They called him a liar, a lunatic, a murderer. Harry tossed and turned in his bed as he recalled his confrontation with Voldemort that ended with a dead friend and a destroyed reputation. He had been whisked back to the Dursley's in record time and told in no uncertain terms to not leave Little Whinging. Which was easier said than done, which considering his friends stopped sending him letters or even responded to the ones he set. He was feeling more isolated than before.

In Malfoy Manor, Voldemort was reading the latest headlines of the Daily Prophet with glee. He knew that the articles were dragon dung, but that is what he had his Death Eaters for, he would read out a headline and someone would tell him the real story.

"Harry Potter, dangerous, deranged, disappeared?"

Lucius Malfoy raised his hand. "My lord, that is misleading, the boy has not been interviewed once since your resurrection, however he has not disappeared."

Voldemort lowered the paper from his face. "Explain," he commanded.

"Well, it isn't a secret that Harry Potter lives with his muggle relatives, the filth that was the Mudblood Potter's family," Lucius expounded.

"Hmmm, and why pray tell," Voldemort growled. "If you are aware of where he has been staying, then why," he shouted as he drew his wand. "Did not one of you kill him in the time between my resurrection."

"My lord," Lucius cringed in fear. "I, we, could not. No one could."

"Crucio," Voldemort shouted. "We are Death Eaters; we have no limits."

"My Lord," Wormtail sniffed. "Dumbledore placed blood wards around the home."

"And how, Wormtail did you hear of this," Voldemort said tapping the tip of his finger on his wand menacingly.

"When I was gathering information over the years, Dumbledore let slip a few details here and there, only those with blood relation to Lily Potter would have been able to breach the wards if they had any intent to harm the boy."

"Hmmm," Voldemort spun around, contemplating. "Blood magic, true that is not simple magics, I am astounded the old fool would consider their use let alone actually using them. He must have been desperate."

"Yes my lord, he was never as great as your magnificence," Wormtail brownnosed.

"Enough groveling, I believe I have found a way around his blood magic," Voldemort cackled. "Come, we attack Potter now, before anyone begins to believe him," he ordered as he strode out the room.

Snape sat rigid in his chair, knowing he had to report to the Order that not only Voldemort was planning an attack, that it was against Potter himself and it was happening right now, but there was no way for him to get away. So he grudgingly rose and followed the other Death Eaters out the door, disapparating away, off to Number 4 Privet Drive.

Nymphadora Tonks had the most boring job in the world, stand outside in a muggle neighborhood under an invisibility cloak. The most excitement she got was when Harry was finishing up yard work and stripped his shirt off to rinse the buildup of sweat from his body. She watched her target move through the house cleaning it while the disgusting muggles he was forced to live with made bigger messes, on purpose, for him to clean up. "Why are we letting him stay there, why is he sent back to these abusive fucks."

"Alright boy, we're going into town to buy Dudders some new trainers and to see that new Batman movie, then we'll be getting dinner, so that's plenty of time to get this house clean," Vernon shouted as the Dursley's left their home and got in their car.

"Finally they leave, now if I can just get into the house, maybe I can offer Harry some stress relief, Merlin knows he needs some," Tonks thought as she prepared to remove her invisibility cloak when she heard pops behind her. "Bugger is it that time already, I should have had another couple of hours at least, plenty to wear out a teenage boy," Tonks swore to herself when she froze as she heard multiple voices.

"My lord, attacking Potter, in broad daylight," Severus asked. "Not to question you, but why not under the cover of darkness, what of our orders," he hissed the last part in the direction he had hoped Tonks would be standing so she could hear him. Voldemort stopped under the shade of a tree across the road from Number 4 Privet Drive.

Tonks was shaking in fright, not only were Death Eaters making a play on Potter, but there was Sir Snakeface himself, and he was terrifying, made worse as he was standing only a foot away from her. "Oh Merlin, this is how I die, maybe, if I'm lucky, he'll make it quick, instead of letting his followers play with me first," Tonks thought as tears rolled down her cheeks fearing her impending doom.

Voldemort sniffed the air for a moment, the slits in his face where his nose should be expanding. "Mmm, filth, muggle filth, smells so much like a mudblood. I would swear there was one standing right next to me."

Tonks prayed to whatever gods, goddesses, demons, devils and famous celebrities who were listening, that he wouldn't reach out and touch her. Voldemort seemed to stare into her eyes as he slowly raised his hand, when he paused as he heard a voice call out to him.

"TOOOOOOOOMMMM," Harry roared as he stormed out of the Dursley home. Voldemort pulled back from Tonks location and faced his target.

"Oh sweet Morgana that dumb heroic boy, I swear to whatever being that made Harry look out the window, I will drain him dry if we somehow survive this," Tonks vowed as Harry stormed across the carefully manicured lawn. She used this distraction as all the Death Eaters turned towards Harry to put some distance between the Dark Lord and herself.

Voldemort smiled a devilish grin, exposing his gnarled and sharp teeth. "Harry Potter," he shouted, his voice seemingly everywhere. "Come to die," he greeted.

