's great!

Donald: Donald stands by his nephews with a hand on his hip. Of course I'm coming! I've always wanted to go to Monacrow for a vacation. They have the best boats ever and a special cruise ship. It's the perfect place for some relaxation. Plus with the work I've put in fixing up the houseboat after that Money Shark incident I could use a little R&R. He throws the luggage onto the jalopy before getting out a pair of sunglasses and puts them on before doing cool hand gestures. It's time for me to cut loose with some classic maxing and relaxing! He crosses his arms, bringing his sunglasses down a little to eye the kids. Dewey pumps his fists as they smile at him

Dewey: All of sudden we have a really cool uncle!

Huey: Yeah, we do!

Webby: Told ya!

Scrooge roughly wraps his arm around Donald, making him grunt.

Scrooge: Atta lad! Glad to see you're finally deciding to cut loose.

Donald smiles at his uncle. There's still some tension between them but luckily these past months have given the chance to slowly repair their relationship.

Donald: And to further add to the excitement I thought I'd give an invite to another member of our family.

This causes everyone's eyebrows to be raised in interest since they were never told about this.

Dewey: Another family?

Huey: Is it Uncle Gladstone?

Donald: Donald raises his glasses and just becomes vexed from hearing that name. WHAT!? No! Why would I want to invite that back-stabbing deadbeat!?

Daisy: Someone wearing purple slip on shoes steps up. He meant me.

Everyone turns and most of them are shocked and delighted that it is none other than Daisy Duck holding a suitcase by her side.

And instead of her lady-in-waiting attire which she usually wears in the castle she's wearing her casual attire consisting of her trademark dark purple blouse with puffed short sleeves, gold bangle, white skirt, matching purple bow and purple heeled shoes. She's also wearing dark purple star-shaped sunglasses for the trips which she lifts up to get a good smiling look at everyone.

Daisy: Hi everyone.

Scrooge & Webby: Daisy!

Huey & Dewey: Aunt Daisy!

The boys immediately jump into Daisy's arms for a big hug to which she gladly returns while they all laugh.

Daisy: Hi boys! Huey, Dewey, it's so good to see you two again! She sets them down and they excitedly smile at her as she bends on one knee.

Dewey: It's really great to see you too Aunt Daisy!

Huey: Last time we saw each other was in Disney Castle!

Daisy: It sure was! How've you boys been since then?

Dewey: We've been A-okay!

Daisy: She looks around, noticing someone's missing. Hey, where's Louie? He's not oversleeping again, is he?

Huey: Huey shakes his head. No, not this time; Louie is just getting some stuff from our room.

Webby: Webby runs up the purple wearing duck. Hi Daisy!

Daisy: Daisy ecstatically spreads out her arms. Webby!

The girl duckling jumps into the lady-in-waiting arms and they hug for a few seconds before pulling back.

Daisy: It's wonderful to see you! How've you been doing?

Webby: I've been continuing to have the best times of my life with these guys. Huey and Dewey look on in surprise, not knowing about their secret mission. Dewey points to Webby and then to Daisy.

Dewey: Wait, you two know each other.

The girls become a little nervous and sheepishly rub the back of their heads.

Daisy: Oh…uh…

Webby: Um…well…

They both look to see Donald frantically waving his hand to not tell them about their adventure in the Kingdom of Merlock.

Webby: We met quite a while ago. It's a long story, We'll tell you once we get the chance.

Huey: Dewey and Huey blink their eyes and the girls sheepishly smile, hoping that died down their curiosity to which it did. Okay, that's fair enough.

Daisy gets up to see Scrooge and Donald walking towards her with bright smiles on their faces.

Scrooge: Ahhhh! Daisy!

Daisy: Uncle Scrooge!

Daisy comes up and gives Scrooge a short hug before they both pull back and Scrooge takes her hand.

Scrooge: Good to see you lass!

Daisy: It's nice to see you too old man! How are you?

Scrooge: Healthy and strong as an ox. What about you?

Daisy: Fresh as a daisy.

Huey: So what're you doing here Aunt Daisy?

Daisy: Oh, I was invited here by Donald.

All eyeballs point to Donald who comes up and wraps his arm around his girlfriend.

Donald: I hope you don't mind Uncle Scrooge but I invited Daisy to come along for the ride.

Scrooge: Of course I don't mind! You're practically a part of this family lassie, so you're welcome to come along with us for the adventure of a lifetime.

Daisy: Thank you Uncle Scrooge.

The kids have looks of concern on their faces due to Daisy's other life.

Huey: But what about your duties at the castle?

Webby: Yeah. Aren't you Queen Minnie's lady-in-waiting?

Daisy: No need to worry about that. I told Minnie about it and she said it'd be a good idea for me to take a vacation. Plus, I've always wanted to go to Monacrow. It has the best beaches, cruises and one of them most romantic restaurants in the world. She and Donald romantically eye each other as she wraps her arm around. I thought it'd be a great romantic getaway for me and my favourite guy here.

Donald: The two of us haven't gone out on a date for a while so I thought I'd make up for it in Monacrow.

Daisy gives Donald a kiss on the cheek before leaning on his shoulder, making him blush and chuckle. Webby coos at the scene while the boys make fun of it.

Webby: Awww!

Huey & Dewey: Ooooooh!

Dewey: Donald has a CRUSH!

Huey: I've said it before and I'll say it again. True love is truly ageless.

Daisy giggles while Donald and Scrooge roll their eyes at the boys just as Launchpad walks over to introduce himself.

Launchpad: Hey. He gives her a wave. Thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Launchpad, Mr McD's personal pilot and chauffeur.

Daisy: It's nice to meet you Launchpad. I'm Daisy. So where do I put my luggage?

Launchpad: I'll take care of that.

He takes her luggage and throws it onto the jeep. It was at the moment Mrs Beakely comes in with her own luggage much to Webby's delight and surprise as she watches her grandmother walk to the jeep.

Webby: Granny! You're coming too?

Beakely: Indeed I am dear.

Donald and Daisy walk up to the former agent.

Donald: Mrs B, you remember Daisy, don't you?

Beakely: Beakely smiles at the lady-in-waiting. Why, of course I do.

Daisy: Hello Bentina. It's been a really long time, hasn't it?

Beakely: That it has dear. It's good to see you Daisy. I see I'm not the only one who's saved up their vacation days.

Daisy: You got that right. I've saved up a lot of vacation days for an occasion like this and when Donald invited me I couldn't say no.

Donald: Though I'm surprised you're coming with us Mrs B.

Webby: Yeah, granny. You don't usually come with us on an adventure.

Beakely: I have 987 vacation days saved up, and Monacrow's black water beaches are legendary. She throws her luggage on before getting out a pair of special sunglasses and making cool hand gestures like Donald did. It's high time I wild it out, with some 'maxing, and relaxing. Hm? She crosses her arms and brings down her glasses a little to eye her granddaughter.

Donald: Donald points a finger at Beakely in admiration. Hey, that's what I said!

Webby: Webby puts her hands on her hips in excitement. I have the coolest grandma!

Dewey: Sure. He addresses everyone around him. Now who's ready for the…

Huey, Dewey, Webby: Best vacation ever! Donald: Best adventure ever! Scrooge: Best road trip ever!

The kids weirdly look at their two uncles who look a little embarrassed for not being able to be in sync with them but they just smile without holding anything against them.

Huey: Aww, you'll both get it.

The adults (except for Launchpad) stand side by side, watching them run up to the jalopy with gleaming expressions. It has been 6 months since the kids and Donald have moved into McDuck Manor and ever since then things have been looking up for the entire family. Donald is regaining his love for adventure, He and his uncle are on somewhat better terms, Scrooge isn't the miser he has been for years and the kids have never been happier.

Scrooge: Heh, heh. Six months ago, if you'd have told me I should take in a group of youngins…

Beakely: I did.

Scrooge: …I woulda called you daft. But I tell ya I haven't felt this energized and vital since…He prefers not to mention the event. …well a long time.

Donald: Join the club old man… He speaks to Daisy. If you'd suggested more than 6 months ago that I should have my uncle look after my nephews…

Daisy: Actually I did.

Donald: …I would've called you a crazy.

Scrooge: So what do you think of your decision lad?

Donald: Donald smiles at his uncle. Honestly, I think I made the right choice living here again along with the kids. I've never seen them so happy before.

Daisy: And it must feel nice to let them be free and be whoever they want to be, right Donald? I mean, look at how happy they are.

Donald: Yeah, it does feel good to let my boys be free.

Beakely: And me with my granddaughter.

Donald: I'm telling you guys I haven't felt this good about and adventure in well… He prefers not to mention the years. A REALLY long time.

Scrooge: Load up everyone!

Donald: Get ready for the vacation of a lifetime people!

The adults all walk up the jalopy with Launchpad finishing up tying up their luggages. It was at that moment Louie secretly appears by the door.

Louie: Psst, psst hey.

Dewey, Huey and Webby immediately get serious. Webby checks to see if the coast is clear and gives the thumbs up. Huey gets nervous and Dewey looks to Louie who walks up to them.

Dewey: Did ya get it?

Louie nods, tapping the bag and they all smile. Ever since Dewey and Webby told Huey and Louie everything about their investigation on Della and the Spear of Selene after the boys' adventure in the tombs of Castle McDuck, they've been providing as much as they could; wanting to know what happened to their mother. Thanks to their help they've acquired the final clue that will tell them what the Spear of Selene is once and for all, why Scrooge and Donald never talked for years and what happened to their Mom.

Donald peaks his head out of the back to check, prompting them to stand in a line to act as though nothing's going on.

Donald: Kids. Are you okay? The four of them are a little sheepish and nervous but manage to fool their uncle.

Webby: Oh, of course.

Dewey: Yeah, totally.

Huey: Everything's cool.

Louie: Nothing to worry about, Uncle Donald.

Daisy peaks her head out the back with Donald.

Daisy: Come on kids; let's get into the- She smiles when she sees Louie. –Oh, hi Louie!

Louie: Louie brightens up with joy. Whoa! Aunt Daisy! He runs over and jumps into her arms for a hug before being set down. You're coming with us too.

Daisy: You bet I am.

Louie: Cool!

Scrooge: Come on kids!

Everyone gets inside the jeep, Donald and Daisy have their sunglasses back on and seatbelts are strapped on. Donald, Scrooge and Daisy stand at the front centre. Next to them are Launchpad at the wheel and Beakely sat down on the passenger seat. Dewey and Webby hang behind Launchpad and Huey and Louie hang behind Beakely. Scrooge raises his arms and cane in excitement as he makes his declaration.



Launchpad drives the jeep into the Sunchaser. The ramp closes up and almost instantly the propellers spin, allowing the plane to take off from McDuck Manor. Donald and the gang begin what they thought was going to be their greatest adventure ever.


