Disclaimer : I own nothing.

About this story : I will try to not overpower Sakura, at this age she's skilled but still weak and her goal isn't to be the best and enjoy life. Her goal is to advance until she meets Obito or at least Itachi. They are the only Uchiha with the mangekyo and they could potentially help her.

Summary of the Previous Arc : During a battle, Sakura was grievly wounded and slowly dying. Sarada's Mangekyo Sharingan activated and managed to forcefully send Sakura in the past. The mother doesn't want to be in the past, where she was too useless, too weak and without her daughter, her husband and her friends. The kunoichi's goal is to return to her daughter, sadly for her she's too lost in this unfamiliar Konoha, she has to stay discreet and hopefully go back to her timeline. Sadly, she doesn't have the time to continue her research because Team 7 is sent to the Land of Wave.

Previously on Road to Sarada :

"The Hokage is giving us a C-rank ! Isn't this too early ? -Sakura

You can't refuse this mission. - Inner

And why couldn't I ? thought coldly Sakura.

Because, we can't let Tazuna die. Don't forget that this mission is what made him come to Konoha to help us out after Pain's attack.

She turned toward the client and gave a formal bow.

"Don't worry sir, as shinobi from Konohagakure, we'll do everything to protect you successfully." said Sakura in her most confident voice.

Here it is, our Konoha propaganda. Ah, I love it.

The Sandaime must have thought the same because he was also smiling."

Hope you enjoy this !

Arc 1 - Finding Yourself Through The Wave

Chapter 8 - Uchihas endure... until a breaking point

It was strange to be the protected one, again.

Since Sakura became an adult - a real grown-up after the war, she needed no protector. Everybody had acknowledged her capacities - her strength, her healing abilities.

Everyone in her generation became adults, parents, protectors of the new generation - heck, even Shino decided to be a teacher. They were the ones who protected Konoha ; they were The Protectors. After the war, they had felt lost, they tried to repair, to do better, they thought they had grown. However, what really made her generation - the rookie 9 grow - was the younger generation ; parenthood had changed them. Sasuke trusted her to maintain their household, to keep Sarada safe.

Now, she was back in a lesser skilled body. The situation was so troublesome.

She begrudgingly acknowledged that she was better than her past self. Those few months after The Incident had been useful, she spent her time training harder and combined it with a strict regime for growing kunoichi. Team training had never helped Sakura in learning new things ; no team training was exactly what it had been in her past life - Team 7 had to work together and combine their skills.

They mostly did D-rank mission, however Sakura did not complain.

Hindsight was twenty-twenty, with her new knowledge, Sakura can truthfully admit that those D-ranks missions were useful for her team's growth, it helped them in working together, and a successful mission increased Team 7's reputation. The most important use of those missions was the money ; Sakura wasn't poor, but her teammates had to live, they needed to eat, and Naruto had a rent to pay.

It was embarrassing to know that she had never known that one of her close friend had to pay a rent. When she learned that, she felt so much guilt in her depth. At least she was trying to be stronger and better for her team... and mostly her problem. However, her social life wasn't that great, she can't speak to anyone about her problem, she was alone.

Hey !

Sorry, but you know what I mean... I can't even look at them ! You remember last week, when Ino spoke to us about the new dress in Sumiko's shop ?

That incident had been awful. Sakura may have a good memory, but Sumiko's shop stopped existing with the seamstress's death during the chunin exam - she never went back there. How was she supposed to recall so many details when it wasn't as important as each bone, each muscle, each tenketsu in a human body ?

Sakura tried her hardest to avoid social interaction, everyone was either dead in her future or too young to understand her. She doesn't even know how to treat her team ! Her change in behavior was too sudden for Naruto, he looked at her weirdly when she tried to compliment or encourage him. Sasuke gave her glares full of suspicion each time she tried to help them. And Kakashi's eye was full of worry each time she trained her hardest.

At least avoiding social interactions gave her more time to go to Konoha's library, even if she didn't have a clearance for many books. She did manage to learn new Handseals for various jutsu, however with her chakra level, they weren't going to be useful in her near future. Sakura had found no interesting information to help her travel back to her future. Maybe, if she had a Jounin clearance... No. She wasn't at the level to steal from ANBU.

She had so many plans but she can't do any of them because it was risked to fail. She trusted nobody here; the informations she had were too precious and too dangerous. What could happen if Orochimaru or the Akatsuki found out abour her Knowledges ? The world would be in danger... The only thing she could do was train alone, when no one was watching and try her hardest to become stronger.

Her new conditionning helped her in reaching who she was supposed to be at a faster pace than originally. The stronger she gets, the better it will be - this was the best approach to go back home. It will help her survive until she met someone who can help her. ; her training may give her an edge to surprise Itachi or Obito, and they may listen to her story and help her. She was no Naruto when it cames to speeches, but her fists would have to do.

If they don't help us, I'm sure we can use the edo-tensei jutsu and ask another Uchiha.

Sakura ignored Inner and focused on the new problem in front of her.

This morning, team 7 left for their first mission out of the village. The first few hours had been peaceful, until the demon brothers appeared. Sakura put herself in front of Tazuna exactly like before.

She doesn't understand why her team always questioned her strength. Sasuke, Naruto, and even Kakashi tried to protect her or cover for her, instead of focusing on the job.

Maybe, it's the pink hair ?

Naruto seems to think she was some sort of princess, he did compliment her but she knows that deep down, he hadn't acknowledged her as a shinobi. It wasn't his fault, it was the way he had been shaped by their society - she had forgotten how kunoichi were treated in this era.

In her time, her future, Sarada didn't have Kunoichi classes. The school system changed during Kakashi's reign, everyone was required to learn basic codes, or basic herbology. The courses were optional, but recommended - strongly recommended to everyone, even the boys. The words Kunoichi and shinobi had been blurred through the years - in the end the new generation was composed of ninjas.

However, here, at the present time - in her past - it was different.

Kunoichi and Shinobi are both ninja, however Kunoichi weren't as respected as they will be in the future. Some people could be quite sexist in this era. Kunoichi were mostly sent on seduction missions, or infiltration, because civilians didn't expect a woman to be as strong or even stronger than a man. Before the Warring States Era, the term Kunochi hadn't existed. It was during those dark times that women decided to also learn how to fight like shinobi, what they lacked in strenght, they made up through cunning mind.

It was because of those rare women - mostly from clan - that the word Kunoichi existed, that it meant something. Some Kunoichi, such as Senju Touka, were exceptional and showed that a woman could be as strong as a shinobi. Thanks to them, Konohagakure started to support women who wanted to become shinobi. Since then, the percentage of Kunoichi grew each year, but the actual number of Kunochi wasn't as high as shinobi.

She doesn't want to bash her village, she understands that Konoha supports teamwork and that the number of Kunochi wasn't enough, however she knows now that putting a kunoichi per team wasn't done because the Hokage had no choice. No, the Sandaime and his council only saw women as a support, something that Koharu Utatane-sama despised but couldn't talk about, until Tsunade took over.

Yeah, and even then, she didn't have the time to do much about it...

Yes, but that was because of the Akatsuki, she made many changes, our shishou. Thought Sakura with nostalgy

That she did, shannaro !

She implemented a better care system for the village, she unrooted Danzo from Konoha's system, she acted against the council and battled the Akatsuki. She let us, her shinobi, grow and gave us many freedom. The more she thought abouth it, the more she wanted to smile.

If she was here, she would punch Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke toward the moon !

Inner... whispered mentally Sakura as she glanced thoughtfully at her team and the way they behaved with her.

It wasn't that her teammates were misogynistic, no, it was just how their culture influenced them. Kakashi-sensei had seen his comrade Rin die in front of him, the man avoided the hospital like the plague. Of course, he would compare Sakura with Rin. Both were innocent and medic-nin in his eyes. She was pretty sure, he did the same comparaison in her timeline.

For Naruto and Sasuke, it was a little different. They were both orphans, their only interactions with the opposite gender was at the academy - fangirls - or in the village - civilians and weaker kunoichi.

Konoha may not be as big as it will be in the future, however, it was still an enormous village. Naruto - who avoided the glares of the villagers - and Sasuke - who avoided the pitying glances of the villagers - weren't used to stronger Kunoichi, like Anko, Kurenai, Shizune or Tsunade-shishou.