"The only thing I'm coming to do is put my foot up your arse," Harry snarled as he drew his wand.

"Oh, ready to duel again, no distraction this time, no souls of your dead parents to save you again," Voldemort promised.

"I don't need them, I'll put you down right here, right now."

"Well, I am a busy man, so let's get on with it," Voldemort smirked. "I'm sure you remember my last lesson, first we bow."

"Serpentsortia," Harry shouted as he fired a venomous snake at Tom Riddle.

For a moment Voldemort paused as the snake hissed at him threateningly, before he ordered the snake away. He was confused for a moment when he saw the red orb of a stunner flying at him. He barely had enough time to deflect it, as such it struck the death eater to his right, dropping Lucius down onto the asphalt in a heap.

Harry huffed in anger as Voldemort stared at him wide-eyed, before laughing maniacally. "Oh Harry, had this been a duel, you might have just won right there, outstanding, confusing me with a snake, something you know very well I have control of, to slip in a stunning spell," Voldemort made an overexaggerated clap. "I would tip my hat at the cunning required to come up with a plan such as that, but only a true Gryffindor would be brave enough to try it," Voldemort sighed as he raised his wand.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw one of his Death Eaters prepare to enervate Lucius, that was stopped when Voldemort cruicio'd the person. "No, if Lucius was unable to protect himself against such a schoolyard spell, he has no business in our higher rankings, when he awakens on his own, he will suffer for his incompetence," he barked out, a clear order to his followers to leave Lucius on the ground.

Voldemort slowly turned back to face Harry. "But this is not a duel, it's not a fight, this is an extermination of a pest, that has bothered me for far too long, Confringo," Voldemort said as numerous harsh orange blasts exited his wand at a ludicrous speed, that Harry was only able to dodge because of his trained reflexes.

Tonk grit her teeth and shut her eyes as she couldn't bear to watch Harry fight for his life as the Death Eaters formed a wall keeping Harry in the Dursley yard to struggle against Voldemort, she gripped her arm tightly to steel her nerves as she apparated away from the fight.

She slammed open the door to Number 12 Grimmauld place and even with Walbura Black shrieking like a banshee, Tonks could scream louder. "HELP, oh please, anyone help, he's attacking Harry," she cried as she ran through the house tripping over everything in her path.

Sirius bounded down the stairs in a hurry, with other members of the Order coming out of various rooms. "Who, who is attacking Harry?" Sirius shouted in concern.

"You know who, I mean, yes, You-Know-Who, he just showed up," Tonks answered, tears streaming down her cheeks. "There are Death Eaters everywhere, I, I was scared. I didn't know what to do, I just left, oh god, I left him there with them." She gasped in terror. "Oh please, I didn't, I couldn't, I'm sorry," she pleaded for forgiveness as she tightly gripped Sirius' sleeve.

Sirius shoved Tonks out of the way, pushing passed anyone who was standing in his path out the door. "We have to go now," Sirius shouted at everyone who was just standing there. "Why aren't you coming."

"We need Dumbledore, he's the only who can drive him off, we'd be slaughtered even if we could defeat most of his followers," Molly replied.

"But Harry," Sirius retorted. "He's, he could be."

"Maybe, or Voldemort's playing with his food," Moody proposed an alternative.

Sirius drew his wand and aimed it at Alastor, "Don't you say that, he's fine. He's resourceful and thinks on his feet. He'll be okay," worry etched on his face even as he tried to stay positive.

"Where is Dumbledore?" Hestia Jones asked.

In the Ministry of Magic at that moment, Dumbledore was struggling to get the Wizengamot to listen to him, he was having no luck as Fudge had convinced too many people that Dumbledore had finally lost it. Meanwhile in the office for underage magic, a needle was flickering wildly, indicating that some child was using a lot of spells.

Back on Privet Drive, Voldemort was indeed playing with Harry, he's cast a spell and then see how long it took for Harry to add it to his repertoire and use it against him. If he wasn't so dead set on killing Harry, the boy would have made a fantastic apprentice, as Tom had already given him every spell he had learned up to his seventh year. "My my Harry, you are putting up quite a fight, more than your parents ever gave me."

Harry glared before shouting back a dozen spells in half as many seconds, for a moment Voldemort had to go on the defensive as he could not deflect them all. "Why don't you shut up and die again."

"I am beyond death Harry," Voldemort tisked his opponent. "I have become something greater than the average wizard." Voldemort began using darker and darker curses, spells not taught at Hogwarts, spells even Durmstrang would never teach. The kind that one only learns from the darkest tomes in the most secret of places.

Struggling to keep up, blocking, dodging and deflecting spells, a talent Harry was slowly learning having seen Voldemort do it over a dozen times in their fight. He had finally been backed against the wall of the house, next to the rose bushes that he was always forced to put too much time into.

"And just like that, I have cornered you Harry," Voldemort said as he approached his movement like a rolling fog over the grass. "Any final insults, you goodie goodies do love those, maybe a baby you would like to throw yourself in front of, I'm sure one of my Death Eaters wouldn't mind ripping one out of a pregnant woman for you."

