Oh wow. Gosh, golly gee. She's made another one. Doesn't she have enough works in progress? Hasn't she not updated (insert any of my work in progress stories) in so long? How come she can't stay on one thing.


I don't know, don't ask me.

Sorry, but this is what you get for following a madman on a fanfiction site


Chapter 1: My Only Friend

Naruto shuffled the door open and closed it, locking it tight. He'd been out all night, which was honestly better than inside. The forest was loud enough to drown out any voices or thoughts. Naruto would've just slept there instead but he didn't need to be more of a freak.

So he just dealt with the silence of the apartment. And everything that came with that.

Naruto undressed and went into the bathroom. He splashed his face with cold water. It trickled down. The foundation slowly came off. He stared at the heavy bags, disgusted at himself. Yeah, you are disgusting.

Naruto turned away from the mirror. He was done looking at himself. He plopped himself onto his bed. No more sound. No more distractions.

He'd have to lay there with his thoughts.

And… his only friend.

Ignored me quite well today, I'm hurt.

"Boo hoo," Naruto said aloud. There wasn't much of a point of saying it but it just felt good.

You mock me, but you'd be worse without me. I'm your only company. You wouldn't want me leaving now, would you?

Naruto groaned and flipped to his side, covering his ears with his pillow. It wouldn't help but he liked pretending it would.

"Shut up. I'm tired and I'm going to sleep."

You really think you'll sleep, even if I leave you alone?

"YES! Now shut up!"

Alright then, have it your way, I'll see YOU in the morning.

Naruto laid on the bed, his head still swimming. He'd rather have the bitter silence than listen to him. He didn't need confirmation that he was a monster. He already knew. Everyone already knew.


Naruto forced himself out of the bed. Funny how it only seemed warm and inviting when he had to get out of it. It was awful. His body screamed at him to stop and his head was swirling. Naruto dropped to the floor as he stood up. He hadn't slept at all. Again.

Now what did I tell you?

Naruto's head throbbed. He slowly stood up and walked into the bathroom. He washed his face, brushed his teeth and slowly re-applied the foundation to his bags. It worked fairly well. Naruto smiled wide into the mirror, making sure it wasn't too psychotic.

Go on, smile. Smile, you worthless little freak.

Naruto went to the kitchen. He grabbed a ramen cup and heated it. He shoved it down and got dressed. He grabbed his keys and locked the door. The cold, bitter wind pricked at his face. It woke him up, a little. Naruto hopped up onto the rooftops and made his way to the skirts of the bordered in forest. Naruto walked through the giants of green and brown. He had stopped walking through town a while ago. It was just better to take the long way.

Not keen on socializing, boy?

"Yeah, yeah. Just shut up."

It was also nice since no one was around to hear him snapping at himself.

Naruto turned the corner to the Ninja Academy. He wasn't exactly sure why he still went there. No one liked him there, well, no one liked him. He also wasn't very good. Naruto supposed he just went cuz' the Hokage told him to.

Which he was fine with.

It was better than being alone.

Then again, he was never alone, was he?

No, you're not.

He wished he was alone.

Naruto quickly entered class and sat down. He liked to go early so there wasn't anyone there when he sat down. It was the easiest way to avoid getting punched or shoved.

Besides, what else was he gonna do with all that free time?

Naruto sat his down onto the desk and rimmed the outlines of scratch marks. The clock ticked loudly, making his headache worse. Seemed like everything hated him. Not that it wasn't well deserved.

He wished he could hate every single person who lived in this town, but Naruto couldn't bring himself to. It was understandable why they hated him. He hated himself so there wasn't really a point in judging. Naruto would've left a long time ago if the Third Hokage didn't care.

He seemed to be the only person who didn't hate him. Naruto still wasn't sure why.

So he stayed.

Well now, I care, don't I?

"I hate you."

"Good morning Naruto," Iruka said not even glancing at him.