This young Naruto doesn't know how strong Uzumaki Kushina had been. And her poor Sasuke-kun had been too young to know that his mother wasn't just a housewife, but a strong jounin of Konoha.

Sakura grimaced.

I can't let them live in their ignorance.

They needed to know that a woman can be strong too. She may have shown her strength to her team, but they were still protecting her and they did not trust her, not yet.

She won't lie, she was hurt by their behavior.

She had always thought that if she had been stronger before, Naruto and Sasuke would have trusted her to watch their backs, to be their teammate.

Now, she understood that it hadn't changed anything.

During the fight against the two demons - Inner snorted at that nicknames - she had jumped with confidence in front of Tazuna. She was sure, that this time Sasuke would let her protect Tazuna.

However, he had jumped between her and the enemy. Again. Exactly like before… he was lucky she didn't hit him with her kunai, he could have been hurt, by her hands. She gave him an annoyed glance after the fight but didn't comment, after all they were out of Konoha, and working on their mission.

Personally, I'm touched that he jumped in front of us this morning. He loves us, shannaro !

She had healed Naruto's hand after his speech about working harder, yadda, yadda. She tried to give him a proud smile, but it came more as a grimace, thankfully no one had seen how hurt she was by their lack of trust. Still, Sakura was a shinobi, and she knows how to endure. That's why, she put back a smile on her tired face and silently followed her team.

Team 7 and Tazuna continued on their path, until they met Zabuza.

Everything happened like before.

I should be happy about that.

She clenched her fists, trying to think postively - they were still alive and her teammates weren't hurt (excepted her).

Everything happened like before and that really hurt her.

Kakashi had been imprisoned in Zabuza's jutsu, Naruto came up with the same plan as last time… The exact plan he came up with in her original timeline.

Let me punch them ! Shannaro ! We'll show them our strength !

Naruto's plan was the same plan as before, and he asked Sasuke to back him up.

Just Sasuke.

They didn't ask Sakura, but she had shown them her capacities, hadn't she ? So they know that she's strong, she can literally turn earth to dirt with her hands, so why hadn't they told her to do something during the fight. Naruto didn't put her on the plan, Sasuke sent annoying glances her way - knowing that she can easily read his eyes - she understood that he told her to stay put, in the background.

Her mind coldly understood what it meant - On an instinct level, her teammates didn't trust her to have their back.

It had been a long time since she had felt this type of hurt.

You're strong, you're great, it will take us time again - but remember who we are, who we'll be.

Sakura clenched her teeth behind firmer lips.

All those times, when she had been disappointed in herself for not being strong enough... All those years of feeling inadequate… And now, she was learning that even if she was stronger, kinder, and generally better, it changed nothing ?

Kakashi still favored Sasuke and sometimes Naruto. Naruto and Sasuke both ignored her, and thought only about their stupid rivalry.

She had really believed that they would be closer.

She let Sasuke have his space, she stopped fangirling. She spent more time with Naruto and treated him like a friend, even a brother. Heck, she didn't even criticize Kakashi for ignoring her training.

But, nothing had changed.

I am disappointed in humanity.

Sakura was no child.

Not anymore.

She was an adult, a responsible medic who had been (who was) a mother, and more importantly, she was a shinobi.

That's why, she didn't scream, she didn't cry; instead, Sakura continued to endure.

She healed Kakashi during the morning, and spent the rest of the day protecting Tazuna. Naruto and Sasuke hadn't listened to her when she said that they should protect Tsunami, Tazuna and Inari. They told her that Zabuza was dead, and they should be training instead of waiting uselessly.

She watched them go out, bickering about training.

Again, she had been left behind.

She had never really understood how much that first fight against Zabuza had impacted the boys' teamwork. It had been the first time that they truly combined their techniques against a powerful enemy - it was the first time they had behaved like a team.

Of course, because Sakura hadn't been a part of the plan - not that they included her - she was different. For them, she couldn't understand them.

She had never felt so frustrated in her life.

What was more complicated was that she understood what was happening around her. However the boys were still young, they didn't understand the psychological effect they had on her.

You know, the truth is that when Sasuke and Naruto are together, nothing else matters.

Inner, don't say that. They care about Team 7, in fact Naruto is the one who cares the most about Team 7. The both of them are young, but when they'll grow up, they will be more mature, they will care about the kids, and Hinata, and well me, I guess.

Please Outer. I may have been merged with you in the future, but I know how alone we felt after the war.

Sakura frowned.

It was true.

Sasuke had left her again, leaving her only with a promise. Naruto had officially started to date Hinata, he married her, and became a Hokage. Kakashi became the Hokage and just enjoyed life after his retirement.

Sakura started her medical project and didn't have time to socialize. (It seems that she never does...)The only one who spent time with her was Ino, and that was because Ino always forced her presence in Sakura's life - even if she had Sai. She was her bestfriend.

Sakura focused fully on her carrier and she had met no one new, everyone else seemed so bland compared to her comrades. Civilians had known war, but they hadn't fully known her war - a shinobi's war.

War had changed Sakura, more than many shinobi.

Instead of dating, she worked to the bones and hang out with the girls or Naruto when she had time.

Until Sasuke came back again.

He made her feel young again, and he understood her better than many peoples. He broke her tiring routine.

It just felt right to be with him, to start a family with him, she never regretted it.

That was because of Sarada - their daughter brought them closer, it had felt more right. Their family had been her tiny peace.

After Sasuke had left, Sakura's life turned back to what it was, she hanged out less with the girls: they all were busy with their own kids. However, after work, she had Sarada - who she had raised, who she had given every bit of love and attention.

She wasn't the perfect mother - she was a workaholic at heart and the hospital needed her. However, she never ignored Sarada. She always tried to teach everything she could to her daughter. As she grew, Sakura saw her less, but their bond was as strong, and even stronger.

I miss her.

Her kind daughter was as understanding as Sakura, but she was as honest and blunt as Sasuke. She kindly scolded Sasuke and Sakura many times. She was her greatest treasure, she made her so proud.

She is our treasure. Now, stop worrying about team 7 and their douche behavior. What are we going to do ?

Sakura blinked.

That's right, after Kakashi had woken up, he kindly announced to the idiots that, yes, Zabuza was still alive and he may have an accomplice.

Dun, dun, duuuuun.

She was unable to stop her body from sending them that 'I told you so!' look, which Kakashi saw. He asked what happened, so Sakura told him that she was learning to use senbons, and how they could put someone in a false-death. She told him truthfully, without gloating, that she tried explaining that particular information to the boys but that they hadn't believed her.

Kakashi had patted her head and calmly scolded Naruto and Sasuke for doubting their teammate. She had been satisfied.

One hour later, she was left with disappointment, again.

Kakashi taught them how to tree walk, and after seeing her exploit, he did the same thing as before.

Sakura had jumped down and asked him what she could do after to train - something she had never asked in her original timeline - however, her sensei gave her the same order as before, to guard Tazuna.

I want to go home.

I feel you, girl. However, guarding Tazuna is important, right ?

Sakura snorted.

Please Inner. One, we both know that Zabuza and Haku will come in five days.

Are you sure ?

Inner. Since we came here, nothing changed. We aren't important and we made no impact. If it was Naruto or Sasuke, I'm sure they would have changed something, without meaning too…

Hey, that doesn't mean that we aren't important ! You need to love ourself ! We aren't the lightning or the wind. We are like the trees, the more we grow, the stronger we get.

Sakura grinned.

That was sooo cheesy !

I'm you, shannaro ! You're cheesy too.

Sakura laughed.

By the way what's the second reason that makes you think guarding Tazuna isn't important ?

Inner. Kakashi may have given us that command, but we are a genin in his eyes. Do you really think he would let his little kunoichi, a young genin with no experience, guard Tazuna against Zabuza and an accomplice ?

I am sooo disappointed.

Sakura sweat dropped. She approached Tazuna and told him she would watch over him and his guys. He gave her that look, the one which clearly said that he didn't believe how a pink-haired pipsqueak would protect and save him.

She sat down and watched them work.

Maybe we could work out ? We can lift those heavy things ?

She sighed and got up. At least it was a creative way to train.

Wait ! Don't use chakra. We need to get back our true strength.

Sakura told Tazuna that she was going to help them, and as she worked hard without chakra - just like a civi, maybe that's why they became more open with her.