Harry squinted his eyes as he tried to ignore the taunting he was being subjected to in the face of defeat. He had been outclassed in terms of spellwork, Voldemort simply had decades of experience than he didn't. More than half the spells he knew now were because he learned them from Voldemort. He didn't see a way to beat him with magic, however out of the corner of his eye he saw the well-used pair of gardening shears that he trimmed the roses with. The shiny steel nine-inch blades reflecting light on him. But he knew it was false hope, at this close of a distance, he'd barely move before Voldemort would stop him and it would all be over.

He prepared to make a dive, so at least he would go out without having given up, when he heard screaming, very familiar screaming, his mothers. Suddenly the air got very cold around him as two dementors flew down from the clouds. Momentarily distracted by their sudden appearance, Voldemort turned to look at the soul sucking monsters, when Harry made his move.

Harry rolled and picked up the shears and sprung off the ground, shoving them in Tom's neck, black ichor gushing out of the wound. Voldemort froze as he felt the huge metal blades inserted into his flesh. Choking on his own fluids he stumbled back, dropping his wand. With trained reflexes Harry caught the wood and felt a strange yet familiar surge, it felt like his wand.

Part of the reason no one ever tries to cast with two wands, isn't because it's hard, all one has to do is learn some wordless magic, and then just trace the motions with both wands and one could even say the other spell they are casting. It's because both wands must be in sync with each other and the caster, there are rarely wands that synchronize with each other, except for incredibly rare brother wands.

The Death Eaters paused as they saw their master fall to the ground gurgling, clutching at his neck, then they started screaming and shouting at Harry before unleashing a barrage of spells at him. Which would overwhelm any single witch or wizard.

But Potter's have the strangest luck in the world, the dementors, surrounded by magic and with orders to suck out the soul of Harry Potter, simply couldn't let their meal die by these other wand users so they turned and started attacking the Death Eaters as well.

What would have been a very one-sided battle between Harry and a dozen or so Death Eaters, quickly became a free for all as many of the Death Eaters started trying to fend off the Dementors struck their allies in the crossfire.

Harry put all his skills as a seeker to the test as he ducked and dove over spells and explosions firing off his own barrage of magic into the fray, not caring who or what it hit as no one here he would call his friend. The battle raged for a full minute before the sounds died down.

Harry sat against the front door a few feet away from Voldemort's wheezing body. "Harry, this victory, means, nothing" Tom Riddle gasped out as his body fought to draw breath. "I will rise once again, as I, said, I, am, immortal," he said as his body shuddered.

The chill Harry felt began to intensify as he propped himself up against the door, he struggled to raise his wand up as he felt his energy draining. The two dementors floated closer and closer. "Of course none of the Death Eaters can conjure a patronus," Harry chuckled as he watched the spectral demons draw in towards him.

To the outside perspective the dementors hung in the air, seemingly waiting for something to happen. For them they were sharing a strange communication. "C̣̲̙͑͊o̙̭̳͙͎͍͗ͨ̾̎̌ṋ͕̔̒̾̓s͕̞͕͗̆ͭ͐̏̆̄um̮̻̞̳̲̺ͫe̹̠̝̖̭̜̼ͨ̃ ͙̘͙͕ͨͬͩͬH̗̾̐̾a̳̪̟̖͓͇̳ͥ̆r͆ͣ͒͂r̻͇̩̭̖̫͗͌ŷ̗̬̼̙̉͊͑̊ͨ͒ ̦͎̰̰̬͈P͆̓̈ͨ̂ͭo̞ͩͥ̓͐̀ͨtt̅͐͊̌̌e͚̦̻͙̯̊̐͒̋͗ͅr̖ͤ̊̓ͧŝ̫͉͊ ͚̼̿͊̏̅s͗̀̌̉o̜͓̻̹͔͉u͍̹͆̉̏l?̫̼͙͔̗̼̟̚"̱̭͖ͧ̏

"W͇̯̠̪̞̹͉̔ͧ̇̚h͕̯̳̥̾̽i͇͕͇̙̙͋͋̊̔͆͐c͇̓͊̌h̪͉͖͔̹̰͋ͥͧ̃ͩ̚ ̭̜̣̗̌ò̺̲̔n͉̬̭̪̟̞̊͑̃̿͗ͤe͈̥͊?" the other dementor asked. It pointed it's withered finger at Tom Riddle. "B͔̫̒ͩ̚ỏ̗͚̙̘̼ͫͅt̫̂ͮ́̿̐̌ͯh̬͉̩̬̗͍ͤ ̫̭͇͙̮̑̽ͭ͗a͔̘͓͇͗͋̅̌̈́̐r̦̜ẻ̜̲̘̬̹̳ͧ̑ͬ̽̆ ̯͓ͤ͒̍ͦ̇̐w͚͖͇͋e̤͉͎̩̩̿ͨͥͯ͆a̘̗̠̩͕̯̍͊̓̈k͎͕̮̜ͫ̾ͥ̿̌̅ ̝̭ͣ̾̃ā͍͖̔͌̄̉ͅn̙̯͖͌̓ḍ̬͖̍ ̺̫̙͍̉̋́s̲͍͌̋̏̍͌͛ͅm̎ḛ̰̭̩͍̎̾̍͑l͚̟̆͒̾̌ͫl̦̼ͭ͋͛͌̊ ̳̏̒̓t͐̑ĥ̯͔̙̗ͫe̗̲̎̿ͮ ͩs̙̉a̙̩͋͛͑͊ͧͦͮm̦̖̟ͥê͇̗͕͗ͨ̚"