Donald's staff and Scrooge's dime falls out of the sky. The dime rolls and the staff flies away from Donald and Scrooge who are smirking with confidence. Donald motions Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby and Scrooge to follow his lead and they run after both items while running from all of their enemies.

Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg!

They now run in the city itself, everything zooms out to reveal multiple people to Launchpad who give a salute before quickly taking back control over the plane.

Race cars, lasers, airplanes

It's a duck-blur!

Webby uses a flashlight to help search the dime and staff in the darkness but the kids gets scared away by Demonworth.

Might solve a mystery or rewrite history!

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Scenes shift to a room where Donald, Scrooge and the kids relish with the treasure they've found but yelp in horror when a lobster monster arrives causing Louie to make a run for it but loses the gold he picked up in the process.

Every day they're out there making

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Donald is in his houseboat with a determined expression sailing it across a violent storm across the seas with Scrooge right next to him and Launchpad placing the boys in one life jacket. Unfortunately a rope from a pirate ship ensnares Launchpad and swings him around.

Tales of derring-do

Bad and good luck tales! Woo-oo!

Beakely drives Scrooge through a safari where he fails to grab his dime. The kids ride on a rhino with Donald being dragged a long rope and failing to catch his staff.

Scenes shift to a room where Dewey pulls out a sword, opening a cage that releases the Golden Dragon. Beakely and Donald get into a battle stance the and the fire on Scrooge's torch goes out.

D-d-d-danger! Lurks behind you!

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do, just grab on to some…

Scrooge is tapped on the shoulder and now the mummy of Toth-Ra is chasing the 6 ducks across the room. Webby fires her grappling hook which grips onto a pole. Everyone holds onto her and they fly up. They surround Toth-Ra, grab onto lose papers sticking from his body and pull. He spins until he's reduced to nothing but bones.

DuckTales! Woo-oo! They run back to the gold room.

Every day they're out there making

The Duck/McDuck family are surrounded by their enemies again. Donald holds out his hand and his staff comes flying back to him. He leaps up and a blast of lightning changes his clothes before casting a thunder spell that shocks the Beagle Boys and clashes with Merlock. Scrooge stops where he is fearlessly before flipping up and diving inside the coins. He comes back and Donald, Scrooge, Dewey, Huey, Louie and Webby continue fearlessly running across the floor of coins with the Sunchaser following.

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Tales of derring-

Bad and good-

Not ponytails or cottontails, no

DuckTales! WOO-OO!

As he's chases by his enemies, Scrooge swims after his dime until he reaches the top of a formation where Beakely pulls the kids and Donald up. Donald points his staff at their enemies and the rest get into a battle stance while Scrooge finally catches his dime. Just as they were about to crash the Sunchaser crashes into 'DuckTales' signs, knocking their enemies off.

Sunchaser smoothly sails through open skies, at least that's how it's doing for now until Launchpad eventually crashes the plane.

Inside the plane Launchpad pilots as usual with Scrooge on the seat next to him. Donald, Daisy and Beakely stand in between them both, albeit Donald and Daisy are a little nervous as Launchpad tries to find a spare chair for Beakely to sit on. The chare he found was only a foldable one more suitable for children.

Launchpad: Sorry Mrs B, only seat I could find.

Beakely steps above the chair and sits down in a fetal position. She's looking stressed over the humiliating position but what she and Donald are scared of the most is the lack of safety precautions.

Donald: Um…okay…this plane is a little less…safe then I remember. Daisy and Scrooge give Donald teasing smiles.

Daisy: Scared, Donald?

Donald: Donald shakes his head in denial. No!

Scrooge: Scrooge chuckles and nudges his nephew's shoulder with his cane. Been a while a since you've been on the old bird, eh lad?

Donald: 4 months to be exact.

Beakely: Beakely eyes Launchpad questioningly. Seatbelts?

Launchpad: Oh, umm… Launchpad rummages beneath him and Scrooge casually uses his cane to stabilize the wheel. The pilot quickly grabs inflatable tube and sticks it through Beakely. When we crash it can be used as a flotation device.

Beakely and Daisy give Launchpad shocked expressions.

Daisy & Beakely: WHEN we crash?!

Donald: No matter what vehicle this guy is driving he somehow manages to find a way to crash it.

Scrooge: Long time since you've been in the field, eh Agent 22?

He nudges the tube and creates a hole that makes it deflate as Beakely and Donald glare at the old man for his lack of seriousness.

Beakely: And this plane would have been dangerously outdated even then. I'm counting 1…2…3…4… 14 safety violations!

Launchpad: Aw, come on. Every time the Sunchaser goes down, she always gets right back up in the air!

Launchpad clenches his fists proudly but Beakely and Donald aren't looking proud right now when the glare at Uncle Scrooge while Daisy just remains neutral.

Donald: Every time!?

Beakely: I allow the children to travel with you because I assume you're keeping them safe.

Donald: Yeah. The only reason I let my nephews adventure with you is because I thought you were starting to a good job protecting them and you were actually teaching flyboy here to stop crashing!

Beakely: But it seems you're not.

Daisy: Come on you two; don't be so hard on him. I'm sure Uncle Scrooge does his best to take care of the children. Otherwise they wouldn't be so happy around him.

Scrooge: Scrooge gratefully points his cane at Daisy. Thank you lass! Of course I try hard to make sure the kids aren't in too much danger! But if you aren't convinced then why don't you take a look around to see everything's fine. Launchpad give my nephew and the old bird a tour of the old bird to show them there's nothing to worry about. He fidgets with the other wheel in front of him. I'll take the wheel-stick… thingy…?

Donald and Beakely distrusting glares at the Richest Duck in the World, not having faith in his abilities to fly a plane.

Donald: YOU! Pilot the plane!?

Donald drops on his back laughing as loudly as he possibly could while holding his stomach and also banging his hands against the floorboard. Both Daisy and Scrooge glare at him and Launchpad just stares blankly.

Daisy: Donald, stop that! Do you have any idea how rude you're being!?

Scrooge: That's a fake laugh. Donald lifts his head up to mockingly eye his uncle.

Donald: It's real!

Scrooge: Totally fake.

Donald: That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life because you don't how to pilot a plane! (1)

Scrooge: Scrooge points his cane in outrage. I'll have you know that I do!

Beakely: Sorry, I'm with Donald, when did you learn how to fly a massive cargo plane?

Scrooge: Scrooge boastfully smirks as he takes the wheel and Donald gets up. Please, I'm Scrooge McDuck! If Launchpad can do it, how hard can it be?

Launchpad: Launchpad is up from his seat behind Beakely and Donald. Not very!

He helps Beakely up and escorts her and Donald through the Sunchaser as Daisy takes the free seat next to Uncle Scrooge.

Launchpad: Our tour starts down at the tummy of the plane. Let me know if this gets too technical…

Daisy gives Scrooge an uneasy expression after getting a good look at Launchpad's strange personality.

Daisy: You're pilot is nice…and weird…

Scrooge: Aye. That's true, but it's nothing to worry about. You get used to it. Launchpad may be a wee bit spaced out and crash centric but he's good man at heart.

Daisy: Yeah, I guess that's true. Daisy then gives her figurative uncle a smile. And by the way, it's nice to see you so energized and full of life again Uncle Scrooge. A miserable old coot isn't suitable for you.

Scrooge: Scrooge chuckles at that last sentence. I wouldn't say I acted like a miserable old coot. I was certainly happy whenever you, Mickey, Goofy and Minnie came to visit my manor.

Daisy: I know, but…I could always sense that even with us visiting and cheering you up your heart still felt empty. But now I feel as though that void is being filled.

Scrooge: I cannae deny that. I guess your nephew who you haven't seen for 10 years coming back to your life along with your grandnephews whom you've never met before does that for you. For years I've been mourning over…Scrooge cringes from having to talk about this. You know what…but when my family came back to me for the first time in years I felt true happiness.

Daisy: I'm really glad to hear that. She sadly looks to Donald whose being given the Sunchaser tour by Launchpad. But I guess there's still one person who hasn't completely opened up to you.

Knowing that she's referring to Donald, Scrooge sighs deeply as the smile on his face turns into a frown.

Scrooge: We're taking it slow and steady. Things between me and Donald have gotten better but…I'm afraid the lad hasn't fully forgiven me yet. We tend to argue a lot when we go on adventures like this.

Daisy: I've noticed. Haven't you tried to talk it out with Donald?

Scrooge: Believe me, lass, I've tried but Donald just shuts me out whenever I attempt a private conversation to patch things up. But I truly do want to make amends with the boy.

Daisy: Daisy smiles at the old man encouragingly and places a hand on his shoulder. Don't worry Uncle Scrooge. I'm sure Donald will come around one day.

Scrooge: Scrooge smiles gratefully at his nephew's girlfriend. Thanks for the support lass.

Meanwhile, at the bottom of the plane in the cargo hold Dewey peaks his head out the crate near the ladder. He carefully tip-toes to a larger crate hooked to the floor and bends down to give a knock. Seconds after a hatch opens up and Dewey crawls inside.

It was Louie who opened it up and he closes it the moment Dewey gets in. The kids are inside a secret investigation room for the Spear of Selene. It's entirely red, covered in maps, sketches, Christmas lights and a lantern hanging above a small enough crate where Huey and Webby are sorting out some shredded paper.

Dewey and Louie walk over to the table.

Louie: I sweet-talked Quackfaster down at Scrooge's secret archives. That lady is nuts! And I got her to give us this.

He motions to the pile of shredded paper Huey and Webby are literally trying to puzzle together.

Huey: Start at the corners and work inward.

Webby: No Huey, each mysterious piece hold a secret. She picks a piece up and rubs it against her face. Listen closely and they tell you where they go.

Huey: Huey just takes it off her and puts in the middle of other pieces of paper they've puzzled together. It goes there.

The pieces are literally coming together to form some sort of picture and it looks like it's close to completion.

Dewey: Okay, so what do we got?

Louie: The documents shredded on the week we were born. According to the note we found in Castle McDuck; that date is connected to…

Webby: …the Spear of Selene… They look to board filled with their findings. They stare at the sketch of the object that Della stole. …the mysterious unknown thing your mom took from Scrooge.

Huey: Somewhere in these pieces are the answers Donald and Scrooge don't want us to find. Dewey slowly walks up to the board with a sad look in his eyes. What is the Spear of Selene? Why didn't Scrooge and Donald talk for years?

Dewey: What happened to our mom? He grabs the sketch and stares. After all these 6 months, they're inches away from solving the ultimate family mystery and why they're orphans. Nothing can stop us…

He gasps when he notices that the final piece is missing. He compares the sketch and shredded picture to see they still can't clearly see what the Spear of Selene is, much to his dismay.

Dewey: OH, COME ON! Where's the last piece?! It's gotta be here somewhere!