"So, Sakura, is your clan important ?" asked Furuichi.

"Oy, don't ask about her clan, you know how ninja gets with their secrets." scolded Tazuna.

"What do you mean ?" asked Sakura, wiping sweat from her forehead.

"Well, shinobi all keep their clan's secrets safer than their villages, right girly?" said Tsubaki.

"Yeah, that's right but not all shinobi come from clans." informed Sakura.

Everyone laughed around her, but after seeing her frowning face they stopped.

"Wait are you serious ? Of course, shinobis comes from clans ! Where else could they come from, girly ?" asked Tsubaki.

"Not really." started Sakura. "If a civilian has high enough chakra, he can start to train to become a shinobi. Of course, there are more difficulties in our path. For example, a clan kid's genetic pool make his chakra more attuned to his clan's specialities. However, a civilian with high chakra has the potential to be a shinobi."

Furuichi snorted.

"Please, girl, have you ever seen a ninja without a clan ?" asked the builder.

Is he seriously asking this to us?

"Yeah, me." told Sakura.

At that, they all looked at her differently.

"Are you an orphan?" asked kindly Tazuna.

"No, I live with both of my parents." confusedly said Sakura.

"Are they ninjas ?" proposed Bui.

"No, papa and mama work in trades. They're both civilians, I know that papa nearly became a genin and mama also went to the academy during one or two years, but quit."

"So why are you a shinobi ?" questioned Tsubaki.

"To protect my village, my family and my friends." said Sakura.

Oh, you're such a good little Kunoichi from Konoha. teased Inner.

The conversation ended after that, she could see that the men still had some questions, but decided not to ask. Sakura was surprised that people thought shinobi came only from clans. But, she guessed that nobody actually asked from where comes shinobi. She couldn't imagine a world without chakra… that would be too weird, how would people live ?

She walked home with Tazuna and helped Tsunami cook. They all sat down and ate.

She watched as both Naruto and Sasuke were carefully eating every food on the table. Walking through the streets made her remember the poverty of the Land of wave, and those two doofus were gobbling everything because of their rivalry.

She sent a desperate glance at her sensei, however Kakashi was letting them do as they please, and was reading his stupid book.

Something broke inside her.

Her patience had finally reached its end.

"That's it."

She got up and punched both Naruto and Sasuke on their head. They both fell down hard on the ground; the chairs making a small dent on the floor. Kakashi's eye met her glaring green eyes and her rising pink locks, she doesn't really know how she looked, but sensei flinched.

"Hn." said Sasuke with a scowl.

"Hell no!" said Sakura. Her green eyes glowing darkly at idiot number 1. "No. I listened to both of your idiocy for too long."

You go girl ! Show them, the strength of a modern woman !

"Do you both realize that we are actually on a mission right now ?"

"Sakura-chan, what does it have to do ? I need to eat to train and be strong, dattebayo!" said Naruto in his honest and innocent tone.

Inari opened his mouth, surely to do some drama, but Sakura glared at the kid before he spoke.

"I don't care. Sensei ! Why are you not saying anything ?" asked Sakura.

"Err, Sakura. I don't know what is the problem." said Kakashi.

He did not say that, did he ? The end, we've reached the end… Adios team 7, it was nice to meet you.

"Tsunami-san, Tazuna-san. I think Inari forgot something in the garden." coldly stated Sakura.

Tsunami the wise woman, only nodded, and took both the hand of her confused son and the hand of her perplexed father - she ran out of the house.

"Hn. What's the meaning of this ?" growled Sasuke, his face scowling.

Sakura looked at the three at them. One. By. One. Her face which had been red before, looked blank now, her eyes were coldly judging them.

"It seems that you all think you're some kind of geniuses. So, I will ask some questions as the weak little pink-haired girl playing kunoichi." hissed Sakura. "Where are we ?"

The three blinked, all thinking that Sakura had finally lost it.

"In the Land of Wave, dattebayo !" answered boldly Naruto.

He was always the courageous one, commented Inner.

"Very good. Now, can you tell me what's our actual situation ?"

Naruto looked confused, and Sasuke didn't understand her question.

"Mah, maybe we do need to speak about this." Kakashi had finally closed his book, understanding what Sakura was doing. "Sasuke, what's the political and economic situation in Wave ?"

"What does it have to with the mission ?" angrily asked Sasuke.

I don't have the patience. If Kakashi wanted to teach them, he should have done it earlier, we don't have time Sakura. Our body needs to sleep, and you need to meditate before going to sleep.

"For a genius, you're stupid." said Sakura, with her know-it-all voice. "Gato possess every tradeline in this goddamn country, this means that he has a monopoly over everything." Her green gaze left Sasuke and focused on Naruto as he opened his mouth. "To explain it clearly Naruto, your 150 yens ramen, here can cost 1500 if he wants ! Money represents power in such a land, where nearly no one knows what is chakra. Because Gato has this economic power, the villagers in wave are living in poverty." she crossed her hands and cocked her head. "Children can go without food for so long, people are fighting over each other, augmenting prices, to be able to survive." continued Sakura. "I know both of you want to be the heroes and fight Zabuza, protect everyone."

"Sakura." Kakashi scolded her.

"No. They aren't babies, they don't need to be smothered." said Sakura harshly. "Listen guys, we aren't heroes, we aren't samurai, we are shinobi. And, our job is to protect Tazuna so he can build a bridge. This bridge is a danger for Gato because it means that Wave will be able to trade easier with other countries. It's their hope to save their village, to save their lives, to protect their family, to finally live instead of surviving."

Naruto looked pretty hyped after her speech, his eyes twinkling with understanding. He was not stupid, if you explained it to him clearly, Naruto would understand.

Sasuke was different, because his goal was to get stronger and to avenge his family; he never took the time to analyze everything. Thanks to Kakashi's teaching and maybe Orochimaru's, his analytical skills had gotten better. For now, his skills were only used during fight. However, deep down, she knew that he was a big softy when it comes to innocent kids and family.

You know, you've gotten better at the giving speeches thing, it could work on Obito or Itachi.

Not now Inner.

"But, Sakura-chan, what does it have to do with the rice ? We can always pay them back ?" asked Naruto.

"Dobe. Even if we give them money, they may not have rice in the shops. And she doesn't want us to eat everything." said Sasuke while rolling his eyes.

She bit her bottom lip.

"Not only that." murmured the girl.


"Guys. As I told you, we are shinobi. We can't expect people to give us a room, we could have been camping. " she continued in a softer tone. "Do you remember, what they taught us at the academy ? It's our job to find provisions. Civilians don't eat as much as us… Besides, the lack of resources is our fault."

"EEH ! Why, 'ttebayo ?"

"Because we accepted the mission. We should have anticipated how much we would need. I know Tazuna lied to us about the mission. However, we still decided to continue, so normally, every action we took afterwards are our fault and our responsibility." she decided that she should give them further details, they will think she's a know-it-all, but at least they'll be informed. "You know, sometimes when an inn accepts to accommodate us when we don't have money, it's because the Kage pays them back." That she learned under Tsunade.

"Really ?" asked Naruto excited to have more information.

"Yes really. Also, Jounin, like Kakashi-sensei, have the right to continue the mission because they can assess if it will be a future advantage for our Konoha."

She saw Kakashi's eye narrow at that information, if he asks how she knows that, she will lie.

"What advantage, dattebayo ?"

She smiled at the curious blonde, and mentally cursed every teacher who hadn't let the boy bloom.

"If the bridge is finished, it will mean that Konoha can ask for a trade discount with Wave, plus our relationship will be better. Also, it can be a nice strategic emplacement if we ever have a war with a neighboring country. If you're interested Naruto, I can give you a book about it ?"

"Books !" pouted Naruto.

She crossed her arms and sighed.

"Fine, I'll give you my notes on the subject."

"We didn't study that in the academy." accused Sasuke.

What does he suspect us of ? Okay, what the heck is his problem, how come Healing jutsus and strength enhancement are considered normal, but reading is weird ?

"They were interesting !" strongly argued Sakura.

Naruto's eyes twinkled mischievously.

"Sakura-chan, are you a bookworm?"

"She's a fangirl dobe." said Sasuke.

"What's wrong with the both of you ? Being a fangirl doesn't mean I don't like to read."

Sakura blushed.