"It̬͇̱̓ͯ̐ ̳̰̰͖̬͍̹d͋̒ͩo̫͖̭̞̐͑̆̾́ͅe̥̹̱̥̱ͮͨs͖͔͑̈́ͅ ̘̺̱̆ͅn̒̏͛̌o̬̞̳̘̍̏̀̈ͥ͗t̟̤̙̗ͤͥ̏̉ͅ ̲̺̯͙͎ͫͯ̿ͬ̉m͕̖̝͖̻̎̔̑ͦȧ̩̙̈̒̀t̑̉̊̿̔̌̈́t̬͔e̎͂͆̚r̮̮̻̐͌͗̍ͭͥ,̮̼̗͎̫̙̜̑͑͗̈́̈́͂̂ ͛̿͗̀͐c̭̭̹̩͔̎o̩ñ̜͇̳ͮ̔͊ͪͬ̂s̩̞̪͚͐̍u̹͇̦͓m̰̳̓ͤ͂̌ͨë̫̫̳ͫ̚ ͖̻ͭt̪̺͙̪͗̊h̳̑ͮeͮ͂͋ͭ̒̔m̮̦͙͚̓͗ͮ̓̇̔ ̺ͪ̑̌ͨ̓b͙̭̠͔̄ͤ̂̅̈́o̻̪̐t̤̟̯͎͌̂̑̇̍̚ĥ̠̭̻͚̘̠̊͛ͦ̽̽̒," the first said to the second as it lowered itself onto Voldemort's defenseless body.

Tom felt the touch of the dementor and panicked. "NoOoOoOo," Voldemort wailed as he struggled to get away from the being. His body had yet to die, so he couldn't flee as a shade yet, he still had a few more moments left of life, but it didn't matter, the dementor firmly grasped Tom Riddles head and sucked his soul out all the same, as small as it was.

Harry winced as he heard the sound of his mother screaming on loop as the second dementor floated into soul sucking range. "Expecto, expect, expecto patronum," he weakly said, a dim silvery light forming at the end of his holly wand. This nudged back the dementor who seemed incensed at a meal that put up a struggle. Harry fought against aching muscles as he raised the yew brother wand, "Expecto, Patronum," Harry shouted with feeling as both wands reacted and pushed for Prongs who barreled into the monsters and made them flee. Finally drained of energy to move, he could only stare across the carnage that happened in no more than ten minutes, over a dozen dead Death Eaters and a dead Dark Lord lay in the street and on the Dursley's lawn.

More sounds of pops irritated his ears and alerted him to more presences. "Who's there, if it's more of Tom's Death Eaters, bring it on, I can't even move, but I'll bite your bloody ankles off," Harry weakly threatened.

"Merlin's balls," Sirius gaped as he stared over the battlefield. As the members of the Order began combing the battleground. Tonks shoved passed her cousin and began shouting.

"Harry, Harry," her voice filled with distress. "Please, Harry answer me, oh Merlin, I'm sorry please be alive," she called out.

"I'm over, here," Harry said from his spot by the door.

Tonks rushed around the corner from the garage and found him slumped against the house. "I found him, he's alive, oh thank whoever, but he's alive," she cried out, alerting everyone else. The sounds of rapid footsteps came rushing towards him.

"I, my word, Harry is that," Minerva asked as she jumped back once he looked at the body closest to Harry.

"Yeah, showed him," Harry laughed as he stared at Riddle's corpse. He felt his weight shift as he was lifted up. "Oop," he let out a completely manly grunt of pain.

"Oh bollocks Harry I'm so sorry, are you okay," Tonks replied.

Harry stared at Tonks through blurry eyes. "Yeah, now that I got a pretty bird on my arm. Hehe, please don't hit me, I got that one from Sirius," Harry pleased.

Sirius balked. "Not bad Godson, but you'll need to try a bit harder if you want to get Nymphadora's attention," Sirius joked.

"Watch it, today was stressful, don't use my name," Tonks threatened.

"Aww, but it's so pretty, like you," Harry said as he felt his mental faculties declining. "God, you are pretty th0ugh, who are you, I'm Harry, do you want to," he started to say before he slumped into her fast asleep.

"Dammit, Shack, can you help, he weighs more than he looks," Tonks grunted. The sound of even more pops as seemingly the entire Auror corps landed in Privet Drive. With Amelia Bones and Dumbledore leading the assault.

"A bit late don't you think," Alastor scoffed, before Remus nudged him hard.

"We got here late too remember," the werewolf chastised the retired veteran.