They search for the final piece to the paper puzzle. Webby gasps, pointing at something by the door.

Webby: There!

Dewey: Aha! Nothing can stop us-!

Everyone crosstalk's and shouts at the blue wearing duck to stop milking the moment and to just pick up the last piece which he proceeds to do. However, as bad luck would have it, just as he reaches for it the plane crashes. It jerks to a halt and bends back and forth. The kids shout and fall over from loss of balance and to Dewey's horror the final piece is missing.

Dewey: WHERE'D IT GO?!

He sees the door is open and to the kids bad luck, Beakely and Launchpad are just outside hanging onto things for support while Donald clutches onto Beakely's back.

Beakely: What just happened!?

Donald: And where are the kids!?

This is the very definition of not good. If the adults find out about their secret investigation it's game over forever.

Huey: Quick! If they find out we're researching his darkest secret, Scrooge will shut down our investigation for good!

Louie frantically slides the shredded photo into Della's bag and Webby blindfolds the board of their findings.

The three adults search for the kids and eventually find Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby nervously walking by their hideout crate. The boys inconspicuously whistle as Donald and Beakely look to them in panic.

Donald: Dewey, Huey, Louie, Webby!

Beakely: Are you children alright?

They stand still, the boys whistling and acting as though nothing's wrong but Webby is not doing a good job of keeping the secret.

Webby: Inconspicuous whistling…just a casual whistleee~

Before they could be questioned, Donald and Beakely could here Scrooge complaining which makes them look up in anger.

Scrooge finds himself unable to move the wheel while Daisy is stuck upside down frantically fidgeting her legs.

Scrooge: Augh! You anti-aeronautical patchwork contraption! Will ya FLY ALREADY?!

He bangs on the panels in frustration and Daisy manages to straighten herself out in time to gasp for air in shock.

Daisy: What just happened!?

Scrooge: We seem to have crashed! Daisy reels back in horror.

Daisy: What!?

Donald and Beakely furiously climb up the ladder.

Donald & Beakely: Uncle Scrooge/McDuck! They both angrily storm over to the old man who is frowning right now.

Donald: I knew we shouldn't have trust you to pilot the plane! I leave you alone for two minutes and you crash the plane!

Daisy: Daisy motions them to cool. Calm down you two! This was just an accident! Scrooge didn't mean to crash the plane like this.

Launchpad climbs up with a confused expression because whenever they crash they're supposed to be on the ground but this is different.

Launchpad: If we crashed, then why are we still in the air?

The four of them see Launchpad's point and look to see a seagull fly by right in front of them. It is clear they're still in the open sky but the Sunchaser has definitely crashed into something.

Everyone looks out the windows the top and bottom of the plane and when they do the kids scream and the adults gasp in horror to see the front bottom of the Sunchaser has crashed and got itself stuck on the peak of a mountain, leaving it completely suspended. Launchpad is just disappointed.

Donald: You've gotta be kidding me!

Daisy: We're suspended mid-air!

Beakely: Of all the irresponsible…!

Launchpad: Not even a real crash…

Scrooge: While Scrooge is a little surprised he's not deterred. Ah quit your heatherin! It's just a teeny 10,000-meter speed bump.

Daisy: I wouldn't call this teeny.

Donald: This is a huge speed bump! Nice going old man!

Scrooge: Will you quit your whining. He pushes a lever and the propellers turn only for one of the propellers to burn out and stop. I'll have us safely on the trail of the Maltese MacGuffin by morning or my name isn't Scrooge Mc…

His boast becomes a scream when the plane begins spinning out of control around the mountain.

The kids all scream as they're sent flying back from the window. Louie grabs onto a chair, Huey slams into some locker and Webby holds onto a table. Dewey slams onto a wall where he notices the last paper piece next to him which he tries to reach out for.

Launchpad stumbles back screaming and holds onto the railing as his hat gets blow off.

Daisy is sent flying and screaming back and Donald hangs onto a seat when he sees this happen.

Donald: Daisy!

Donald leaps out of his seat to save his girlfriend. He grabs her hand and then onto the railing with his other hand. The turbulence inside is making them flap as he does his best to hang on.

Donald: Mrs B! Catch!

He gives his girlfriend a toss. Daisy screams through the plane but it stops when Beakely catches the lady-in-waiting and pulls her into arm.

Beakely: Got you!

Donald hangs onto the railing as tight as possible but eventually he loses his grip and begins bouncing and screaming around random walls and places in the Sunchaser like a pinball.

Scrooge holds onto the wheel but is eventually blown off screaming and Beakely spots the lever he pushed forward.

Dewey is close to grabbing the paper.

Daisy hangs onto the seat as Bentina reaches out to pull the lever back, this stopping the plane from moving and the turbulence within stops.

The kids all drop to the floor, the piece of paper flies away again and Donald crashes into both Scrooge and Launchpad.

Beakely takes a look at the damaged engine outside and glares at Scrooge.

Beakely: And you've blown out an engine.

Daisy: So we're stuck here!?

Donald is not happy as he is sat on by Launchpad who Scrooge is sitting on without his hat and is still not worried one bit.

Donald: Great. Nice job you old coot. Now you've got us stranded in the air.

Scrooge: Ah, that happens all the time, right Launchpad?

He grabs his hat, puts it on and pats Launchpad's shoulder for support who holds up his finger, as he is also beginning to worry about their safety.

Launchpad: …Yes. But usually I crash like two seconds later.

Donald, Daisy and Beakely both walk over to Scrooge who's pressing random buttons in hopes of getting off the mountain peak.

Daisy: Maybe we should cancel this trip to Monacrow for today Scrooge. This is starting to get too dangerous even for us.

Beakely: Daisy's right. We have to get out and figure out how to get down

Scrooge: And pass up the adventure of a lifetime?!

Donald: And risk all our lives?! Are you crazy Scrooge! Is adventure seriously all that matters to you instead of your family!

Scrooge is close to losing his cool from hearing Donald's criticism about family and Beakely constantly lecturing him about safety.

Scrooge: Ah, your safest houses, this is nothing! The plane could be on fire! OrWE could be on fire! Or this could be a volcano! EVERYTHING could be on fire!

Donald: How could you say something like that and still put us in danger like this!

Beakely: This is a blatant breech of training, protocol AND just basic safety precautions! Is this what you're doing when you take the family on road trips?!

The kids walk to see the argument that's taking place. Launchpad and Daisy grit their teeth cringing at what's happening and also not wanting the kids to be a part of it.

Scrooge: Ah you're overreacting!

Donald: Overreacting! You've got us stranded! I should've known going on an adventure with you was a bad idea!

Beakely: I have no idea why you thought this would be a good idea!

Scrooge: You're both hysterics! Honestly…!

There's a lot of cross talking between Donald, Beakely and Scrooge as the both of them continue berating the old man while he continues defending himself from the criticism. Daisy comes up and tries to get in between.

Daisy: Guys, stop it, this isn't the time for an argument!

Now Daisy is cross talking with them to stop the argument but to no avail and Launchpad grabs the communication speaker in hopes of keeping the kids out of this adult squabble.

Launchpad: We've seemed to have hit some…um…turbulence in the cockpit here. Everything's fine! Please enjoy our in-flight entertainment.

A television tied to some rope hangs down from the ceiling and it plays the Darkwing Duck ending credits music.

Huey: Now what?

Dewey looks around and points at the jeep.

Dewey: NOW THAT! The last paper piece is stuck onto the back door of the jeep

Scrooge, Beakely, Donald, Daisy and Launchpad climb down from the ladder after Daisy manages to calm everyone down but Donald and Beakely are still pretty miffed with the old man as they walk towards the jeep.

Scrooge: We'll use the jeep's engine to jumpstart the Sunchaser's propeller and we'll be on our way! What could be safer?

Beakely: Calling for help? Climbing down on our own? Not starting a car inside of a plane!

Donald: And not getting us killed in the process would be nice!

Once they're out of earshot the kids begin to plan.

Webby: We've got to get that piece without anyone noticing. We'll need some kind of distraction.

Dewey, Huey and Webby immediately look to Louie who's turned away. When he sees that his brothers and Webby are looking at him he understands that they've chosen him to be the distraction since when it comes to talking and conning he's a pro. Normally he'd rather not do this but because it's for his Mom he reluctantly sighs in acceptance.

Louie: Ugh, fine. Follow my lead.

Scrooge and Donald are both fine-tuning the engines with Beakely and Daisy standing behind them holding their respective hats and cane. Dewey and the rest of the kids watch this from a nearby crate. Louie gives Dewey the thumbs up to make his move.

Dewey tiptoes to the jeep (which is being lifted and supported by a device), using the shadows to keep him hidden. Launchpad waits inside the jeep for his boss to give the signal and with their attentions diverted Dewey first climbs up the crates then drops down before climbing up the jeep itself.

Launchpad: All set up here, mister McDee!

Donald and Scrooge come out of the engine, Donald wiping his hands as Scrooge boastfully takes his hat and cane back from Beakely, as does Donald from Daisy.

Scrooge: See here Bentina, I have taken the children on countless adventures and they have never once caused a worry about their safety.

Just as he said that Louie, Huey and Webby walk over feigning concern as Dewey makes it to the top of the jeep.

Louie: Uncle Scrooge! We're worried about our safety!

Scrooge becomes sheepish embarrassed when he receives glares from Donald, Daisy and Beakely, unable to find the right words to get out of this since he just said the kids have never complained.

Scrooge: Nnow Louie I have always a looked out for you. Why worry now…He looks to the adults glaring at him. …At such an embarrassing moment for me?

Louie: I know we've been in tough spots before but this one seems reallytough.

Huey: He's right. Given the altitude, the condition of the plane, the weather patterns, we have a one in 17 million chance of surviving

Louie: Now Louie is getting worried for really. Wait really?! He regains his composure. I mean yeah,scaaary!

Webby: And usually on our expeditions there's usually some kind of curse or villain that you can outwit. But you can't outwit gravity!

Louie: Yeah! Y…yeah yeah t…that's right! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!

Louie panics for real now and Dewey who's close to reaching the paper looks to youngest brother for taking what Huey and Webby seeing seriously. Louie is desperately tugging Scrooge by his front collar.

Louie: WE'RE WORRIED ABOUT OUR SAFETY WE GOTTA GO NOW NOW NOW! Typical Launchpad takes that as the signal.

Launchpad: Now?

Donald & Scrooge: Donald and Scrooge hold out their hands in horror. NO!

It's too late. He accelerates the jeep and the wheels spin. As a result the jeep rumbles and everyone makes a run for it to steer clear.

Because of the moving, the paper piece is blown away.

Dewey: No!

He tries to reach out for it but ends up falling off the jeep, hitting the lever and pushing the support device down. As a result, Launchpad shouts in shock when the jeep drives goes out of control and heads towards Daisy.

