Chapter 1

Summary: In this story Naruto will have red hair of the Uzumaki. Naruto will have all the another seal aside from the Hakke no Fuin Shiki, which will be imprint of Kushina's skills to aid him in becoming strong to protect himself. Even though he will have to train harder, also he will have chakra chain ability of Kushina but will be activated under certain circumstances Also I am going to make nine tails a female and a mother figure for Naruto. So without further delay let's go for a prologue.

It was a peaceful day in the Hidden Leaf Village. Everything was going normal while one Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze was preparing to give birth to her child, without knowing the happiest day of her life will become the saddest and worst day of her life. Due to her circumstances of being Kyuubi Jinchuriki she was escorted to an undisclosed location with Sandaime Hokage's wife and Fourth Hokage himself along with a few personal Anbu guards for security measures. A powerful barrier was setup so no one could breach during labor.

Screams of Kushina can be heard and her and Minato was getting worried for her wife while also trying to concentrate on her seal so the nine tails may not get out.

"IT HURTS! AAARGH!" Screams of Kushina could be echoed within the room.

"Is she going to be OK? I have never seen Kushina in this much pain" – said Minato in a worried tone.


From inside the seal Kyuubi was doing all it can to help Kushina with the delivery by keeping her chakra within the seal. (A/N: Kushina and Kyuubi are best friends. Only Minato knows of their friendship.)

Minato while concentrating spoke to himself – 'Please come fast Naruto'.

"Just one more push Kushina" – said Biwako.

"AAARGH!" – screamed Kushina and with one more push Naruto came into the world on October 10.

The cries of the baby filled the room, and even though Kushina was tired from giving birth to Naruto she extended her hand to see her baby in her arms.

Biwako cut the umbilical cord and while Minato was hovering over her to take the baby in his arms, Biwako told him off by telling Mother first, Father second.

As Minato was just trying to reseal the loosened seal of Kushina, there was a distortion in space inside the room and a man in black clock with a spiral orange mask entered the room and killed both nurses and Biwako and took the baby into his hand while holding a kunai near it.

"Step away from the Jinchuriki Fourth Hokage or the baby dies" – threatened the unknown mask assailant.

Both Minato's and Kushina's world were crashing down as the saw the unknown mask assailant holding a kunai near their baby.

"Please let's just calm down" – said Minato in order to calm the situation and plan something in his mind to save his baby.

Kushina could not contain herself and pleaded to Minato while tears streaming down her face, her voice still hoarse from all the screaming – "please save our child".

Minato in a flash tried to attack the assailant from behind but he anticipated the attack and threw the baby in the air. As Minato jumped to save the baby, he saw there were paper-bombs attach to the cloth covering the baby. He quickly threw off the cloth and flashed himself from the area to his safe house with the baby. He put the baby in the crib and when he flashed himself again to bring Kushina here, as he reached the room he saw the assailant had taken the opportunity to take Kushina with him.

(At Another Location)

The assailant started to extract the nine tails from Kushina. Even after extracting the nine tails from Kushina, she was resilient and very much alive. The assailant quickly put the nine tails under the Uchiha Genjutsu with his advance Sharingan.

Seeing Kushina was very much alive the assailant spoke – "Now with nine tails under my control I am going to attack the village but first let me put you out of misery. To think even after extracting the nine tails from you, you are still breathing. You Uzumakis are very resilient and have very strong life force".

After that he gave the nine tails order to attack her. Just as nine tails was about to claw her, the Fourth Hokage comes in a flash and saves her. He again flashes away to the safe house and puts Kushina near their child. As Kushina coddles her baby in her arms, the Fourth dawns his clock to prepare for the battle to come.

(Konoha Village)

The Sandaime was in the Hokage office and doing the paperwork, when suddenly he had an eerily feeling in his gut that something wrong was going to happen.

The assailant transported himself within the village and summoned the nine tails through summoning jutsu. Out of nowhere nine tails appeared within the village and started attacking the village. Her tails thrashing everywhere and destroying everything in the way.

Sandaime Hokage who was in the office saw all this and there was only one thought going on in his mind – 'WHAT HAPPENED! WAS THE SEAL BROKKEN?'

Suddenly he was broken out of his thoughts as a Jonin came through the door informing the Hokage of the attack. The Sandaime told the Jonin to inform all ninja to keep the nine tails from advancing the village, while he prepared for battle.

The Jonin quickly went to inform all the ninjas the order given by their Hokage. There was a large commotion going in the village. All the ninjas were doing their best to hold the Kyuubi while their leader arrived to aid them.

The Sandaime quickly arrived to the battle field and summoned his partner.


Suddenly there was a poof of smoke and there stood Monkey King Enma. He quickly noticed the Kyuubi and spoke – "So the seal was broken?"

The Sandaime told him, he did not know the whole situation but they have to push back the Kyuubi from the village walls to minimize the casualties. He ordered Enma to transform into adamantine staff. Enma quickly complied and then Sandaime extended the staff and started pushing Kyuubi out of the village.

Just then Fourth Hokage arrived on the scene and stood on top of the Hokage Monument. The Kyuubi sensing him quickly launched the BIJUDAMA towards the Hokage Monument. The Fourth quickly deed the hand seals for teleporting the attack to a Hiraishin Kunai that he had marked far away from the village.

Suddenly the assailant tried to snick attack the Forth by distorting the space around him but the Fourth flashed away from the spot. The assailant followed him. They both started battling and during the battle the fourth made an assumption that only Madara Uchiha could control the nine tails, but he should have been dead. The assailant said nothing to give away his identity. Then fourth in a flash released the contract of summoning from the assailant through a seal and also injured the assailant in the process. As the assailant started to disappear he spoke that no matter what in the future Kyuubi will be his to control.