Did they both think I spent all my time on Sasuke ? Okay, I did spend a lot of time on him. But, books will always be my friends.

I suddenly feel sad for ourselves...

"Ah ! Sakura-chan is a bookworm, Dattebayo !" said Naruto, pointing his index on her.

"There's nothing wrong with books, shannaro ! Sensei tell him!" Sakura turned toward Kakashi with her face flushed a brilliant pink.

Kakashi did his one-eye smile.

"There's nothing wrong with Sakura liking books. And, if I remember correctly Sakura, here, attained a nice 125/100 on her written exam."

"What." said Sasuke, he scowled trying to remember the exam.

He must have thought we had one-hundred on the exam like him.

No, no. I'm pretty sure, he never thought of us at that age.

Sakura, would you please stop making that depression boulder that I am carrying grow ?

"Wow, Sakura-chan, I knew you were smart, but I didn't know you were that smart, 'ttebayo!" said Naruto.

"Ah, thank you." shyly said Sakura.

Chapter 9 - Uchihas are discreet but proud beings

According to her original time-line, she supposedly had four or five days before the attack. Sasuke and Naruto were still training with Kakashi, and nobody thought it was weird to let a genin protect the bridge builder (and his crew) alone.

Kakashi knows we're safe. We should have asked him to give us more training... Yesterday's conversation was useless.

Sakura disagreed with inner. She believed in Kakashi-sensei, maybe he was still Rin in her ; which was weird to be honest because from what she heard that girl was a saint. Inner, unlike Sakura, didn't easily excused other people's behavior toward Sakura.

Of course, Inner Sakura and her were the same person in the end, weren't they ? But Inner was born because of Sakura's dissociation with herself, Sakura always excused people's, she accepted their flaws, because she was a flawed person. Inner protected Sakura, she was useful, however some part of her came from Sakura's harsher personality. Inner Sakura questioned everything, she was blunt, she criticized the intention of everyone around Sakura. Inner was the true kunoichi inside of Sakura, she could be cold and she hated to see Sakura hurt.

Sakura was the filter. She was the medic, she represents control, and she cared. Although she tried to concentrate on Sarada, she can't help but care for this young Sasuke and this young Naruto, and this broken Kakashi-sensei. Maybe that's why Inner was back. If she had been alone, she would have started to care, and in the end, she would have stayed. However, with Inner by her side, Sakura knows that even if she started to care, Inner won't let her forget Sarada.

What do we do ? I'm bored, we even managed to put more chakra in our seal.

The answer to that question appeared a few seconds later, when the rope tightening some wooden column fell on Tsubaki, one of the bridge builders.

"Tsubaki !" shouted Furuichi.

Sakura quickly ran toward the builders.

"Shit! We have to amputate his fingers, and bandage his hand and arm." said Tazuna as he assessed his colleagues' wound.

Sakura pushed around the other builders and managed to reach Tsubaki.

"Let me see."

She crouched and carefully looked at the wound, his right arm and hand were broken, however his fingers - now tinted in a mix of blue and purple - were crushed. She ripped off his sleeve and the clothes on his shoulder - as she had predicted an enormous hematoma was here.

"Tsubaki-san." started Sakura in her professional tone. "I need you to relax your arm and shoulder. I am a healer, don't worry."

She gave him a small professional smile and she got back to his wounded arm. A few hand seals later, and her medical chakra appeared on her hands. Her chakra control had gotten better and now she had the same control level as before Naruto's departure with Jiraiya. The process took fifteen minutes but his arm and shoulder were fine.

"Your hand will be okay too, I repaired your crushed fingers but they will still need time to heal completely. Try not to use this hand for at least two weeks." She got up. "I gave you a small check-up and you have no trauma, do not hesitate to drink black tea with ginger root, if you have that in your home..." Right, with wave's economic situation, there's wasn't It will help you calm down. I will try to find some herbs and see if I can make a balm to ease your pain. Do you have any questions ?"

All the builders sported a surprised expression.

"Y-you're a healer ?! Why didn't you say so, earlier ?"

Sakura blinked in confusion.

"Well, I'm no expert..."

Bullshit, we're one of the best, shannaro !

"... But I am a medic in training."

Furuichi let out a hysterical laugh.

"I can't believe it ! A doctor in the village !"

Looks like he lost it, be a dear and give him a check-up. deadpanned Inner Sakura.

She turned her confused eyes toward Tazuna, and she met his calculative gaze.

"Tazuna-san ?" questioned Sakura.

Tazuna sighed, before turning toward the builders.

"Go back to work and clean the place. Tsubaki, I know you're too stubborn to go home, you can stay and help but do not use your hand, only assist them if the guys need tools."

He turned toward Sakura, and she understood that he wanted her to walk with him. When they were far enough from the other builders, Tazuna sighed and started to talk.

"That skill of yours, it's useful. I didn't say anything before, I mean when you were helping that sensei of yours. Now, everyone is going to gossip and ask for your help." Tazuna's eyes darkened in self-disgust. "You know, nobody knows that I lied to you about the miss-ranked mission… That's why, after you all accepted to help, I didn't want to ask more."


"No, Sakura-san. You and your team were already kind enough to help our village. And to be honest, I didn't believe you that day, in your Hokage's office when you asked me to believe in you and your team… Plus, during the road, I didn't see your abilities, that sensei of yours who can control water and other elements, sure. I saw your teammates actions, how they nearly had wings instead of legs. But you were that weird pink-haired loony girl - it seemed as if you weren't quite there." said truthfully the old builder.

Jeez, you don't need to bash us.

"But, you know, thinking back on all those situation. You always tried to protect me, every time there were enemies you jumped in front of me. After coming in my home, you helped my daughter, heck, you even helped build the bridge while you watched over us. Thanks for the help, Sakura, you don't need to do more." finished Tazuna.

*sniff* Finally, someone sees our qualities, shannaro !

"Tazuna-san." Sakura smiled softly. "Thank you, but I'm here to help, beside as a medic-nin I want to heal as many people as possible."

"Girl... There are so many things wrong in this country. You won't be able to do that alone."

"Yes. Maybe, I won't be able to heal everyone, however I will do my best. Don't worry Tazuna-san, beside it will help me train." she grinned widely.

You always preferred healing over fighting…

I really love healing. Inner, there are so many people who destroy - even us. I want to heal as many as I can. Think about it, it will help us expand our chakra reserve.

Fine ! But I still want to put more than ten percent of chakra in our seal each night. It's better to have it quickly.

Sakura did agree with Inner, who knows how much chakra it will take to return to her universe. At least, she could help Wave and its people.

The next few days were spent in a makeshift clinic, she didn't have new and costly tools. But she had her creativity, and since she travelled through time, her creativity had gotten better. She tried to establish a logistic and routines for the villagers, this would enable them to better their lives in the long term. Inner continued to work on their seals as Sakura focused on her work.

Strangely enough, Zabuza hadn't attack.

Have we changed something, this time ? Maybe this makeshift clinic changed something.

I'm not sure. Yes, it has been a week already… but, wait.

What ?

You healed Kakashi !

Sakura was confused for a few seconds, then she understood. In the original time-line, Kakashi had gotten up naturally, it took him at least two days… And Zabuza attacked a week later. However, with Sakura's healing, Kakashi was out only one half of a day.

This means that we still have one or two days, if we remember things correctly… The thing is that I'm not one hundred percent sure that it took two days for Kakashi to heal…

… which means that we don't know when Zabuza will attack.

If there was one thing Sakura disliked, it was uncertainty, that's why the next days she was more stressed and worried. Kakashi had kindly asked her if she was alright and needed a clone with her.

He's finally going to help us ?

Sakura had nodded, and Kakashi had made a shadow clone to accompany her. Sadly, it meant that she couldn't work as expertly in the clinic.

You know Inner, maybe if I had asked and told him honestly, sensei would have sent a clone with us from the start.

Hindsight was twenty-twenty, it was true that her Kakashi-sensei could read her like an open book. However, this one was a new teacher, who didn't understand the mind of young preteen girls, or women. Besides, since she came here, she was less social towards them.

I should try to be more open. Even, Tazuna said that we're always on the moon… maybe that's why our team doesn't trust us. We didn't even listen to their introductions… And I didn't even help Naruto with the tree exercise ! Maybe... I changed too much, I'm avoiding Sasuke and only treating Naruto like a baby.

