A blue ring erupted out of nowhere, illuminating the dark room.

Out of it stepped a young man with green hair, followed by a girl. The first one out of the ring waited for the other person to exit it before he waved his hand, the ring disappearing.

He walked through a hallway, lights activating and signs turning on as he passed door after door. He sighed. It had been too long since he had come back here.

His most recent adventures had taken quite some time, more than he had calculated, and he had acquired a new (slightly annoying) refugee.

Speak of the devil. "SO! IZUKU! What are we doing? What's down here? Why are all of these doors locked!?"

Izuku sighed again. During his recent travels, he had encountered a girl that had the ability to use her stamina as a weapon, firing swirls of green light and heat to fight bad guys.

Her green hair was fairly standard, but the blue strands differentiated her from the rest of the alternates that he had encountered.

"Please be quiet". She was from a universe where AFO had killed All Might in their fight 5 years ago. Her house had just been destroyed. Izuku had unfortunately seen it happen way too many times before.

Izuku Midoriya was an extremely unique kid. You could never pin him down. He always seemed to show up right on time. His parents were gone, but he never had trouble talking to them. His friends were dead, but he could meet them whenever he wanted.

Izuku blamed it all on his Quirk. Its official title was 'Spacial Gates'. The ability to generate portals from his hands. It allowed him to create light blue rings of energy that worked as gateways between locations, but that wasn't their true power.

He only ever told the Quirk registry about the warping aspect of his Quirk, not the interdimensional travel part.

The ability to rip open a hole in the barriers between dimensions. To create a doorway to another world. This was Izuku's Quirk.

He had it on good authority that it was a bad idea to tell people about the true extent of his abilities. He had either seen an Izuku or Izumi being used by the government for their Quirk or been tricked or used himself out in the multiverse many times.

The only people who knew were the alternate selves he visited and a very small, select group of people.

He eventually came to a blank door, the girl behind him bouncing to a stop with him, still chattering away. Izuku pulled out a key and placed it in the door, and it swung open.

Inside was a room that was way bigger than what it should have been. As he walked in, the girl flew into the room using her Quirk, landing on the bed. She was smiling at him.

"So this is my room now? How many others are there? Why are you letting me have it?" the girl went into another rant while Izuku set up the machine on the far side of the wall.

The large circle was a type of wormhole generating gate that he had discovered on one of the superpower-less worlds he had visited.

As he fiddled with its programming, he started to answer the question as best he could.

"Alright, Nejizumi, yes that's what I'm going to call you, this is your room now. There are unfortunately a lot of others in similar situations to you. I'm letting you have it because you're an alternate me that needs help."

Nejizumi nodded and pointed to the gate that Izuku was working on. "And what does that do?"

Izuku stood up, having finished his calibrations. He threw Nejizumi a small remote. "This is something called a Stargate, although I have modified it to work a bit like my Quirk. Push the button on the wall to open a portal back to your dimension, and use the button on the remote to open a portal to this room whenever you need to."

Nejizumi nodded, then placed a hand on her chin, looking like the old 'thinker' statue. "Can I bring all of my friends here with me?"

Izuku shook his head as he deflated a bit. "Unfortunately no, you cannot bring anyone else into the fortress. I've already had to rebuild this place after one of my alternates accidentally brought his universes All For One here."

"The button will only work if you specifically are the one to press it, and anyone that isn't you that goes through the portal will just end up on the other side of the portal, not here."

Nejizumi nodded, but Izuku wasn't done. "Also, I just need to check a few things." Izuku opened a small portal to his left and dragged a clipboard out of it.

He moved onto the next question on his list "Do the names All for One or One for All mean anything to you?"

Nejizumi nodded. "I know about All for One, he killed All Might about 5 years ago, and now rules over most of Japan. I've never heard of One for All though…"

Izuku nodded and wrote that down as well, before moving onto the next Question.

"Does the name Eri mean anything to you?" Nejizumi shook her head, and Izuku nodded, noting it down.

"How about Destro? Name mean anything to you?" again, she shook her head, and he wrote it down on the clipboard.

He tapped away at a screen that he was wearing on his arm, nodding his head. He pointed to the remote.

"That's all for now. You can come back anytime you need or want, and if you push this button-" he showed her a smaller blue button on the remote. "- then I will be notified that you require assistance, and will attempt to help."

He pushed the button on the wall and the stargate activated, the swirling, water-like, surface of the portal was incredibly enticing. Nejizumi flew over to the portal, waved at Izuku, and floated through.

Izuku walked out of the room and to the foyer of the building. He hated dimensions like that. Seeing the carnage that All for One wrought on worlds where he succeeded always put him in a bad mood.

He sighed as he grabbed a glass from the cupboard.

He needed a drink.

He woke up with a hangover.

