This one-shot is a fun little cross-over between Star Vs and FE Three Houses, set during a pivotal moment in the game's middle section. It originally was just a self-contained one-shot but wanted to fold it into this collection, considering I haven't updated this in a while and no one really read this when I originally published it. Hope you all enjoy :).
Mewni is famous for its unique oddities, but even Marco, who is… was, best friends with a magical princess found his current predicament baffling. He was running away from a collection of lint, it's beady eyes following his every move not unlike the laser puppies playing with their tennis ball.
Quickly rolling behind some dirty clothes for cover, he collected his breaths to think of a way out of this. I can't just leave, I HAVE to defeat this thing for Lavabo. He peaked his head from a corner, seeing the creature sniff from it's… Sock nose? Marco shook his head at the thought, rubbing his chin thinking of a plan. Dirty clothes need to be cleaned… His line of vision drifted to the massive cleaning pot in the room's center, Marco snapping his fingers in realization.
He whistled and dashed out of his cover, the monster hot on his trail once more. Jumping over mountains of clothes, Marco felt his unhinged fear slowly seep away, revealing stupid excitement. Yes, the poor lad was 'sent to the pits' by his best friend, something Marco didn't think about this very second. Yes, said best friend found a new partner, the thought lingering longer than Marco would have liked to admit.
BUT, and this is a big thing, Marco came to Mewni for adventure after missing out on it for literal months back on Earth. Though seeing my best friend again would be nice… Marco slowed down, his emotions causing him to trip. Stumbling face-first into the pot, he recoiled at its heat. The Lint Catcher was now before Marco, it's cloth-covered mouth slowly opening. Marco forced himself to his feet, hands clenched tightly around the only weapon he had.
His Dimensional Scissors faintly glowed from Marco's touch, holding the make-shift dagger with both hands. Looking at its cool red steel, he saw a reflection of himself. Opening it, another blade was revealed, showing the afterimage of Star. Her warm smile, radiant blue eyes and faintly humming heart marks… Marco grit his teeth, letting an emotion he himself didn't understand take hold. Closing the scissors, he held it like a dagger and started stabbing the lint catcher, the faint holes he was making in its cloth-coated skin leaking out detergent of all things.
Marco didn't know what he was doing, but his mind only registered that he was simply attacking the creature like an animal himself. Stabbing, kicking, the odd battle cry or two; Marco was a slave to his emotions, letting them fight for him. Landing one final blow, the creature was slowly moved backward but didn't look worse for wear at all. Looking at his blade once more, Marco grit his teeth as he started running once more. The lint catcher followed, using it's snail-like body to chase him to the cleaning pot, diving directly into it, but not before cutting a portal with his blades.
That very moment, time slowed down to everything but Marco. Charging everything of his being into that portal, hoping to land him someplace safe, far away from anything to further harm his fragile heart. And upon landing, he didn't see the confines of his bedroom. No planes of Mewni grassland. Not even Star's presence. Instead, he looked around, seeing the shocked expressions of well over twenty people around his age just staring at him as if he was a demon of some kind. The most in shock were that of a young woman with snow-white hair, donned in armor meant for an Empress. His brown eyes locked with her purple ones, time almost freezing once more.
Edelgard knew fate wasn't kind to her, for many reasons. Her childhood, if she could call her time as a girl that, spoke for itself. But the mere idea of foolishly hoping someone would come to her and Hubert's aid actually fostering results… Who is he? She pondered, her purple eyes deeply studying the boy's brown. She quickly shook her head and gripped her large ax tight. Charging into battle, she violently swung the mighty weapon, blocking Dimitri's blow to Marco.
As she blocked the prince's blow, memories of their youth flashed in Edelgard's mind. Chasing one another around castle grounds… Laughing at one another in blissful ignorance… Even teaching his bumbling self how to dance with grace. Seeing what her stepbrother transformed into from the actions of her vile uncle… I'm sorry. She thought glumly as she stood protectively before the red hooded boy.