She would try to be better, decided Sakura.

The next day, Naruto was tired after successfully managing to climb on the trees. Kakashi had kindly decided to let him sleep, as he and Sasuke walked with Sakura and Tazuna toward the bridge.

The next thing she knew, many workers were dead on the ground, Zabuza was fighting Kakashi, and Sasuke was fighting Haku. Nothing had changed, she couldn't help him, she had to protect Tazuna ! If she left, one of them could kill him, and they would fail their mission.

Sakura clenched her fist. Wasn't this her moment ? Hadn't she time-traveled ? She was more skilled but as useless. She couldn't leave Tazuna, she couldn't use her strength ; the bridge would collapse.

She had senbons on her, but Haku was better at that than her. She bite her lips, nothing had changed. She wasn't the hero - oh, no, that was Naruto's role. And, thank god he appeared !

Naruto and Sasuke fought, side by side against Haku.

I am so tired. Every time I want to better myself, I can't. My strength is useless, nobody wants to take the role of support and watch Tazuna. In the end, I'm like a wall. People can lean on me, but they'll never acknowledge me.

I'm so lonely.

You're not.

Have you forgotten ? I'm here and I understand Sakura. calmly reassured Inner. We'll be okay, don't worry about details. So what, if we're not changing anything ? In the end, our team won't die. Not here, just be yourself and stop trying to change and think about change. Said Inner.

Inner, we're doing nothing. Nothing against the enemy, and nothing to go back to Sarada !

Sakura. This mission is useless. Trust me, I have some plans to leave this place, you need to lay low and wait. darkly said Inner.

Sakura wanted to question Inner, however she froze as she felt someone coming at high speed toward Tazuna. She used Kawarimi at the last moment to save the bridge builder and use her kunai. She scolded herself she could have been late, thankfully a nanosecond after she was in front of Tazuna, Kakashi managed to come between her and Zabuza's sword ; her sensei was now bleeding, but she could feel his strong aura.

He protected us ! / He didn't believe in us. thought Sakura and Inner

"Kakashi-sensei." breathed out Sakura. " you're hurt."

Thankfully for her, Zabuza loved to speak. She delicately put two genjutsu on her and Tazuna, she made it seemed as if she was Tazuna and Tazuna was her.

Sakura let out a fake whimper and hid behind Kakashi as if she was afraid. And although, Zabuza's goal was to kill Tazuna, he seemed to find Kakashi more interesting, this permitted Sakura to heal Kakashi. She concentrated her chakra with every bit of her precious control, and she started to heal the damage done on her sensei.

"Haku will finish those two." said Zabuza with a final laugh as he disappeared.

Sakura bite her lips and finished healing Kakashi.

"There's no way they'll lose !" said Sakura.

Kakashi turned around to look at Sakura, his sharingan had seen under her genjutsu.

"You're right Sakura." He gave her a warm smile." Thank you for healing me."

She blushed, she did like to be praised.

Maybe. It's time to change things, to act.

No. Don't do that.

Sakura didn't listen to Inner.

"Sensei, can I go help them, please ?"

Kakashi carefully looked at her.

"Mah, you only had to ask Sakura-chan."

Kakashi made some handsigns.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu. Now, Tazuna, this clone will protect you." said Kakashi before going back to his fight against Zabuza.

Sakura smiled.

He trusts us.

I don't believe it ! He really accepted !

"Tazuna-san." started Sakura, however he interrupted her.

"Go, I understand, your sensei's double is here." He gave her a firm nod.

It was with a smile that Sakura ran and jumped through the ice mirrors. She must have a good timing, because she arrived in front of Sasuke who had been protecting Naruto, and launched her senbons against Haku's.

She turned toward Sasuke , some of the senbons had hit him, and he had finally activated his sharingan.

"You protected me, why ?" said Naruto, his eyes on Sasuke.

Sasuke didn't answer, instead he turned toward Sakura.

"Sakura ! What are you doing here ?! You should be with Tazuna !" shouted Sasuke.

She pouted a bit.

"I'm also your teammate idiots, I won't abandon the both of you !"

Sasuke froze at that, his eyes widening and his shoulders relaxing. Even Naruto seemed surprised, he had noted Sakura's new kindness but he hadn't trusted her new behavior entirely, who would change like that ?

"By the way, congratulations ! You activated your sharingan, Sasuke-kun !" said proudly Sakura.

After learning that Sarada's sharingan had activated, Sasuke and her had organized a small outing between the three of them to congratulate their daughter - a tradition in the Uchiha clan, that Sasuke had never been able to do.

Sasuke had that cute flabbergasted expression that she rarely saw, before he winced and fell on one of his knees. Sakura quickly rushed toward the Uchiha.

Haku, who had let the children have their small moments, scoffed.

"You should have stayed out of this girl."

Sakura ignored him and spoke to Naruto.

"Naruto, are you able to fight against Haku ?"

She knew that with the Kyuubi's chakra he must feel less pain than Sasuke and that he was already healing, not that he knows that she knows.

"Of course Sakura-chan."

He gave her a grin before making the familiar hand signs for his shadow clones jutsu.

Five Naruto appeared and tried to fight against Haku. Sakura carefully touched Sasuke, and trying to show through her eyes that he can trust her.

"Wait Sasuke-kun."

She quickly took out the senbon placed in dangerous area, before healing him. There was no use to look at the superficial wounds now, she will have more time later. Naruto's clones disappeared and he fell near Sakura as she repeated the same process, it went quicker thanks to Kurama.

"Medical ninjutsu, I see." said Haku.

"What about it, 'ttebayo ?!" shouted loudly Naruto.

Haku returned inside his mirror, his voice echoing loudly and coming from everywhere.

"Medical ninjutsu is a rare branch of ninjutsu, only those who are advanced at chakra control can use it." explained Haku. "A medic-nin is an expert of the human body."

Oh shit, Sakura had forgotten that detail. Medical Ninjutsu was rare, but in some Lands, such as Mist or Rain Country, it was one of the highest sought skill - one of the main reason behind the abduction of Kakashi-sensei's teammate Rin. Haku sent many senbons at Sakura's back, interrupting her thoughts, however she avoided some and her teammates parried them with Kunais.

Inner, we need a plan now !

We could have broken the mirrors, if we had stayed outside, shannaro ! Well, you can still do it, but it'll be difficult.

I won't be able to dodge all the senbons and break every mirrors by myself !

Or they could do that ! We can teach it to Naruto !

"Sakura. If you have a plan, it's the right moment." growled Sasuke.

He couldn't believe that his two teammates jumped inside the dangerous technique instead of helping from outside. How stupid can they get ?

"I have a plan, Naruto watch my hands. Sasuke-kun, can you distract Haku with Naruto's clones ?" calmly said Sakura.

He nodded and hid a scowl, how can she stay so calm. He doesn't why he noted her changes but he had to acknowledge this fact. Sakura was different, she was too calm, too collected, she was too perfect. If a manual called 'how to be the perfect Kunoichi - starter book' existed, this new Sakura would have been the perfect example.

Sasuke continued to attack the Hunter Nin's senbons. Thankfully for Sakura and him, Naruto easily picked up the jutsu that she was showing him. Sasuke doesn't understand why the dobe was the dead-last, he picked up jutsus quickly. Not that Sasuke will ever say that directly. The Academy was really useless, if they hadn't seen the dobe's potential. Maybe that's why that man graduated earlier than most of his peers.

"Okay, Naruto...s, this is a wind jutsu, do you guys remember those hand signs ?" asked Sakura. The Naruto clones all nodded. "Put as much chakra as you can in your hands and push them toward the mirrors ! Sasuke-kun, give us some fire !"

Naruto and Sasuke nodded, as Sakura took more weapons to parry those who were targeting Naruto and Sasuke.

Naruto and his three clones quickly did as they were told, and Naruto's eyes widen when he felt wind on his hand, he pushed everything in front of him, and his clones did the same.

"Take that, dattebayo!"

"Katon : Housenka no jutsu." quickly said Sasuke with his hands moving faster and thanks to his sharinga, his timing was perfect.

The large wind blasts combined with all the fireballs made a magnificent fire, Sasuke's eye widened as the Ice melted - that hadn't happened earlier. After the mirrors melted, the burning enemy rolled on the ground, he was slightly burned but not that much.