Donald: Daisy, look out!

Daisy runs screaming for her life towards the closed up ramp. She leaps out of the way when the vehicle smashes the ramp which makes the Sunchaser tip back as a result of the added weight and force at the back.

Launchpad rubs his forehead after feeling a slight concussion.

Launchpad: Huh, never crashed a Jeep in a plane before. Into a plane, sure, but…

Everyone yelps and feel themselves going off balance when the plane starts trembling again.

The Sunchaser is tipping down backwards like a seesaw.

As a result, multiple crates and canisters are sliding down from the front. Launchpad and Daisy widen their eyes in shock to see the objects crash into the jeep. Daisy does her best to avoid getting crushed.

Donald and Scrooge are horrified while Beakely tries to protect the kids behind the men.

Scrooge: Launchpad!

Donald: Daisy!

Scrooge: Scrooge turns to his housekeeper. We need to counterbalance the plane! Everyone to the front!

Beakely: Beakely groans, wishing her boss had listen to her but obeys, motioning the kids to head for the ladder. Go, go, go!

As the plane continues tipping downwards Huey and Louie are the first to make it and climb up the ladder. Unfortunately, the ropes holding kids hideout are snapped and the large crate slides down towards Dewey and Webby who gasp in horror and fear. Beakely pushes them out of the way and grabs the crate, stopping it from going down any further while Dewey and Webby run to the ladder, though she has to admit it's quite heavy even for her.

Beakely: What is…in here?

Triplets and Webby: Nothing!

The kids all make it to the ladder and are climbing up but the net holding more crates is beginning to get pushed through.

Daisy is up on the jeep helping Launchpad out through the window. He climbs out but they had no time to be relieved because that hatch begins to open as a result of the weight placed on it from the heavy object.

Daisy: Uh oh!

Launchpad: Uhh…Mr McD, Mr D?

Daisy: We're in trouble!

Scrooge has his cane snagged onto a hole and Donald has his hands wrapped around another hole when they see it happen.

Scrooge: Gah!

Donald: Mrs B! Secure the hatch! Hurry!

Beakely turns her head to see what's going on and gets a knife out of her hair which spins before sticking it front of the crate, stopping it from falling down the hatch and allowing Beakely to run over to the ladder. She climbs it up and just on time to because the next holding their cargo is slowly snapping.

The hatch continues to open and Daisy and Launchpad are slowly tipping down along with the crates, jeep and other objects. As the jeep stumbles down Daisy is hanged onto Launchpad's back as the pilot tries to climb up the vehicle.

The Sunchaser continues tipping down and eventually the net snaps completely. The heavy crates that were being held back slide down towards the hatch. And idea comes to Donald and Scrooge's mind. They run forward and each jump onto a sliding crate.

Dewey and Webby trip to the floor and Beakely does her best to prevent the kids from falling.

Scrooge rides down the crate he's on and stands tall. He stares at the TV and readies his cane while Donald jumps from crate to crate towards the hatch.

Daisy screams as the hundreds of crate finally push her and Launchpad down. The jeep, canisters and cargo all fall down the sky while Launchpad jumps from crate to crate with Daisy hanging on to prevent them from falling to their doom.

Donald: Daisy, LP! Hang on, we're coming!

Donald jumps towards another crate and then leaps off with all his might, intent on saving Daisy as Scrooge leaps from his crate.

Launchpad is running on his last crate since everything else is falling down through the clouds.

Scrooge snags his can onto the ropes that tie the TV and swings towards Launchpad. Daisy is unable to hang on anymore loses her grip. She screams as she falls but Donald and Scrooge are there to save both of them. Launchpad leaps up and grabs Scrooge's hand and Donald dives down to first grab Daisy's hand and then uses other hand to grab Launchpad's ankle.

Beakely runs over to the panel and presses a button that closes up the hatch, thus rebalancing the plane.

Daisy smiles gratefully at her boyfriend who returns it with his own smile and Scrooge returns the relieved smile his pilot is giving as Beakely pulls them in with the kids happily watching the four of them be lifted back in the cockpit. As Beakely ties up the rope to the hook Webby hugs her grandmother for saving them.

When Donald and Daisy land on the floor he lets go of his girlfriend and she gives him a big kiss on the cheek that makes his eyes widen in happiness and almost freezes from shock as her girlfriend hugs on to him.

Daisy: My hero!

Donald: Aww…

They look to the boys running over to them. Donald and Daisy bend down to wrap their arms around Huey, Dewey and Louie and gives them a hug.

Launchpad smiles gratefully at the boss who saved his life as he wipes his spectacles.

Launchpad: Thanks, Mr McD!

Scrooge: Nothing bad will happen while Scrooge McDuck is around!

Scrooge puts his spectacles back on to clearly see that Donald and Beakely are furiously staring at him with their arms crossed.

Beakely: Mr McDuck!

Donald: Uncle Scrooge!

Scrooge: Kids!

Louie: Mrs. Beakely! He is immediately silenced when the adults firmly glare at him. Sorry I thought I could keep the blame circle going.

Scrooge angrily looks to Dewey for what he did and causing the jeep to go out of control in the first place, thus putting them all in danger.

Scrooge: Must you blindly gallivant around with no clue what you're doing?!

Beakely: Beakely coughs at that statement. Mm-hmm! Irony!

Donald: Says the old man who doesn't know what he's doing all the time!

Scrooge: If you canny listen, I can't keep you safe! At that moment Dewey spots the paper fly to the seats much to his delight. He attempts to sneak over without anyone noticing. Except of course I can because I am Scrooge McDuck and I am very good at what I do. From here on out you have to *stay put*!

Scrooge bangs his cane against the floor firmly which makes Dewey halt in place, not wanting to further anger his great uncle. In a last ditch effort to sneakily grab the paper he carefully takes one step back but the moment he does the plane begins tipping forward and everyone yelps in fright.

A couple minutes later, Scrooge and Donald order the kids to sit in the passenger seats for the sake of keeping the plane balanced while the adults try to figure out a plan to get out of their predicament. Huey sits next to Louie (who has tied himself up in his seatbelt so he wouldn't be able to move) and Dewey sits next to Webby angrily crossing his arms. He was this close to learning the truth about his mother only for it to literally keep slipping out of his hand. He could practically taste the truth, only for him to be stopped right before he could reach it. To say he was furious and absolutely tired of it was an understatement. But Dewey Duck is not one to give up so easily especially when the final piece is right near them.

Dewey: There's the missing piece! We just have to get it!

Louie: Louie waves his finger in refusal. Nope! Nuh-uh! Nothing is getting me out of this seat!

Huey: What if the plane catches fire and we have to evacuate?

Hearing that made Louie try to get out of his seatbelt.

Dewey: Come on, that puzzle piece may be our best chance to find out why Della disappeared!

Webby: Webby becomes doubtful. Maybe?

Dewey: Beg your pardon?

Webby: It's just, you said in the archives, and on Ithaquack, and how can we know for sure?

Dewey: By grabbing the piece! Guys this is the greatest mystery of our lives!

Louie: We can't solve it if we're dead!

Dewey: We'll be fine. Donald & Scrooge won't let anything bad happen to us.

The moment he gets down from his seat the plane tips forward which grabs the attention of a furious Donald.

Donald: Dewey! Stop moving! Sit back down, NOW!

Dewey quickly obeys and is sat back down.

Dewey: Ugh, see!

Louie: This couldn't get any worse!

Launchpad: This is your captain. To take your minds off of our potentially grim fate, please enjoy an action packed Darkwing Duck video! The television hangs down from the ceiling again though this time it's a little fuzzy while music plays. Huh, the tape player seems to have been damaged in the crash. Enjoy!

Dewey, Webby and Huey groan in dismay (with Huey clutching his hat down). Though they've taken an interest in Darkwing Duck lately they don't want to have to listen to the credits over and over again.

In the meanwhile Scrooge prepares to take drastic measures. Donald, Daisy and Beakely watch as he ties down a heavy parachute pack and Launchpad coming in with a pile which he sets down.

Launchpad: Here are those dirty laundry bags you wanted, mister McD.

The three watching deadpan at him.

Daisy: Launchpad, these are parachutes

Launchpad: They're what-now?

Launchpad cluelessly scratches his head as Daisy and Beakely groans and Donald facepalms over his stupidity. The former agent walks over to her boss.

Beakely: Mr McDuck. He doesn't pay any attention. Mr McDuck! Scrooge!

Scrooge: What?! He holds the rope after tying it to the parachute he's standing on. All I have to do is climb out on the wing to jumpstart the propeller myself. Using these heavy parachutes as counterbalance out the other side of the plane.

Beakely: Leaving us with no emergency equipment! She slumps down and gives a begging expression. Please, for the safety of your family admit you cannot fix this.

Scrooge: Nonsense, nothing bad is gonna happen to 'her.'

Beakely: 'Her' who?

Scrooge: Scrooge cringes in surprise, realizing what he just said. Uh, the kids. They'll be thanking us by the time we land.

Daisy steps forward sincerely clutching her hands together.

Daisy: Scrooge, I'm begging you to please, listen to reason. None of us here are doubting you; we know you're a great adventurer who's able to get himself out of tough situations but this and what you're attempting to do right now is far too dangerous and risky. Please think about the kids and your family and just call this adventure to Monacrow off for now. We can go on another time.

Scrooge: Daisy, trust me; there's no need to call of anything off! I can get us out of this mess or my name isn't Scrooge-

Donald: Oh, will you SHUT IT! Everyone looks to Donald in shock who angrily stomps over to his uncle. Everyone knows your Scrooge McDuck! But guess what…No one cares! It's because of you we're in this mess!

Now Donald and Scrooge are hatefully glaring daggers at each other.

Scrooge: How is any of this my fault!

Donald: This is literally your fault! I leave you alone with Daisy for 2 minutes and you crash the 'Cloudslayer' into the mountain!

Launchpad widens his eyes confusion and Daisy and Beakely become concerned.

Launchpad: Wait, what did you just call it?

Donald: Donald tenses up in surprise, realizing what he said. Uh…I mean the Sunchaser! He resumes his angry expression. You crash the Sunchaser into a mountain.

Scrooge: That was an accident!

Donald: And then when we suggested climbing down or finding a way out of here you completely disregarded our warnings just to continue this adventure! Now we're stranded with no equipment and practically no food!

Scrooge: It was Dewey who made the jeep go out of control without a sense of consequence when he climbed on it! What was I supposed to do!

Daisy and Beakely have been trying to find a way to cut in but Donald and Scrooge always beat them to it.

Donald: Oh sure! Blame the kids for your own stupidity and irresponsibility!

Scrooge: Scrooge throws his hands up in fury. CURSE ME KILTS! What will it take to get you to trust me this once Donald!