"And what are we late too, if I might ask," Amelia said with her eyebrow raised at her former employee. Even if he had been one of her favorites, she still needed a report.

"The Potter boy, got attacked by Lord Dead as a Doornail over there and what looks like two dozen of his "finest" Death Eaters and won," Moody reported.

Albus turned to survey the area. "Oh my, Harry, is he okay," Albus asked.

"Well he's in the arms of my favorite cousin right now, so he'll wake up just fine," Sirius joked.

"Sirius Black," Amelia exclaimed causing most of her aurors to train their wands on him.

"Hang on, hang on, I'm innocent," Sirius said dropping his wand. "Check that fat Death Eater over there," he pointed to a large body.

"Peter, Pettigrew?" Rufus Scrimgeour said in confusion as he stared at the body of a supposed dead man.

"Can I get that trial now 'Melia, pretty please," Sirius begged.

Amelia groaned and ordered her aurors to start identifying bodies and begin obliviating the muggles. When the sound of tires screeching drew everyone's attention.

"What are you freaks doing on my property," Vernon bellowed.

"Ma'am," a rookie auror asked as he raised his wand.

"Vernon," Albus said placatingly as he approached. "Now there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for everything that happened, which I will happily tell you after I find out what it is."

Remus leaned over, "Harry's relatives, they're in the know," he whispered and crooked his fingers.

As Albus and the Durlsey's argued Arabella Figg approached Madame Bones. "I seen it, I done seen it all Madame," her sudden appearance in a tense situation already putting the on edge aurors close to a boiling point.

"And you are?" Amelia responded as she fixed her monocle.

"I'm Arabella Figg, I live in the neighborhood, but I done seen that Harry Potter defeat the Dark Lord and all his Death Eaters, I did, I'll even submit a memory, which I can't have tampered with since I'm a squib."

Amelia sighed and ordered a memory of the fight be taken from Ms. Figg who didn't protest in the slightest. She took the memory and grabbed Dumbledore. "Your office, now," she ordered knowing that it could take weeks for the paperwork to clear to get a ministry pensive up from the Department of Mysteries, but the one at Hogwarts was available for use by the Headmaster at any time.

Amelia and Albus pulled themselves out of the memory and stumbled to chairs in Dumbledore's office. "I want to make a new award, higher than the Order of Merlin, then give it to that boy," Amelia stated.

"Yes, that was most certainly hair raising," Albus replied as he shook the adrenaline out of his body. Ms. Figg had certainly gotten into a good spot, enough that she could even hear most of the conversation before everything went crazy.

"He really did do it, stopped Voldemort, I mean," Amelia asked.

Dumbledore numbly nodded in agreement. "It would seem that way."

Before Amelia could ask any further questions the floo to his office flared up, and Shacklebolt stuck his head in. "Sir, Ma'am, we got a survivor, you're going to want to see this."

Harry awoke in a strange bed, his head pounding in agony. "Oh why is the room spinning?" he complained.

Tonks sprang up from her spot, "Quick, read this," she said as she shoved a piece of paper into his hands.

"The headquarters of the order of the phoenix is located at number twelve grimmauld place?" Harry read aloud. "What does that even mean, oh wow, the room stopped spinning."

"Sorry about that, the place in under a fidelius and you were asleep for the last few hours so we couldn't tell you the secret," Tonks waved him off. "So uh, what do you remember."

Harry sat up and let the sheets fall off his chest revealing his scars old and new. "I was doing chores, then Voldemort showed up, we fought, it got crazy, I stabbed him, he died, and then a beautiful woman," Harry answered.

Tonks blushed her hair changing colors in response, "So all of it then?"

"Yeah, there about," Harry replied as he stared at Tonks. "Hey, how are you doing that?"

"Oh this," Tonks mused as she lengthened her hair to grab it easily. "I'm a metamorphmagus, I can change how I look whenever I want."

Harry smirked, "Wicked. Bet that's loads of fun."

"Yeah, kind of. So uh, your friends are here," Tonks said changing the topic away from her.

"Friends?" Harry questioned when the door slammed open and Hermione rushed across the room and jumped on him, sobbing into his chest.

Ron followed in behind her while many of the other Weasley clan stared from the doorway. "Mate, is it true, it's over, for real this time, you, you know, hrrrk," he said as he drew his finger across his throat.

Harry shook his head. "I don't know, I just killed him, it didn't stick the last few times and I haven't seen his body yet, so," he shrugged at the question.

"Oh it must have been horrible, you must have been so scared," Hermione cried.

Harry struggled to pull Hermione off him. "Not really, I didn't have time to be scared, I was too busy fighting for my life."

"But still," Hermione insisted.

"Hey, why don't you all go downstairs and let them all know I'm fine, and me and this lovely young lady can continue our earlier conversation," Harry suggested.

Before Hermione or Ron could protest, the twins grabbed them and apparated away. "Huh," Harry quirked his eyebrow, "That's neat."

"Oh that, it's called apparation, sort of like the muggle idea of teleporting," Tonks explained.

"Reckon that's dead useful," Harry chuckled.