"You…" murmured Haku.

Sasuke breathed hard, he was near chakra exhaustion and Naruto too. They both had been fighting for some times now, even if Sakura had healed them, the ninjutsu they used had costed a large amount of chakra.

That's why, they couldn't do anything but move in slow motions as the Hunter Nin sent a large quantity of iced senbons toward Sakura. They could only watch as their teammate tried to move around the pointy and deadly senbons, however Haku was stronger.

Sakura looked like a porcupine, as she fell down some of the senbons went deeper and she let out a small scream which pierced the souls of Naruto and Sasuke.

"I told you, you should have stayed away." coldly stated Haku.

"Sakura-chan !" screamed Naruto as he clumsily ran toward her.

"Why?! Why did you come ?" shouted Sasuke.

He tried his hardest to not fall, his body was trembling, his eyes were open wide, his sharingan will perfectly remember this moment. She was not like Naruto or him, she had a family. She was supposed to be a fangirl, she was supposed to be the support and stay behind, why would she come in the front-line ?

"Your teammate is right." continued Haku. "Your death is only your fault… You should have stayed out of this fight, just like your sensei told you earlier."

Sakura blinked, she may have a concussion, however, she decided to do the stupid thing, as if she was the main character.

If she died here, at least she will be cool.

"Because, those who break the rules are scum." she coughed some blood, as Naruto and Sasuke eyes widened again. "But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum, shannaro !"

She couldn't feel anything and her sight became a little blurry, however she saw Naruto's blue eyes change to red as orange chakra poured out of his body. Sasuke's eyes spun from red to black to red ?

And then, there was nothing.

I'm putting our body on a small healing coma.

Inner, sorry, I may have overdid it.

Yeah, you shouldn't have done that. If we die here, Sarada would have saved us for nothing, and we won't be able to join her again.

I know… But, I refuse to let Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi suffer because of me. We have power, we are stronger than in our original timeline. We don't need to be a burden… Sorry Inner.

Inner sighed, Sakura could see her smiling softly.

I know. That's why you are outer… Your ability to be compassionate and help other people is a great skill… Maybe, I was too selfish… Sarada wouldn't want her mom to be a cold bitch I guess.

INNER, don't swear !

Please, no ! I refuse to be a miss goody-two-shoes, we're already miss know-it-all.

Sakura and Inner laughed.

Don't worry Inner, I'll be more badass, shannaro !

That's good Sakura. Inner grinned widely. The healing is done, just be careful with our skin-

-it's still tender, I know. Thanks Inner, for being by my side.

Sakura slowly opened her eyes, the grey sky was still here, but there was no more mist, the ground was cold. She got up slowly, her eyes were still a bit blurry, but she walked toward that orange blob - she had never been so happy to see Naruto's orange uniform.

Zabuza fainted and she could see Haku's dead body. Sadly, she won't be able to heal them, she didn't have that much chakra. She started to remember what would happen next, normally Inari should come with the villagers thanks to Naruto.

"Did we win ?" asked Sakura slowly.

She hadn't meant to startle them, but she did.

"SAKURA-CHAN'S GHOST !" screeched Naruto as he hid behind Sasuke.

Sakura giggled.

"I'm not a ghost Naruto !"

"How are you alive ?!" asked Sasuke. "I saw your chakra path slowing down ! You were dying."

"Mmh, weeellll, my body naturally put itself on a healing coma to heal the main damage." answered Sakura, why did she feel like she was lying.

Technically it's true. You can't say that the split personality did the healing, they would send us to T&I, and I don't want to meet that Ibiki dude.

"Mah~ Perhaps Sakura is a medical prodigy ?" proposed Kakashi.

The look Sasuke gave her was really complex.

"Oye, oye, oye !" interrupted a rough voice.

Right, how could they have forgotten the bandits ? Sakura put herself behind Kakashi and willing herself to try to heal him as efficiently as she could - at least he would be able to fight. Thankfully for the tired ninjas, the civilians quickly came to save them with Inari as their captain.

Chapter 10 : Uchiha honor their clan

The next few days had been more carefree. Sakura assessed her teammates' injuries and decided that they should relax for four days before going back to their home. Sasuke's body was still tender from the many senbon that pierced it. Naruto was healing quickly thanks to Kurama, however Sakura still did a check-up to be sure ; the Kyuubi wasn't Naruto's friend, not yet. Sakura's own body was healing nicely thanks to her chakra control and her knowledge of human body, she was able to heal quicker than Sasuke.

The one who had suffered the most was Kakashi-sensei. Sakura managed to heal his many wounds, however she couldn't do anything for his chakra exhaustion. Kakashi's body had suffered too much during his battle against Zabuza - both of the battles had required the use of the sharingan and the time-lapse between both battles had been short.

Sakura glared harshly.

Kakashi patted her head to calm her down, as if she was an angry puppy.

"Sensei ! You have to relax a few days !" shouted Sakura before pouting.

Sasuke rolled his eyes from his chair, Naruto was ignoring them and was happily eating the nice rice cooked by Tsunami-san.

"Sakura-chan, let sensei help with the bridge at least."

Sakura scowled and glanced with guilt at Tazuna. He had lost many men because of Tazuna and the last fight. Naruto had kindly proposed Team 7's help. Sakura was happy to be useful, but she hadn't taken into account the stubborn mind of her sensei. Kakashi-sensei wanted to participate with the building - no way in hell was she letting the chakra exhausted man doing that. She may have let that go in her original time-line, but now she had those knowledges.

"Please sensei, just relax for at least one full day." insisted Sakura. She used her puppy eyes no jutsu.

Kakashi sighed.

"Maa, just one day."

Sakura jumped with joy.

"Does it mean that Kakashi-sensei's going to train us dattebayo ?!" asked Naruto with rice around his lips.

Sasuke hned just after, his black eyes on their sensei with one purpose 'training'.

Sakura crossed her arms.

"No, we're not training ! We're taking a break." said Sakura.

Kakashi sweat dropped.

"B-but Sakura-chan, training is fun, dattebayo !" insisted Naruto.

Sakura felt Sasuke's glare.

"Maa, did you have an idea Sakura-chan ?" asked kindly Kakashi.

Help me Inner. asked Sakura.

Er, I have no idea actually. There's no funny activity to do in wave, girl.

Sakura pouted and glared at the table.

"Fine, we can train." said softly Sakura with a blush.

Naruto jumped in happiness and Sasuke smirked.

They went to the beach and started water-walking. She surprised her team again with her chakra control. Sakura tried not to blush at Kakashi-sensei's surprised expression. Her teammates' expressions were more complexes.

"I guess, you really are a prodigy in chakra control." said Kakashi.

She could see the worry in his eye. However, what was the most painful to see was Sasuke's eyes, they darkened with self-hatred.

"Woaw, that's so cool Sakura-chan !" said Naruto in a loud voice with a big grin.

A big fat lying grin.

Sakura wanted to scream in frustration, was it her fault ? She can't act like she doesn't know how to waterwalk, it was difficult for her to do so when she had trained her chakra control in her pink room, in her bathroom. Her body easily adapted what she was supposed to do on an instinctual level when it comes to chakra input. She felt Inner's anger inside her, Sakura walked back toward her sensei.

She tried to open her mouth, but she had nothing to say. Kakashi-sensei took pity on her.

"You can go relax Sakura-chan, I will take care of Sasuke and Naruto."

She nodded and walked toward her makeshift clinic, at least she will be useful.

Sakura finished healing her last patient and gave him a small tired smile. The young child blushed and thanked her in a loud voice, before jumping down the chair and running behind his mother.

"Thank you Sakura-sama." said the mother with wispy dark hair.

"It was no problem. Please, call me Sakura." said the pink-haired Kunoichi.

The women bowed and walked away with her dark-haired child. Sakura watched with envy the loving mother and her child ; she missed home.

"Sakura-sama, are you alright ?" asked one of her student, a woman near adulthood.

"Yes, Fumiko-san." lied Sakura with a smile. "And, please just call me Sakura-san."

The woman put her hands on her hips and pouted.

"Sakura-sama, you're a bad liar. Can't I help you ?"

Jeeze, you can't even lie to civilians now ! grunted Inner.

Sakura bit her bottom lip.

"I-it's just that my team is angry with me... And I wanted us to spend some time together with the boys, but now everything is awkward."