Donald: If you can't keep the kids safe from stuff like this and if you're unable to listen to reason how can I trust you! Last time I fully trusted you it cost half of myself! Crazy old man! All you care about is your next big adventure. You don't give a single thought about your family! This is the Spear of Selene all over again!

The adults all gasp at that reference and Daisy is nonetheless horrified by the low blow her boyfriend delivered.

Daisy: Donald!

Scrooge: Scrooge angrily bops his can on his nephew's chest. That was not my fault!

Donald: Donald vehemently leans closer. Really!? You were the one who built it! You're just pretending to care because you want things to go back the way they were before we lost Della!

Scrooge: Scrooge responds the same way and they're having a violent face off. Don't you dare mention that name in my presence!

Donald: I'll say that name as much as I want to! She was my sister and because of you she's gone!

Now they're literally growling at each other, prompting Beakely and Daisy to get in between them and pull them away.

Beakely: Enough!

Daisy: Stop it! Both of you! You're supposed to be family!

Beakely: This childish bickering has gone on long enough!

Scrooge frees himself from Beakely and just looks to Launchpad with his hand out.

Scrooge: Launchpad, hand me another parachute.

Launchpad is looks at the parachute he's holding while having second thoughts about this plan his boss has. While he would normally follow Scrooge 100% he can't deny this is far too dangerous even for him and his boss. Heck it might be too much even for his hero, Darkwing Duck

Scrooge: Launchpad! Regardless, the pilot throws the parachute to his boss. Scrooge looks to everyone reassuringly. Besides, we don't need to worry about the kids. They're having the time of their lives!

That is seriously not the case right now as the kids are bored out of their minds (albeit Dewey is more frustrated and is covering his slumped face in impatience). To deal with the boredom Huey sings along with the credit song to pass the time. Soon Louie and Webby sing along with the credit theme as well, quacking and doing air trumpets and guitars. Eventually Dewey becomes fed up of everything holding him back and comically explodes.


He jumps down from his seat and runs for the paper, making the plane tilt forward and prompting Huey to jump down after him.


Huey at first runs after him but then idea comes and he runs to the back instead.

His weight being added to the back rebalances the plane and stops it from tilting.

The kids are dumbfounded and Dewey was surprised enough to turn to his grinning brother who's speaking through their walkie-talkies with his JWG out.

Huey: Junior Woodchuck Rule 18: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Webby: I thought that was Newton?

Huey: Where do you think he got it from?

Webby: Webby deadpans at the know-it-all. Science? Webby gets up and speaks through her walkie-talkie. Okay I'll call out the steps! Got it?

Dewey: Got it!

Louie: Louie refuses to join in this craziness. Nope bad idea! Terrible idea!

Dewey: For mom.

Dewey warmly smiles at Huey who returns it after hearing his whisper, wanting to do this for his mother and gives the thumbs up.

Webby: Ready… steady… Dewey left step step, Huey right step step. Dewey right Huey left.

They both follow the instructions Webby is giving them and steps slowly to keep the plane balanced which seems to be working very well.

Dewey arrives at the railing to see Launchpad place the heavy parachutes far from Scrooge. Donald and Daisy hold the down the parachutes with their backs turned.

Beakely is tying up Scrooge in the ropes. In a desperate attempt to change his mind she clutches her hands and gives a begging expression.

Beakely: Please we all believe you are a very capable adventurer, alright?

Scrooge: Obviously he wants to hear none of it. Stand down 22; I am still your boss.

An angered Beakely tugs the rope as hard she could for spite, making Scrooge cringe in pain but manages to straighten himself while looking out the window in determination.

Dewey slowly tiptoes and Scrooge calls out his nephew.

Scrooge: Donald, now!

Scrooge opens up the window and Donald opens the one on the other side (though he's still miffed with his uncle.)

Dewey finally reaches the piece of paper and picks it up. He's finally done it! He holds it to his chest victoriously.

Dewey: The truth about Della Duck! Nothing can stop us…

Webby: He cringes when he hears Webby shouting. Walk with the stupid paper already!

Unfortunately, the adults heard that and look to Dewey in angered surprised.

Beakely: Dewey?!

Donald: Dewey! What're you doing!?

Daisy: You should be in your seat!

Scrooge: What the blazes?!

Scrooge freezes in shock to see what Dewey was risking their lives to get. It was a shredded piece of paper which he swore he's seen before. Scrooge becomes pale at the idea of what it was.

Scrooge: What have you got there?

Dewey: Nooooooot secrets!

Louie: Louie blows it by speaking over the walkie-talkie. Literally the worst answer you could have given…

Dewey shuts it off but it's too late and now Donald and Scrooge are more suspicious than ever.

Donald: Dewey…what have you been up to?

Scrooge: Scrooge strictly holds out his hand. Give it here…

Dewey looks down in defeat. That is something he'd rather not do but it seems he has no choice anymore. He holds out the paper and Scrooge prepares to take it until the wind blows it away, making everyone gasp.

Dewey: NO!

Dewey attempts to retrieve it as it falls down to the hull. He slides down the ladder and jumps for it but fails to catch. When he hits the floor the plane rumbles, making Donald and Scrooge go of balance as everyone watches in shock.

Donald: Dewey! No! Stop!

Donald is the first to climb down the ladder and is followed by Scrooge.

Scrooge: Get back here, you'll get yourself killed!

Dewey sees the paper flying away. Determined, he gets up and runs after before Donald could even rich him. Scrooge jumps down and he and Donald chase after Dewey.

The added weight is making the plane tilt backwards.

Beakely: The three of you; stop speeding through the plane!

Daisy: You're gonna make us fall!

This causes Donald, Scrooge and Dewey to stop moving. The moment the sailor and billionaire have their backs turned Dewey carefully tiptoes to the paper, making them both yelp in shock.

Donald: Dewey, come back here!

They tiptoe after him and try their hardest to reach him but can't do some without causing the plane to fall.

Beakely groans in annoyance and Daisy facepalms at the childishness she's witnessing.

Daisy: You've got to be kidding me!

Beakely: Ugh, that is not what I meant and you know it!

Dewey pulls in a small wooden crate to block their path before glaring at them.

Dewey: Leave me alone!

Scrooge and Donald carefully step over the crate before tiptoeing after their nephew again.

Scrooge: Come back here this instant!

Donald: Dewey, get back here now!

Beakely looks to the rest of the kids and Daisy and motions to the cockpit.

Beakely: You four, come to balance the weight!

Daisy: Got it Beakely! Come on kids!

The plan rebalances when the kids, Daisy and Beakely arrive at the railing by Launchpad.

Donald and Scrooge are continuing their chase after Dewey who's getting closer to the piece of paper and the two adults are getting increasingly frustrated.

Donald: Dewford Duck, if you don't get back here this instant I will ground you for a month!

Scrooge: We're trying to save your life, now come back here or we will end it young man!

As Dewey gets closer to the final piece and Donald and Scrooge get closer to Dewey he becomes almost tearfully desperate.

Dewey: No! So close!

Donald reaches his hands out but is still unable to grab Dewey without risking everybody else's safety much to his growling frustration. Scrooge becomes even more frustrated when He sees he can't seem to go forward anymore, thus forcing him to stop. He turns to see Launchpad has stopped sending more rope out of fear of risking everyone's lives. In a fit of anger Scrooge violently tugs the rope, which flies out of Launchpad's grip but unfortunately, so does the heavy parachute which crashes into him, Donald and Dewey.

The 3 of them are sent slamming into the wall and the plane tips back again as it becomes sunset.

As a result of that Beakely's knife couldn't hold the large crate that is the kid's hide out and now it slides down. The three of them jump out of the way and the crate slams into the wall. The impact causes it to slowly split and Huey, Louie and Webby cringe to see that there secret investigation is about to be revealed.

The crate splits open on all sides, the blindfold covering the board drops and soon the board itself drops back. The papers attached to it flap in the wind and when Donald and Scrooge open their eyes they become shocked by what they.

Beakely and Daisy become equally shocked as they look at the board, to each other and gasp at the rolled up piece of paper in Webby's pocket. Beakely snatches it away and the kids gasp as the former agent takes a good look at the Spear of Selene sketch. The kids can only see that they've been busted.

Webby: Oh no…

Beakely: Beakely could only become saddened as she looks to the three of them. Oh children… What have you been up to?

Daisy: Let me see that!

Daisy snatches the paper and takes a good look at the sketch. When she sees the name Spear of Selene her eyes immediately widen in horror upon remembering the past.

Daisy: Oh my gosh…no…please, no. She looks to the kids whose faces drop in guilt. Kids, please tell me you haven't been doing what I think you've been doing.

The expression on their faces confirms it all and she finally understands what the piece of paper could be.

Scrooge and Donald are still shocked and Dewey struggles to find a way to explained.

Scrooge: Bless me bagpipes!

Donald: Dewey, what's the meaning of this!

Dewey: Uh…I…I…

Gravity Falls - Stan is not Stan music

Two pieces of paper are blown against Donald's face from the board. When he yanks them out and sees the righting on them his eye widen in horror and he becomes paler than ever in his life.

The first paper read: "Spear of Selene"
& the second paper read:
"Della Duck"

When Donald reads this pieces of paper it felt as though his entire body was switched for a few seconds and his beak was wide open, utterly speechless. (2) Donald hands the pieces of paper to Scrooge and when he reads them he gasps in shock, shaking his head in almost tearful denial.


Scrooge: No…Not this…anything but this! They look to Dewey whose expression confirms what they're thinking as he tenses his fingers guiltily. Lad…

Donald: Dewey…what have you been doing…?

Before Dewey could answer he watches the paper be blown away again and back into the cockpit. The determined duck looks for away to get back up safely and when he sees the parachute an idea comes to mind. He fiercely lowers his eyebrows as he jumps down to the pack and pulls it open. Dewey hangs onto the bag as the parachute is blown into the air while Donald and Scrooge grab onto his leg.

Everyone at the cockpit run out of the way as the three of them crash onto the top floor. Dewey gets up and attempts to grab the paper only for it to be blown outside. Not caring for his life anymore he goes out the window.

Scrooge gasps and Donald stares in horror as he reaches out.

Donald: NOOOO!

Huey, Louie, Webby, Daisy, Beakely, Launchpad: DEWEY!

Scrooge: NO!

Scrooge and Donald rushes to the window and look in terror to see Dewey has climbed up the plane is making his way towards the engine where the piece of paper is stuck in one of the propellers.

Donald: DEWEEEYYY! Scrooge: LAD!

The top of the thin mountain is beginning to crumble under the Sunchaser's wait and increasing movement as Dewey continues walking to the engine. Donald and Scrooge climb outside in an attempt to save him.



Dewey feels himself losing balance but manages to straighten it out as he carefully makes his way towards the engine. Donald and Scrooge look on with almost traumatised expressions, as though this is bringing back a dark memory they don't want to look back on. The two of them look to each other before at Dewey in determination.