Crap. He'd just said he hated him. He just kept screwing up, didn't he?

"Morning Iruka Sensei."

Naruto covered his face even more to hide his shame.


Class was the same. Naruto practiced, kept to himself, and just engrossed himself into his work. People can't talk to you if you're too busy.

Naruto had long since abandoned speaking to anyone else his age. They all hated him just as much as everyone else. In fact, some of them hated him even more. He tried to avoid those kids.

Naruto walked into the forest. He trained there a lot. While he didn't have a drive to be a ninja, it gave himself something better to do. It gave him another reason not to leave, which was appreciated.

No one wants you to be one, don't you know that? They're afraid of you becoming stronger. Well, more correctly, they're afraid of ME getting stronger.

"Then they don't have anything to worry about, right?"

"Worry about what?"

Naruto jerked around. Just his luck, there was a kid right behind him. Naruto recognized from his class. He was the one with dark hair and the one all the girls fonned over.

He'd never talked to the kid, not even on accident.

"This is my training spot."

"Sorry, I'll leave," Naruto mumbled, deciding to go deeper into the forest.

"Who were you talking to?"

Naruto stopped. He was still talking to him?

"No one…" Naruto raced away. He didn't wanna stand there any longer. The dark haired kid probably thought he was crazy, which was probably true.

Yes, you are crazy. And he's an Uchiha. What's filth like you talking to an Uchiha for?

Uchiha? Naruto had heard the named tossed around and he had threatened to call the police on some trespassers, but he always thought that was just the name of the police force.

Whatever, it didn't matter. He wasn't gonna meet up with him again.

Naruto opened the door with his key and walked inside. Naruto glanced at the broken glass and the brick laying on his bed.

Well, dinner was canceled for the next week.

Naruto picked up the paper tied around the brick and closed the door. He tossed it onto the table. He took a shower, letting all the sweat and makeup rinse off. Naruto cleaned up the glass and grabbed a piece of cardboard. He taped it to where the hole was.

Morbid curiosity got the better of him so Naruto picked up the paper and read.

Leave, freak. We don't want you here anymore. If you won't, we'll make you.

Naruto rolled his eyes at the threat and tossed it back into the table. He had gotten several letters, all delivered the same way. Naruto thought he finally might have enough money to pay for food instead of house repairs but oh well.

Awww. Isn't that cute? THEM threatening US? Like they could hurt us…

"They can hurt me. That's the whole reason we avoid them, isn't it?"

I could make them not hurt you. I could give you power like you can't imagine. Just let me…

"Yeah, a monster doesn't need more power."

I hate you.

"I hate you too."

Naruto grabbed a pill from the kitchen and popped it in his mouth. He chewed the melatonin with a fury only described at Choji eating chips.

Naruto plopped down on the bed and closed his eyes.

Did I ever tell you about when we murdered your parents? Imagine a look of anger, fear, and disappointment mixed with pain.

"I don't need a bedtime story. I'm not two."

Blood poured from each of the wounds. I'm pretty sure they were impaled too. How long do you think it took to clean all that up?

"Shut up."

Your father was so pathetic giving you up like that. Giving you up to become one with me. Thought he'd be saving others. Your mother screamed at him as they both slowly died.

"Shut up."

Crying, boy? I don't see why. After all, we are the same person. You're enjoying hearing it as much as I am, aren't you?

"Shut up, Kurama."

Ohhhh, you never use my name. That angry? Or maybe that sad? You do want a lullaby? Since you're this much of a crybaby.

"Will you shut up if I do it?!"

I thought you'd never ask. Yes, yes I will.

Naruto got up from bed and opened his closet. He climbed all the way to the back.

The corner was stained with blood drops and a kunai laid there, waiting, itching, to be used. Naruto sat down onto the cold floor.

How deep do you want to cut? Just a scrape or do you wanna go for tissue. Maybe bone? I can heal it all so don't be afraid of scars showing.