"It matters not, I will slaughter your fend in addition to having your head!" The mad prince barked, Edelgard cursing herself at seeing her step-brothers so lost. What a disgrace. She pushed Dimitri back, standing protectively in front of the red-hooded boy. She gestured her eyes toward the many fallen blades, the boy nodding in response and clenching a steel sword tightly in his hands. The two standing side-by-side, Edelgard and her odd ally kept Dimitri's defenses at bay, her surprise at the boy keeping his own.
What struck her was how clouded his brown eyes were, emotion largely unreadable. But how he was fighting completely betrayed such uncertainty; proper fighting posture, careful movements and nearly dance-like dodges. "Keep focus." The boy told her, Edelgard sliding back and thankful her Flame Emperor armor had that rather large shield. Dimitri eventually threw his spear away, charging directly into Edelgard like a wild beast.
The boy tackled into Dimitri, the two stumbling to the ground. "What did she do to piss you off this badly?!" The boy shouted, sounding more fed up than anything else. Dimitri carelessly threw him aside, the boy tumbling into a pillar. Edelgard grit her teeth, an odd sensation of rage coming over her. He came to my aid. She looked at her gloved hands, clenching them a few times before putting her blade down. She shoved her hands forward, hopeful having her Crest would allow… "Fighting isn't going to solve your problems buddy," The boy got to his feet, spitting out blood and wiping his face. "I should know, was friends with an angry demon. He only got anywhere by taming that anger."
"Silence demon," Dimitri spat, the prince's blond hair waving in the wind. Standing beside him was his detainer, the kind spoken Dedue and to Dimitri's right was the soft-spoken archer Ashe, his bow aimed right at the red hooded boy's head. The boy took a few breaths before he started laughing softly. As he walked toward Dimitri and his peers, his laughter got more manic, almost mirroring the mad prince. "You… You really are a lost cause."
"I nearly died fighting a monster, one that my best friend left me behind to take care off," The boy took out his scissors, his teeth gritting as he swung them like a sword. "And to top it all off, I got replaced and rejected by the people I thought cared about me." The boy jabbed a finger into his chest, pointing a now fully-formed blade in Dimitri's direction. "And now some royal jerk, like the many I've dealt with before, is saying I'm a monster…" He charged right into Dimitri, his blade harshly embedded in the prince's shoulder. Dedue would have shoved the boy aside if he didn't swiftly kick the large man in the face. Ashe tried firing off a volley of arrows but the boy simply jumped and rolled away from the incoming fire.
Edelgard's eyes went wide at how the boy was fighting, unaware of Hubert appearing beside her. Her royal aid studied the scene with morbid interest, rubbing his chin before turning to her. "Lady Edelgard, ready to depart? That boy is giving us ample time to escape."
Edelgard turned to her aid, giving a firm angered expression. "I've caused the deaths of my soldiers by foolishly trying to get the crest stones. I won't let another innocent soul fall because of my failings." She looked to her Black Eagles, a rag-tag team of allies from her own Empire and the other two houses, most of them standing fearfully at what to do next. She locked eyes with three of her Eagles. The songstress Dorethea gave a firm nod upon Edelgard's look, turning to Felix and Lysethiea. The two newest recruits gave their own nods, though the former was more eager to join the battle than anything else.
"Come on!" Dorethea shouted, using a powerful blast of fire magic to distract Ashe. The boy stumbled backward from the impact, with the armored light-blue haired brawler Caspar following up with a powerful punch in Dedue's face. The other Blue Lion recruit Sylvain tackled into Dimitri, giving the red hooded boy time to recover.
"Kid, you got something, fighting the prince like that," He smirked at the boy, holding out his hand. "Sylvain, a pleasure to fight with you."