"Yeah, real nice if you want to travel," Tonks agreed.

"So uh, who exactly are you, and where are we?"

"Right so, I'm Nymphadora Tonks, I'm Sirius's cousin, but don't call me Nymphadora."

"But it's a really pretty name."

"Don't tease me like that, you may have beat You-Know-Who but I'll."

"Woah, woah, I'm not teasing, I really like it, it's magical, unique and sounds pleasant."


"Swear on my magic," Harry joked.

"Don't do that, what if you actually made an oath," Tonks hissed. "You're lucky you don't have your wand on you. By the way you had two on you and I didn't know which was yours, so I took them both."

"Well the holly wand is mine, the other one is Voldemort's," Harry explained as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. "So what happened after I passed out, Nymphadora," Harry said as he searched around for his clothes as he was currently only wearing a pair of boxers.

Tonks blushed as she averted her gaze. "Aren't you a little embarrassed about standing in front of me wearing only your um" she coughed drawing his attention.

"I think normally I would, but I am still dead tired and really hungry, so I just want to go eat and sleep," Harry shrugged.

Tonks shook her head. "Well, after you fell asleep on me, the uh, proverbial shit hit the fan."

"Is that Lucius Malfoy," Amelia asked as she stared at the still breathing Death Eater, the only still breathing Death Eater.

"It would seem so," Shacklebolt answered. "The list of Death Eaters is impressive for Potter to have fought them all off. The Carrow siblings were notoriously sick and twisted. Nott, Crabbe, Goyle, is that, oh bollock me right in my, Augustus Rookwood."

"Shit, an Unspeakable," Amelia swore as she drew her wand. "Any other ministry employees?" she asked as she contacted Saul Croaker.

"Macnair and Yaxley, but I don't think too many people would be surprised about that, they were both bastards," Scrimgeour replied. "I see a couple of faces I've seen around but none by name."

Tonks started providing names of the people that were being unmasked, "And then it got weird."

"Severus Snape," a young auror shouted. "Always hated the bastard."

"Wait, Snape was a Death Eater?" Harry cried out as he struggled to get his shirt on.

"Yes, no," Tonks quickly responded. "It's complicated. He really was on our side, he was spying. I was just about to take off my invisibility cloak, and maybe come bugger you while you were alone," Tonks confessed quietly.

"What was that," Harry stumbled as he barely heard that last comment.

Tonk crossed her legs. "I kind of figured with how much the Dursley's were riding you with all those chores and stuff, that maybe I could ride you and help relieve some stress," she laughed softly as she became nervous about his reaction.

"Damn, could have, fucking Tom," Harry grumbled as he kicked the bed frame in frustration. "So what else happened."

"Well after they lined up the bodies, well uh, the only surviving Death Eater was Lucius Malfoy, he probably only survived because you hit him with a stunner before everything went tits up," Tonks continued as she and Harry stepped out into the hall.

Ginny squeaked and shut herself in the room she was staying in when the pair started down the stairs. Harry rolled her eyes at the behavior. "I like her all the same but I've barely had a half a dozen conversations with her over the last three years and she still can't see me as anyone else than the boy-who-lived," Harry sighed as he made it to the bottom landing.

"This way hero," Tonks said as she pointed him to a door. "The kitchen is over here."

Harry smiled and pushed open the door, seeing a chaotic mess in the kitchen as every adult was shouting at each other. "Thanks Nymphadora, you're the best," Harry said back to her as he stepped into the room.

Everyone ceased their bickering once they noticed Harry. Pausing Harry looked around the room. "Don't stop on my account, I'm just here for some food and then going to go back to sleep."

"BOY," Vernon shouted from the corner having been brought to Grimmauld Place to ensure the families safety while everyone tried to piece together where they all stood.

"Oh hey Uncle Vernon," Harry calmly said as he started looking through cabinets. "I thought you'd be in London."

"I forgot my wallet boy, so I turned the car around and I come back to find out dead freaks all over my yard," Vernon seethed. None of those assembled could dispute that the Death Eaters Harry had killed were abhorrent in their beliefs and actions but they could tell that the Durlsey's relationship with Harry was very tense. "Of course I couldn't be lucky and have you be one of them," he grumbled.

Sirius quickly stood up out of his chair before Shacklebolt shoved him back down. "Come on, let me at him," Sirius snarled.

Kingsley spoke calmly but with authority. "No I will not, Sirius. Amelia is being damn generous right now letting you return home instead of locking you in a cell at the Ministry."

"Wait why?" Harry looked over his shoulder.

Sirius smiled brightly at his godson. "Well, apparently with Peter's corpse turned up, she's reviewing the details of my "trial", the one I didn't have. But forget all that, Merlin Harry, I'm so happy your safe son," Sirius gently stood up and walked around the table. To pull Harry into a hug.

"Yeah, wasn't really sure how I was going to get out of that one," Harry chuckled. "Guess I lucked out with those dementors showing up. Who sent those by the way," Harry asked the room.

Shacklebolt coughed, drawing Harry's attention. "If you'd like, we can go over some more details of what's going to happen now that You-Know-Who is dead."