Scrooge: No! Not again!

Donald: Not this time! I won't allow that to happen ever again!

As Dewey angrily and fiercely walks to the engines he can hear Webby and Louie frantically speak through his walkie-talkie, seeing that this way to crazy and dangerous.

Webby: Dewey this is crazy! The mystery's not worth it!

Donald and Scrooge climb up the plane as Dewey nears the propeller.

Louie: I…I get it but you can't give up the rest of us to find the one person we lost!

Launchpad runs up to the window to same something stupid, as usual.

Launchpad: Dewey, the Darkwing Duck video is still running! Do you want me to pause it until you get back?

Dewey has climbed up one of the blades just as Huey snatches the walkie-talkie.

Huey: Gimme that! Dewey, our family is amazing! We're enough, let this one go!

Daisy: Daisy takes the walkie-talkie from Huey. Dewey, listen! Come back to the plane! All of us know what's going on! I'm begging you Dewey, please let it go! If you find out the truth it'll end up destroying you and the family forever. Do you really want that? Do you really want to destroy everything you, your brothers, Webby, Uncle Scrooge and Donald have built together? I know it's hard, but-

Having had enough of everyone trying to talk him out of the mystery that will give him answers about the only birth parent they know about, Dewey tosses his walkie-talkie away in anger. The device falls down through the clouds.

Dewey eyes the top propeller where the last piece to the mystery is snagged on it. Donald beggingly reaches out for him and his eyes glisten as though he's about to cry.

Donald: Dewey, please stop! I'm begging you! If you look at what's inside that paper nothing will be the same again! Our family will be destroyed forever! This is what I'm trying to protect you from!

Dewey: Dewey turns in anger. It's worth it!

Dewey takes a step forward but the moment he does the plane moves. He gasps just as the plain begins to slide slightly to the left. Dewey, Donald and Scrooge yelp as they roll down. Dewey rolls across to the propeller the paper is on and Donald and Scrooge roll down the wing. Their hats drop off and they find themselves at the edge. Donald quacks as they quickly get up and put their hats back on and look to see Dewey reaching out for the paper.

They get on the propeller just as he climbs reaching out for him desperately and in panic.

Donald: Dewey!

Scrooge: Please, I…I can't keep you safe alright?

Donald: Dewey, please. I can't do it! I can't protect you like this!

Scrooge: How can I get you to listen to me!? TO US!?

This time Dewey has finally succeeded. He grabs the paper and clutches it tightly as he stares at his uncle and great uncle. Finally he opens the paper up and what he sees makes him cry and his eyes gush with tears. He looks at his uncles in anger as he shows them the torn picture.

Dewey: Tell me about the Spear of Selene!

As their hair are blown through the wind Donald and Scrooge recoil in horror, fear and trauma. Now Dewey has seen the picture. They look down hesitating to tell the most painful chapter of their lives. Tears of misery gush out of Donald's eyes and Scrooge wells up with tears as well, hesitating to tell the truth but seeing that Dewey has seen the picture, how desperate he is to know about his mother and the situation they're all in they finally relent. They look to Dewey nodding in acceptance. Donald and Scrooge hold out their hands and Dewey tearfully takes them both.

After they get back in the plane it rebalances itself. Everyone stands around a crate in front of the map while Launchpad places a pile of objects at the cockpit to keep it balanced. He gives everyone the thumbs to signal Donald and Scrooge it's safe.

Everyone looks to Donald and Scrooge who hesitates as they stand in front of the crate with the torn picture on it. Scrooge holds the last piece and it looks as though they're both having second thoughts about this but Daisy walks over and puts a gentle hand on Donald's shaky one. He looks at his girlfriend who smiles encouragingly at her boyfriend. Looking at her smile made him smile and have the strength to tell the story.

Donald: Her name was Della, Della Duck. Donald fondly smiles at his nephews from the memories he has of his sister while Daisy returns to Beakely's side with the kids. She was my twin sister, your mother. The two of us weren't so different from you boys. Together, the two of us were the Duck Twins. We were the perfect team, in fact, we were best friends. Ever since we were kids we would go out looking for adventure. After your grandparents passed away Uncle Scrooge took us in and we started going on adventures with him. And I've gotta tell you it was really fun… Scrooge smiles with him as does Daisy until his face drops. …Until that faithful day…

Dewey: What happened…? Scrooge deeply sighs and takes over.

Scrooge: It was just before you were hatched.


We go back years ago to the original trio of Donald Duck, Della Duck and Scrooge McDuck having their own adventures throughout the Earth.

Scrooge: Your mother, your Uncle Donald and I had been going on amazing adventures for years! And things were grand!

In one scene Donald (in his original blue sailor attire) happily sails the boat through a jungle with Scrooge and Della standing at the deck. Scrooge points ahead while Della looks on with her hands on her hips. She turns to her brother and the twins give each other the thumbs up.

Della was piloting a plane away from a volcano with Donald and Scrooge hanging onto a rope.

Donald, Della and Scrooge were bravely fighting off a couple of skeletons. They use Save the Queen, Godslayer and the Action Cane. Donald blasts them away with spells, Della blocks one and Scrooge slices another one.

The Original Trio were underwater wear they found ancient treasure much to their delight. It all seemed like endless years of fun and exploration, until…

Scrooge: Except…we've been just about everywhere.

The trio were looking over a map inside the boat where pretty much every part of it had been crossed out, baffling the three of them on where to go next.

(End of Flashback)

Scrooge: Ever the aviator, your mother devised a plan to explore the greatest uncharted territory of all…outer space!

Scrooge places the final paper piece on the picture, finally revealing the photo to be Scrooge happily standing in front of what appears to be a rocket with someone secretly climbing up. The boys look at the rocket known as the Spear of Selene in shock and awe.


Della sits in hers and Donald's room drawing a sketch of thee Spear of Selene and pictures the different kinds of constellations in space.

Scrooge: Della had already been over the Earth, she wanted to give you boys the stars.

Donald and Della are having an inaudible argument. Donald takes care of the eggs before vehemently yelling at Della who is vehemently yelling back at her while Scrooge is looking at the blueprints secretly impressed.

Donald: But I thought it was way too risky, especially with you boys on the way. Your mother didn't take that very well and we got into a big fight. We said a lot of hurtful things to each other. That was the last time I spoke to her. She couldn't even look me in the eye and neither could I with her.

Scrooge: So, I did the only logical thing.

Scenes shift outside where the Spear of Selene was constructed. Scrooge prepares a camera and takes a picture in front of it wearing a space suit to commemorate this crowning achievement.

Scrooge: I built the rocket and didn't tell Donald or anyone. It was meant as a surprise for Della to celebrate your birth. But your mother was always good at sniffing out surprises.

But unbeknownst to him or anybody else Della had somehow found up. She climbs up the ladder wearing a space suit.

Sometime later Scrooge find the letter that read:
I've taken the Spear of Selene. I'm sorry,

Scrooge: She found the rocket and decided to go on a little test run in orbit.

Before he could find her he sees through the window the rocket blasting off into outer space.

Donald rushes to the space station with the pram carrying the eggs before arriving in the control room where his uncle beckons him to come to the large screen in panic.

Donald: When I found out what Della had done I rushed over as fast as I could to get her to come back down…but…I was too late.

Scrooge: Neither of us could have predicted that cosmic storm.

They watch Della bravely and fiercely piloting the rocket through some sort of space storm evading bolts of lightning with a daring smirk as though she was having the time of her life.

Scrooge: But we all knew a little bit of pan-galactic precipitation wouldn't stop her, after all she was DELLA DUCK! Curse me kilts was that girl stubborn!

Scrooge grabs a communicator to give instructions while Donald could only watch in desperate shock clutching his hat and head.

Scrooge: I tried to talk her through it; I thought if anyone could make it, it was her. Until that very last bolt…

The Spear of Selene flies through the storm and it looked like Della would make it until one lightning bolt struck the rocket.

Donald and Scrooge could only watch as Della's confidence transformed into that of absolute shock, horror and worst of all fear as the rocket falls out of control.

Scrooge: I couldn't keep her safe.

Donald: Because of that bolt the rocket went out of control. I failed her. I failed to save my sister…my twin…my best friend.

Scrooge: The rocket and your mother were lost to the inky abyss of space.

The screen blacked out and read: "TRANSMISSON LOST"

(End of Flashback)

Back in the present Donald and Scrooge have their heads lowered, completely traumatised over telling the tale which they had kept secret for 10 years.

Donald: I never saw Della again.

Donald looks down with tears streaming down his face as he recounts the loss of his sister.

Scrooge: Your Uncle Donald and I never spoke again until you three showed up on my doorstep.

Daisy has an expression of sorrow and misery as tears stream down her face over hearing once again about the Spear of Selene and the girl whom she saw as a sister being lost forever. Webby herself also cries and Beakely looks down in sadness. But none could be more heartbroken than the boys or rather Dewey for that matter. Louie sniffs as the triplets look at the picture with expressions of trauma and heartbreak as tears well up in their eyes. For 6 months Dewey had been trying to find out what happened to their mother in the hopes of meeting the only birth parent they've known about, only to find out that they can never meet her because she's lost in outer space, possibly dead. Dewey feels a ball of anger enlarge in his heart which he directs at Scrooge as Donald looks down in silence and sadness.

Dewey: Great…so you're the reason our Mom is gone!

Scrooge: Scrooge is taken aback by this accusation. What!? No-I-I-!

They don't know that the mountain is crumbling and the plane is tipping forward. Launchpad is the only one who notices.

Launchpad: Um…guys…

The triplets don't listen and instead look at Scrooge with expressions of pure unbridle hatred and emotion.


Scrooge: Which she stole early-!


Beakely: Now boys, you don't know-!

They don't listen to Beakely or Scrooge's attempts to defend himself.


Scrooge: I spared no expense!

Daisy: Huey, Dewey, Louie, please! Calm down! It wasn't anything like that! Scrooge didn't know Della would take the Spear of Selene like that! He did his very best to look for her!

Dewey: Dewey scoffs at this with his arms crossed, refusing to believe that one bit. YEAH, RIGHT! CHEAP OLD SCROOGE PROBABLY BAILED AS SOON AS IT PUT A DENT IN HIS MONEY BIN!

Scrooge becomes hurt by the remark and that he's being accused of something he had no control over once again.

The Sunchaser is starting to slide down and Launchpad becomes even more concerned.

Launchpad: Um…guys…

The girls attempts to calm things down are futile and Webby's lack of social skills only make it worse.

Webby: Take it easy Dewey, he may have a point. Webby then glares at Scrooge. EVEN IF GIFTING AN EXPERIMENTAL ROCKET TO A MOTHER OF THREE WAS CLEARLY A TERRIBLE IDEA!