Sensing the threat of the assailant the Fourth started to plan his decision about how to keep his village safe in the future as well as how to keep Kyuubi away from the mask assailant. Also now that the control of Sharingan was broken he knew the Kyuubi would regain its senses and she would not appreciate the ninjas attacking her, so he first decided to take Kyuubi far away from village. After taking Kyuubi far away from the village in a flash and then he explained her what had happened. He told him to wait here while he bring Kushina to the location. After that he flashed away.

(With Kushina and Naruto at the same Time)

Kushina was looking at the sleeping form of her baby and could not help but smile tiredly. She was barely clinging to life. It seems that even the great Uzumakis who were known for their strong life force could not live permanently after the extraction of the Kyuubi. So she took a scroll and started writing down instructions for her son that she wanted to follow when he became Genin. She also wrote how much she loved him and wanted to be in his life with heavy heart and tears falling freely from her face. She also sealed her sword within the scroll. After that she looked at her baby and hold him in her arms near her chest. The baby opened his eyes and looked at her mother and giggled. After a while he started crying making her mother know that he was hungry. Kushina instantly loosened her blouse to feed her baby. The baby instantly latched on to her nipple and started feeding.

Kushina could not help but feel the joy of mother, but at the same time she was crying as she only had few hours before her life force will be drained completely. So she started speaking to Naruto even though she knew he would not understand a single word.

A couple hours passed and suddenly Minato appeared in the safe house. Kushina was happy to see her husband but before she could say anything Minato took both her and Naruto to the Kyuubi's location.

(At Kyuubi's location)

After arriving at Kyuubi's location, Kushina saw the Kyuubi and spoke – "It's great to see you Natsumi, my friend. I am sorry I could not stop that bastard from taking control of you. I know how much you hate the Sharingan and yet I could not do anything".

"It's great to see you to Kushina and don't blame yourself. You had just delivered the baby and you were weak. He took advantage of you. I see little Naruto is here as well. What do you intend to do now Minato. I cannot go back into Kushina as her life force is already slipping. She does not have much time" – said Natsumi

Minato first explained his battle and the threat that the assailant spoke of to both of them and then he told both of them regarding his plan to seal Natsumi in Naruto.

Kushina instantly protested telling him that why does her son have to carry such a burden. She also raised her concern regarding her sons treatment as she knew how Jinchuriki were treated everywhere.

Minato told her that this was the only way to keep both village and Natsumi safe. He also told her that he would gladly stay behind to raise their son but it was not possible due to Uzumaki life binding seal would activate as soon as she was dead.

Kushina realized that and she knew Minato was right, so she requested Minato to perform a seal on Naruto herself with the last remains of her chakra. So Kushina first activated her chakra chain barrier. After that she started performing a sealing and when she was done she touched Naruto's forehead and said – "UZUMAKI FUINJUTSU: SKILL TRANFER"

After that Kushina was panting heavily, as the chakra usage only drained her life force further. Minato understood why she did it. After that she summoned her phoenix partner and told Minato to summon elder toads. Minato complied and summoned them.


After that Kushina explained what happened during child birth. After explaining Kushina requested both her phoenix summon and elder toads to allow signing both summon contracts with Naruto. At first they said that such a thing has not been done since the time of the sage, but they will allow this for little Naruto, as they both love Kushina and Minato dearly. They also agreed that signing of the scroll will have to wait till he becomes Genin. Both parents agreed to it.

Soon Minato asked Natsumi if she was ready and asked Natsumi to look after their child. Natsumi promised to look after little Naruto as if it were her own. Minato soon performed the seal but he did not need to perform the Shiki Fujin as he thought Naruto could handle all of the nine tails. So he performed the 'UZUMAKI FUINJUTSU: HAKKE NO FUIN SHIKI' on Naruto. Soon Natsumi disappeared into Naruto.

The Sandaime came with a few Anbus to their location and saw Minato performing a sealing technique to seal the nine tails. Suddenly they saw nine tails disappear into the baby. The Sandaime wanted to stop his successor from performing the ritual but it seems the barrier was not allowing them to come in.

Soon after the sealing the barrier disappeared. Sandaime saw Kushina speaking last words to her son Naruto. Minato seeing Sandaime told him – "Sandaime-sama it seems I won't be able to make it. But I have one last request that I want you to follow after my death".

He then took out two scrolls and said – "One scroll is for Naruto when he becomes Genin. Only he will be able to open it. The second scroll is for your and Jiraya-sensei eyes only. Please take care of my son Naruto as he is the one who saved the village from destruction. He is the Hero of the village for he keeps the village safe from Kyuubi everyday he is alive. Also Naruto will take the Uzumaki name until he is Chunin rank and can protect himself from my enemies. Even though Uzumaki was a feared clan it has long been forgotten since its destruction in the second great shinobi war. Please take care of him".

After that Minato and Kushina passed away and suddenly their bodies were consumed in fire until nothing remained of their body. Sandaime knew what had happen. Their bodies were consumed by Phoenix fire. It was so their bodies would not be defiled in dead, Uzumakis came up with a solution with their summon Phoenix to burn their bodies. Also since Minato's life was connected to Kushina's, his body too was consumed in fire. The Sandaime guessed it was good in a way as there were ways to bring back the dead.

The Sandaime picked up the crying baby and waked away with a heavy heart. It seems he will have to come out of retirement to once again lead this village. He only prayed that his old body will be able to withstand the stress until he could find a proper successor.

And so the journey of our Hero began on October 10th.