It was a common thing. He had a brilliant mind, one of the smartest people he had ever met (including himself) but he still kept doing this to himself.

He yelped as he rolled off the bed, hitting the ground, pain spiking through his brain. The lights of his room turned on, bombarding his eyes and giving him even more pain.

He pushed a button on the screen that adorned his left wrist. It acted like a master control for his fortress, as well as a regular computer.

As he did so, the door to the room opened and a small buzzing could be heard as a robot came in and picked him up off the floor. "=Caretaker unit C-555 reporting for morning routine sir="

He was raised from the ground and taken into his bathroom by the robot. The robot beeped as it placed him upright in the shower.

Izuku patted the top of the robot. "Thank you, Fives. You may go now, please prepare breakfast #28.3"

The robot beeped again in confirmation and exited the room. Izuku grabbed a few of the supplies from the shelf of the shower, mixing them together, before dripping them into his eyes.

Almost immediately, the hangover he was experiencing evaporated, his brain clearing of the buzzing and pain. He sighed contentedly as the warm water of the shower started hitting his back.

He showered and exited the room. He walked into a large walk-in closet and stood on 2 footprints painted on the floor.

"Clothing unit, activate outfit #3." A bunch of mechanical arms sprouted from the walls of the closet, each holding a different article of clothing.

There were his shoes, something that he had come to know as a multiversal constant. Every single Izuku or Izumi he had ever met had been wearing a set of red high top sneakers.

Then came some standard black tracksuit pants, and a blue shirt with the mascot for the Fallout series, Vault Boy, giving the thumbs up.

Over that came his long, forest green lab coat, stuffed to the brim with technology. He had one of his contacts in a super futuristic dimension create it for him. Even he didn't know the extent of its capabilities.

He hoped he never would need to.

Then on his face came his goggles. A gift from one of his friends, a girl who he always seemed to know in most dimensions, Mei Hatsume. Sleek black with green highlights, the goggles helped him out in combat by highlighting people he marked as targets, as well as being a GPS and an objective tracker (a fancy way of saying to-do list)

His belt was wrapped around his waist and his holster placed on it, a hissing going off as the holster fused with his belt and pants, so it didn't jump around as he ran.

He came to a wall and pushed a few buttons. He was going into a combat-heavy dimension for his next job. Some multiversal scientist dude wanted a specific thing from a specific dimension, the usual.

Izuku looked down at the 'coordinates' he had been given and opened a quick portal to it. Looking through, he saw what looked like a war-torn city with a large creature rampaging through its streets being attacked by a robot the size of a skyscraper.

He sighed. He had been tasked with getting the blood of this 'kaiju' and this robot dude was probably going to vaporise it.

He never failed a job. He wouldn't fail this one.

The wall he was tapping on opened up, revealing a large assortment of weaponry that he had collected from his travels.

Lightsabers were a must. They were some of the most effective close combat melee weapons he had ever found, and the Izuku from that dimension had been glad to give him one after Izuku killed some big bad guy called "Emperor Palpatine" or something.

He then swiped through the air, and the first panel moved, a panel full of handguns and pistols replacing it. He swiped past it. He probably wouldn't need one for this job.

He swiped again and again until he found the panel he was looking for. 'The big guns' of his collection.

A weapon from a reality where hell is real and people have learned to fight off the demonic hordes under the tutelage of some dude named "the doom slayer?" Pass.

A shrink ray might work, but only if he can get to the 'kaiju' first. Wouldn't want the big Robo dude getting rid of the creature.

Molecular Deconstructor? That should do. Izuku pointed to the MD, a sleek white rifle with blue highlights, and it was taken out of its socket and brought down to Izuku by a robot arm.

Izuku grabbed the MD from the arm, and strapped it to his back, the lab coat automatically magnetising to it, holding it in place. He did another one over and re-opened the portal to the 'kaiju world' as his customer called it.

It was time to strike down a titan.


"Sir! Anomalous energy signature detected above the Kaiju, sir!" The woman sitting at the console yelled out to his commander.

The commander walked over, a tall, thin man with blonde hair, curious about this anomaly. The controller moved the camera's around until they could see above the Kaiju.

Sitting with there legs crossed, a blue ring above them with a tube going through it, was a teenager, stabbing something into the category 4 Kaiju's head.

As he did so, the Kaiju didn't even seem to notice, as it was continuing its fight with [DEKU]. The commander leaned over and turned on the communicator for [DEKU].

"Izuku! Uraraka! Watch out for the civilian on top of the Kaiju, he has unknown goals and is right on top of its head. Be careful.

There was a shout of confusion from Uraraka, but Izuku's voice came back through the communicator.

"Got it, Toshi, adjusting strategy!" The large chain sword pulled back into [DEKU]'s frame, and the Jaeger got into a combat-ready stance, the green lines on its body getting brighter and brighter as it powered up.