Harry shrugged and took an open seat, before looking at who was seated next to him, "Hello Aunt Petunia," Harry blinked at the nervous woman, who was struggling to hold a teacup without spill a drop. "Hmm, if you both are here, where's Dudders."

Petunia squeaked as she nearly dropped the cup. "The children, are playing," she quietly said as her teeth chattered in fear.

Harry looked at the assembled room, "Jeez, what did you guys do to them," he asked.

"Just gave an object lesson in respect," Minerva smirked as she sipped her tea.

Blinking for a moment, Harry then gasped. "Professor, you said we never use transfiguration as a punishment," he was aghast at the older witch for using magic on his muggle relatives.

"I said we never did it on students," Minerva corrected.

Harry quickly stood up and took his aunt's hand and started to lead her out of the room. "What's wrong with you," he shouted. "You all know my relatives hate magic, so why, would you think it a good idea to torture them with it."

"Torture," Alastor scoffed. "Turning them in pin cushions and school yard jinxes aren't torture boy."

"On muggles who are terrified of magic, using any on them might as well be torture," Harry spat back. "God no wonder no one noticed you'd been replaced by a Death Eater," he hissed as he stormed out of the room tugging his aunt along behind him, his uncle had shoved passed everyone else and followed.

Alastor reeled back as if he had been slapped, then growled. "Don't," Tonks shouted at Moody. "Seriously he just got done with dismantling You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters and you want to do what?"

Alastor stumbled. "I," he paused. "I don't know, but I'm nothing like them."

"Maybe before you run off and either start a fight, which you might be able to win, undoubtably pissing him off, which will piss off most everyone here," Tonks glared at her former instructor. "Try to think about it from his perspective, at the very least those muggles are still his family, so he might have taken offense to people doing things to them," she tossed her hands in the air. "Now I need to go find Harry and make sure he doesn't go do something reckless.

Harry had led Petunia into a sitting room, "Aunt Petunia when you said Dudley was taken to play with the children, what did you mean?"

"The redheaded twins they grabbed Dudley, they said they wanted to test some products on him, then just disappeared," Petunia shook.

Harry grunted in frustration, before looking at the ceiling. "Fred, George," Harry shouted. "Get down here," he demanded.

With twin pops the redhead menaces appeared behind them. "Oh great slayer of Dark Lords," Fred bowed.

"Sayer of Tonks' first name," George chuckled with a curtsey.

"What can we"

"Humble pranksters"

"do for you"

"Where's my cousin," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Why Harry, do you care about that miniature hippo," George teased.

"Fred, George, I'm going to say this once, I am hungry as hell, have never felt so tired before and am starting to get very annoyed, so bring my cousin down here, free of any side effects from your pranks," he ordered.

Fred and George shared a look, before nodding. "Right away," they apparated away before returning with a distressed Dudley. "And we didn't mean anything by it Harry, for truth."

Harry ran a hand through his hair, "I am having a crazy day guys, I'm just trying to get through it before it all settles in and I put my wand in my mouth," he sighed.

Fred and George quickly nodded before rushing past Tonks and into the kitchen where they would inform the adults about Harry's last comment.

Turning to the Dursley's, Harry waved them along. "Come on, we're getting out of here for a bit, I can tell being in a place like this is hell for you," Harry said as he headed towards the front door.

"And where do you think you are going Harry," Tonks asked.

"Out, my relatives are likely to have a heart attack if they stay here much long and I'm not ready to be stared at like an exhibit again, not after the day I had, so I don't know, maybe find a place to get food," Harry shrugged.

Tonk rolled her eyes. "You can't go out on your own, who knows how crazy the world is going right now, so I'll come with in case you need someone to protect you," she said as she looped her arm through his. "Plus you don't know the area."

Harry blinked. "Nymphadora, I don't care if you wanted to come along just to suck me under the table, let's just get out of here before someone tries to stop us," Harry said quickly as he put an arm around Tonks' waist.

"I mean, if you want, I don't think I'd mind," Tonks confessed as she blushed.

"Now who's teasing," Harry laughed as the five walked down the sidewalk, the Dursley's already looking less stressed at being out of the magical house. "Not nice to get a young man's hopes up that he'd have a chance with a woman like you."

Tonks looked down at Harry. "I'm not teasing, Harry, I'm alive because of you, if you didn't get V-Voldemort's attention he would have found me. So I may have vowed to, do things with you to repay that debt."

Harry looked at Tonks before he simply slumped into her. "Yup, that did it, that's my limit."

"What do you mean Harry," Tonks asked.

"A beautiful woman saying she vowed to sleep with me," Harry scoffed. "I either died or old Snakeface is holding me under his crucio and my mind finally snapped."

"Hey," Tonks shouted feeling offended. "I'm serious, I owe you a debt now, so I'd prefer to repay that instead of having it hang over my head and if I can do that by giving you a romp in the sheets, then at least we'll both enjoy the activity."

"Wait, wait wait," Harry said as the group finally entered a business district. "Debts are a thing? It's not just a personal feeling like you owe someone?"