Scrooge now directs his anger at Webby for butting in.

Scrooge: This is a family matter! He points right at her. YOU are not family!

A profoundly hurt Webby could only glare with tears forming in her eyes after Scrooge had given her the right to call him "uncle." Seeing and hearing this angers Daisy and Beakely but Donald is still turned away in sadness but also feels anger welling up as he clenches his fists.


Beakely puts a shoulder on Webby as everyone is staring angrily at the elderly duck.


Scrooge:Scrooge points to Beakely and has reached the breaking point of his anger to see everyone blaming him for everything. YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY! NONE OF YOU! AFTER EVERYTHING I DO FOR YOU, YOU'RE ALL NOTHING BUT TROUBLE!

Having heard enough Donald turns around and gives his uncle the death glare.

Donald: SHUUUT UUUUP! Everyone looks to Donald in shock for his outburst, even Scrooge is surprised. The sailor stomps over to his uncle and gets in his face. WE'RE NOTHING BUT TROUBLE!? SAY YOU RECKLESS ADVENTURER! SOMEONE ALWAYS GETS HURT! And you want to know something! It's not because of adventure, it's because of YOU! SOMEONE ALWAYS GETS HURT BECAUSE OF YOU!

Scrooge gets his nephew's face with the same intensity and now they're vehemently facing off with each other and the argument is worse than 10 years ago.




Daisy: Daisy once again gets in between them in hopes of stopping a repeat of the Spear of Selene.Guys please! This isn't healthy!

Donald: Yeah, this old coot thinks he can do anything but keep us safe!

Daisy: That's not what I meant!

Scrooge! Scrooge points his cane at Daisy who recoils. YOU stay out of this! This is between me and my DEADBEAT OF A NEPHEW!

Donald: Don't you dare yell at Daisy for your own incompetence! everything that's happened is ALL YOUR FAULT!

Scrooge: My fault!?

Donald: Yes, your fault! My sister, my other half is gone because of you! You killed her!

Scrooge: I did nothing of the sort! Della was the one who stole the rocket!





All the girls could do was watch in horror, the boys continue to hatefully glare at Scrooge and Daisy could do nothing but clasp her hands over her beak in horror at what she's witnessing.



Donald: I'd rather have lived in an orphanage than have to look at your ugly miserly mug!

It was at that moment Donald punches Scrooge right in his jaw. The old man shouts and reels back in pain as his spectacles are sent flying. Everyone gasps at what Donald just did while Scrooge growls in anger and delivers an equally vicious blow to Donald's face. The sailor shouts and reels back in pain with his sailor hat blown off.

Donald growls in anger and tackles his uncle. The two of them are practically wrestling and yelling words of hatred at each other and Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby and Beakely could do nothing but watch in horror, especially Daisy who tries to get push the away from each other.

Daisy: STOP IT! Both of you!

The Sunchaser was rumbling out of control because of the extra movement and was this close to falling off.

Launchpad: Uh…guys!

Daisy: Daisy is still struggling in vain to stop Donald and Scrooge's spat as they continue wrestling. We're supposed to be family! We shouldn't hurt each other like this-!

Scrooge yells out in anger and smacks Daisy with her cane, making her shout in pain and knocking her to the floor. The kids and Beakely all gasp in complete horror and disgust at what Scrooge has just done, Donald has his beak wide open in shock and Scrooge is absolutely horrified with what he's just done as Daisy lifts herself up groaning in pain and rubbing her red cheeks while looking at the both of them with tears welling up in her eyes. This sight makes Donald stare vehemently at Scrooge, growling as his face becomes boiling and bubbling red. Scrooge watches steam come out of his nephew's mouth before Donald leaps up and releases an ear-piercing scream before doing his classic angry jump and rushing at his uncle. Before Scrooge could even react he's tackled to the floor where his nephew delivers as many vicious blows as he could before they both roll on it. His top hat and cane are blown off in the process.

The violent movements are rocking the plane even more and the peak of mountain is close to breaking apart.

Launchpad was struggling to sit up and Donald had Scrooge pinned down near a strange mark with a "Caution" sign above it.



He kicks Donald right into the mark and it burns through his sailor outfit next to his shoulder. Donald screams in absolute pain, agony and anguish before he drops to the floor.

Dewey, Huey, Louie & Webby: UNCLE DONALD!

Daisy & Beakely: DONALD!

Scrooge: LAD!

Seeing what he has just done Scrooge gets up and rushes to his down nephew in a mixture of shock, horror and shame. Donald now has burn damage in the shape of the mark next to his shoulder but luckily (which is rare for him) the damage wasn't too deep so it isn't permanent.

Scrooge: Curse me kilts! I'm so sorry! Are you alright-!?

Donald delivers a right hook to Scrooge's face which sends him reeling back in pain with a nasty bruise as Donald gets up holding his shoulder while stomping over to his uncle.

Donald: Some uncle you turned out to be! He gets right at his face and they have an angry face off again. You care more about your dumb adventures than your family. Well, you can have them because I refuse to be a part of it anymore! (3)

The plane is unable to take anymore and begins to slowly tip down to fall much to Launchpad's horror.

Launchpad: GUYS! Seeing that no one is listening to him he grabs the communicator and speaks on high alert. THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN SPEAKING! WE ARE FALLING!

This finally grabs the attention of Donald, Scrooge, Daisy, Dewey, Huey, Louie, Webby and Beakely who look to the cockpit in horror.

Everyone: Wait, WHAT!?

The Sunchaser is now falling down the mountain and everyone screams as it happens. Seeing no other option Launchpad wings it and pulls the wheel with all his strength. The screaming stops when the Sunchaser straightens out and grinds along the ground. A disappointed Launchpad can only be confused that he didn't crash the plane which is what he usually loves doing.

Launchpad: Huh…that was weird. He leans his elbow on the control and accidentally flips the accelerate switch which activates the propellers and sends the plane crashing into a nearby mountain, much to his relief. Phew…there we go…

Kingdom Hearts 2 (Missing You)

It's completely evening now as everyone returns to the manor but on an emotionally traumatic note. What was supposed to be the greatest adventure ever filled with fun and joy turned into the worst adventure ever filled with disaster, trauma, heartbreak and tears.

Dewey, Huey and Louie are stomping towards the houseboat in resentment and sadness with Donald walking after them in a desperate attempt to speak with them though they keep ignoring him. He has beggingly has his arms held out almost tearfully with his shoulder bandaged up, though there was still a tear in blue sailor attire.

Donald: Boys, please! Wait! Can't we talk about this?

Dewey: We've got nothing to say to you.

Donald: Dewey, Huey, Louie, I know this all seems nuts but if you just give me chance to let me explain-!

The boys all turn around looking absolutely furious.

Louie: What's there to explain!

Huey: We already know the truth! You lied to us!

Dewey: You've been lying to us our whole lives! Every time we bring Mom or Dad up you always changed the subject and told us that they just disappeared!

Donald: Donald desperately has his hands clasped together. Please, listen! I-!

Dewey: And we should listen, why!? After you lied to us about our Mom for 10 years!

Donald: You gotta understand, I couldn't tell you boys! I didn't have the courage! I don't know if Della is dead or alive!

Now the Duck Boys are practically shouting at the top of their lungs.




Donald is close to tears, unable to know what to say to defend himself. For years he's kept the truth about Della's disappearance from his nephews a secret and knew that one day that they'd find out for themselves but he never thought it would end up like this. By not telling his nephews about their mother he had set the stage for them to become incredibly heartbroken.

Donald: Boys, I'm really sorry! I really did plan on telling you at some point!

Dewey: Dewey scoffs with his arms crossed. Yeah, sure you did. Lame Donald probably planned on telling us on our death beds.

Donald: I did it to protect you! I was trying to spare you from the truth!


Donald is hurtfully taken aback by the comment, mainly because it's true. He thought he was sparing the boys but in reality he was sparring himself because in his mind he felt Della had abandoned him and Scrooge had betrayed him.


Donald: I-I-I…



Donald: That's not true!


Donald: You don't understand! YOU'RE ALL I HAVE LEFT!




Donald: Boys, I'm sorry! I really am, I never meant for this to happen! This was what I was trying to avoid! I didn't want you to suffer like I did by finding out about what happened to your Mom!

Tears are welling up inside the boy's angry eyes.

Louie: Well guess what! We did find out and now because of it…I'm not sure if I can trust you anymore.

Louie walks away into the houseboat with tears gushing from his eyes.

Huey: If you've been keeping secrets about our Mom then who knows what other secrets you've been keeping. So…I'm not sure if I can trust you either.

Huey was the next to walk away with tears gushing from his eyes as he walks back inside. Donald pleadingly looks at Dewey hopping for some forgiveness from at least one of his nephews.

Donald: Dewey, I…

Dewey: I guess…you weren't that cool after all.

Hearing Dewey say this makes Donald's world shatter and tears are visible on the sailor's mortified face.

Dewey: You're lucky you're the closest thing we have to a parent now and or we'd leave you too… Donald was speechless and unable to form any words of reasons. Let's go back to the marina.

Dewey walks away leaving Donald absolutely devastated, as though he had been stabbed by an icy cold dagger. Donald looks down as he cries and what he didn't know was that Daisy had watched the whole thing with an expression of sorrow hinging on her face as she walks up to her boyfriend.

Daisy: Donald…are you okay…?

Donald: Daisy…I'm sorry…but…I want to be alone for a while.

Daisy: Donald…let me help you…we can fix this together. Donald doesn't respond and merely sobs quietly which Daisy can hear and feels even sorrier for him as she slowly approaches him to place a hand on his shoulder. Donald. It'll be okay. Donnie…

Hearing that name be used makes Donald snap.

Donald: SHUT UP! Daisy is taken aback. Don't use that name! Don't call me by that…!

All Donald could do was drop down crying his eyes out and sobbing hysterically over everything that's happened. Daisy could only watch her boyfriend in sorrow before bending down and wrapping her arms around him while crying with him, hopping to provide at least a little comfort.

As for Scrooge, he's in his office looking betrayed and humiliated as he sets down his top hat on his desk with his back turned away from the door. Webby and Beakely come in to see him off holding a bag full of their luggage. Webby could only stand there in sadness while Beakely looks at her boss in disappointment.

Webby: Isn't he even gonna say goodbye?

Beakely: We're taking those vacation days…if that's alright with you, sir.

Scrooge could sense hatred in her tone but he remains calm this time and doesn't bother turning.

Scrooge: Fine.

Webby walks away and Beakely continues glaring at her former partner.

Beakely: Well you've successfully pushed away your family and everyone who cared about you away…again! Beakely herself looks like she's going to cry. I hope you're happy.