As it did so, Izuku voice came back through the communicator, but something was… different.

"Toshinori, Mei, Ochako, Izuku. I must ask that you leave this Kaiju with me. You may stand down."

Toshinori sputtered at this. Izuku's voice addressing Izuku? What the hell was all this!?

"Civilian, please identify yourself," Toshonori asked through the communicator. After a second the voice came back through.

"Fine, just give me a minute to deal with this thing and I will" The voice sounded tired.

He focused back onto the cameras showing this unidentified person and zoomed in. he nearly had a heart attack there and then. Was that Izuku is a lab coat?

The not-Izuku seemed to be finished with its task, seemingly collecting Kaiju blood, if the giant needle was any hint, and jumped off the top of the Kaiju. He pointed some sort of gun at it as he fell.

From it spouted a green beam that slammed into the Kaiju and spread green energy over its entire body. Once it fully surrounded the Kaiju, something miraculous happened.

The category 4 Kaiju that even [DEKU] was having trouble with, turned to dust in front of their very eyes. Under the not-Izuku then appeared another blue ring, as well as one inside the control room.

The not-Izuku flew down into the first ring and appeared out of the one in the control room.

The weapon he used was placed on his back, and he stood upright as he spoke.

"Please bring Izuku and Uraraka here, I wish to speak with them. Toshinori, call them back in."

The communication line from [DEKU] was going haywire as Izuku and Ochako tried to get Toshinori's attention.

Toshinori called them back in.

This was a weird day.

Izuku was flipping a coin as he sat in the control room, the guns of the guards pointed at him from all angles.

"Look, I'm not going to hurt any of you guys. 1. You can't do anything to me even if you wanted to, and 2. I just killed a Kaiju for you, what reason do I have to be your enemy?"

He currently was sitting on a stool and had Mei practically plastered to his back as she examined his lab coat, salivating.

"What is this made out of!? It's resisting all of my instruments! Seriously, Greenie, what is this lab coat?!"

Izuku laughed. "Never change Mei, never change," he shifted in his seat, turning to face the crowd of people staring at him, this dimension's Izuku included.

"Q&A time, but be quick, I don't have a lot of time." He tapped his wrist computer.

Toshinori started. "Who are you and where did you come from?" Izuku chuckled.

"Technically 2 questions, but that's fine. My name is Izuku Midoriya. I came from another dimension."

The crowd was silent for a second as they processed this information. Then this dimensions Izuku spoke up. "That actually makes a lot of sense."

Izuku sputtered for a second. "Wait, you actually believe me?" This dimensions Izuku just shrugged.

"Yep, I spend my days fighting giant, Godzilla like creatures that come from a portal at the bottom of the ocean. This is nothing I haven't seen before."

The crowd started nodding as they agreed with their Izuku. Izuku burst out laughing.

"You guys just got yourself on my visit list! OK, now then," he pointed to these dimensions Izuku. "To avoid confusion, I'm going to call you Jaeger. You may call me either Izuku or Outlander."

He turned to Mei. "And to answer your question, I have no clue. Got it from an alternate me in a dimension where technology is so advanced it looks like magic."

Mei huffed, pouting, before going back to attempting to scan the coat. Izuku laughed as he created another portal, this one leading to his employer.

"I must be going now, you will see me again"

He stood up and walked through the portal, it snapping shut behind him. He tapped away at the screen on his arm, going into a folder named 'good to return to' and typed in the 'coordinates' as well as a short description.

He laughed. "That was pretty cool".

He wasn't having the best day.

His delivery from the teen he had met should be arriving soon, but he was starting to succumb to these dimensions mental effects. In every corner, he saw eyes. In every shape, he saw triangles.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, and probably never wake up, a blue ring sprung into existence next to him. The teen stepped out, opened another portal, and waved his arm, inviting him through the portal.

He scrambled through it and instantly felt the pressure of the previous dimension release him. He turned to the teen.

"Thank you, I must say that was an unfortunate destination to land in." the teen just nodded showing him to a large vat of Kaiju blood.

He was stunned. This was even more than he had expected the boy to get. He handed over the promised payment, a box containing the blueprints for his portal device, and grabbed the keys to the vat off of the boy.

The boy opened another portal but stopped right as he was about to step through. He turned back around to the man.

"When you're done with all this, can you tell that Dorito looking-ass bitch Bill that Izuku helped you? He's been a pain in my ass for years now."

Ford laughed at this. "Of course my boy, I'll be sure to tell him after I blast a hole right through him."

The boy, that he now knew was named Izuku nodded, then stepped through the portal. Ford continued laughing for a moment.

'I'll make it home Stanley, and I'll set things right between us'