"Marco Diaz," He answered, taking Sylvain's hand as Marco got to his feet. "Fighting like this is stupid, we are going to get surrounded soon." Edelgard agreed, seeing his face lock with her purple eyes. She longed for his green eyes to simply understand her plight, why she was fighting… But he simply charged in her direction, struggling to block the blow from her Professor's Sword of the Creator. His normally blank eyes were oozing with emotion, something Edelgard forced herself to look away from.
Ignoring the moments she shared with him in a desperate attempt to keep composure, she made a violent swing his way, but the Professor effortlessly dodged the attack, using a weak fire spell to keep Edelgard on her feet. Soon, other students joined his assault, with the lance using Leonie making harsh stabs toward Edelgard. She also had to contend with the small giant Alois crashing his ax into hers and taking the painful blow of a slash from Catherine Thunderbrand, that damned blade of hers making a dent in Edelgard's armor.
"Stay away from her!" Caspar shouted, rolling to Edelgard's side and landing an uppercut on the Professor. He stumbled backward but quickly was back on his feet. She felt lighter somehow, with a familiar sleepy mess of green hair sighing in her direction. "Lin, can you heal me while you're at it?"
"Honestly, if you were more careful in battle, I wouldn't be this tired," Linhardt said oddly awake, Edelgard giving a thankful smile his way. "Now, before I second guess helping our glorious leader, we should make our leave, yes?"
"No one is going anywhere." A soft-spoken but booming voice commanded, pinning all combatants in place. Standing like the holy figure she was, Lady Rhea gave a pointed glare to the Black Eagles. "How DARE you desecrate holy grounds. And to think, your ancestors were valued allies to my cause…" Edelgard simply fought down the urge to laugh in her face. Faith… Where were the gods when I suffered and my sisters fell?
"Then how about you let us go then?" Everyone froze upon Marco's voice, stretching his arms and letting out a shaky breath. "I mean, if the Black Eagles were such a problem, you wouldn't have let them into your… Home? School? Not sure what this place is." Marco admitted honestly, Edelgard impressed at how… Calm he was.
"Sweet child…" She slowly walked toward Marco, who simply stayed still like a statue. She slowly brushed his cheeks, giving a weak frown. "You seem hurt… Yet you fight for her." Marco recoiled, his fists clenched and eyes narrowed. "I won't harm you, as long as you stand down."
"Just so you can kick me away later…" Marco hissed quietly, but Edelgard heard it clear as day. She looked to Hubert and Dorethea, the two mages nodding as they shot magic squarely in Rhea's direction. As she expected, her Professor blocked the blow, giving Edelgard enough time to grab Marco and make a mad dash out of the Holy Tomb. Her fellow Eagles quickly followed, ignoring the loud screams from Rhea and the shouts of revenge or in Dimiriti's case, death.
Marco was downright shocked, the grip on his right arm tight from Edelgard nearly dragging him away from Rhea. Behind him, he saw a blur of faces follow them, having equally panicked looks themselves. What did I stumble into? He had no clue, but what he found himself in, was huge. As if another war would…
"I can't have everyone escape with my warp magic, Lady Edelgard," Hubert caught up to them, allowing Marco to slow his running somewhat. She nodded, clearly aware of this fact. So why not just leave me behind? He was a distraction, wasn't he? That's why I was… Summoned here or something? The dimensional scissors don't pick where the user lands, the user picks the destination. But seeing how protective Edelgard was when Rhea touched him… She's hurt.
He was silent as he simply studied her discuss their mad-dash escape to the stables, trying to calm down the horses for a safe ride to a base of some kind. Her eyes were downcast, though there was some mirth of hope within them. More so upon her gazing the classmates that dared followed her. This shouldn't have happened. Marco figured, seeing how ready Edelgard was to escape and how many times she could have easily left. But she stayed, to fight.
"What's the plan?" Sylvain asked Marco, giving him a weak pat on the back. He blinked collecting himself and seeing the other classmates huddled around him. "Considering the Professor isn't with us…" He kicked a nearby rock as he said this. "We sorta need guidance. And since you jumped into action..."