The brunette blinked.

You know, without the full context, I don't think she understood. wisely stated Inner.

Sakura's shoulder dropped, and she sighed heavily.

"Sorry Fumiko-san. I guess, I'll just go back."

She bowed and turned around, but the brunet caught her arm.

"Ah, wait Sakura-sama !"

Sakura turned around and looked up toward her student. The brunette wiggled and laughed in embarrassment.

"Ah sorry, Sakura-sama. It's just that I want to help you... Because, you also helped us." She blushed and scratched her head. "I don't really understand, but boys always like food, maybe you can cook for them... Since you stopped Gato, we managed to have some fresh shipment this morning. There was so much food ! Ah, sorry, I guess I tend to ramble." She coughed. "You can go see old Amuro, and maybe buy some food for your, er, boys ?" proposed the brunette.

Sakura blinked.

Why didn't you think of that ?

"Thank you Fumiko !" she smiled brightly. "That's a great idea !"

Sakura bowed and started to run. Then she stopped and turned one last time.

"And please stop calling me Sakura-sama."

She winked and rushed with ninja speed to buy nice ingredients.

Thankfully for her, Amuro-san had rice, tuna, nori, and cherry tomatoes ! She paid for her goods with a bright smile, and rushed back to Tsunami's place. The kind mother let Sakura use her kitchen and even prepared a flask of green tea for Sakura and her team. She thanked the kind woman, and put all the onigiri in a basket.

"Sakura-san, take this." said the smiling woman as she pushed a blue blanket in Sakura's arms.

"Thank you Tsunami-san." said Sakura with a big smile.

She rushed toward the beach and toward the team. She stopped a few meters away from the sandy beach and watched the scene in front of her. Kakashi-sensei was sitting on a rock, reading his familiar orange book. Naruto and Sasuke had stripped down to their boxer as they tried to rush on the waves. They managed to run a few seconds, before falling. At least, they managed to stay on the water if they needn't move.

She walked with hesitant steps toward her team. Her cheeks were flushed a bit after all the running she did today, but she tried to stay steady and continue her walk. Naruto was the first to see her and brightly waved at her, his blue eyes were happy to see her and they were without jealousy. It made her relax, and she walked quicker toward her team.

"Yo." greeted sensei.

"Sakura-chan !" shouted Naruto as he ran toward her.

Sasuke frowned but followed the blond.

"Aah, I made some onigiri. Let's take a break ?" proposed Sakura, her voice hesitant after seeing Sasuke's frowning face.

Kakashi-sensei closed his book as he got up. He patted her head with his familiar one-eye smile.

"Maa, what a great idea Sakura-chan." said Kakashi-sensei.

"Yay ! Let's eat, dattebayo ! D'you have ramen, Sakura-chan ?" asked Naruto as he turned around quickly around her - like a puppy.

"No, they don't sell ramen Naruto, not yet at least." said Sakura.

She took the blue blanket from the basket.

"So... How is it going ?" asked Sakura.

"Great ! We can stay on the wave, 'tteba ! And walk on the water if there's no water." said Naruto.

Her team helped to put the blanket on the ground, the wind wasn't helping to do it quicker.

"Hn." Grunted Sasuke as he glared the wavy sea.

Naruto rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to scold the Uchiha, but Sakura spoke.

"Aah." She sat down and put the basket full of onigiri, the flask of tea and four apples - a gift hidden by Tsunami - on the blanket. "Yes, that's the difference with walking on trees and on water. There are many things that can perturb its element, so the chakra output vary depending on where you walk. It will be easier at home, because Konoha doesn't have seas or ocean. Rivers will be easier because the current will nearly be the same, depending on where you are. Wave aren't predictable."

The rest of Team 7 sat down.

"Hn." grunted Sasuke.

"Well, yeah, it's better to learn it now. I heard that Suna nin got it easier than us, because of the sand, they try to the same exercise early one. I guess that's why they have one of the best chakra control..." continued Sakura, thinking about their puppetry.

She blinked and looked at her team. Naruto was giving her and Sasuke weird glances.

"Ah, sorry for the wait, you can eat Naruto." said the pink-haired Kunoichi.

Naruto opened his mouth to say something, but Kakashi-sensei coughed. Her blond teammate closed his mouth, and instead reached for an onigiri. Sakura waited until everyone took one. Sasuke was glancing at it without eating, waiting for someone else to eat first.

Hey ! How dare they judge our cooking without tasting ! shouted Inner with her arms crossed.

Naruto was the first to gulp one down. Without chewing.

"It's weird but good, 'ttebayo !" said Naruto as he reached for another one.

"At least chew, before saying that." said Sakura with a heavy sigh.

Sakura shyly turned her eyes on young Sasuke. He was hesitant to eat it after Naruto's comment. Great.

"Mmh, I like it." said sensei.

The three of them turned their head toward Kakashi. On his hand was an apple core.

"No way !" said Naruto and Sakura.

The three of them glanced at the basket. Half of the onigiri had been eaten.

"Sensei !" scolded Sakura. "You shouldn't eat so quickly it's bad for your health!"

Kakashi gave her a peace sign with his fingers, managing to frustrate her more. She nearly yelled at him, however her eyes caught Sasuke-kun biting on the onigiri. Sakura blinked, her eyebrows furrowed a bit.

Did he do that to encourage Sasuke to taste her onigiri ?

Sakura knows that her Sasuke loved those simple onigiri with tuna and tomatoes. However, she still enjoyed seeing him test that recipe for the first time. Sasuke-kun took a large a bit of the onigiri. She watched a small sparkle in his eyes as he felt the cherry tomato, he chewed and swallowed the onigiri. She watched as his pink tongue licked his lips for the tomato juice.

Pervert. muttered Inner, her nose bleeding.

Sakura flushed a bright red, and she quickly put a full onigiri in her mouth.

Oh my god, can't you not do that ?!

"Sakura-chan, are you alright ? You're as red as Himawa, dat-urgh!"

The blushing kunoichi took an onigiri and forced it in Naruto's mouth.

"Just eat, shannaro ! And it's Hinata !"

Kakashi giggled as he turned a page from Icha Icha, Sasuke looked confused but rolled his eyes at his weird team.

A teary red-faced Sakura was praying to higher beings for deliverance, as Naruto choked and her sensei giggled.


Team 7 prayed on last time in front of Zabuza and Haku's graves, the sunset reflecting on the wave village was beautiful, painting it in shades of red. Sakura thought about the bond between those two, it was sad to see them die. If only she had done more, they may have survived this battle. She was sure that if it had been Naruto who had come back, he would have been able to do something - to change. Sakura always fight against every hardship on her path, but she wasn't Naruto. The blond had a way to do things - to bend the world to his will.

Sakura kept her eyes close and prayed for the souls of Haku and Zabuza - giving one last apology for her inaction. Although, they were truly dead, Team seven will always remember this fight and them. In her future, Sakura never forgot this fight and this time she truly understood Haku's feelings toward Zabuza. Their bond was similar to the one she had with Sarada.

Team 7 had matured and Sakura was no exception to that statement. It was humbling to know that even as an adult, she still had so much to learn. She smiled softly as Naruto spoke about finding his own nindo. He had a way to comfort her, to give them - mostly her, hope. She took both of her teammates hands in hers, suddenly feeling small and lost. They weren't her team, but they were still Sasuke-kun and Naruto. Just taking their hands, feeling their touch, their warmth, it made her feel steady.

The boys didn't understand this new her, they may never acknowledge her. However, at this moment - in front of those graves in Waves, with the salty air and humid climate - Sakura needed them. She will be there for them until she had to go, she will stop ignoring them and she will be a better teammate. Until she had to go.

The morning after, team 7 were on the new bridge, Naruto and Inari were trying not to cry. Sakura let out a tiny giggle behind her hand, and even Sasuke smirked.

They turned around and walked proudly toward their home, on the newly bridge named 'The Great Naruto Bridge'.

"Sensei ! Wait, please !"

Team 7 stopped and turned toward a guy and two women running toward them. Kakashi watched as the civilians out of breath, with red cheeks, approached them. Thankfully, they were only a few meters away from the entrance of wave, so they could help them.

"What is it ?" asked Kakashi.

The man scratched his head.

"Ah sorry sir, we wanted to speak to Sakura-sensei ?"