With that said Beakely walks off with Duckworth sadly following her with a suitcase and umbrella to take his own vacation in the afterlife after hearing what had happened. Scrooge just stands there not bothering to turn but he senses someone else come in. It was Daisy wearing a handbag by her side giving Scrooge a look of sympathy though that doesn't move him in the slightest.

Daisy: Scrooge…Are you okay?

Scrooge: I'll feel better when every single one of you leave my manor.

Daisy: I'm so sorry. This shouldn't have happened. No one here deserves this. Scrooge doesn't say word and he just closes his eyes. Look…I'll talk with Donald and the boys. I can try to get them to give you a chance and things will be just the way they were again.

Scrooge: No. I appreciate it Daisy but…He solemnly shakes his head. Nothing will be the same again. I should never have taken them in. Family truly is nothing but trouble.

Daisy: You don't mean that…

Scrooge: Just leave me alone, lass…please.

Daisy can hear the tearful tone in his voice and sees it would be best to let him clear his head.

Daisy: Take care of yourself…Uncle Scrooge.

Her face drops as she proceeds to leave.

Scrooge: Daisy… Daisy turns to him and the elderly duck turns a little with a regretful look. I'm sorry.

Daisy just smiles at him forgivingly, knowing he's apologising for hitting her on the plan

Daisy: I know you are and I know you never meant to do that.

Scrooge smiles gratefully for what may be the last time before turning back to the window as Daisy leaves. She stops to look back at the door before letting more tears flow down her face over everything that's happened. Donald and Scrooge were on the steps of making amends but now their relationship is worse than ever now, the boys hate Scrooge, Webby and Beakely don't want to be anywhere near him and he's locking himself off from the world again. The entire family is falling apart and she can't do anything about it. She takes her leave and now Scrooge is left all alone.

Once Scrooge sees that no one is in the manor anymore he opens a drawer, he moves some envelopes away to find a key hidden beneath it.

He uses it to open a special door to a room which doesn't seem to have been used for years. He opens it up and walks inside to remove a piece of cloth from a red sofa against a window. The old man sits down with his arms resting on the arm rest heavily panting beneath his beak. Feeling profoundly hurt and betrayed by the people he loved Scrooge wants to shout out, destroy something in his room and act like a mad man like Donald would but instead he just widens his eyes and drops his face in misery, having used up all his emotional reserves. The only emotion he feels is despair.

Donald is sitting in his bedroom on the floor against the wall, hugging his knees in the same state of despair Scrooge is in after his emotional breakdown outside. He pants heavily in anger, wanting to give a hating rant about his uncle, vent his frustration by destroying everything in his room and yell out in fury but he finds himself unable to find the emotions to do it and instead drops his head in sadness.

Both Donald and Scrooge flashback to the day they lost Della.


Donald and Scrooge could only watch on screen as Della struggles to make it through the cosmic storm with an expression of fear. Scrooge desperately speaks through the communicator.

Scrooge: Della!

Della: Uncle Scrooge!

Scrooge: Turn back! It's too dangerous The cosmic storm's coming at ye! Della!

Donald: Donald pushes him off and takes his headset. DELLA!

Della: DONALD!

Della: Get out of there sis! That storm's gonna kill you!

But it was too late to save her and the cosmic bolt strikes the Spear of Selene. Donald and Scrooge could only hear Della screaming as the rocket goes down out of control.

Donald & Scrooge: DELLA!


The screen blacks out before reading two words: TRANSMISSION LOST. Donald and Scrooge could only look in shock and horror as the headset slides of Donald's head. Scrooge feels tears well up in his eyes. They just lost her…

Scrooge: Della…

Donald: Della…? Refusing to except his twin his gone Donald runs up and starts desperately banging against the screen. Della, come back! I-I didn't mean what I said yesterday! Donald starts pressing random buttons in hopes of getting signal but it's all in vain. I already my parents! I can't lose her too! Come on! Work! Donald could call out in agonised screams as tears gush out of his face. DELLAAAAAAAAAA! (5)

Scrooge reminisces his countless efforts and failures in searching for Della.

He has his canes on a board of planets which he's instructing a crew of astronauts.

The Spear of Selene rockets are being mass-produced and Scrooge watches the astronauts he hired fly off into space to search for his missing niece.

The board warns Scrooge of the money they're sacrificing to search for Della and they point at a board which presents "Della's Search Expenses" going above more than they should spend. Scrooge could hear everyone's accusations echo in his head.

Louie: You're the richest duck in the world! Why didn't you send up more ships to look for her!?

Contrary to what Louie accused him off Scrooge sent as many ships as he could to find Della. The Money in his bin had sunk due to how much he spent.

Huey: Then you encouraged her to keep flying in a cosmic storm? You could have called her down, there were too many variables!

Scrooge had sent so many ships to space but none were having any success in finding Della and some were lost. He could only bang against the controls in tearful frustration.

Donald & Scrooge minds are now on the day of their argument, the day Donald left him forever. Scrooge was crying on the control panels until he heard someone's voice.

Donald: So…you can't find her.

Scrooge lifts himself off the panel and looks to his nephew who angrily has his hands on the baby carriage carrying the 3 eggs.

Scrooge: Donald…

Donald: Knowing you, you'll probably bail out the moment you see most of your money is gone. I should never have trusted you in my life.

Scrooge felt his world shatter at those words from the nephew he treated like his own son. Regardless he steps up in an attempt to reach out to him.

Scrooge: Lad, if you would just give me a chance to-

Donald: Donald viciously waves his hand. NO! I should've never trusted you the moment you built that stupid rocket! Because of you, Della's gone FOREVER!

Scrooge: Scrooge fills his own anger rising at these accusations. I didn't ask her to take that blasted rocket!

Donald: Yet she still did because YOU built it! If you can't keep Della safe, then how do I know that you'll keep the boys safe?!

The two of them furiously get in each other's faces as they seethe with hatred.

Scrooge: Maybe they won't be as much trouble as your sister was for taking that rocket!

Donald: And they won't with you around! You can forget about me sticking around here or the manor, because I'm LEAVING! FOR GOOD! I'VE PACKED UP MY THINGS AND I'M GONNA TAKE CARE OF THE BOYS MYSELF!


Donald: FINE BY ME!

Donald turns to leave but when he gets halfway he turns to say one last thing.



With that Donald storms off pushing the carriage and Scrooge stomps back towards the control panel but they could still hear each other mutter.

Donald: Crazy old man, only cares about the next adventure instead of his family.

Scrooge: Scrooge seethes from those words he just heard. If he dunne wanna be here, fine. Family is nothing but trouble!

Donald seethes from the words he just heard which just confirmed his belief, giving him no reason to stay and takes off.

Dewey: So you're the reason our mom is gone!

The sailor gives one last look of hatred towards his uncle as he searches for Della before leaving him forever overall with the eggs that became Huey, Dewey and Louie.

Dewey: Cheap old Scrooge probably bailed as soon as it put a dent in his money bin.

Contrary to what Dewey accused him off Scrooge didn't care he was becoming bankrupt. He kept searching Della for so long that money bin eventually became half full, making him bankrupt.

As a result the Board pulled him out of the control room to shutdown the search once and for all despite his protest, not caring one bit about Della as one of the smiles evilly.

Donald is sat on a table in his houseboat gazing at a dark blue star-shaped charm, a Wayfinder. He feels tears well up in his eyes before tossing it away and crying his eyes out hysterically on the table. The Wayfinder bounces off the wall and lands on the floor.

(End of Flashback)

Donald opens up his eyes and looks up as he hugs his knees as he thinks about everything that's lead up to this point: the death of his parents, he lost his sister, he left his uncle and now his nephews don't trust him anymore. With all that in mind he could only let out a tear of despair.

Donald: What have I done…?


Scrooge looks at the picture he took of himself standing in front of the Spear of Selene with Della climbing up the ladder in secret.

Beakely: Well you've successfully pushed away your family and everyone who cared about you away…again!

He could only look at it with tears in his eyes. In a fit of rage he tears the photo to shreds as he cries hysterically over the loss of his favourite niece and the abandonment of his favourite nephew. The piece of Scrooge in front of the rocket falls on the floor with the others shredded paper.

Beakely: I hope you're happy.

(End of Flashback)

Now it's all happened again. He's lost everything. And now he sits in his dark room in complete and utter solitude. Beakely's words echo in his mind and he looks up with a single tear flowing down his face.

Scrooge: I am…

To be continued...

(Ending Credits)

Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck

David Tennant as Scrooge McDuck

Tress MacNeille as Daisy Duck

Ben Schwartz as Dewey Duck

Danny Pudi as Huey Duck

Bobby Moynihan as Louie Duck

Kate Micucci as Webby Vanderquack

Toks Olagundoye as Bentina Beakley

Beck Bennett as Launchpad McQuack

Paget Brewster as Della Duck

Post-Credit scene

Years ago sitting on a swing set on the beaches of Duckburg staring out into the sunset were two twins, a male and female duck at the age of 6 wearing black sailor attire fitting for their gender. They were a younger Donald and Della Duck and the twins take in the beautiful scenery before them.

4 years later they're still sat on that same swing set but a little older. Donald is wearing a blue half zip hoodie without his sailor hat and Della is wearing her pilot attire without her pilot hat.

Years later even as adults they're still sat on the swing set wistfully looking at the beautiful sunset in their respective blue sailor and brown pilot attire.

And finally, near the present, Donald sits on the swing alone in his black sailor attire. He's all alone...without his twin. The only thing sitting next to him on the other swing is her pilot hat. (6)

Okay...well...this is just heartbreaking. What was supposed to be the greatest adventure ever turned into the worst and most traumatising adventure ever. The truth has been found out about Della Duck and it was far worse than the boys could've ever imagined. Now Scrooge has earned the hatred of his entire family, Donald has lost the trust of his nephews and the boys are heartbroken. How could it possibly get any worse than this?

Coming up next, 3 days after the terrible event in the Sunchaser Donald and the boys are back in the marina with Daisy, Webby, Beakely and Launchpad temporarily moving in and Scrooge is left in an emotionally broken state. But what they don't realize that with the Lunar eclipse about to fully cover the moon, Magica (still possessing Lena's body) makes her move and prepares to enact her ultimate plan for vengeance. Webby and Launchpad come up with a plan to guilt the family into coming together again and Daisy and Beakely help out. Is Scrooge doomed in his broken state? Will Donald, Dewey, Huey, Louie and Scrooge make amends before it's too late?

Find out next time on Ducktales - Episode 25-28: The Shadow War

First up: Episode 25 - The Rise of Magica De Spell Part 1


(1) Guardians of the Galaxy 1

(2) Gravity Falls Season 2 – Episode 11: Not What he Seems

(3), (5) & (6) Gravity Falls Season 2 – Episode 12: Tales of Two Stans

(4) Kingdom Hearts 358/2 reference

Special thanks to J. Tom for helping me with some dialogues in this chapter.