He looked to Edelgard, seeing the Empress look downright heartbroken. His mind flashed back to that night back on Earth, before… "How many of us are here?" Marco quickly asked, using a finger to count the students. "...Alright, there's eleven of us here." He started pacing, thinking on his feet. "Two people on each warnicorn…" Earning confused expressions, Marco coughed. "...I mean horse." He saw a blue-haired girl, looking downright depressed and a white-haired girl simply holding her hand. "I get the impression… You love animals."
"Y-Yes, I do." The girl replied, her voice shaky and beyond nervous. "W-Will we be harming our… Friends?" Marco shook his head and walked up to the girl, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Friendship is… Strange," He looked away for a moment before turning back to her. "But for now, don't think of them that way." He let his hands drop to his sides, memories of Star's parents acting like he was worth nothing upon his return. Taking a deep breath, he looked back at the blue-haired girl and frowned. "We must be ready to fight, okay?"
"O-Okay," She nodded, her face oddly filled with confidence, something the white-haired girl blinked at. Marco simply started pacing once more, looking toward the doorway and seeing no one coming their way.
"We must leave. Now." Listening to him, the students all hopped on their horses and charged out. Marco was left alone with Hubert and Edelgard, giving them both a knowing look. "I'll lead them away, giving you guys time to head to that… Hideout. Where is that exactly?" Marco asked, with Hubert passing him a map. "I should hopefully meet up with you both soon."
"If they catch you…" Hubert started, with Marco holding up his hand. I know, burn it or rip the map. Being cornered in the Neverzone a few times taught Marco how to cover up his tracks. Hubert seemingly pleased, he got on his horse. "Come, Lady Edelgard, I will lead the way."
She didn't get on the horse, looking between Marco and Hubert with a conflicted look. "...Understood." She relented and hopped on the horse, escaping the stables and Marco was left alone in the monastery.
He quickly hopped on a horse and dashed out of the stables, finally seeing a gust of smoke. Here they come. Marco saw his newfound allies far ahead of him, giving him time to plan out his path. "Hey! I'm over here you idiots!" Marco shouted, earning a loud battle cry from what he assumed to be Dimitri. Angered the boar, oh boy… He kicked his steed and charged ahead, his body oddly enough, not remotely tired.
As the fury of arrows eventually came his way, joined by the odd magical blast, Marco just rode his horse. Muscle memories of riding nachos slowly came into his mind, a dark grin growing on Marco's face. He galloped his steed, charging faster to avoid more incoming fire. He didn't even look next to him, knowing that the professor figure was right next to him.
"You don't have to fight," The professors monotone voice started, though Marco didn't even acknowledge him. "I… I care for the Empress too. Yet she was responsible for my father's death. I cannot forgive that…" He didn't finish, though Marco narrowed his eyes ahead. There is more to the story I'm assuming. Marco figured, having a hard time believing how a heartbroken girl could do something so horrid. His mind kept flashing to Star, causing him to grit his teeth.
"If you care, help me guide your allies away from where she's going," Marco turned to the Professor, a heated glare in his brown eyes. "Or are you just paying me lip service?" The professor simply flicked his weapon, turning it into a whip. "...Well, didn't see that coming."
Marco forced his steed to make a harsh left, avoiding the Professor's strike. He held out his right hand, shooting a blast of lightning Marco's way. The magic attack struck Marco and his steed, both tumbling to the ground. Forcing himself up, Marco took out the map Hubert gave him and memorized it. He quickly tore it to shreds and got to his feet. Taking out the odd sword formed from his scissors, he stood strong, waiting for everyone to circle him.
Many eyes were locked on Marco, wondering what he will do next. The only one making steps forward was the Professor, his sword pointed directly at Marco's throat. An odd panic quickly took over, Marco swinging his blade. To everyone's shock, it created a surge of magic, it hitting everyone at once. Some were largely unaffected, but the Professor fell to his knees, making shaky breaths. To Marco's surprise though was a surge of purple light overtaking him. Before he could do anything, he vanished, his vision returning upon landing in someone's arms. "You are quite stupid, you know."