"Oh Merlin no, life debts are real, they're the oldest form of magical contract," Tonks said as she shoved Harry into a pizzeria. "If you save someone's life, like they were mere moments from death, then well, it's a bit complicated but you could essentially order them to serve you to repay it."

"Huh," Harry muttered. "Well that's neat I guess."

"So I figured you'd like to have me and we'd be square," Tonks shrugged.

Harry began blushing as reality slowly set in. "Well, I'd be a loony if I said I didn't want to do that, but," Harry postulated as he slumped back in a booth, the Dursley's choosing to sit in a separate booth from the witch and wizard.

"But what," Tonks bristled. "Am I not good enough," she said fury edging into her tone.

"No, Merlin no, jeez, never. I've only seen a handful of girls that can even hold a candle to you," Harry quickly answered. "I just well, sure I'm a virgin, but I've never had a date before, this is the closest I've gotten."

"So what, you want a girlfriend," Tonks guessed.

Harry smiled and gazed into the distance. "Yeah, I've seen pictures of my parents when they got together and I've never seen happier people and I think I want that, someone that can make me happy."

"Well, it might be a little strange, but I think I can try with you for a bit until you find that special someone."

"So does that mean this," Harry pointed to the building. "Is our first date."

"You're cute you know that," Nymphadora giggled.

After the pizzas arrived at the tables Nymphadora and Harry were exchanging stories. "So there I was wearing McGonagall's face scolding a fifth year who was spreading rumors about me, when the real McGonagall came up behind me." Harry snickered as he imagined the scene. "So I ended up with a detention for a whole week for impersonating a teacher, but she did give me some more instruction during that time, felt I was wasting my talents with school yard stuff."

"Wow, Hogwarts sounds so different than when I was going there," Harry smirked as he took a sip from his drink.

"Tell me about it, it seemed like once you started your first year, everything changed," Tonks agreed. "I was a seventh year when you were an ickle firstie Hare-bear," she teased as she leaned into him. "Tell me, what was that all about at the end of the year," Tonks asked. "No one really knows what happened."

Harry quirked an eyebrow at his new girlfriend. "Okay, so I guess I'll have to go all the way back when I met Hagrid," Harry started explaining after a few minutes, he started to wrap up his first year. "And he was riding the back of Quirrel's skull like a parasite."

"Oh man, I'm gonna be sick," Tonks heaved as she tried to imagine having Voldemort sticking out of the back of your head. "That's insane, how did you get out of there," Tonks begged for more information.

"Well, I sort of, killed Quirrel," Harry confessed. "I just grabbed his face when he tried to choke me to death and he just started to turn to dust," he set his drink down and closed his eyes. "Sometimes I can still hear his screams as he died."

"Oh Harry," Tonks cooed as she pulled the man into her arms. "That's horrible, I struggled through my auror training on curses and using them and I've never even killed anyone, and here you are at eleven with so much put on your shoulders."

The bell above the door tingled as it opened. "Ahh young Harry, there you are," Albus said as he walked into the parlor. "I've come to bring you and yours back to Grimmauld Place," he informed as he approached the table.

"Are you nuts, why do the Dursley's have to come back, it's me anyone would be after," Harry shot out of his seat.

"Harry, Petunia or Dudley's blood could be used to track you, even through a fidelius," Albus explained. "And I don't think I would have to do much to convince you that anyone who would be using their blood will likely not have acquired it through peaceful means or have good intentions," his eyes twinkling.

Harry pouted and grumbled for a moment, before he tossed up his hands. "Fine, but no more using magic on them, it's wrong," Harry said as he crossed his arms.

Dumbledore chuckled, "Yes, I believe that your comments towards Alastor have sunken in." The elderly man's eyes hardened. "But I do wish to inquire as toward what you said to the twins about putting one's wand in one's mouth," he looked down at his student.

Tonks gasped. "Harry James Potter, you better not joke about killing yourself."

Harry rolled his neck, "I was tired and getting fed up with the day. I don't have any intentions of ending my life, not after I fought so hard to stay alive a few hours ago."

Tonks hissed as she looped her arm around Harry tightly. "You better not," she said as she pressed herself against him, and to further reinforce the issue she increased her bust a few cup sizes to where they were very large, bouncy and stretching the fabric of her shirt to its limit. "I wouldn't be able to reward you for saving me if you did," she whispered into his ear. "You won't let little old me to sleep alone in a cold bed do you?"

Harry felt his blood pressure rise. "Okay, jeez you win, Merlin," Harry tugged at his collar. "Fight fair why don't you."

"Mmm, no," Tonks teased as she gave Harry a quick peck on the cheek. "Well let's go back to headquarters, Headmaster, we'll see you there," Tonks smirked as she and Harry left the building to apparated back to Grimmauld Place.

Dumbledore walked over to the booth the Dursley's were sitting in, drawing his wand to make a portkey when a waitress came over. "Um, sir, your granddaughter said you would be coming by to pay their bill," she said as she handed the check to Dumbledore. With amusement he reached into his robes and dug around for his coin purse.