Sakura choked on thin air.

"SENSEI?!" shouted Naruto.

"Y-you d-don't need to call me that, shannaro !" said Sakura with a blush.

"No way! You already refused to let us call you Sakura-sama. You have to let us call you sensei, Sakura-sensei." said Ayumi, her light brown eyes giving her the puppy eyes.


"Mah, and why are you going around calling my student that ?" asked Kakashi, his one-eye smile giving nothing away.

Trouble, we're in trouble.

Sasuke raised one eyebrow, and even Naruto looked curiously at the three grown adult gushing over Sakura.

"She's an angel!"

"A true prodigy!"

"I have never seen such kindness!"

"She has the most precious hands."

"She's so pretty, her smile gave me so much joy."

Sakura felt her face burn from shyness and embrassement, she instinctively hid herself behind a surprised looking Sasuke.

"Is she now ?" commented sensei, his eye suddenly on a familiar orange book. "Did you need something from our pink-haired angel ?" asked Kakashi in a teasing tone.

Sakura flushed more, looking like a nice lobster with pink hair.

"Hai ! Tazuna-san named the bridge after your student Naruto." said Fumiko-san, a young woman with long dark brown hair.

"So, we wanted Sakura-sensei to name the clinic !" continued Ayumi.

"A clinic ?" questioned Sasuke.

"Yes, she kindly saved my husband's arm and gave many medical check-up around the village." explained Fumiko.

Sakura continued to stay behind Sasuke, she doesn't know what to say in front of so much praise. Naruto and Sasuke hadn't known about her... side-project. Sakura could feel Kakashi-sensei's amusement ; the man knew that she made a clinic even if doesn't know how much she taught them in such a short time. Sakura started to stress, will he scold her for giving those informations ? Technically all her knowledge belonged to Konoha (as she was their Kunoichi), Sakura shouldn't have done what she did without the permission of the Hokage. She hadn't even asked Kakashi-sensei !

"Not only that, but she gave us all new knowledge about herbs, anatomy and healing. She even gave us a way to be organized ! No one has ever been that kind to us." continued old man Bumi. "we know that Sakura-sensei is a modest person, so we wanted her to name the clinic before going !"

Sakura looked at Kakashi, as she failed to keep the worry out of her green eyes.

"Sakura, you should name it. You'll explain everything on the road, of course."

Sakura sweat dropped.

At least, I'm not in trouble. Thought the Kunoichi, as her shoulders relaxed.

She had to find a name, but she's bad with names. Sasuke was the one who came up with Sarada's name. And she can't use her unborn baby's unique name.

"Do you want me to find a name Sakura-chan ?!" asked boisterously Naruto.

"Hn. She doesn't need a name after ramen, dobe."

"What d'you say, teme ?!"

"Calm down you two." sighed Kakashi.


"Miso is a good name, Sakura-chan !"

Sakura opened her mouth, as the three villagers and Naruto watched her expectantly.

"Mikoto." she blurted out.

Are we seriously giving them the second name we thought for Sarada, before naming her Sarada. I thought our creativity had gotten better, why didn't you just say our family name, Haruno Clinic ? Doesn't that sound nice ?

Why didn't you propose that before ?!

"It's a pretty name Sakura-sensei !"

"We can use the characters for cherry blossoms and harp !" exclaimed Ayumi.

"Oh, I didn't think of that." muttered Sakura.

"Oye Ayumi, did you hear sensei ? She doesn't want to use those characters !" said Fumiko.

"Ah, no, it's okay, it's your clinic now. Write it like you want, shannaro." said Sakura, her cheeks reddening again with embarrassment.

Why can't the earth swallow me now ? internally wailed Sakura.

"What was your idea Sakura-sensei ? Don't be shy !"

"W-well, I would w-write it with the character precious."

The three looked at Sakura with stars in their eyes.


"Is it your mother's name ?" asked Bumi.

"Ah, no. Well, good luck, and work hard guys ! If you need something, just write to me. We have to go." said a pink-faced Sakura.

She bowed quickly, and walked out of here. Her team followed.

"Sakura-chan, I think that Miso is a better name than Mikoto, dattebayo !" said Naruto.

"SHUT UP DOBE." howled Sasuke.

"Mah, it is an interesting name Sakura. Will you perhaps give your daughter that name ?" teased Kakashi with a perverted giggle.

"Why would she, 'ttebayo?" asked Naruto.

"It's Sasuke's mother name." said Kakashi as he watched the flushed face of both the Uchiha and Sakura.

"EEHH ! Sakura-chan…" Naruto let out anime-tears.

Sakura sighed.

"I won't name my daughter Mikoto. She won't be named after someone or something common like cherry blossom." said Sakura with a scowl.

"EHH, but Sakura-chan has a pretty name !" said Naruto.

"Besides, you are the only Sakura who has pink hair, Sakura." said Kakashi as he patted her head.

"Oh yes, a splendid name for a shinobi." sarcastically muttered Sakura.

"Why d'you think it's bad, 'ttebayo?"

"Cherry blossom represent the transience of life." she continued for Naruto's sake. "Life and Death, but I guess mama and papa didn't know I'd want to be a shinobi."

The rest of the journey was silent after that, Sakura guessed that it was because she spoke of her parents, she tended to forget how her teammates had been - or were - sensible when it came to that topic.

Sure, in her present, Naruto knows that he's the son of the fourth and Uzumaki Kushina, and Sasuke had made peace with his family's death. Both of them had their family to take care of...

Yeah, but you don't need to stop speaking of your parents just because it makes them sad, shannaro !

Inner. Please, stop.

Fine ! At least, we changed something in this world.

Mikoto's clinic - named after the last Matriarch of the Uchiha Clan, the mother of Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha. In the end, Uchiha Mikoto had been a strong woman who couldn't do anything as her world ended - she had been unheard and endured as her own son massacred their clan - their family.

It wasn't a bad name.

The clinic was named after Sasuke's mother, a strong jounin of Konoha. A woman whose diary had been hidden in her home. She was a proud jounin of the Uchiha Clan, she had been the expert in the art of Genjutsu and combined it with her Tessenjutsu; something that stayed hidden and unacknowledged after the Uchiha Massacre.

Uchiha Mikoto was a dead woman who had helped Sakura when she raised her daughter. Uchiha Mikoto wrote a diary in Uzumaki code about her life as a kunoichi, as a clan matriarch and as a mother. This diary had helped Sakura understand how to behave as an Uchiha woman. Sasuke had never cared about that, but it was useful against Konoha's elders.

That diary had contained so much informations about Mikoto's life - the way she and every women of their clan had been raised, the many traditions of the Uchiha Ichizoku and more importantly how to raise a Uchiha baby. According to the first page on the diary, it was a birthday gift from Kushina to Mikoto, to let the Uchiha write everything that frustrated her or random thoughts, information. That way, even if Kushina wasn't there, Mikoto could still have somewhere to rant. That precious diary and their friendship felt familiar to Sakura - she understood those two women, she wouldn't know what to do if Ino was to die. If Sakura hadn't managed to crack down the code those secrets would have been buried forever.

I didn't even manage to pass the diary down to Sarada... Hopefully, Sasuke will give it to her.

We're not dead yet shannaro ! We'll go back, don't you dare lose hope !

Sakura focused on the road, ignoring Sasuke's questioning glare on her back. Her hands tightened.

You're right Inner. We'll go back, and I'll give it to her. We need to tell her more about our family's history, about the Clan and Mikoto Uchiha - her grandmother.

That's the spirit, shannaro !

Sakura smiled.

Everything wasn't perfect, she was still lost in time, this mission was useless. But she will be better, she will endure, she will show them all the determination of a Kunoichi.

- To be continued

AN : This arc was so long ! Ugh. As I was reading this, I had to put more elements. I want to point that ths story is supposed to be from Sakura's point of view (most of the time). What I couldn't show was that Naruto and Sasuke distrust Sakura in the beginning. The girl changed to quickly, and both of them know on an instinctual level that something is strange. Sasuke has already been betrayed by Itachi, and Naruto knows that either from the Kyuubi or from his mistreatment in Konoha. Sakura isn't perfect, she thought she was behaving better. But her team felt that she wasn't with them.

I tried to let her team like her, but each time I couldn't do that. That was so strange, hopefully everything will get better *smile awkwardly*.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask ;)