"Sorry Star…" Marco passed out from the non-stop fighting, unaware he was in Edelgard's arms as Hubert gripped the reigns of his horse once more.
"Where should I start?" Edelgard asked Marco, who was sitting on a nearby crate. Her little Black Eagles, in addition to various soldiers from her Empire and even some students that were got to the hideout after their escape, were simply standing idle, though a student from the Blue Lions House was violently sparring with another of his fellow Lions in the corner. Edelgard was now in her student uniform, though that itself was scruffed up from the battle apparently. Taking a deep breath, Marco clasped his hands together and gave her a worried look.
"I think I should explain where I come from first, so that could maybe help somewhat?" Marco asked, with Edelgard imploring him to continue. "I was fighting something back in my friend's home, and using these…" He took out the broken scissors or seemingly broken ones. They were in a sword-like form now and refused to return to normal again. Marco sighed and jabbed the blade into the ground. "I stumbled my way here… But it seems this isn't my home or my friend's home." He rubbed his neck, eyes looking at his blade. "It sucks these don't work anymore, spent a… Pretty long time earning them, you know."
"Forgive me if I sound harsh, but you tell me, I should believe you were summoned from another world?" Edelgard asked her tone not harsh but confused all the same. Marco simply shrugged his shoulders in response, earning a weak laugh from her. "Should count my blessings, even if don't believe in false gods." She gestured to Marco, earning a raised eyebrow from the boy. "Yet, they answered my hopes for…" She shook her head. "Nevermind that, I owe you an explanation for my home."
"You are trying to change things, and then things quickly went out of control, spurring you into taking matters into your own hands?" Marco asked, earning a shocked look from Edelgard. "Hey, been best friends with a Princess. You wouldn't be surprised to hear what you're trying to do is… Well, that's pretty common."
"Mind I ask about this friend of yours?" Edelgard asked, with Marco's warm look vanishing. He simply looked at his clasped hands, letting out a tired breath. "If it's a sour topic, I will hazard to bring it up further."
"Right now… That would be nice," Marco admitted, giving a thankful look. They just sat in silence, looking upon the allies for Edelgards cause. "Is this everyone, willing to help you?" She nodded, her face downcast. "...Was that green-haired man your best friend?"
"As you say, it's a poor manner to discuss," Edelgard tried being kind, but her tone was harsh. Don't have to tell me twice. Seeing Marco dropping the topic, she let out a held breath and turned to him. "Regarding this land… This is Fodlin, housing three different ruling nations. The Adrestian Empire, Kingdom of Fargus, and the Lester Alliance." She started, Marco intently listening. "I'm the Empress of the Empire, while the… Prince, you clashed with, is the future King of Fargus." She let out a tired breath, rubbing her temples. "The Lester Alliance's future leader is Claude, though he is a schemer, so expect him to be a thorn in our side."
Ah, so Dimitri was her Tom. Marco thought to himself, letting out a shaky laugh. Even Tom has his better days… Thinking of his friend, Marco frowned, getting Edelgard's attention. "Oh, just… Thinking of back home. Anyway, so you want me to help you?"
"Yes, though I will not keep you here if you refuse," Edelgard answered, eyes looking at her gloved hands. "I'm frankly surprised my friends sided with my cause, considering the untold horrors that will befall Fodlin in the coming weeks."
"That is the price of war, Lady Edelgard," Hubert stood before her, giving a somber bow. "It's a shame we must… Dispose of those against our cause, but it's the bloody path I am, and I assume our allies, are willing to forge in your honor."
"You don't mince words, huh?" Marco retorted, giving a small frown to Hubert. The mage made a dark chuckle as Marco stood up. "I'm a bit lost on why war has to happen in the first place, but I have a feeling… Edelgard has a good reason to start this." Marco shoved his hands into his red hoodie, thankful it's still intact. "Besides, a bit late to turn around and play nice with the Church." Marco shivered, remembering how imposing Rhea was. I can't believe she tried winning me over.
What unnerved Marco the most, was how similar the archbishop mirrored Moon. Even down to the tone of voice and how she carried herself, Rhea was a spitting image of Moon Butterfly. Though her eyes are more unhinged. Marco always knew that Moon likely had a dark side, considering how often he remembered Star butting heads with her. But seeing that apparently happen now… And I can't shake the feeling that I'm looking in a mirror. Simply just seeing how Edelgard carried herself was as if he saw Star becoming Queen of Mewni.
It was hard to not see Star in Edelgard's place right now, making Marco look away from his new… Friend? Ally? He clearly let his heart speak for itself back in the Holy Temple. But what scared Marco, was how he didn't even want to use his brain to make a choice. He was… Content, with the path he picked. Seeing Marco dead silent, Hubert coughed and Marco mouthed 'sorry' and paid attention to the mage once more.
"A man of logic… You summoned a valued ally, milady," Edelgard gave him a thankful smile, but Marco simply sat back down and rubbed his chin in thought. "I take it she answered all of your questions? We aren't leaving for the battle for another two weeks, so take your time adjusting to Foldin, Marco."
"Thanks," Marco replied, letting Hubert walk off with Edelgard, but not without her sending Marco a thankful smile. Now alone in his thoughts, Marco just laughed softly to himself. To think, his version of 'safe place away from Mewni' was 'war in a fantasy world'. Out of one pit and into another. Marco figured, digging through his wallet and taking out a picture of himself and Star. It was of them posing in royal outfits before her big Song Day. He couldn't help but smile at how she hated dressing up all fancy-like, the warm smile she gave him once he donned his tux and how lovely things were before that imploded with major truth bombs.
"What I wouldn't give for us to be normal again…" Marco said quietly, hoping no one heard him. Brushing his finger over her face, he took a deep breath before putting the picture away, knowing the only way back home is through war. One I won't lose.
Meanwhile back on Mewni, Star was… Kindly, to say the least, interrogating Lavabo with her want violently glowing in the knight's face. "I told you already, Marco isn't here!" The knight answered yet again in a panic, Star refusing to let go. I already beat myself up for letting Marco face that… THING alone, but him leaving without saying anything?
Today was simply not a good day for Star Butterfly, trying her damndest to keep smiling. But everything clearly said otherwise, with her emotions being a cocktail of anger, confusion, happiness and now, fear. "Marco… He WANTED to stay on Mewni, he wouldn't…" She finally lowered her guard, dropping Lavabo and hugging herself.
Tom walked up to her and gave Star a comforting hug. "Starship… You are going to be mad about this, but…" He held out his free hand, showing Star a small flame. "I have tracking curses on Marco and we can use that to find him." She pulled herself away from Tom, eyes narrowed. "...I know, the whole curses thing will be dropped, I promise, but hey!" Tom smiled, his three eyes were bright. "We can find him now!"
"Not without dimensional scissors and I'm preeety sure Hekapoo and my Mom won't lend me theirs." Star put a hand on her hip, expression focused and slightly irked. "Then again, maybe Pony Head could help…" Though recalling how her scissors were the reason Marco got stuck in Hekapoo's dimension in the first place… "I don't know, but… We got something to work with." She knelt down, giving a somber smile to Lavabo. "Sorry if I was mean… Again."
"It's fine, Lady Star," The Knight stood strong, saluting to her and passing her a blue meat blanket. "I found this laying on the ground, so maybe you can use this to honor your friend." Lavabo gave a knowing bow. "He had the makings of a great squire."
"I know…" Star tied the cape over her back, rushing out of the room, blue eyes having a fire they've lost since Toffee attacked Mewni. I'm getting my best friend back.